Xiu Ye: "Old place, old time, do you want an appointment?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka slammed her mouth: "I mean, my sister, I'm about to graduate soon, and the thesis is very numb."

Shuya: "I've learned a lot during this time."

"OK! The old place is waiting for you, see you soon!"


Shuya and Hiratsuka Shizuka hung up the phone.

He wondered: Graduation... Orangutans can graduate too...

And I heard that Shizuka Hiratsuka wants to be a teacher to teach and educate people in the future.

Xiu also always felt that she was joking.

Teaching and educating people, with fists?Physics teaching?

Forget it, it's none of my business, it's not teaching me anyway.

I really don't know which unlucky child will be taught wwwwwww by her in the future.

Xiu also quickly put the matter of the orangutan behind him and called Mai-chan.

Hanazawa Sakura doesn't need to make a phone call. Hikoo Inoue knows that Xiu will come back, which means she knows.

And when Hikoo Inoue is ready for the animation, we can meet often during the recording.

Not urgent.

He still called Mai-chan to chat.

Shuya hadn't contacted her for a long time, and it was annoying for Mai's mother to be in the middle.

The call was connected quickly.

"Hey, who am I supposed to be? Isn't this the most popular actor in Asia, Osamu Inoue? Why do you have the time to call a small actor from a small place like me?"

As soon as Mai-chan opened her mouth, she became angry.

Ouch, there is still a little emotion here.

Xiu also smiled and said: "How can Maiyang be a young actor? I have heard your name mentioned in Dahua."

He is very skilled in how to deal with Mai-chan.

Like stroking a cat, you have to stroking along its fur.

And if you praise her a few more words, she will become shy.

Mai-chan was also straddled by Xiu, and calmed down a little: "It's been too long since you called."



Mai-chan reluctantly snorted, this sentence is indeed very versatile, but also very cunning.

She said, "Then you're calling again?"

"I'm back from work today."

"Well, how long are you going to stay?"

"Not sure, it will be a long time soon."

Xiu also replied.

"Eh, that's it. Hmm, is that..."

Xiu also could hear a little joy in Mai-chan's voice, but he tried his best not to let Xiu find out.


"Are you free recently? I'll ask my senior sister to come out and play together?"

Speaking of this, Mai-chan was silent: "I don't think I have time recently."

Xiu also had expected it long ago, and said:

"It's okay. After that, I will ask Uncle Hirai to send a photo call. You can convince your mother to accept it. We will meet then."

"Okay! That's fine."

"Then you should rest well."

"OK Bye Bye."

Xiu also hung up the phone.

ps: I still don’t want to do extra episodes, I’ll just add a reminder to the front, if you don’t like watching it, just skip it, although I don’t recommend it...

Let’s talk about the classification of the scripts in this book. One is the complete overhead of Guangjiang, the other is the historical adaptation of the protagonist’s world like the Academy of Fine Arts, and the third is the copywriting.

Taking a step back, for the time being, I will refrain readers from thinking that the alien baby Guangjiang does not belong to the main text, but this is definitely not the case for scripts like the Academy of Fine Arts.

"The Academy of Fine Arts" is a part of history, and now it is only presented through filming. If this is not the text, then what is the text.

The first type of script has no idea for the time being, and the second type of script about the world war is actually planned, such as the story of Li Shuhong and his master.

Of course, the grades of this book are so poor, it is hard to say whether it will survive until then, the average order is only in the [-]s.

Hehe, why don't I just write those rotten novels? It doesn't take much brains to copy and modify casually. There is a reason why there are so many homogeneous novels. It is so difficult for me to create semi-original novels. street.

In fact, I have always felt that the situation of Shuke is very dangerous. Now that the copyright issue is getting more and more serious, it is not surprising that [-]% of the books on this site will be gone... Forget it, it is not a problem that I should care about.

170 Chapter 154

Shuya asked Hirai Ryuji to send out the announcement, of course, to invite Mai-chan to be a model.

She doesn't work as a model now. After she became popular, her mother took on many other jobs for her. Modeling in fashion magazines is relatively unimportant, so her mother rejected the announcement.

Hanazawa Sakura is also in a similar situation, but she sees that Xiu also has a share, so she will still find time to take pictures.

At present, the one who often takes pictures is probably the little senior sister, she can basically spare time.

Well, Yang Naochan also became a model, and Xiu also pulled her over.

After Yang Nai tried it a few times, he didn't say he liked it, but he could accept it.

After all, she is a girl, and she can wear cute clothes for work, which is still attractive.

The most important thing is that my family's company doesn't have to worry about anything.

So Yang Nao also signed into Hanazawa Sakura's modeling agency.

This office is a branch opened by Sakura Hanazawa. Currently, there are only three members, Xiuya, the younger sister and Yang Nai.

In fact, Xiu is also very optimistic about Yang Nai's future, her voice is really nice.

Speaking of which...the voices of the quintuplets are also very nice, but they are too young.

He fell asleep thinking about this, and got up at four o'clock to fight the orangutan.

In the end, he still couldn't beat the orangutan.

"Actually, you've really improved a lot."

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was sweating all over, was also blowing the wind on the roof, waiting for the sun to come out to absorb the purple air.

They haven't seen each other for a long time, but they are not unfamiliar at all.

As natural martial bones and demon bodies, their relationship is very special.

She sang beer: "How long are you going to stay this time, boy."

"It should be a long time."

Xiu also looked at the sky with a worried expression on his face.

"Your expression...is it okay?"

Hiratsuka was quiet and bored.


Xiu also looked at her, and said, "Actually, I'm back this time, and I need your help with something."

"Help? Tell me."

"It all started four years ago..."

Xiu also told Shizuka Hiratsuka about Rena and Fox God.

"It's such an interesting thing, you've missed me for so long? Are you still a sister?!"

Hiratsuka stared.

She knew that Xiu also liked Rena, but she had never seen her, and Xiu had never mentioned Rena to her.


Sister God tm.

I clearly treat you as a pet, Xiu Ye thought.

On the surface, he was noncommittal, but continued: "Then, I have secretly been to that island for the past three years."

"Then what news did you get?"

"In the first year, I waited at the shrine beforehand, but I found that the shrine couldn't enter when Rena didn't arrive. So I waited patiently until the fox picked up Rena, and then rushed in to ask the fox god. He saw that I was very sad. I was surprised, but when I tried to answer my question, I was immediately dragged back to suppress it. The operation failed.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka said: "As expected, it was banned."

Xiu Ye nodded and said, "In the second year, I was prepared to drag the chain, but I was still not strong enough to stop the chain from dragging the fox god away. I still couldn't ask questions, and the action failed."

"Then last year, I fully opened up, inspiring a full-scale resistance of the chains. The chains broke away from the fox god's body and entangled me. At that time, I lost all my strength, was strangled, and the action failed."

Xiu also looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka, and said, "Because of last year's experiment, I know the attack mechanism of the chain, so I would like to ask you to go with me, would you like to help?"

"It turns out that you have taken a fancy to my body."

Shizuka Hiratsuka was triumphant, with an unusual expression on her face, she finally found a chance to suppress Shuya.

She said bluntly, "Okay, how can such an interesting thing be without me, why don't you just tell me now, it's really not interesting."

She changed her tone: "But I also want to explain in advance that although the demon body restrains different spells, there is a limit. Like the chains you said, even gods must be suppressed. I can't guarantee it [-]%. I can stand it."

Xiu also smiled: "Don't worry, I have other preparations."

He said mysteriously, "Have you ever heard of the Shenming style in Kyoto?"

Hiratsuka Jing's eyes lit up: "Of course I've heard of it, it's an ancient school of swordsmanship hidden in Kyoto, a school of legendary exorcists who secretly protect Japan, their swordsmanship of envoy thunder is very famous! "

She thought for a while: "Huh? Speaking of Shen Mingliu's clan, the current heirs of the Qingshan family are a pair of beauties and sisters. Could it be you... Hehe, amazing!"

Xiu also said helplessly: "What nonsense are you talking about, I just met the eldest lady and the second lady of the Qingshan family in the swordsmanship competition."

"Hmm... I also remembered when you said this, you seem to have defeated them both, right?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka remembered.

Although Shuya does not go to class, in order to maintain his genius personality, he often participates in competitions.

He represented his elementary school in the Japan-wide swordsmanship competition.

Influenced by Dahua culture in Asia, martial arts is very strong, and there are martial arts competitions in every administrative region.

Among these martial arts competitions, fencing competitions are one of the major categories.

In Japan, the region-wide swordsmanship competition officially organized by the administrative district government is the biggest kendo competition every year.

The competition is divided into elementary school group, middle school group, high school group and university group from bottom to top.

Further up is the adult group, which has nothing to do with students.

Regardless of the student or adult group, the competition is divided into two major divisions, Kanto and Kansai, and finally the championship will be determined by the champions of the two divisions.

Xiu has also participated in it for three years.

Every year is a championship.

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