
Mai couldn't say anything, so she could only keep silent.

Just as the elevator arrived, the two walked in.

When the elevator went down, she asked, "What about this afternoon, go home?"

"I'm sorry for Maeda-san's assist when I go home, right?"

Xiu also laughed.

"Maeda-san has always been like this, there is nothing I'm sorry about."

Saori Maeda's attitude was too obvious, Mai couldn't have missed it.

After a few conversations, the elevator went to the first floor.

The two walked out of the building slowly.

When they were out on the street, Xiu also joked, "Do you want to hold hands?"

"No need. We haven't dated yet, let's get along as before."

"It's okay, I knew you were such a stubborn person."

Xiu also shrugged: "But will it be so smooth after all? Some things can't go back if you talk about it."

"...I don't deny that either."

Mai did not lie to cover up, and said directly: "I don't know how to face other people, especially Yukino..."

"There is nothing difficult to face, everyone knows it well."

"Even though that's the case..."

Mai muttered.

"But you don't have to worry about Yukino."

The two stayed away from the building, walking aimlessly.

Xiu also said to Mai, "Yue Nai and I kissed before, not you first."


Mai paused, and said, "Is that really the case?"

Xiu was also a little surprised: "Did she tell you?"

"That's not true. No, it should be considered."

Mai replied: "Sometimes Yukino hesitates to mention you, as if she wants to tell me something, but she often stops talking halfway through. But even if she didn't say the whole thing, it's enough for me to understand the general idea...she will With so much hesitation, there is nothing else besides these things.”


Xiu also agrees, Xue Nai's interpersonal relationship is very simple, no one can make her so troubled.

Mai rubbed her forehead: "So, what's the matter with you?"

"It doesn't matter. She, like you, has no intention of dating me at the moment, and you both think about the same thing."

Xiu also said it directly.

"I'll just say it."

What Yukino did was beyond Mai's imagination, she still understood her.

Mai asked again: "So the only ones you are dating now are Yang Nao and Miss Tsuruko?"

"Probably so?"

Xiu also replied.

Mai asked curiously, "What is probably? Can this still be an interrogative sentence?"

Xiu also said: "I always feel that Hezi and Yangnai are not normal girlfriends. Hezi lives in his hometown to teach swordsmanship, and Yangnai doesn't come to me when he has nothing to do. Can this be called a girlfriend..."

These two people are not active at all, and there is no feeling of stickiness between male and female couples.

"Yang Nai used to be very active in flirting with me. He Zi and I got things done because of the initiative of He Zi. Now these two are more salty than me... huh?"

Xiu also stopped suddenly, and he discovered an astonishing fact.

Mai asked, "What's wrong?"

"Surprised, are they just greedy for my body, and get tired of playing after eating me up? Damn, I didn't expect them to be such scumbags! The air is shaking and cold, when will we men stand up?!"

Xiu couldn't believe it either, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

Mai sighed: "Your magical brain hole really makes me don't know how to answer. But... I should be able to understand their thoughts."


Xiu also expressed doubts.

"Yono and Ms. Tsuruko are both very independent women. You have to understand that their lives are not just about you. It's just a personal choice to leave you alone and concentrate on work."

Mai said: "Me and Baihua are the same, at least work is more important than you now. Yukino, Kirino and Ayase are also, and their lives will not focus on you."

She pointed at Xiu Ye and said with a smile:

"Although we like you, don't make a mistake—we are not your vassals!"

Mai speaks powerful words, and the smile on her face is strong and confident.

Now she is more attractive than ever.

"...I never thought about it that way, I'm a feminist."

Xiu also shook his head.

He really didn't mean to interfere with them.

Hezi wanted to teach students in Kyoto, so he would let her do what she wanted, and would not force her to accompany him.

He thought that Hezi would go to see her by himself, and if she wanted to see him, she would come by herself.

There is no need to force either party to accommodate.

A woman who is a small bird can satisfy a man psychologically, but Xiu also wants a partner who can move forward together, not a puppet who obeys his command in everything.

Besides, letting such an independent and strong woman fall in love with him will make Xiu Ye feel more fulfilled—well, this is a bit like talking about sexual addiction, so let's stop here.

In short, when Xiu also heard Mai's words, his eyes were full of appreciation.

ps: The purely personal thoughts described in this chapter are not intended to affect anyone, so you don’t need to share them with me, so please be aware.

Chapter 589 549 The True Meaning of Mai

Xiu also heard Mai's words, but he was not surprised.

She has always had such a personality, she has never been a weak girl, but she is very assertive.

The other girls are similar, especially Yang Nai, who is a super happy party, and if she doesn't do anything, she will die. Many times, Xiu can't deal with her, so she can only sleep and serve her.

He was not dissatisfied with this, and even felt that this way of getting along was very comfortable.

"Anyway, back to the topic, what do you want to do about Yukino? Are you going to play against her?"

Xiu also asked with great interest, he imagined what the lineup between Mai and Yukino would be like.

In terms of combat power, Yukino is definitely stronger, but Mai's power from puberty syndrome cannot be underestimated. It's really hard to say who will win in the end.

"What's your tone, I won't quarrel with Yukino."

Mai said calmly: "The relationship with you will not affect my relationship with her."


Xiu also nodded: "What's more, what do you think after you know who I'm dating?"

"Nothing, just to understand your current situation. After all, you have confessed to me, so it's not too much to ask."

Mai said so.

"Confession? Is there any?"

Xiu also thought about it, he didn't seem to say "I like you" or "I love you" to her.

Mai was taken aback for a moment, then her face sank: "...It's really like this!"

She glared at Xiu Ye: "We can't talk anymore, let's go!"

She turned and walked away quickly.

"No, no, don't be impulsive."

Xiu also chased after him, and said with a smile, "Our relationship, isn't it the same whether we confess or not?"

"It's not the same, my girlish heart tells me I can't just be like this."

"Understood, you need a sense of ritual, right? Let me confess now, I like you."

"There is too little atmosphere here, I am not touched at all, above."

Mai hummed twice, but did not compromise on this.

"Hey, you're so stubborn."

Xiu also sighed.

But the awkward Mai is also cute.

... At least it is better than Xue Nai's poisonous tongue. In her words, I don't know how many words Xiu Ye has said now.

"You're still thinking about other women!"

Mai sensitively noticed that Shuya was distracted, and miraculously guessed that he was thinking of other girls.

"Ahem, why not, I wasn't thinking about Yukino-chan."

Xiu also walked beside Mai: "Hey, don't think about that, where are we going to eat now?"

"You've always been good at changing the subject. Well, forget it. Anyway, I can't say no to you."

Mai gave up and Xiu also refuted, he had too many crooked reasons, she couldn't explain it.

She said, "Just find a place to eat."


Xiu also nodded, and he and Mai randomly found a restaurant with a small family.

The two sat in a corner, ordering something good.

Shuya took out his phone and looked, and so did Mai.

"Oh, look."

As soon as Mai posted on Twitter, she saw that Shuya's name was on the trending list again.

The reason is that the actors just tweeted the album signed by Shuya, and then Nobu Aoki took a wave of popularity to promote his own drama.

"It's okay, I expected this to happen."

Xiu doesn't even care about authenticity.

He saw a lot of people leaving envious messages, so he said, "Perhaps holding a book signing is also a good publicity, but it's a bit troublesome."

"I bet you can't."


Just like Mai said, Xiu was just thinking about it casually.

That's too tiring, it's more convenient and quick to run the program.

The news failed to sway them.

Xiu also opened the line group to check the news, and happened to see Yang Nao and the others @ him, and asked what he was doing, he took a photo with Mai and posted it, telling them that he was having dinner with Mai.

Ayase Fukami: "At first I wanted to ask senior if he would go home for dinner, but Kirino said that senior should eat with Mai-senpai, so he didn't bother you. Sure enough, he guessed right."

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