"Could it be... you mean the core of the Herrscher?"

"Exactly. At present, we have grasped the whereabouts of several Herrscher cores in the world. The core of the Herrscher of Reason is in the hands of Walter Yang, the anti-entropy lord, and it is difficult to obtain. There are the Herrscher Core of Void, the Gem of Tranquility and the Gem of Conquest in the body, and Anti-Entropy and Destiny also possess the Gem of Plague and the Gem of Desire respectively. We can take compulsory measures to seize these Herrscher Cores and gems and use them to honor The Lord restores energy!"

"The gems of Anti-Entropy and Destiny are in their respective headquarters, so it shouldn't be easy to get them."

"That's right, so the Herrscher of the Sky is the best target for us to capture. Through the humanoid machine deployed in Tianqiong City, I have already grasped the whereabouts of the Herrscher of the Sky, and I can do it at any time!"


Hearing what Gray Snake said, no one raised any objections.

After all, they had inquired about the result of the Battle of Destiny through special channels before, and learned that Herrscher of the Sky was defeated by Destiny and fled to Tianqiong City.

Although due to various reasons, they don't know who defeated the Herrscher of the Sky, but it should be the top combat force sent by Destiny.

After such a fierce battle, the Herrscher of the Sky must be in a weakened state, and it is a good time to attack the opponent!

Therefore, the World Snake quickly launched a plan, preparing to capture the Herrscher of the Sky.


On the streets of Sky City.

Mei and Kiyana walked side by side on the street after a long absence.

They often walked together like this in the past, but this time, the atmosphere was quite strange for some reason, or the air was extra heavy.

Faced with this weird situation, Mei couldn't help but take the initiative to say:

"By the way, Qiyana... When did you and Su Ye come to Tianqiong City? What did you do after you came here? Did you go to any interesting places?"


Regarding Mei's speech, Kiana couldn't help showing an embarrassed expression.

In fact, due to the influence of the Herrscher's energy and the Battle of Destiny, she hardly even had the chance to go out during this time, and she had to wear a hood to conceal her identity when she went out.

Therefore, most of the time after she came to Tianqiong City, she followed Su Ye to control the Herrscher energy in her body, or went with Su Ye to eliminate the Houkai in Tianqiong City.

Not to mention going to some fun place, I haven't even set foot in the commercial street of Tianqiong City.

However, in these boring days, there is indeed one thing worth mentioning.

Thinking of that day, Qiyana couldn't help smiling and said:

"Some time ago, on my birthday, Su Ye took me to the night market in Tianqiong City, and then went to the bar... Ahem, the hangover at that time was impressive..."

"Did you actually get a hangover? Kiyana, you are still so indifferent."

Mei smiled slightly as she spoke, she seemed to think that Kiana was still the same as before.

This is also because Kiyana tried to maintain the same attitude as before in front of her past acquaintances, she didn't want to show herself too dull and make them worry.

But only Su Ye and herself know how much her character has changed during this time.

And that's a fundamental, irreversible change.

All in all, after successfully opening the chat box, the two girls finally started to communicate normally, telling each other what happened during this period and the troubles they encountered.

During this period, the two of them talked about Su Ye from time to time, but they often stopped at some very subtle places and changed the topic in a very tacit understanding.

It was in this situation that a voice suddenly broke in.

"You guys had a great chat, let me join in, okay?"


Hearing the sudden voice, both Kiana and Mei showed surprised expressions.

Because the two of them just didn't notice when this person approached them at all!

"Wait." Qiyana suddenly showed a surprised expression, and murmured in disbelief: "Why does this person look so much like... the squad leader?!"


Hearing what Kiyana said, Mei stared blankly into the distance, and then froze in place.

Because what appeared in front of them at this moment was a strange existence whose appearance was almost exactly the same as their squad leader Fu Hua!

Chapter 120 The second is recognized as Fu Hua, it is a success!

Chapter 120 Two

"Wow! Long time no see, Mei, Kiyana!"

In the distance, the Herrscher of Consciousness with the same appearance as Fu Hua smiled when he met him.

That overly natural attitude is really amazing, neither Mei nor Kiana had expected such a development.

When Qiyana saw the monitor she was familiar with suddenly talking to her in such an overly cheerful manner that she had never imagined before, she was even more frightened and her eyes widened.

Mei is relatively calm, but the right hand holding the hilt of the sword can't help but symbolizes that her heart is not calm, and she is even ready to fight.

While the two girls couldn't help but froze in place, showing a bewildered expression, the Herrscher of Consciousness murmured without hesitation:

"Hey, did I scare you? Sorry, I wanted to give you a surprise—well, well, it's been a bit too much."

"Who are you?!"

Kiyana instinctively asked questions.

After all, she knew very well that it was impossible for the Fu Hua she knew to speak to her in this tone and way.

"Can't you recognize me? I'm your squad leader, my appearance shouldn't have changed!"

"You are indeed similar to the monitor, but she won't be like this..."

"It's just that you are not used to it. After you get used to it, you will know that I am Fu Hua, and now I am a better Fu Hua!"


Seeing that Qiyana and Mei are still unwilling to believe, with skeptical expressions on their faces, the Herrscher of Knowledge said helplessly:

"Okay, let me explain briefly, wasn't I killed by the Herrscher of the Sky that you transformed into, Kiyana? But the hanged man Otto picked up my body and healed my wounds Now! Now I can be said to have recovered my peak strength, and you will no longer have to worry about the threat of collapse and fate!"

"Restore strength?"

"Yeah, I'm strong now. I turned the whole fate upside down by myself. The strongest Valkyrie, Youlandelle, was beaten all over the ground by me, and Otto was smashed by me hundreds of times. I have a useful body! "


Kiyana and Mei looked at each other, and quickly realized that the person who made a big fuss about the fate before was the 'Squad Leader Fu Hua' in front of him.

But they still don't want to accept that this person whose personality is completely different from Fu Hua's is their squad leader, this situation is too weird.

Seeing that they still didn't believe it, the Herrscher of Knowledge waved his hand and sighed:

"Okay, I know you guys think I'm different from the Fu Hua you guys used to know. But how to say, people always change, don't they? I just figured out some things now, and I'm not as stubborn as before That's all. And now I just woke up, the memory is not very complete, when I get back the feather Duchen on your body, Qiyana, and absorb the memory inside, I will definitely become the one you are familiar with!"

"Yu Duchen..."

Hearing Herrscher of Knowledge's words, Kiyana showed a puzzled expression.

Obviously she didn't know what Yu Duchen had on her body at all, and Su Ye didn't take the initiative to bring up such a troublesome matter to explain before.

Seeing her like this, the Herrscher of Knowledge was also slightly stunned, felt it carefully, and then murmured in surprise:

"It's true that there is no smell of feathers. Isn't Yu Duchen on your body? Could it be that the bastard Otto lied to me?"


Kiana and Mei were a bit overwhelmed by Herrscher of Knowledge's overly boisterous personality.

Especially the other party is also wearing a face of Fu Hua, which can be said to be extremely weird.

To make an analogy, it's like when you come home after a holiday, you suddenly find that your unsmiling parents suddenly become extremely active, as excited as an old urchin, talking in a different way.

That scene would really scare the average person to death.

Therefore, Kiana and Mei instinctively showed vigilant expressions.

"Hey, hey—what's the matter?! Do you think I'm lying to you? Am I like that?"

Facing the helplessness of the Herrscher of Knowledge, Qiyana immediately said:

"If it was the original squad leader, then maybe it wouldn't lie to us, but you are different, I can't agree that you are our squad leader."

"Unable to agree? Why?"

"Your character is too strange, the squad leader wouldn't speak in such a tone!"

"So my personality has changed. People always change. I used to be a dull gourd and didn't tell outsiders anything, but now I'm different. I'll tell you everything about me! Before Failure, mistake, obsession, I will let you know clearly, let you know what kind of person I am, Fu Hua!"

"Enough, don't play tricks on us anymore!"

"Tricking you? How did I trick you? Have you been hurt? Are you in danger? I explained the truth to you with good intentions, and wanted you to know what happened to me, but in the end you returned me with such hostility! ? You know, if I wanted to, it would hardly take a second to kill you all!"


The Herrscher of Knowledge walked towards the two girls as he spoke.

Sensing the terrifying power of the other party, Kiana and Mei looked at each other, and both felt an indescribable sense of tension, as if they were facing an irresistible terror.

And just when they instinctively wanted to take out their weapons and prepare to strike, Su Ye's figure finally appeared among them at this moment.

"Su Ye?"

All of a sudden, Qiyana and Mei showed surprised and expectant eyes, obviously hoping that the other party would quickly expose this guy pretending to be their 'squad leader'.

However, after Su Ye arrived at the scene, he smiled and said to the girl in the distance:

"Long time no see, Fu Hua."

"Oh? You are... Su Ye?"

"It's me. I really didn't expect it. The changes in your body are so great that it frightens me."

"Yes, yes, as expected, you can recognize me! Su Ye, it is indeed you! No wonder we became good friends before!"

"Uh, is there such a good relationship?"

"Haha, I didn't have it before, but I can have it in the future! Let's go for a walk, let's have a drink and talk about what happened recently!"

Saying that, the Herrscher of Knowledge excitedly took Su Ye's arm and walked away.

Obviously, this newly born Herrscher hardly has any evil intentions, she just wants to be recognized as Fu Hua herself.

When Su Ye admitted her identity as Fu Hua, Zhi Bao's affection for him soared to the limit!

In a word, being recognized as Fuhua is considered a success!


At the same time, Kiana and Mei frowned at this scene.

They were not only wary of the identity of this mysterious 'Fu Hua', but also subtly displeased with the other party's overly intimate behavior with Su Ye...

But no matter what, since Su Ye himself recognized this 'Fu Hua', the two of them wouldn't say much, they could only follow along helplessly, to see what it would all look like.

Chapter 120 Three Knowledge Treasures: Su Ye, do you choose them or me? ! (third change)

Chapter 120 Three

The World Snake is located in the base of Sky City.

As the main person in charge of the operation to capture the Herrscher of the Sky, the world snake cadres Jackal and Raven are exchanging tasks before the operation.

"According to Gray Snake's information, K-423 has been staying in Tianqiong City during this time, and she and her companions have been wandering around the scene of all the Houkai Beast disasters these days, and have not left." Jackal looked at On the surveillance screen related to the Herrscher of the Sky, while recording something on the paper, it seems that the interest in the Herrscher of the Sky has reached its peak.

Regarding this, Raven said coldly:

"Since we are going to deal with the Herrscher, it would be too weak to rely on us alone? Although I hate her, but I am not crazy, even if we send more than ten times the number of monsters and humanoid machines to fill their lives , and can’t catch a Herrscher! Think about everything that happened on the Siberian snowfield during the second collapse, you know better than me, the battle with the Herrscher is not a matter of adding numbers at all!”

"Hehe, it is precisely because of this that it shows that Gray Snake trusts our strength!"

"For mercenaries, trust is not a meal!"

"Okay, let me prove it to you. Look, this is a video of the collapse of Tianqiong City some time ago. Although it is only the most blurred shot, Gray Snake's humanoid machine still recorded the girl's fight. She did not Did not show the destructive power of the Herrscher level. I think this may be because she has just awakened and cannot fully control her own power, which means that what we have to face is only an incomplete Herrscher."


"That's right, and, according to the information I obtained before, the new Herrscher of the Sky lost control and wreaked havoc in the headquarters of the Destiny, but was quickly defeated after only a few hours. Since Destiny was able to defeat the Herrscher so quickly Or, it shows that her power is not so unattainable."

"Perhaps? It is said?... There are too many assumptions in your words. Then I can also say, maybe the Catholic Church has a means that we don't know?"

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