"Okay, okay, I know what everyone thinks. You are worried that Bai Ye will pose a threat to humans and fire moths, aren't you? But I don't think there is any need to worry about this. Bai Ye doesn't have any collapse on him. There is no bad breath, and there is no malice towards human beings."

Regarding Alicia's words, Kevin fell into silence.

And another fusion warrior Sakura on the side slowly said:

"Even so, I think Miss Alicia's behavior has crossed the line, and the Flaming Moth will not allow you to act without authorization."

"Haha, that's true. So let's just leave it at that. Isn't the value of the individual the most valued by the moths who chase the fire? We might as well give Bai Ye a chance to fight with Kevin, who is currently the strongest among us, and use his strength How about proving the value of his existence to Flamemoth?"


Hearing Alicia's words, the members of Firemoth fell into a daze.

In contrast, Kevin's gaze suddenly became extremely deep, and at the same time, a long-lost heat appeared in those eyes that seemed to be covered with ice...

Chapter 140 The third confrontation with Kevin, the reason for the fight!

Chapter 140 Three

Alicia's proposal obviously won't be passed directly, after all, the proposal to make Su Ye and Kevin fight is too crazy.

However, the Flamemoth did not directly ignore her thoughts.

The high-level executives quickly discussed this proposal and made reservations, that is, to meet with Su Ye formally before making any plans.

So, in the end, Su Ye was surrounded by Alicia and a large group of fusion fighters, and went to a simulated training ground for chasing fire moths with unprecedented super-standard treatment.

You know, even when Dr. Mei travels, there is only Kevin, a fusion fighter, accompanying him.

This wave of Su Ye can definitely be regarded as the top treatment in the world.

If you don't count his status as a prisoner...

Surrounded by everyone, Su Ye walked through the dark corridor, and soon came to a brightly lit hall, surrounded by some unfinished viaducts.

On the elevated, some high-level executives and scientists from major laboratories have gathered here.

"Hehe, this is really enthusiastic. I have never seen so many high-level executives appearing at the same time when I was in the support of Flamemoth."

Regarding Su Ye's complaints, the fusion fighter Kevin who was closest to him said indifferently:

"That's because you didn't want to carry out missions with me before. If you could show your strength earlier and fight against Honkai with me, you wouldn't be like this now."

"Are you sure? How do I feel that if I did that, I might have been imprisoned in that deep place more than a year ago?"


Without answering Su Ye's words, Kevin obviously felt that the result Su Ye said was more likely.

But this is also something that cannot be helped, no matter what, it is impossible for the moth to easily accept a mysterious strong man who suddenly appeared.

Even if Su Ye couldn't feel the slightest breath of collapse.

After all, any organization is more afraid of unstable internal members who may cause chaos at any time than a powerful opponent...

That is to say, to fight against the outside world, we must first secure the inside.

So, at the same time that Su Ye arrived, the high-level executives of the Firemoth on the elevated also looked at him immediately, and couldn't help but start discussing immediately.

"This is the existence of the Herrscher of Flame? Just from the appearance, it is no different from ordinary people."

"Appearance doesn't determine everything, isn't Herrscher's appearance exactly the same as that of a human?"

"So he might be a Herrscher? But according to the investigation, I can't feel any aura related to Houkai from him at all."

"Where did he come from? Is it the Herrscher? Or something else?"

"It's impossible to speculate. After all, according to the current progress of major research institutes, most of the research can't do similar things. Even fusion fighters shouldn't be completely different from humans."


All kinds of discussions sounded, and these high-ranking high-ranking Moth Moths were mostly wary of Su Ye whose background was unknown.

In contrast, the researchers of Moth Chasing Fire are quite curious about Su Ye's existence, even fanatical.

After all, Su Ye, a powerful existence that has nothing to do with Honkai, is simply a natural research individual, and it is worth risking everything to explore each other's secrets.

Of course, these researchers are still subordinate to the existence of flame-chasing moths.

They couldn't easily contact Su Ye without an order from the top.

So, today, after learning that they finally had the opportunity to see Su Ye's true identity, almost all the researchers of the Flaming Moth ran over, wanting to get a glimpse of the true face of this mysterious strong man.

And after they actually met, they were not 'deceived' by Su Ye's seemingly ordinary appearance at all, they showed various expressions of curiosity from beginning to end, and started discussing one after another.

"How did this boy named Bai Ye kill the Herrscher of Flame? According to the information at the time, it is said that he can release amazing lightning without the aid of external objects?"

"According to the investigation, the third Herrscher in the past, the Herrscher of Thunder, should have also been dealt with by him. Judging from the specific picture at that time, the power of lightning that he actually controlled may even be even more exaggerated than that of the Herrscher."

"A human being stronger than Herrscher? I'm almost wondering where he came from the aliens."

"The appearance of aliens can't be exactly the same as ours."

"Who knows, but I think that he may be the key to our humanity's victory over Houkai."


All of a sudden, many researchers of Chasing Fire Moth looked at Su Ye one after another, as if they could not wait to bring him over to dissect him immediately.

Of course, they also know that this is impossible.

Not to mention the huge impact that Su Ye would have if he chose to resist, the existence of Su Ye alone is an important resource that the moth that chases the fire cannot easily give up.

I'm afraid that there are only two people in the entire Flaming Moth who have the ability to apply for research on it——Dr. Mei and Dr. Mebius.

In fact, the two women in white coats are indeed present at the moment.

The temperament and image of the two are completely different, but correspondingly, their appearance can be said to be unusually eye-catching.

Needless to say, the identity of a genius high school student scientist is outrageous enough to be recorded in the annals of history, standing there gives off a unique aura.

And Mebius not only has a rare green hair, her snake-like pupils obtained after being transformed by a fusion warrior are also very distinctive.

Of course, at this moment, Mei and Mebius were also staring curiously at Su Ye in the distance, apparently equally full of confusion and curiosity.

"Oh, this is Dr. Mei, your friend who killed Herrscher. It doesn't look special at all, it's quite ordinary."

Dr. Mebius was lying on the railing very curiously while talking, poking his head into the distance, without any scruples at all.

As the only scientist in the entire Flaming Moth who used his own body to perform fusion fighter experiments, Mebius' crazy character and overly exaggerated behavior have always been shy of people, and they dare not come into contact with them easily.

Moth Chasing Fire even privately called Mebius's laboratory the Devil's Nest, and called Mebius the human being closest to the devil.

And that makes Mebius the least popular of all Flamemoths.

But she didn't care at all, and continued to carry out all kinds of crazy research in her own way, and adopted various methods that obviously violated taboos.

In this regard, even Dr. Mei, who is also a core researcher of Flame Chasing Moth, sometimes feels a little taboo about Mebius' experiment, and dare not accept many of the other party's remarks.

Right now, facing Dr. Mebius' speech, Dr. Mei just silently watched Su Ye who came with Kevin, and finally sighed:

"Bai Ye's past information is very ordinary, almost nothing special, so I have never paid too much attention to him, but now that I think about it, there are many doubts about him, especially the Third Herrscher incident back then. When it happened, his disappearance and the appearance of the mysterious thunderbolt were almost at the same time. At that time, I should actually have some doubts about him."

Regarding Dr. Mei's words, Dr. Mebius sneered and said:

"I think it's not that you didn't pay attention, Dr. Mei, but that you don't want to pay attention, right? After all, they are friends of you and Kevin. How could you doubt your friend?"

"Friends... We have reached the point where we are now, can we really have friends..."

"Of course I won't, but Dr. Mei, you still have the last sensibility, don't you? So you have to work harder, otherwise, such a good prey is in front of you, if you don't want to eat it If he says it, I'll take the first step."


Mei didn't reply to Mebius' fiery words.

She just silently watched Su Ye who came out of the crowd, with indescribable regret and sigh flashing in her eyes.

"Cough cough."

In short, after going through a chaotic discussion at the scene, the senior executives and researchers of the Flaming Moth had a certain understanding of Su Ye's existence, and the senior executives finally started the final discussion.

That is, whether to give Su Ye a chance to show his strength.

After discussing for a period of time, the top management of the Moth of the Fire Chaser was divided into two factions due to a very delicate situation.

One faction believes that Su Ye's existence is an uncontrollable threat, and he should not be easily given the right to act freely in a short period of time.

The other faction believes that in the current crisis of Honkai, any power is an important weapon against Honkai, even if Su Ye cannot be given the right to act freely, he should be allowed to participate in the war against Honkai.

The debate between the two sides has almost never stopped, and it took a long time to come up with a unified opinion.

In the end, Alicia couldn't stand it anymore, and she took the initiative to say:

"Let me tell you, instead of engaging in such meaningless negotiations, how about letting our Comrade Bai Ye prove his own strength with practical actions? Isn't the value of the individual the most important thing for a fire moth? Wait until he proves his strength." How about discussing after the ability?"

As she said that, Alicia purposely glanced at Mebius's direction, obviously telling with her eyes, "Since you can even use the power of a dangerous guy like Mebius, why do you want to use it on the issue of Bai Ye?" Stuck for so long'.

As for Alicia's words, after thinking about it for a while, the high-level members of Flame Chasing Moth had no choice but to accept her opinion.

After all, they are indeed not as professional as the fusion fighters who actually fight against the Honkai on many issues about the Honkai.

In this way, the battle between Su Ye and Kevin was finalized.

The Moth of Chasing Fire will use the specific performance of this battle to decide whether Su Ye should be used to fight against Honkai.

In a sense, this is also a proposal that will appear sooner or later, but Alicia's actions made the development of this incident earlier.

Su Ye didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

He didn't even put forward any opinions from the beginning to the end, as if he had completely given up any personal rights in this matter, and let the moths chase the flames.

In the end, if it wasn't because the deepest place was too boring and Alicia gave him a chance, Su Ye would have no intention of leaving at all.

After all, destroying the Herrscher of Flame with his own hands has already consumed a lot of magic power of the Great Holy Grail.

After distorting the huge line of cause and effect, the backlash it brought made Su Ye suffer mental oppression and soul tingling for a long time.

That is the resistance and rejection from the world itself.

And this also means that Su Ye can't do more things to interfere with the historical process in the future.

Otherwise, it is very likely that he will be forced to pop out of this time and space because of distorting too many causes and effects, resulting in mission failure.

It is also because of this that Su Ye remained very silent even after leaving the deep place, because he was afraid that if he did unnecessary things, he would distort the cause and effect again and bring unnecessary burdens.

Among the people present, Kevin noticed Su Ye's strange attitude.

But he didn't care, and instead focused on the next battle with Su Ye.

It can be said that he is the person who is most looking forward to this result.

After knowing Su Ye's strength before, he already wanted to experience Su Ye's true ability.

"I will look forward to a battle with you."

After saying so, Kevin turned and left in silence.

After experiencing one cruel war after another, his personality has gradually begun to move closer to the strongest fighter in the future of mankind, and the original smile can no longer be found on his ice-like face.

Seeing this, Su Ye just smiled wryly, without any motivation in his whole body.

After all, so what if I win this battle, can I change anything after I get out of prison? Have I changed anything?

Just when Su Ye was in a state of confusion, not knowing whether he should get out of the prison, or obediently roll back and stay in the deepest place to prevent interference with more history, a slender figure suddenly walked out of the crowd.

"White...white night..."

Hearing the girl's panting, Su Ye raised his head in surprise, and found that the person in front of him was Hua, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

The girl's face was pale, as if she hadn't had a normal rest for a long time, her haggard appearance made people feel very distressed.

Recalling what Alicia said, Su Ye realized that the other party might have been running around for her own affairs during this time, so try her best to save herself.

And Hua is indeed the case, and the first time he saw him, he bowed his head deeply, with a sad expression, and said:

"I'm sorry, Bai Ye, I can't help you..."


"But, it's good to see you're all right..."


Seeing Hua Na's hard-pressed smile, Su Ye was stunned.

In the end, he sighed slowly, and reached out his hand to stroke the girl's head as if making up his mind.

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