Although the size of the thunder light is far smaller than that of the terrifying flame, its ultimate destructive power is to completely split the endless flame!


Of course, even if the flame is split, the endless calamity energy is still huge to an almost exaggerated level.

When the violent explosion sounded, a huge hole that couldn't be covered temporarily appeared in the entire sea area, and it turned into a fiery vortex!

The strongest battle of the flame-chasing moths has finally come to an end!

Chapter 140 No one can resist the charm of Miss Pink Fairy!

Chapter 140 Eight

After the battle with Kevin, Su Ye finally got special approval and was released from the deepest place.

Although he still has to be closely monitored by the fire moths and is required to act within a specific range, Su Ye himself doesn't care about these at all, and lets the gang of high-level people toss about.

After all, the current him has no way to shake too much history, let alone distort the line of cause and effect at will. Restricted activities are actually a good thing.

Otherwise, if another wave of major events is inadvertently made, then when we return to the future in the future, we may not know what the future will look like due to the reversal of cause and effect.

At the same time, the battle between Su Ye and Kevin undoubtedly completely shocked the headquarters of the Flaming Moth.

Although the outsiders didn't know the specific final result of that battle, and even Alicia couldn't witness the final outcome with their own eyes, but both Su Ye and Kevin knew that the result of that battle hadn't come out yet.

Because both of them have not yet exerted their strongest strength.

Su Ye didn't unleash the true power of Thor's Sword, and Kevin didn't turn his body into a beast, turning into an irrational and destructive ghost.

It can be said that at the end of the battle, both sides made a concession.

After all, they are all fighters chasing flames, with the goal of fighting against Honkai, and they will compete with each other for strength, and it is impossible to really fight to the death.

Of course, under this limited confrontation, the final winner is actually Su Ye.

Because the current Kevin has not yet comprehended the true meaning of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment, and cannot exert the ultimate power of this key of destruction.

In contrast, even though Su Ye did not completely liberate the Thor Sword, relying on Taixu Sword God's energy mobilization method, it can be said that the power of the Thor Sword has been fully activated.

Under such circumstances, if the battle continues to collide, the Flame of Calamity released by Kevin is doomed to be powerless, and will be completely split by Su Ye's thunderous light.

Of course, in order to give face to the strongest fusion warrior of the Flaming Moth, Su Ye stopped at the last moment and did not let the battle be completely determined.

And after returning to the Flame Chasing Moth, Su Ye clearly felt the change in the attitudes of the people around him.

He used to walk in the base of Flame Chasing Moth, and most of the members basically ignored him, except that occasionally a few people with close positions would come over to say hello.

But it's different now, most of the members of Chaser Moth basically look like they panicked and avoided him when they saw him.

Occasionally, there are a few who don't avoid it, and they all look at him cautiously and in awe.

To be honest, Su Ye was not used to it.

Of course, what Su Ye was most unaccustomed to was Kevin's attitude.

The other party's personality has undergone drastic changes, and he has become extremely indifferent. He always has a Sima face, as if he owes money...

But it wasn't that the other party deliberately targeted him.

In fact, today's Kevin treats everyone with such an indifferent attitude, even when he gets along with Dr. Mei, he can't find a smile on his face.

Regarding all of this, although Su Ye didn't have many thoughts, it was still expected.

The only thing that surprised Su Ye was the choice Hua made later.

After Su Ye returned, while the girl breathed a sigh of relief, she also thoroughly felt her own powerlessness.

She didn't continue to stay in the base of the Flamemoth doing nothing, but chose to leave voluntarily.

After the original Fifth Squad was completely solved, she took the initiative to join a newly formed unit, and continued to go to the front line to carry out dangerous combat missions against the Houkai.

She didn't even have time to meet Su Ye in person before she left, she just left a message and left in a hurry.

This made Su Ye a little disappointed to be honest.

Although he had known for a long time that the other party would leave sooner or later to participate in the experimental mission of the Tenth God's Key, and even become a fusion fighter in the future, but the other party left in such a hurry, he still had no recollection of it.

This has also led to the fact that he can't find anyone to communicate with in the current Flame Chasing Moth base, and he has fallen into a long-lost state of loneliness.

Su Ye used to be very used to this kind of situation, but now he is really not used to this kind of complete loneliness.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Of course, Su Ye let himself quickly get used to being alone.

After all, he knows that he is an outsider, a foreign object that does not belong to this era, so he doesn't need to care about being so dissociated from the group.

So, after Su Ye made up his mind to become an orphan again, he got up early the next morning, and went to the cafeteria of the Flaming Moth Base before everyone else got up.

However, when he was about to finish his breakfast as soon as possible and run to the library, there was a figure in front of him that made his eyelids twitch.

"Wow, Bai Ye, what are you eating? Do you still like carrots?"


"What's the matter? Seeing such a cute and charming goblin lady early in the morning, are you too excited to speak?"


"Hahaha, I understand, I understand, boys always have some wonderful physiological reactions when they wake up in the morning, don't mind Bai Ye, Miss Alicia, I am very understanding."


Being stunned by the other party's series of words, Su Ye couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and once again realized the fact that the character of this pink fairy lady is too bad.

However, as the only person who is willing to treat herself with a normal attitude, Su Ye did not completely reject the talkative Alicia, and took the initiative to say:

"Is it really okay for you to come to see me like this? Maybe there will be strange rumors spread. There are not so many people who are willing to accept me, right?"

"Oh, don't worry about this, I don't care about such small things."

"Won't you care? Are you so indifferent to your reputation?"

"Haha, in my opinion, the value of an individual comes from itself, not the evaluation of others. After all, we live for ourselves, not for the evaluation of others, don't we?"

"It's so strange that such reasonable words come out of your mouth."

"Hehe, then we might as well put it another way. For example, a rumor has suddenly surfaced in the entire Flame Chasing Moth, saying that you don't have a crush on me in Bai Ye, and you have no feelings for the world's cutest Miss Alicia, but this is impossible Right? After all, you won’t change your mind about me because of other people’s rumors, will you?”


What kind of metaphor is this? And when did I have a crush on you?"

"Eh? No? Don't you think that there is no man in this world who can refuse Miss Fairy's charm?"

"You are too narcissistic..."

"It's called self-knowledge."

Alicia covered her mouth and laughed.

And her outrageous attitude as before made Su Ye relax unknowingly, completely forgetting the previous guard.

At the same time, Alicia seemed to have no intention of ending this topic, and continued:

"Bai Ye, after our little cutie Hua is gone, you must be very lonely now, right? Don't do bad things to innocent girls because you are too sad."

"Who do you think I am? I'm not a scum bulldozer? And I have nothing to do with Hua!"

"Yes, yes, it's okay, it's okay. In short, what I mean is, don't rush to approach those seemingly cute women because of impulsiveness. Of course, if you really have any irresistible needs, just come to me. I might be able to help you."

"You guy..."

Su Ye didn't want to pay attention to Alicia's words, which seemed to be full of trains as always.

But then, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he always felt that the other party was deliberately reminding him of something.

For this reason, he slowly raised his head to look at the other party, only to find that the woman was staring at him firmly, with her pink hair curled up, while smiling like a flower, she said:

"Can't resist the charm of Miss Goblin so soon? You really have a crush on me, Bai Ye, if you are willing to muster up the courage, I can think about it, Alicia."

"Cough cough..."

Really being overwhelmed by this guy's provocative way of speaking, Su Ye took several deep breaths in a row to resist the urge to hit him.

It can only be said that the existence of the other party is naturally prone to crit for a lonely person like him.

If we were in a slightly normal world now, Alicia's overly provocative way of speaking would probably be able to break the defense of a lot of homeboys.

Su Ye felt that the past self might not be an exception, and would involuntarily have thoughts of excessive self-awareness.

And that kind of ending is afraid that it will become a psychological shadow for a lifetime.

It's horrible, this woman!

All of a sudden, just as Su Ye was labeling Alysia an 'otaku killer' and 'absolutely not to be provoked in this life', the other party had already stood up, looking as if she was about to leave.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast?"

"Hehe, I've eaten it a long time ago. This is the secret to keeping my body in good shape."

"You stayed here after eating, you didn't wait for me on purpose, did you?"

"Oh, I was guessed right, but it's not good to say it like this. Bai Ye, you still don't understand the mind of a girl. After punishing you, go out with me ten times."

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"Haha, anyway, I still have to complete the task of Chasing the Flame Moth, Bai Ye, when I come back from the task, you must accompany me on a date."


Really didn't know whether to answer the other party's words, Su Ye was really speechless all of a sudden.

Alicia, as always, left the scene with a mysterious smile.

And without the annoying guests, Su Ye can finally eat his own breakfast with peace of mind.

It can be said that the troublesome communication with Alicia made him realize the beauty of loneliness again, and even the breakfast he ate alone became delicious.

However, this happy time has not passed for a while, and the bad change happened again.

"Little brother, are you eating breakfast alone?"

Hearing the sudden sound, Su Ye raised his head instinctively, then turned around in fright and wanted to leave on the spot.

If meeting Alicia is considered troublesome, then the existence of this woman in front of her is definitely a danger within a danger.

Dr. Mebius, the top researcher of the flame-moth known as the devil, is also the tenth existence among the thirteen heroes of the future flame-moth.

The opponent's ranking seems to be low, but this is just targeted by Alicia who is doing the ranking.

In terms of strength and importance alone, the opponent is definitely no less than Kevin and Alicia among Ying Jie.

At this moment, the green-haired woman was wearing an ordinary dress, making a very 'normal and friendly' gesture, and approached him step by step.

"I was actually targeted by this person. By the way, did Alicia just want to remind me of this?"

Seeing Mebius who was only one step away from him, Su Ye forcibly suppressed the beating of his heart, and ate up the food on the plate as quickly as possible, saying, "I've already finished eating, so don't come here Ah' look.

It's a pity that Mebius made it clear that he was coming for him, and after approaching him, he immediately made a sad look, and said:

"Little brother, why are you so scared when you see me? Could it be that you were also deceived by those rumors in the base? I'm not the bad guy they say."


Ignoring Mebius' words, Su Ye, as a person who is familiar with the plot of Paradise of the Past, cannot be deceived by the charming appearance that Mebius pretended to be.

In his heart, there are countless risks in talking to Mebius for half a word, and he wished he could just leave.

And Mebius seemed to have seen Su Ye's attitude, so she resolutely stopped pretending, and said coldly with a slight frown:

"Damn it, how did Alicia do it? Why is she able to fool other people around with nonsensical words?"

"I think simplicity is just a difference in identity."

"Because I'm a scientist and she's a fighter?"

"I think there should be a more obvious difference..."

Regarding Su Ye's words, Mebius sighed, her expression quickly calmed down, and she slowly said:

"Anyway, your name is White Night, right? I'm Dr. Mebius from Flaming Moth. I have an experiment, and I hope you can cooperate."

"Sorry, I refuse."

Good guy, when Mebius said the word "experiment", Su Ye turned around and left almost without hesitation, not wanting to have anything to do with him.

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