"After all, this is an extraordinary time. Everyone's nerves are tense. In addition, my past is indeed very mysterious. It is normal to doubt me. But I am so understanding, and I will definitely forgive in the end Everyone."

"Well, can I ask you a question then?"

Hearing Su Ye's words, the pink fairy lady who looked extremely mysterious under the night sky slowly turned around. She looked at the young man in front of her eyes and said expectantly:

"Okay, Miss Alicia tonight is special, no matter what questions or requests, as long as you say it, I will agree."

"Stop using that harassing tone!"

Su Ye was caught off guard by Alysia, who was always super charming. After calming herself down quickly, she asked:

"I want to know, Alicia, why did you tell Sakura about Suzu, it shouldn't do you any good."

"Hehe, Bai Ye, are you actually such a shallow person? Do I look like someone who would take actions for my own benefit?"

"Indeed, I don't think you will take actions for your own benefit. But even so, do you think your actions will benefit Sakura? You know, if you don't tell her, Flamemoth can make up her Tell a perfect lie, let her think that her sister is still alive, and continue to fight against the Houkai until she dies. In that way, she will be immersed in the illusion that her sister is still living somewhere in this world until she dies Here, with anger and pain, we will not usher in a miserable death before the end..."

Alicia heard Su Ye's words word by word until the end.

In the end, she just looked at Su Ye in front of her with complicated eyes, and said slowly:

"You can actually explain it in such detail, Bai Ye, it sounds like you are witnessing Sakura's final outcome with your own eyes."

"It's just my speculation."

"Conjecture, just treat it as speculation."

Alicia's eyes moved slowly from the starry sky, and came to Su Ye.

She sighed, as if to stop her words, and after a long time, she slowly opened her mouth and said:

"Bai Ye, what do you think is a human being?"

"Are you going to discuss philosophy with me? How can I answer this kind of question for you?"

"Uh, okay, let me put it another way. Bai Ye, what do you think is the difference between Herrscher and human beings?"


Hearing Alicia's sudden speech, Su Ye slowly looked at the pink-haired girl in front of her.

Suddenly, he felt that the crystal in the opponent's hand reflected many figures completely different from the girl in front of him.

Those figures have various forms, but they all come from the reflection of one person, like a demon god with thousands of people and thousands of faces, exuding a unique feeling...

Chapter 150 IX Alicia, Are You Human?Or lawyer?

Chapter 150 Nine

The bright moon hangs high.

Su Ye and Alicia stood under the night sky of chasing fire moths and looked at each other.

"Bai Ye, what do you think is the difference between a Herrscher and a human being?" As she spoke, the pink fairy girl let the breeze blow her temples, her face was dyed with a blush, and she looked unremarkable in the moonlight. obvious.

"The difference between Herrscher and human beings?" Su Ye looked at the pink-haired girl in front of him in a little surprise, feeling an indescribable silence, as if the woman in front of her was about to turn into a thick layer of pale pink at any moment. Fog, dissipating in the night sky.

At the same time, various thoughts flashed through his mind about the question just raised by the other party, but he still didn't know how to answer it.

In the end, he could only try his best to consider the vocabulary, and said:

"Sorry, it's hard for me to answer this question. After all, based on my personal experience, the difference between Herrscher and humans may be smaller than most people imagine."

"Smaller than imagined? Bai Ye, your opinion is really interesting, can you tell me more about it?"

"The Herrschers were born from individual human beings, obtained the power of collapse out of thin air, and mastered powerful power, but this did not change their essence. Their bodies are still human bodies, and their hearts are still the same. It is the heart of a human being. If I had to make a distinction, I would even think that a fusion warrior whose body is full of destructive transformation materials is less human than the Herrscher."


Hearing Su Ye's words, Alicia's eyes widened involuntarily.

She just looked at Su Ye under the reflection of the moonlight for a while, and finally couldn't help but let out a 'puchi', and laughed loudly:

"Haha, hahahaha, what an interesting insight, I really did not misunderstand the person, Bai Ye! However, don't you think your words just now are very offensive to the fusion fighters? If everyone in the fire moth knows your If you don’t say it, you may be directly identified as a traitor.”

"Whatever, I don't care about that."

Su Ye said calmly.

After all, he wasn't really integrated into the organization of Flamemoth from the very beginning.

And now, the timeline of the pre-civilization era has reached the time when No.12 Herrscher was born, which means that the end will come at any time.

Su Ye, who has become one of the heroes of Chasing Fire, now only needs to silently wait for the countdown to destruction to reach the end, and then he can complete this mission.

That's why he's chatting with Alicia here.

If there is anything he would be afraid of, then Alicia, who has not revealed her true identity so far, is undoubtedly the most difficult existence for him to relax.

No one knows what this pink fairy lady is really thinking.

Facing Su Ye's expression, Alicia slowly raised her head to look at the sky, and said after a long silence:

"Bai Ye, Bai Ye, your idea is really bold. Do you actually think that the Herrscher who destroys human civilization is no different from human beings?"

"That's exactly what it is, isn't it?"

"Well, I really want to agree with your statement, but Herrscher is different from human beings, and there is an essential difference."

"Essential difference?"

Su Ye showed a curious expression. He really wanted to know what kind of opinion Alicia would give on the issue of Herrscher.

And Alicia said calmly:

"That's emotion. Bai Ye, haven't you noticed that every Herrscher born in this world has a human body, a human appearance, and a human performance, but from the beginning to the end, there is no one Should it belong to the human heart?"


Hearing Alicia's words, Su Ye fell silent.

Of course he noticed this problem, not even now, as early as the first time he traveled back to this pre-civilization era, he had already noticed it.

As a person who traveled back from the current civilization, he felt a fact more clearly than anyone else.

That is, every Herrscher born in this pre-civilization era did not feel any color related to emotion.

Every born Herrscher, the self-humanity and the Houkai personality endowed by the will of Houkai are simply two completely different sides, and there is no connection between them.

Once individualized into a Herrscher, it will quickly become a puppet that has no independence and only acts to destroy human civilization.

The Herrschers of modern civilization are completely different.

Compared with the previous civilization generations, the herrschers of the current civilization are almost no different from human beings, but the nature they show is almost the same as that of human beings.

Whether it is the First Herrscher who follows the idea of ​​fighting for mankind, the Second Herrscher who destroys mankind because he hates mankind, or even the Third Herrscher who has no idea of ​​destroying mankind at all...

The Herrschers of modern civilization are no different from real human beings in the expression of human nature. Even the idea of ​​destroying human beings is caused by the human nature of the Herrschers, and has nothing to do with the larger will to collapse.

Human emotions dominate all the actions of the Herrscher, and the will of the Herrscher must use various methods to induce the actions of the Herrscher, so that the Herrscher can move towards the goal of destroying human beings.

However, is this kind of emotion really necessary to destroy the world?

If it is really for the purpose of destroying human civilization, it is obviously meaningless to forcibly give these Herrschers who were born for the purpose of destroying civilization their own consciousness and close to human emotions.

In terms of destroying civilization alone, an emotionless civilization-destroying machine is far more valuable than a 'human' who has self-emotions and takes actions with self-awareness.

Sometimes, Su Ye even wondered whether the Herrschers of modern civilization really wanted to destroy the existence of human beings, otherwise, why would each of the Herrschers be so humane and have human feelings...

This is obviously a very inefficient thing to do.

In the past, Su Ye believed that this was just caused by the law, that some kind of unknowable force caused the birth of human civilization, and the Herrscher acted like this.

But after returning to the pre-civilization era and witnessing the tragic wars in this era, he naturally realized the problem.

After all, none of the Herrschers in the pre-civilization era had self-awareness.

Whether it is the Flame Herrscher who seems to have self-awareness, or the No.12 Herrscher who appears to be a human being, they are actually in a situation where humanity and Herrscher consciousness are separated, and the two sides are completely incommunicable. .

Compared with the Herrschers of the current era of civilization, the Herrschers of the pre-civilization era are clearly more suitable for destroying the world, more like "killing weapons" created for the purpose of destroying civilization.

Of course, without a third control group, Su Ye still couldn't guarantee which of the two was the normal state.

Maybe, the Herrschers of the pre-civilization era were the existence of some kind of 'fault', and it is also possible that the Herrschers of the current civilization era are normal.

However, if you think about it with the logic and common sense of normal people, no matter how you think about it, the Herrschers of modern civilization seem to be affected by some kind of inferior version that has been malfunctioning since before its birth.

And if this is the case, then it is not a normal transmission process between the previous civilization era and the current civilization era. Something must have happened in the middle, which led to the collective "disease" of the Herrschers in the current civilization era and became unaffected by the collapse. A special individual controlled by the will.

Of course, all of this is just Su Ye's speculation, and he doesn't have any evidence to prove it.

Therefore, facing Alicia who directly revealed the 'answer' to herself, Su Ye couldn't help asking:

"Alicia, you said that the Herrschers have no feelings, why can you guarantee this? Although you were not present when the Herrscher of Flame was there, I personally defeated the Herrscher with my own hands. We had some communication, can a non-emotional existence communicate with humans normally?!"

"Hehe, why not? Wouldn't the armed dolls created by Mu Dalu before be able to communicate with humans normally without emotion?"

"You mean, Herrscher's consciousness is just an implanted false personality, no different from an armed doll?"

"Who knows, but it might be so."

"...But even so, this question is meaningless, because whether the Herrscher has feelings or not will not hinder their actions to destroy this world."

"Really? But I think, if Herrscher has feelings, maybe because of this feeling, he will give up destroying the world."


Su Ye paused.

He looked at Alicia, who was smiling but not smiling, and felt as if he had caught something. From the conversation just now, he vaguely noticed something crucial.

But before he tried to ask his own question, Alicia took the initiative to say:

"Back to the topic just now, Bai Ye, you asked me why I told Sakura about her younger sister becoming a Herrscher, and also described to me the future that would have happened if I hadn't told it?"

"That's right."

"To be honest, I really didn't expect such a thing to happen, let alone that the fragility of human beings has spread to this place, but that was not my original intention, there is no need to question that."

"You mean, you did something bad with good intentions?"

"Hehe, that's a perfect summary. That's right, even the omnipotent Miss Pink Fairy can be careless sometimes, isn't it?"

"But you trust Sakura's sister so much, do you still have a chance to trust that child who has become a Herrscher? Or, under normal circumstances, an existence that becomes a Herrscher instantly destroys a city, isn't that normal development? "


"Can I guess that, after Sakura's sister became Herrscher, the reason why she didn't immediately destroy the world and the rest of human civilization is because you, Alicia, intervened in the process. It's Ellie Shia, you gave that child a false hope that seemed to exist, and you also gave this human civilization that was on the verge of collapse the last buffer..."


Hearing Su Ye's speech, Alicia fell silent.

At this moment, Alicia, who had always been heartless, looked at Su Ye with her blue eyes staring at the sky while playing with the purple crystal in her hand.

In the blink of an eye, Su Ye felt a pink light leaking from the opponent's eyes, as if trying to distort his perception.

However, the distortion that should have occurred was cut off by a purple arc at the last moment.

"Is this some kind of interesting magic show, Alicia?" Facing the pink goblin lady who took some action, Su Ye spoke slowly.

"Well, in fact, I guessed it would be like this a long time ago. After all, whether it is your existence itself, Bai Ye, or the fact that you can't construct memory, both of them prove that you don't belong to this era, and maybe you don't even belong to it. This world." Alicia waved her hand and said slowly: "I lost this time, it's a pity. But I don't want to fight with you, and I don't want to hold everything in my hands at this time, so I can Please, my dear Bai Ye, please bear with me for my waywardness, Miss Alicia, can I give you any rewards in the future?"

"No need, I just want to ask one thing."

"What's up?"

"Is the you in front of me always you? Is Alicia a human, or a Herrscher?"

"Heh, good question. But does it make sense?"

"It doesn't make sense?"

"Of course, after all, according to what we just said, a Herrscher with emotions is more human than a fusion fighter without emotions, so, what do you think I am?"

"I see......"

Su Ye didn't say anything more, and through this conversation, he had vaguely understood many things.

As for Alicia's identity...

As the other party said, no matter what she is, when she has feelings and is on the side of humans, then she is a human.

As a member of the current civilization era, Su Ye is more able to accept this than anyone else.

And just before the communication between the two stopped, or was about to stop, three alarming sirens suddenly sounded from the entire Flaming Moth base.

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