From 500 years ago, to 5000 years ago, even back to the pre-civilization era, in all the memory fragments, she would recall such a person from time to time.

In my memory, I seem to have been obsessed with a very important agreement with the other party, so important that even when Tianqiong Peak was seriously injured and dying, I didn't want to give up that memory.

It's a pity that after dying again and again, she still forgot all the past, including everything related to the name Bai Ye...

Now, when she suddenly remembered it again, Fu Hua only felt as if she suddenly woke up from a long dream and recalled an extremely important truth.

At the same time, her memory went back and forth, and finally came to a place that she shouldn't have forgotten——

It was the infinitely deep darkness, and the endless bone-white desert.

On this dead land, she and eight heroes who have the same goal are about to usher in the end of a long war.

But she was clearly facing unprecedented despair, but she didn't seem to feel any fear in her heart.

Because there was a familiar and reassuring figure standing in front of her.

That is not the most powerful and highest-status Kevin among Yingjie, but a more ordinary-looking figure.

"You are... White Night?"

Muttering to himself, Fu Hua silently waited for the other person to turn around, expecting to see the appearance of the person who made an important agreement with him.

But when she actually saw the appearance of the person in her memory, the girl couldn't help being stunned.

At this moment, she couldn't help exclaiming on the spot:

"Su...Su Ye? Why you?!"

Chapter 170: Fu Hua's Memories, Su Ye's Arrival

Chapter 170 Five


Looking at the picture in memory, Fu Hua fell silent for a moment.

It can be said that she really did not expect that the existence named Bai Ye that traversed her thousands of years of memory would be Su Ye.

Although she wasn't sure if it was Su Ye herself, at least she couldn't find any difference between the two no matter what aspect she looked at.

At the same time, when Fu Hua fell into a sluggish state, her past memories were still continuing.

On the endless moon.

Nine fire-chasing heroes stand here, waiting for the final enemy to come.

As the strongest Yingjie and also the nominal leader of Fourteen Yingjie, Kevin said to everyone:

"Everyone, it's time to start preparing. According to Mei's calculations, there is only one hour left before His coming."


Hearing Kevin's words, the Yingjies nodded and started to spend the last hour before despair in their own way.

Compared to other people, Hua didn't check the equipment, and didn't observe the environment on the surface of the moon, she just slowly approached the Yingjie named Bai Ye, and habitually walked behind him.

For this small detail, Fu Hua only felt a very familiar feeling.

Although she hasn't fully recalled her past, she has recalled some memories that once belonged to her.

At the same time, Hua in his memory looked at Bai Ye's back and said hesitantly:

"Bai Ye, if we can win today, can human beings go on?"


Regarding Hua's words, Bai Ye fell into a little silence.

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"If I said no, how would you answer?"

"I guessed it, because you have always been so pessimistic."

"Yeah, I'm pessimistic, because I can't have hope. But, Hua, you don't have to be too pessimistic, because your future is far from beginning."

"Here you go again, you always say things I don't understand..."

Hua shook his head, and turned his head to look at the earth against the background of the dark universe.

"Every time I look up, I shudder at how dark and cold the universe is, but even so, it's still warm...because the earth gave birth to us, and because the stars still shine above us. "

Looking at the past from the moon, all the strife and anger, pain and nostalgia that happened in the past are no longer important.

All that matters is the future.

If human beings can continue and flourish again, pain and disputes will surely return.

But what matters is always the future.

So, with all kinds of emotions, the girl couldn't help but say:

"Bai Ye, are you really unwilling to carry out the Fire Seed Project with me? If the fight against the Herrscher fails and mankind is forced to give up this era of civilization, we should be able to go to the next era together. Bai Ye, you are more suitable than me Execute the plan left by Dr. Mei..."

"No, as I said, I will not walk with you."

Bai Ye's words were very calm, but at the same time, there was a certain unquestionable helplessness in them.

Hua was very sad about this, she couldn't understand why Bai Ye didn't want to be with her.

Obviously she felt that the other party was more suitable for carrying out this kind of plan than herself.

Obviously, as long as the other party agrees, she no longer needs to be afraid of the unknown future, and she will no longer feel unspeakable pressure from heavy responsibilities.

If she could be accompanied by the other party, she would not tremble even when facing the end...

However, Bai Ye's attitude didn't waver at all, he just silently looked at the boundless starry sky, then looked at the slightly trembling girl beside him, and sighed:

"Are you scared, Hua?"

"Of course, I can't imagine how long it would take if I were to carry out the Fire Seed Project before reaching the end of this mission with no end in sight. If I am the only one left to live for a thousand years, in case Years, what a lonely thing it would be, I am afraid that only people like Kevin can endure this kind of loneliness."

"Don't worry, Hua, you will do it."

"Yeah, maybe I can do it. But I'm still scared, because it's a road with no end in sight, and I don't know what's waiting for me in the future."


Facing Hua's trembling appearance, Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"In this case, let's make an agreement."


"Well, it's a promise. If you survive today's battle and go to the next civilization era to implement the fire plan, we will definitely meet someday in the future."

"What... what? The future?"

"That's right, but it will be in the distant and long future that no one knows. During this period, you will experience loneliness, you will experience fear, you will experience soul decay, and you will experience memory wear... And in that future, we will meet again, as long as you can persevere, you will definitely reach that day!"


Hearing Bai Ye's words, Hua's expression froze for a moment.

After a long time, she finally relaxed and said with a sneer:

"What is this? It doesn't sound reliable at all."

"Hehe, then just pretend I didn't say it, anyway, I can't promise you anything."

"No, I believe you."

Nodding her head, the girl's gaze gradually became firm: "Bai Ye, we agreed that as long as I can persevere and persevere, one day in the endless future, we will meet again."

"Well, we will meet again eventually."

The two looked at each other, and then smiled at the same time.

At the same time, an astonishing breath suddenly swept from the north of the moon!


The dust that erupted out of nowhere on the moon covered everything, and the blazing energy formed a huge storm in the universe, covering everything.

At this moment, Fu Hua stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and did not recover for a long time until the memory picture completely disappeared.

"We will meet again..."

Muttering these words, Fu Hua seemed to start recalling, going back to the past time.

She vaguely recalled that during those thousands of years, whenever she couldn't hold on and was about to give up, this past agreement would surface in her heart and become the motivation for her to persevere.

No matter how tiring and difficult the process is, as long as she thinks that one day in the future, the day of reunion will come, she will no longer feel the pain of this long process.

However, after experiencing several tragic deaths, her memory was severely damaged.

Not only everything in the past, but even the impression of this agreement is completely erased.

Time took away everything, and made her unknowingly become a machine, a player in the game who purely fought against the collapse and gave everything for the continuation of mankind.

It wasn't until time came to an end, until the years cleared away the clouds, that she finally recalled the old days, recalled the broken old days...

"Bai Ye...Su Ye...what are you...?"

All of a sudden, when Fu Hua fell into deep thinking and didn't know how to face the reality, a voice suddenly woke her up from the depths of her consciousness.

"Squad leader, what's wrong with you?"

"I am asleep?"

Suddenly awakened by Qiyana, Fu Hua sat up from the sofa in surprise.

"Yeah, you've been asleep for hours, I thought something was wrong with you."

"Uh, sorry..."

Fu Hua shook her head, she didn't expect that she would fall into such a deep sleep, which was rare in her thousands of years of long life.

When Qiyana saw her appearance, she didn't care too much, and said calmly:

"The organization World Snake is really mysterious. They seem to have been born a long time ago, but they have never carried out any organizational activities. Instead, they have been hiding in the dark and dormant silently. Until recently, they suddenly started large-scale operations. People don't understand."

"About the world snake...actually I know something..."

"you know?"

Confusion appeared on Qiyana's face, but then she recalled something and said: "Oh, I remember that the squad leader said before that your identity is very old, and you seem to be some kind of soldier from the former civilization?"

"It's a fusion warrior. My life history is too long. I am a survivor of the last civilization era 5 years ago. The origin of the world snake is also related to what happened 5 years ago."

"5 years ago?!"

"Yeah, in fact, the person who founded the World Snake also has a certain relationship with you, Kiana. That person is Kevin Kaslana, the source of your Kaslana family blood, the end of the former civilization The survivor of the war, the most powerful protector of mankind... It was he who, after the end of the final battle, founded the organization called the World Snake, and began to implement the human revival plan left by the former civilization— —The Stigmata Project.”

"The Stigmata Project?"

"Yes, the so-called stigmata project is to forcibly activate the power called stigmata contained in the genes of this generation of human beings in a certain way, so as to completely eliminate the existence of Houkai. However, if this power is to be activated, The required conditions are very harsh, and there is nothing that ordinary people can bear. If the stigmata in everyone's bodies are fully activated, human beings will completely usher in a huge extinction, which is something we cannot accept .”

"I see......"

"1500 years ago, someone in the forerunner team expressed dissatisfaction with Kevin and his stigmata plan, and tried every means to seal him, which also led to the complete suspension of the activities of the world snake. But I did not expect that until now, the world snake It actually started to move again, maybe this means that Kevin's seal has begun to loosen."

Hearing Fu Hua's words, Qiyana couldn't help taking a breath, and couldn't help but say:

"Then what should we do?"

"I don't think we can stay in Sky City any longer. If that man really came back from the seal, if this whole city was his plan, then it would be too dangerous here. Based on my respect for him Understand, if he meets you, he will definitely kill you. At that time, even I can't protect you..."


Qiyana hesitated for a while, then finally shook her head and said: "Since this is the case, we should not escape. If Tianqiong City has become a testing ground for the World Snake's stigmata plan, we must stop their actions."

"But with our strength..."

"It's okay, I just talked to Mei, she said that the anti-entropy side has sent people to support, Su Ye has also returned, and will join us soon. If he is here, even if it is that Kevin It's not like we can't fight against our ancestors."

Kiyana smiled as she spoke.

Her trust in Su Ye is obviously far more than everyone else.

Seeing this, Fu Hua's expression became rigid.

After all, the memory fragments that just surfaced in her mind reminded her a lot, and made her afraid to contact Su Ye.

However, recalling everything in her memory, she had a glimmer of expectation.

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