"Instead of asking me about this matter, shouldn't you ask Alicia first? Before the era of civilization, until the end, did she, the Herrscher, do anything that was detrimental to human beings?"


Kevin frowned slightly.

When Su Ye mentioned Alicia, it can be said that he didn't know how to answer directly.

After all, it was indeed an example too convincing for him to say anything.

At the same time, Su Ye seized this opportunity and asked:

"Since you asked me a question, I also want to ask you. Kevin, do you really think that the Stigmata Project is the only way to save this world? Those of us from the pre-civilization era are really qualified to contribute to this Do the people of the Era decide the future?"

"I have already said this question, Bai Ye, I will not waver."

"Okay then, I guess you won't be swayed. So I'll just change the question, Kevin, do you think, if I try my best to obstruct you, will the World Snake really be able to carry out the stigmata plan smoothly?"


All of a sudden, the scene became quiet.

There seemed to be a cold wind blowing through the surrounding space in the barbecue restaurant, and the air in the scene even seemed to become stagnant.

Kevin Kaslana's expression was as calm as a deep pool, while Gray Snake on the side hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look up.

Hei Xi'er, who had been eating with her head down, did not dare to say a word, but was trembling with fright from the indescribable chill, and hurriedly leaned back to Su Ye, and then relaxed a little.

At the same time, Su Ye and Kevin looked at each other silently, their eyes were very calm, but they could vaguely see an invisible killing intent confronting each other.

"Kevin, you and I both understand that the price of the stigmata project has exceeded our acceptable level. This is not a question of whether we should do it or not." Su Ye said: "I think we should calm down, Rethink the future of the world."

"Then do you have any other methods?" Kevin looked at Su Ye: "As a forerunner, there is no news about the Hengsha plan carried out by Su, and even he himself has disappeared. It was declared destroyed, and the Ark project lost contact thousands of years ago. Apart from the stigmata project left by mei, what else can we do to save human civilization and defeat Honkai?!"

"There will be a chance." Su Ye didn't waver: "Although I still can't give you a precise answer, I already have a general idea."

"Thoughts? Do you think you are smarter than mei and the wise men of the pre-civilization? Or, do you think you can defeat the Herrscher by yourself?!"

As he said that, the ice on Kevin's body spread more and more, and Hei Xi'er was so frightened that he shrank into Su Ye's arms, trembling and not daring to look up.

Facing Kevin, who seemed to be touched by the scales and lost his rationality, Su Ye quickly interrupted:

"Stop, Kevin, I didn't say such a thing, and I didn't come to argue with you. I just want to tell you that the implementation of the stigmata plan should be postponed for a while, at least until the day when there is really no hope .”

"Do you think I'll say yes?"

"I'm not here to ask for your opinion. After all, who do you think has the initiative now?"

Hearing Su Ye's indifferent words, Kevin's expression became extremely indifferent.

Seeing the two Yingjies confronting each other and looking like they might attack at any time, Gray Snake in the distance suddenly seemed to have received some important news.

So, he quickly walked to Kevin's side under tremendous pressure.

Chapter 170 Nine Destiny Anti-Entropy and Snakes!The meeting of wind and clouds, the three parties contend for hegemony!

Chapter 170 Nine

In the confrontation between Su Ye and Kevin, it is undoubtedly Su Ye who has the upper hand.

After all, compared to trying to implement the stigmata plan, Su Ye has no worries at all compared to the World Snake who has all kinds of scruples. He is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, and he is not threatened by Kevin at all.

Because of this, Su Ye believes that this wave of threats can make Kevin give in, at least give up such a rush to carry out the stigmata plan.

And at this moment, the gray snake on the side suddenly came over, it came to Kevin's side, and bent its ear to tell him something.


All of a sudden, Kevin's eyes lit up when he heard Gray Snake's words.

So, while adjusting his sitting posture, he raised his head again, as if he had finally found some initiative in this unfavorable situation, and said:

"Bai Ye, we are all heroes who have survived from the pre-civilization to the present, warriors who fought against the Houkai. Now, since we each represent different forces, we are here to discuss the future of mankind. Perhaps, we should talk about some things more openly. thing."

Unexpectedly, Kevin would suddenly talk about such a macro concept, Su Ye was slightly silent.

At this moment, he couldn't help but start thinking about what made Kevin suddenly have the confidence to calm down and talk to himself again.

Meanwhile, Kevin ignored his silence and continued:

"Whether it is the world snake or anti-entropy, our purpose is to keep mankind away from the threat of Houkai, and to survive the disaster of Houkai. This is our primary goal. But unfortunately, the current The real master of the planet is a guy who has no attachment to fighting against Honkai, and his mind is full of satisfying his own desires."

"You mean...Otto?"

"That's right, that Bishop of Destiny. Under the current situation, his mind is still full of fulfilling his own desires, and he even began to use the power of the Herrscher for this."


All of a sudden, Su Ye immediately realized what Kevin meant. He glanced at the Gray Snake next to him, and found that the other party took two steps back very cautiously.

In desperation, he sighed slightly, and said:

"Well, it seems that you all know the next move of the Bishop of Destiny."

"Exactly, Master Bai Ye."

Gray Snake on the side seemed to want to restore his position in Bai Ye's heart, and quickly said: "Just now, two S-rank Valkyries sent by Destiny came to Shencheng Medicine under the banner of Snake in our world, and in the name of cooperation, Investigated Shencheng Pharmaceutical's medical records during this period."

"Destiny S-rank Valkyrie?"

"That's right, one of them is called Rita, and the other is called Yolandelle."


Unexpectedly, Otto sent all of Ulandal out, Su Ye suddenly couldn't hold back anymore.

After all, he originally thought that he was more than enough to fight against Kevin alone. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the other people against the entropy would be enough to turn the world upside down, at least destroy the stigmata plan that the other party wanted to implement.

This is a powerful bargaining chip he uses to threaten Kevin.

But now if the people of destiny are also mixed in, the situation will be different in an instant.

If World Snake joins forces with Destiny, he and Anti-Entropy alone may not be able to stop the Stigmata plan.

Kevin obviously realized this too, he seemed to be happy that he finally got back a victory, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said:

"Bai Ye, the purpose of the two S-rank Valkyries of Destiny sent by Destiny should be the Herrscher of the Sky who has appeared many times in Tianqiong City during this period, right? This is undoubtedly what the Destiny Bishop wants. In other words, I Remember Bai Ye, you still have a certain relationship with that Herrscher?"

"Tsk, it sounds like it has nothing to do with you, you are still the ancestor of Kaslana's family."


Being choked by Su Ye as usual, he didn't know what to say, Kevin fell into silence, but his expression was very calm, obviously thinking that he had controlled the situation.

And Su Ye's expression was extremely bad.

It can be said that this wave of operations by the Bishop of Destiny led him directly to his grandma's house.

Originally, in a one-on-one situation, he was completely confident that he would hold down the action of the World Snake to prevent the unfolding of the stigmata plan, but if Destiny entered the arena, it would become a three-way melee. If it gets messed up, what the situation will turn into is really out of his control.

After all, compared to Su Ye who is absolutely unable to cooperate, Destiny and World Snake have common interests. It is completely predictable that the other party will join hands to deal with him and Qiyana.

At that time, the World Snake might be able to take advantage of the chaos to carry out their stigmata plan and completely turn the entire Tianqiong City into a purgatory on earth.

In an instant, I felt that my originally clear train of thought was suddenly disrupted. Su Ye felt like a writer who was coding alone in the dead of night. And emotions are directly fed to the dog.

This is really hard to say.

But he didn't give up, and quickly rearranged his thoughts, trying to keep himself calm.

"I'm a little curious." After a while, Su Ye leaned forward slightly, with a serious expression on his face: "Have you revealed the stigmata plan to those Valkyries of Destiny? Or, do you think the Valkyries of Destiny What kind of attitude will you have when you know about the stigmata plan?"


All of a sudden, no matter whether it was Kevin or Gray Snake, their moods fluctuated visibly at this moment.

Su Ye, who was originally at a disadvantage, successfully completed a wave of counter-kills, and it was a critical strike.

This is also normal.

After all, the question Su Ye raised can be said to be the most deadly question, that is, which two forces will finally join forces among the three parties.

As the third party in this chess game, destiny will directly affect the key to which side it falls.

The World Snake believes that the target of Destiny is the Herrscher of the Sky, as long as the information about the Herrscher of the Sky is revealed to Destiny, the other party will naturally cooperate with the actions of the World Snake to hinder Su Ye and Anti-Entropy.

But on the contrary, Su Ye brought up a key point that might shake the situation, that is, Destiny's attitude towards the stigmata plan.

If he reveals the stigmata plan to Destiny first, and after learning about the stigmata plan, Destiny thinks that stopping the stigmata plan is more important than arresting the Herrscher of the Sky, then in the end, Destiny will cooperate with Anti-Entropy, so that The World Snake's plan fell through completely.

Regarding this overly chaotic chess game, Kevin was silent for a moment, and said:

"Otto, Bishop of Destiny, is a person who will use any means to achieve his goals. I think, if he has to choose between the Herrscher of the Sky and the City of Sky, he will choose the Herrscher of the Sky without hesitation."

"Well, I agree with that."

Regarding Kevin's words, Su Ye nodded. After all, he also knew what kind of person Otto was, and the other party would never care about Tianqiong City.

However, this does not mean that Su Ye just gave up, but changed the subject and said:

"But Otto didn't come directly to Tianqiong City, did he? He just sent the Valkyrie troops under him, and it was the Immortal Blade team led by Urandale. Do you think Urandale is an action-oriented Valkyrie, after learning the truth about the stigmata plan, will she act against Otto's order and obstruct the stigmata plan?"


For a moment, Kevin and Gray Snake fell silent.

The two of them obviously didn't have any grasp of this issue.

Whether Ulandal's actions will exceed Otto's will is a matter that no one can guarantee.

In fact, even Su Ye couldn't guarantee this matter, so he directly used this point as a bargaining chip, just to deter Kevin in front of him, so that the other party would not make a desperate move.

Otherwise, a battle that will determine the fate of mankind will probably start directly within the next 24 hours.


While Su Ye and Kevin were having a conversation about deciding the fate of Tianqiong City, the two S-rank Valkyries of Destiny had also begun to investigate Qiyana and Fu Hua under the guidance of the World Snake.

"According to the data given by Shencheng Pharmaceutical, in two months, a total of 35 recorded disasters occurred, concentrated around Tianqiong City, which also caused the city to enter martial law..."

Hearing Rita's conclusion, Ulandal frowned slightly and said, "This is so unusual, it feels like...something in this city is attracting the Houkai Beast."

"That's right, that's why I have ordered Alvette to pay attention to the disaster warning issued by Tianqiong City at all times. Once a Honkai Beast appears, the Immortal Blade team will immediately set off and rush to the scene." Rita replied while checking the communication Various sets of data on the device: "According to the information collected so far, K-423 and Fu Hua seem to often appear at the scene of the Houkai Beast disaster, and some people have even photographed their backs, so as long as you keep an eye on the disaster scene, you can Chance to catch K-423."

"Well, as expected of you, Rita." Ulandal nodded: "Then we have to wait patiently for the next Honkai to happen?"

"No, in this city, waiting for a disaster does not require patience."

Just as Rita finished speaking, the communicator rang suddenly.

"Vice-Captain Rita, Captain Ulandal, we have just intercepted the Sky Guard's alarm, and there is a Honkai invasion in D-2322 in the northern city!"

Hearing this voice, Ulandal's eyes lit up immediately, and she said loudly:

"Assemble the team and go to the target location immediately!"

Rita added to this: "Attention all units, take cover quickly after entering the disaster site, and remember, only destroy the Houkai beasts that block the way."

In the blink of an eye, many Valkyries of the Immortal Blade immediately started to move, and under the leadership of Ulandal, they rushed towards the place where Houkai happened at an extremely fast speed.

On the way, Youlandelle suddenly noticed something abnormal about the dead man lying on the ground, so she stopped and observed immediately:

"These dead men don't look right, why are there red spots on their bodies? Wait, this is... Stigmata?!"


Rita was puzzled when she saw this, obviously she didn't understand why the dead soldier had the stigmata that only the Valkyrie had.

And at this moment, two figures suddenly flashed past the scene of the collapse in the distance, and Youlandelle and Rita rushed over without having time to think.


The girl drifted like a shadow in the darkness cast by the Houkai Beast and the dead soldiers, and the violent gunshots and flames bloomed everywhere.

With the last flash of the gunfire, the silver-haired girl fell to the ground. Under the night, her hair condensed into a beam of moonlight, making the mountains of wreckage piled up at her feet even darker.

At the same time, several figures attacked from all around and immediately surrounded her.

"Long time no see, Miss Kiyana." Rita stepped forward first, and said calmly, "Or should I call you... Herrscher of the Sky?"

Facing Rita's appearance, Kiyana's expression was slightly surprised, but she was not flustered.

However, when Ulandal behind Rita slowly appeared, the girl's expression suddenly became a little confused, and even panicked.


In a barbecue shop.

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