It is impossible to decide on the future title of the tripartite alliance through an unofficial meeting.

After all, no matter the Mandate of Heaven, Anti-Entropy or World Snake, they haven't held any formal internal meetings to discuss, nor have they signed any treaties and agreements.

Moreover, without a formal run-in, no one knows whether such an unprecedented huge alliance can be realized and whether it can maintain the operation of internal logic, instead of collapsing on the spot due to irreconcilable contradictions before its birth.

No matter who it is, including Su Ye himself, he has no idea.

However, Su Ye still had a little bit of confidence relatively speaking.

Because as a traveler spanning 5 years, he has seen farther than anyone else, and has a more God-like vision.

Therefore, he can almost be sure that the destiny, anti-entropy, and world snakes have no essential contradictions and share a common threat.

The tripartite alliance has a practical basis and is possible, not just empty talk.

"It seems that we have reached a consensus on the general direction." Su Ye looked at the people at the scene, and said slowly: "Then, the specific alliance and cooperation, we need to sign at the formal meeting of the three parties. Now, we still return Let’s get to the very first topic, that is, our three parties’ private transactions and seeking common ground while reserving differences.”

Otto and Kevin nodded calmly to Su Ye's nonchalant words.

Both leaders expressed their approval of Su Ye's performance in leading the meeting.

After all, although Su Ye now represents anti-entropy, he was originally a hero of the pre-civilization, and he has a high prestige in the world of snakes. prestige.

He has also worked as a cleaner of Destiny for a long time, and has worked inside Destiny for many years. Although he betrayed him afterwards, he has a good relationship with Teresa, the granddaughter of Bishop Destiny, and has a certain degree of mutual recognition with Ulandal. Among them, it is also possible to obtain a certain degree of recognition within the destiny.

It can be said that compared with Otto and Kevin, his position in the league can be said to be unique.

Moreover, compared with Su Ye, Otto and Kevin, as leaders, both have certain flaws.

Otto is good at strategy and deduction, but he doesn't have any credibility in this world, and his force value is relatively low, so he won't be recognized by any organization other than the Mandate of Heaven.

Although Kevin has abundant martial arts virtues and great strength, but he is obsessed with the Stigmata Project, has a rigid personality and can't turn his head, so it is also difficult to win the hearts of the people.

No matter how you calculate it, Su Ye will definitely be the number one talker within the alliance after the establishment of the tripartite alliance in the future.

At the same time, there is the most important point, that is, the concept of the tripartite alliance was proposed by Su Ye himself, and he personally persuaded everyone to proceed.

Invisibly, he has become the cornerstone of the future alliance, a symbol of the covenant.

Both Otto and Kevin clearly felt this point and chose to approve it.

"Then let's go back to the question I just asked." Sitting on the seat, Otto slowly raised his head to look at Su Ye: "My plan needs the Herrscher of the Sky, and as a price, Anti-Entropy wants to get it from the Mandate of Heaven. what?"

After Otto's words fell, Su Ye was clearly prepared. He raised his eyebrows very calmly and said, "In exchange for what? No, you can't use this word. If we form an alliance between the three parties in the future, we must reach a certain level of technical exchanges." and basic cooperation. I think this item should be counted as the most basic technical communication link.”

"Technical exchange?" Hearing Su Ye's words, Otto fell silent, and then said with bright eyes: "I see, do you want to do this? Hahaha, very interesting, very interesting! That's right, Su Ye, I am very glad that you have such foresight, and I am also glad that you have such great trust in me."

Su Ye frowned at Otto's excitement, but said nothing.

After all, if he hadn't clearly known Otto's true purpose, and had the imaginary power as the last hole card to restrain Otto, otherwise, he really wouldn't have dared to carry out such a large-scale cooperation with the destiny led by Otto.

In the distance, Kevin seemed to be surprised by Su Ye's generosity, his brows were slightly surprised, and he finally said: "Anti-entropy is willing to use the Herrscher in exchange for the destiny and the technology of the world snake?"

Hearing Kevin's understanding, Su Ye took a deep look at him.

While lamenting that the mind of the strongest fusion fighter is really not suitable for being the leader of an organization, he quickly explained:

"This is not an exchange, Kevin, this is the operating logic that the bottom of the entire alliance should have. After all, we are not trying to build an empty shelf, an empty shell that looks glamorous, but actually has no cooperation and communication. Word of mouth. The foundation of the operation of the tripartite alliance established in the future should be the in-depth exchanges and cooperation of the various forces in terms of technical exchanges, financial support, offensive and defensive alliances, etc.”

"These things should not be transactions and gifts, let alone profitable pursuits, but should be the popularization of technology in an upright manner. Taking the many Herrschers that Anti-Entropy currently has as an example, Anti-Entropy can use the power of Herrschers in the future Lend it to the alliance, and even let the alliance set up a research department to conduct research, but all of this should be based on the premise of fighting against the collapse, in order to allow human beings to better understand the collapse and fight against the collapse. After all, only in this way can we To be able to grasp the last straw in the face of the coming doomsday."

"I see."

Kevin nodded. He has always been very honest, and he will directly ask about things he doesn't understand.

Although the final result may be that he still doesn't understand, but he will not forcibly hide anything for the sake of face.

Of course, it can also be seen that he has fully approved the three-party alliance plan proposed by Su Ye, and will no longer obstruct the formation of the alliance.

On the other side, Otto listened to Su Ye's explanation silently, and said with emotion:

"Su Ye, you are actually willing to use Herrscher as a bargaining chip. To be honest, I am a little surprised."

"What's the surprise?"

"If it were me, such important research samples and technologies would definitely be locked up in my own hands. No matter what, I would study alone, and only put some insignificant things into the alliance's technical exchange projects."

"It's very your style, Otto." Su Ye nodded, not feeling any vigilance against Otto's selfishness. After all, if the other party is willing to express this selfishness through words, it is already releasing a Kind of an 'I won't do this' signal.

However, it is obviously impossible for Su Ye to base everything on his trust in Otto, but he still did so, and there are naturally reasons for this.

"Otto, since you think so, you might as well guess why I did this?"

Hearing Su Ye's sudden rhetorical question, Otto fell into a long silence.

After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "That's because you anti-entropy don't have the ability to study the Herrscher. As the tentacles extended by Honkai, anti-entropy's technical capital is not enough to reveal all the secrets behind the Herrscher, so We must rely on the destiny and the world snake, or the power of the alliance."

"Very good, you are half right, Your Excellency the Bishop." Su Ye took a deep look at the other party, nodded and said: "But you still haven't figured out one important point, that is, I really want to fight against Honkai, let Humans defeated the Houkai. Therefore, I can't hide this unique and rare existence of the Herrscher, and eat it alone, because doing so will not benefit the human race against the Houkai."


Hearing Su Ye's words, Otto seemed to understand something, and took a deep look at Su Ye.

And Su Ye didn't hide it at this time, and explained directly to everyone:

"In the face of the enemy of civilization, collapse, all human beings are a whole, and the fate of all human beings is bound together. Therefore, allowing human beings to have more risks to deal with crises is to increase the possibility of us surviving in the future." Then a few tenths of a percent. I know that everyone has different ideas about fighting against the collapse, but once the end comes, all of us will die. Therefore, our goal is the same after all, that is to win Honkai! So, in the fight against Honkai, I don't want future alliance members to have any secrets!"

"In terms of future technology exchanges, I will not, nor will I force any participant to provide its own technology and resources for technologies that have nothing to do with the fight against the collapse. But if it is related to the fight against the collapse, it is even crucial to fight against the collapse Important things, I hope that all parties can provide as much as possible. At the same time, if one party cannot provide corresponding technical exchanges, it can use other resources or simply funds to make up for it.”


After hearing Su Ye's words, everyone at the scene fell into a long silence.

Obviously, everyone is currently weighing the pros and cons, thinking about which of their respective technical routes are of great significance to fighting against the collapse, and which are worth trading, and even in exchange for benefits...

Of course, these are not the topics to be discussed in this unofficial meeting.

At a formal conference in the future, these things will be brought out for extensive and in-depth discussions.

Now, Su Ye just gave everyone a bottom line, or set a tone.

This is what he needs in order to accomplish his purpose.

"Besides, I have a unique opinion about the Herrscher." At the same time, Su Ye quickly looked at the crowd and said, "According to my observations in the previous civilization and the current civilization, I found that there are differences between the two civilization eras. There is a huge gap between herrschers. Compared with human beings, herrschers of pre-civilization are more like weapons shaped by Houkai, without any self-awareness at all. However, herrschers of modern civilization are more like human beings than weapons, with extremely strong Whether it is the first Herrscher, the second Herrscher, or the later Herrschers, in my opinion, there is obviously some kind of change that Honkai itself cannot control."


Unexpectedly, Su Ye would suddenly bring up this topic, Fu Hua and Kevin, the two survivors of the pre-civilization era, frowned.

Fu Hua seemed to have just realized this problem, and was very surprised by it, or suddenly realized.

As the leader of the world's snakes, Kevin took a deep look at Su Ye. Obviously, he knew this a long time ago, and even knew part of the truth.

On the contrary, as the survivors of modern civilization, Otto and others obviously realized for the first time that there is such a big difference between the herrschers of previous and previous civilizations, so they all looked at Su Ye in surprise, and hoped that he could Tell more.

But it's a pity, Su Ye knew very well which cards should be played and which cards should not be played, so he smiled and said:

"I think that such core secrets should not be used as basic technical exchanges, but as high-value-added intelligence materials. Therefore, whether it is destiny or world snakes, if you are interested, you should come up with information of the corresponding level. to exchange with anti-entropy."

"Bai Ye, you..."

Kevin's eyes widened for a moment, as if he didn't expect that this kind of information would be used by Su Ye as a bargaining chip.

The most important thing is that the people of Destiny showed that they were very interested, and after careful consideration, they felt that all this was worth trading.

So, Kevin finally realized something, and quickly said: "Well, World Snake can also provide corresponding information in this regard, and conduct intelligence transactions."

"Hehe, Kevin, you finally know how to play." Su Ye nodded, showing a childish look.

Obviously, Su Ye is very clear that the World Snake under Kevin, as an organization that has developed for 5 years, undoubtedly has the most intelligence knowledge and confidential information in its hands.

Naturally, he has been eyeing these things for a long time, hoping to use all kinds of methods to make Kevin spit out a little.

A name like intelligence trading is undoubtedly the best.

Of course, these things should still be discussed in the future, and the current meeting is not an occasion to discuss specific technologies and transactions.

So, Su Ye once again threw the topic to the Bishop of Destiny:

"Otto, didn't you say that in order to complete your plan, you need three things? The World Snake is not willing to give the Beacon of the Thousand Realms, and the Herrscher of the Sky will wait until the technical exchange link after our future alliance is established. Now it's time for the third thing, what is the third thing you need?"


Regarding Su Ye's inquiry and everyone's attention, Otto seemed to have fallen into some kind of deliberation.

The development of things so far has been completely in line with his expectations, and even the alliance's proposal has greatly accelerated the achievement of his goal.

Therefore, he temporarily let go of his inner guard, let go of everything, and said:

"To be honest, my goal is to revive a person who is very important to me by modifying the rules of the tree of imaginary numbers. Therefore, in order to be able to bypass the tree of imaginary numbers after actually reaching the tree of imaginary numbers The guardian of the tree, that is, the restraining force that defeats the world, I plan to make a deal with the will of the collapse."

"Make a deal with the will of the collapse?"

Unexpectedly, Otto would come up with such a crazy idea for the first time. Everyone present, including Kevin, widened their eyes and showed surprised expressions.

Chapter 190 Otto, I Can Give You What the Honkai Will Can't Give You!I have a showdown!

Chapter 190

Otto's speech aroused the surprise of all present.

How crazy does a person have to be to say something like 'in order to save a person, I have to make a deal with the will of the collapse'? I really don't know how to evaluate it?

At least the people present didn't think they could have the courage to do this kind of thing - no one dared to do such a thing of self-destruction without paying attention.

Whether it's Su Ye who knows everything, Kiana and Fu Hua who hate Otto by his side, or Kevin who knows some secrets...

Everyone at the scene couldn't understand or imagine what Otto said.

That is a crazy behavior that no rational wise man can do, and it is also an extreme distortion that no chaotic lunatic can understand.

No one can maintain any peace in front of this issue.

However, Otto's attitude at the moment is very calm, with a leisurely look, as if he is not discussing a deal with a dangerous existence like the collapsed will, but discussing what to have for dinner tonight.

This made everyone at the scene not recover for a while.

"Make a deal with the will of the collapse? Otto, are you sure? Are you crazy, or did I hear it wrong?" Su Ye, as an insider who had read the spoiler, quickly came to his senses, trying to pretend as much as possible. Unknowingly, he opened his mouth.

"This is crazy..." At the same time, Qiyana and Fu Hua beside Su Ye were also shocked.

Only Hei Xi'er was not frightened because she knew less about Honkai, but felt more confused from the bottom of her heart.

"Otto, you are really a lunatic beyond my imagination." Kevin was also shocked by Otto's thoughts, but he quickly restrained his surprise and made himself seem to have regained his composure.

Of course, his slightly clenched fist still showed that his heart was still greatly shaken.

After all, in the eyes of those who know the Honkai disaster and the nature of the Honkai, making a deal with the Honkai will is no different from taking the initiative to die.

Once one's will intersects with the existence above that dimension, the 'pollution' and 'distortion' will naturally be transmitted directly to the intersecting person through the connection.

Compared with the god-like will to collapse, the fragile mortal body is obviously unable to compete with it, and it will instantly pay an unspeakable price.

If ordinary people say such things, they will definitely be regarded as a joke that makes people laugh, at least they will not feel that someone really dares to do so.

But the problem is that the person who said these words is Otto, Bishop of Destiny, who is the most obsessed and closest to madness in this world.

No one would not take his words seriously, no matter how incomprehensible it seemed.

At least, Su Ye is very clear that if there are no twists and turns, the final result of this Catholic bishop is doomed to sacrifice his life for a 500-year-long obsession...

"My lord bishop!" So, after hearing Otto's words, Yolandelle was the first to stand up. It was obviously impossible for her to accept such a crazy move by Otto, and she said loudly: "You are the destiny! Bishop, making a deal with the will of the collapse, this is beyond the level of madness and jokes?"

"Really? Then you still don't know me too well, Urandale." Otto's expression was calm, but at the same time, he revealed a seriousness he had never had before: "On matters related to my ultimate goal , I have always maintained the highest rationality, and I have never made any jokes."

" are the supreme decision-maker of destiny, the supreme leader of the human organization against the Houkai. You are making a deal with the will of the enemy, which is doomed to no good results? "Urandale seems to have realized the essence of Otto, and no longer has any doubts about the other party's methods, but she still wants to do her best to persuade.

"No, you're mistaken, Youlandelle. Everything I did was never in pursuit of a good result." Otto shook his head lightly, his eyes swept over everyone present, and smiled : "Let's be honest, among all the people present, I should undoubtedly be the one who cares the least about human beings fighting against the collapse. After all, I didn't become a Catholic with this purpose in mind from the very beginning."

"But even so, I, a person who doesn't care about fighting against Honkai, still became the Catholic Bishop and the decision maker of the largest human organization against Honkai. Any decision I made would result in the sacrifice of countless people. Therefore, I never denied it. own sin and folly."

"It is also on this basis that I think you can trust me unconditionally, and trust that I will not do things that are harmful to mankind. Because everything I do is for my own purpose and selfish desire, even if it is related to collapse Badwill made a deal, and I won't become a puppet of Honkai!"

Otto expressed his will with calm but firm words.

He is very clear about the consequences of the choices he makes, and he also knows how much impact he will have on the people around him if he does such a thing.

But it was in this situation that he still made his own choice.

Just like his performance in the past - he didn't care about fighting against Honkai or something.

There is only one thing he cares about forever, and that is to resurrect a person who died 500 years ago.

For this purpose, he can sacrifice all...

"Even so, are you sure that you can achieve your goal by trading with the will of the collapse?" On the other side, while buttoning the lid of the instant noodle bowl in front of him, Su Ye raised his head and asked himself: "What do you want?" After arriving at the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, break the confinement of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, and defeat the restraining power of the world that blocks you, right? But, Otto, how can you ensure that the will of the collapsed will be able to accomplish your desired goal? In other words, you What method do you want to use to communicate with the Honkai Will?"

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