"No." Kevin nodded slightly, and the gray snake and jackal beside him did not waver in the slightest.

After discussing with Su Ye, the World Snake has obviously made its own choice and agreed to start today's meeting with the willingness to join the alliance.

As a result, everyone became tense and looked warily at the most radical and most rigid Lord of the World Snake from the beginning to the end.

Everyone knows that the World Snake's stigmata plan is the most reasonable, but at the same time the most cruel and cold-blooded.

But even so, the Stigmata Project is still the last straw of human beings in a sense, and it is the last guarantee that a civilization needs to survive in this cruel world.

Therefore, for the World Snake Organization, which is about to become one of the three-party alliances, everyone's feelings are the most complicated and difficult to easily determine.

Under such attention, Kevin slowly raised his head.

The strongest fusion fighter 5 years ago and the strongest guardian of mankind raised his head slightly, and said in a calm voice:

"Our world snake, from 5 years ago to the present, has not changed the will to maintain the slightest change. That is to complete the stigmata plan, and save human civilization in the face of the coming doomsday!"

"The Stigmata Project, what exactly is that?"

Hei Xier asked a question unconsciously. As the person with the lowest level present, she could say that she could hold back if she didn't ask a question now.

Until now, she finally couldn't help expressing her inner problems.

And Kevin just glanced at Su Ye silently, and said unhurriedly:

"That theory was jointly put forward by two human scientists, Mei and Mebius, in the pre-civilization era. It is the only life-saving straw that human civilization has concluded after a round of disastrous defeats."

"That is, civilization's only hope to defeat Houkai!"

Chapter 190 Three Mebius' Huge Plan!

Chapter 190 Three

"Civilization's only hope of defeating Honkai..."

Hearing the heavy words from Kevin, the expressions of everyone on the scene changed slightly, oppressed by the concept represented by this term, and they didn't say a word.

Of course, as the current leaders of the other two organizations, the expressions of Su Ye and Otto did not fluctuate at all.

They were obviously not frightened by Kevin's bluffing attitude at all, and they were well aware of the terrifying truth behind the glamorous appearance of the Stigmata Project.

As long as you know the truth, no matter how hypnotized Kevin speaks, how much he criticizes and ridicules the reality, it can't change the fact that the stigmata plan cannot be implemented immediately.

Of course, even so, this does not mean that they have to deny the World Snake's behavior of expressing opinions.

In fact, they are also in a state of vagueness about the legendary stigmata plan, and they have a little understanding of it, but they have never seen the true face clearly.

If possible, at today's meeting, they will have the opportunity to truly see the true face of the legendary Stigmata Project!


In the distance, after finishing his opening speech, Kevin exchanged a look with Gray Snake, and took the initiative to sit down again.

Obviously, the Lord of the World Snake seems too lazy to take the initiative to explain what the stigmata plan is, and intends to hand over this task to his subordinates.

Of course, it's also possible that it's not that he's too lazy to do this, but that he simply feels that he can't explain such a complicated concept with his language skills.

So, in the end, it was Gray Snake who stood up. This special life form created by Ying Jie Mebius in the pre-civilization era, and now the general manager of the World Snake Organization under the Lord, cleared his throat. He calmly said to the crowd:

"The birth of the world snake is based on the Stigmata Project. The core of the Stigmata Project is the special genetic gene jointly designed by Dr. Mei and Mebius in the pre-civilization - the Stigmata. It can be passed down from generation to generation, The special genome that continues in human civilization, people with stigmata will have various special abilities innately, and gain the power to fight against Houkai."

"However, due to the evolution of civilization for 5 years, the stigmata genes that originally resided in human beings began to disperse along with the bloodline inheritance, and most of the stigmata were differentiated to an extremely thin level, and scattered among the bloodlines of 70 billion humans Among them, only a very small number of people can naturally obtain the power of the stigmata and truly awaken the power of the stigmata in their bodies."

"Therefore, the first step of World Snake's stigmata plan is to activate the stigmata in the vast majority of people in the world before the final collapse, so that all human beings on the entire earth can become the stigmata screened. A special individual becomes an awakened person with a stigmata. Only in this way, we have the opportunity to fight against the Houkai before the end comes, and even completely end the fate of the Houkai.”

Gray Snake's voice was very clear, and the narration was very orderly. Hei Xier, who was present at the scene who knew nothing about the Stigmata Project, fully understood the situation as quickly as possible.

Of course, knowing the situation is definitely not enough.

Gray Snake's narration is also very biased, only mentioning the necessity and benefits of the stigmata plan, not mentioning the worst part of this plan at all.

So, Su Ye quickly asked a question:

"Is it just like this? Just by screening out the awakened stigmata, so that we can fight against the Herrscher of the Last Yan? That is something that the heroes of the former civilization can't do!"

Yes, this is the question everyone wants to ask.

If the stigmata in the vast majority of human beings are awakened, it is the so-called stigmata project. How is it different from the fusion warrior project of the former civilization?

No matter how strong the individual strength of the awakened stigmata is, can it surpass the last fourteen heroes of the previous civilization?

If that's the case, the so-called Stigmata Project is just a joke.

In fact, the truth of the stigmata project is obviously not that simple.

Gray Snake quickly shook his head, looked at everyone present, and said slowly:

"Of course not. Letting all human beings in the world awaken the stigmata is only the first step of the stigmata plan, and it is a trivial step. The essence of the stigmata plan is actually a splitting of the concept of the stigmata."

"The splitting of the concept of collapse?"

Everyone at the scene was surprised. Except for the insiders of the World Snake, everyone else couldn't understand Gray Snake's words, including Su Ye and Otto.

After all, so far, World Snake has never revealed the essence of the stigmata plan to outsiders, and even Su Ye has not yet learned the truth about this plan.

"What exactly do you mean?" So, Su Ye once again asked the question on behalf of everyone.

"The essence of Houkai is the realization of the civilization correction mechanism. Through a greater will, with the help of the carrier of Houkai, it throws a civilization-destroying weapon, Herrscher, into civilization, and destroys human civilization." Gray While speaking, Snake used some kind of projection technology to display a pair of pictures in the conference room, just like a professional professional elite showing the ppt he just made.

This professionalism made Rita, the almighty maid of Destiny, feel a little admiration, and nodded sincerely.

At the same time, under everyone's attention, Gray Snake's story continues.

"Of course, it is too difficult to explain the essence of this collapse in detail. Therefore, I plan to borrow the words that Master Mebius once said to me, and quickly explain the existence called collapse for you."

"Master Mebius once said that our human civilization is like a group of ants trapped in a well. The ants are fragile and insignificant. They can only shape buildings and form civilization bit by bit through collective strength." Gray Snake After sorting out the language, he said unhurriedly: "At the same time, in this well of civilization, there will be heavy rain from time to time, washing everything away, making all the efforts of the industrious ants in vain, and returning to the original point. This rain was born from the collapse of natural laws. Our world is the world in this well, where human ant civilizations are constantly being born, and then destroyed countless times by the naturally formed, collapsed rain from the sky."

"As expected of her, it's a very vivid metaphor." Su Ye nodded in approval.

At the same time, he also recalled the chat with Mebius before, which was one of the few pleasant experiences he had in the pre-civilization.

It's a pity that Mebius will deviate his words to some strange places from time to time, and often say something that surpasses human beings, completes the final evolution, etc., which he can't understand at all...

Of course, in essence, Su Ye didn't mind the other party's way of speaking.

At the same time, the other people at the scene also felt a strong sense of substitution for Gray Snake's words, and were immersed in its narration.

"In such a continuous cycle, there will always be some ant groups that have achieved some kind of qualitative change, and have successfully created buildings that can withstand heavy rain, and even make themselves strong enough to ignore the existence of rainwater and continue to develop." Gray Snake did not stop, and continued Said: "Originally, if there is no interference, this kind of ant civilization will be able to withstand the rain sooner or later, develop the technology to break through this black well, and give birth to a more brilliant civilization. However, the harm of collapsing rainwater is not only to wash away Buildings, and a mouthful of water will be accumulated, and unique aquatic organisms will be born from the water.”

"The creatures born in these stagnant waters are not only powerful, but also can continuously draw power from the water of the Houkai and the rain of the Houkai. Therefore, they use a more specific and powerful force than the invisible water flow to destroy the civilization in the well , this is the existence called Lawrence."


The metaphor of the gray snake is very ingenious, even the explanation that even paramecium can understand makes everyone on the scene immersed in his narration.

"Although the civilization of ants can resist the rainwater formed naturally, they are no match for these powerful aquatic creatures. Therefore, there are not many ways to win." Gray Snake was silent for two seconds, and said:

"According to the current known conclusions, there are only a few ways to really resist the torrential rain of the Houkai and break through the black well."

"The first method is to accumulate the strength of civilization. Do everything possible to accumulate strength and defeat these terrible monsters from the front, but there is a problem with this method, that is, as civilization becomes stronger, the strength of rainstorms and aquatic creatures also increases. It will continue to become stronger, and no matter how weak ants accumulate, they are destined to be unable to contend with it head-on."

"The second method is to eliminate the rainstorm itself from the source. That is to say, the ants can directly cut off their connection with the puddle, and at the same time block the wellhead, so that the outside rainwater can no longer flow in, and eliminate all threats from the source."

"Of course, there is actually a third way, which is to change the life structure of ants so that ants can also become members of aquatic organisms."

Hearing Gray Snake's lengthy description, everyone's gaze fluctuated slightly.

After all, although Gray Snake used metaphors, everyone could understand what the other party was describing.

Human civilization is like the ants in the well. If you want to defeat Honkai, you can only use one of the three methods.

Of course, everyone soon had new confusions.

As a symbol of honesty, Ulandal immediately opened her mouth and said:

"Grey Snake, since you have mentioned three ways to fight against the existence of Houkai, which one does the stigmata plan of your World Snake represent?"

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on Gray Snake, clearly wanting to know the answer to this question.

At the same time, people probably have certain guesses in their hearts, thinking that it should be one of the three options.

However, Gray Snake's next words made everyone's eyes widen.

"It's not one of them, Miss Ulandelle." Facing Ulandelle's confusion, Gray Snake said calmly: "Actually, these three methods are all part of the Stigmata plan."

"All three are part of the plan?!"

All of a sudden, everyone's expressions became astonished.

Even Su Ye, who was mentally prepared, became a little stunned, and after a while he murmured: "I see, indeed, this is that person's style..."

As if sensing Su Ye's thoughts, Kevin nodded silently in the distance and said, "That's right, Bai Ye, as you imagined, this is exactly the style of Mebius."

"After the previous civilization experienced such a fiasco, we no longer think that the usual way can completely defeat the collapse, and we no longer have any flukes and illusions. Regarding the collapse, we must deal with it with the greatest malice. It speculates, and it must use the most fatal blow to kill a future for the human beings in this world!"

"Therefore, the essence of the stigmata plan is not a simple model involving a stigmata, but a complete and complex logical system to eliminate Houkai. Screening out the stigmata awakened is nothing more than It's just a small link in this huge system."


All of a sudden, Kevin's words stunned everyone present.

The two leaders of the organization, Su Ye and Otto, had long and complicated thoughts on Kevin's words, and quickly used their own thinking to sort out the logic and meaning contained in all of this.

At the same time, Su Ye couldn't help but have a strange idea.

That is, he feels that the stigmata plan of the time and space he is in may have deviated from the original stigmata plan.

The nature of the stigmata project has changed for some reason.

Moreover, he suspects that the so-called reason is that he traveled back to the past, changed the cause and effect, and made Mebius live until now!

After all, if Mebius hadn't lived these 5 years, the World Snake's stigmata plan supported by Kevin alone probably wouldn't be so exaggerated and crazy.

However, a Mebius who has lived for 5 years is constantly modifying and polishing the stigmata plan, so no matter how you think about it, it may exceed everyone's imagination, and lead to the final plan becoming a behemoth beyond everyone's imagination .


All of a sudden, muttering the name, Su Ye became more and more surprised by the request that Mebius sent to him before.

A genius scientist who has lived for 5 years, his self-reflection and thinking about the fate of mankind, accumulated in such a long time axis, what kind of fruit will he bear, he can't imagine at all.

At the same time, even the very fact of meeting her felt an unfounded panic.

Reminiscent of Kevin's strange attitude before, Su Ye even felt a burst of horror, and couldn't help but feel some instinctive chills down his spine...

"No, I hope I'm wrong..."

The dissatisfaction in Su Ye's heart became more and more intense, and at the same time when the whole person was quite flustered, everyone was staring at the Gray Snake in front of them.

Obviously, Gray Snake's words just now have completely aroused their curiosity, making them want to know the real content of the so-called huge plan.

"The so-called Stigmata Project, if you explain it with specific words..." Gray Snake suddenly fell silent, as if to stop the words, after a while, he shook his head lightly and said:

"Sorry, I can't use words to explain the true face of this huge plan."

"I can only describe it all in one sentence."

"On the day when this great plan is achieved, human beings will defeat the disaster called collapse head-on. All collapses will be expelled from this world, and they will eventually be unable to wreak havoc on this land. The remaining human beings will Complete a great evolution and build a brilliant civilization from the ruins!"

Chapter 190 Su Ye's speech, the united front of the doomsday collapse!

Chapter 190 Four

Gray Snake's words were quite exciting, even though it didn't deliberately organize its speech skills, showing the demeanor of a speaker like Otto, but because the 5-year topic of the Stigmata Project itself is very huge, it still makes people feel uncomfortable. Everyone was shocked by it.

Su Ye couldn't help but start thinking about the various doomsday-themed blockbusters he occasionally went to the cinema to watch in his previous life, imagining the human life on the wasteland. Reminiscent of the fact that the probability of women awakening stigmata is much higher than that of men, he even started to conceive The problem of human reproduction in the post-apocalypse...

Of course, after a short period of freeing his mind, he had to put those romantic and exciting stories in his mind behind him, and let himself refocus on the stigmata project itself——

"According to the budget of the World Snake, after the completion of the Stigmata Project, how many people are left in the human race?" Su Ye was the first to ask a question, breaking the crowd immersed in the fantasy described by Gray Snake.

Everyone looked at the gray snake and the world snake represented behind it.

The truth of the stigmata project, obviously, can only be glimpsed from these details to get a better glimpse of its true face.

"Report to Master Baiye. Based on the few experimental records in 1500 years, and then estimate the population base, bloodline distribution, and racial differences of the entire world today, it can be roughly calculated that the last survivors will be around 50." Gray Snake nodded in awe at first, then looked at everyone with an unwavering attitude, and said: "There are still a large part of them that are made by Tianming with next-generation technology, and they will have a high probability of awakening." Stigmata, become a human survivor after the realization of the stigmata plan!"


Gray Snake's overly rational words fell, and the whole scene fell silent.

Su Ye's face was as deep as water, and he didn't say a word, but Qiyana and Hei Xi'er, who were sitting beside him, couldn't help but let out a low cry.

Even Fu Hua, who had been prepared for a long time, couldn't help but let out a sigh, feeling very helpless for this cruel final plan jointly designed by Dr. Mei and Dr. Mebius.

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