"It can be done!"

Suddenly, the girl's voice resounded through the scene.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Qiyana stood up suddenly, clenched her fists, and said firmly: "It can be done! I can prove it!"


Unexpectedly, Qiyana would speak suddenly, and everyone at the scene felt completely bewildered.

Even Su Ye didn't expect the other party to come out suddenly, saying that he wanted to prove himself...


At the same time, Kiyana seemed to be aware of her recklessness.

At this moment, the girl's body trembled slightly, but after feeling the existence of Su Ye beside her, she quickly became firm and said:

"I can prove that no matter how many contradictions there were in the past, facing the fate of 70 billion people and facing devastating disasters, people can still see the status quo and do what they should do! After all, I am such a person, I The Herrscher of Space in the body is an existence created under such an extreme example. After experiencing so many encounters, I still firmly believe that human beings must defeat the Houkai. For this reason, I can even take the initiative to give up some past grievances .”

As she spoke, she fixed her eyes on Otto, obviously telling the other party what she said.

On the other hand, Otto waved his hand slightly, with a look of 'I was persuaded by you'.

But Su Ye understood very well that the Catholic bishop deliberately showed the attitude just now, and deliberately played a buffoon to draw out these remarks.

Its purpose is to remove the last obstacle for Su Ye's proposal.

Of course, the Catholic Bishop deserves to be the Catholic Bishop, there is no need to pretend at all, he is the most perfect 'clown'!

So, Su Ye calmly asked Qiyana to sit down, and looked around at the crowd:

"Then, please tell me, everyone's decision! Although there may be many problems in the initial run-in, although the contradictions between us are deeper than this sea of ​​stars, if it is for the future of mankind, to fight against that doomed to destroy everything In the end, I still hope that this alliance can be born!"

Su Ye's words were persuasive to a certain extent, and he himself was the first person to put aside past grievances in order to allow human civilization to survive the doomsday.

And with his wave of unsolicited proposals and the oboe sung by Ottokyana just now, everyone gradually let go of the pressure and defense in their hearts.

"I approve of this plan." Ulandal spoke first, as the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny, she can represent almost all Valkyrie of Destiny by herself, so her reputation is not small.

"I also approve of this plan." With Ulandal taking the lead, Gray Snake finally stopped shrinking. He is a loyal follower of Mebius, so he is very aware of some unknown things about Mebius. attitude, and firmly believe that the other party will definitely support this plan.

"Then it seems that I have nothing to say." Kevin nodded silently. He had been persuaded by Su Ye before, so he admitted the birth of the alliance and the united front without accident.

Among the rest, Rita completely listened to Youlandelle's judgment, Qiyana and Fu Hua completely listened to Su Ye's judgment, and Hei Xier nodded along, although she didn't fully understand the situation.

So, in the end, the Catholic Bishop Otto slowly stretched out his hand and said with a smile:

"It looks like it's going to be a historic moment, doesn't it?"

"This is just a foreshadowing. The historic moment has not yet come, Otto."

Su Ye shook his head, but still shook hands with the Catholic bishop across the round table, symbolizing the temporary reconciliation of all past enmities.

In the face of an enemy of civilization level like the Herrscher of the End, the contradictions of human beings are indeed so insignificant that they are almost undetectable.

Thus, this long meeting discussion finally came to an end.

Everyone who spent the whole night in the meeting expressed all kinds of emotion, lamenting the disappearance of sleep, and being excited to witness the birth of a history.

And just when Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and finally opened the instant noodles in front of him, and was about to taste it, a figure suddenly came from a distance.

"We should have a good chat, Su Ye, no, Bai Ye..."

Hearing this familiar voice, Su Ye's brows could not help trembling slightly.

Because, he has already judged the identity of the other party.

That was the former Chiyuan Immortal, and also his heroic comrade-in-arms 5 years ago, Fu Hua.

Chapter 190: Bai Ye and Hua meet again after 5 years!

Chapter 190 Six

Fu Hua came to Su Ye's side.

In order to keep the overall situation in mind, she did not have any individual communication with Su Ye after meeting him.

This is not only because of her personality, but also because she has not been fully prepared in her heart.

After all, this seemingly simple 5-year reunion was actually extremely complicated for her.

Although from the concept of time and space, the two only met again after a few days, but it is obvious that neither Su Ye nor Fu Hua can simply define this as a simple reunion.

Especially Fu Hua, for her, this is a real reunion spanning 5 years.

She had to be fully mentally prepared before she could muster up the courage.

At this moment, after the meeting that could affect almost the entire world and involved the three major human organizations against the Honkai, the Chiyuan Immortal finally made enough preparations and came before Su Ye.

"Ahem... It seems that you have already remembered." When the atmosphere gradually became tense, Su Ye chose to take the initiative to speak.

Although in his cognition, whether it is Fu Hua or Hua, they are just partners who have not seen each other for a few days, but he is very clear that for Fu Hua in front of him, time is definitely not counted like this.

In fact, it was true that after hearing Su Ye's words, Fu Hua's expression changed suddenly.

It was a kind of relaxation in a certain sense, as if something crucial had been confirmed, and it was also a heartfelt rejoicing, rejoicing that I had survived to this day, the 'promised' day of meeting again.

For this reason, Fu Hua's face even subconsciously revealed the youthfulness of 5 years ago.

Even though she has traveled tens of thousands of years in the dormant cabin, even though she has been walking on this land for thousands of years as the Chi Yuan Immortal, when facing Su Ye, she still instinctively returned to her original appearance.

"It's been 5 years, I...I..." At this moment, Fu Hua seemed to have changed back to the Hua he was 5 years ago, and said nervously and bluntly: "I didn't expect the last It would become like this, and I never expected that we could meet again in this way, Bai Ye."

"I didn't expect that either." Su Ye smiled helplessly, and said with the dialogue he had prepared a long time ago: "When I saw you, I thought I made a mistake, after all, I was the only one who recognized you , and you didn't recognize me, I was not sure until I saw Yu Duchen later..."

Su Ye lied on purpose, and covered up everything with a reasonable lie. After all, things like time travel are too difficult to explain, and there is no way to say it.

"Sure enough, because of my memory..." Fu Hua said, nodded in embarrassment, as if recalling something similar that happened 5 years ago.

But Su Ye said calmly: "Well, after all, after you became a fusion warrior, your memory has been cleared regularly, and I still know this."

Hearing Su Ye's words, Fu Hua even felt a little fuzzy for a moment.

As the Red Kite Immortal, she has experienced too long and too long alone. In this long second life, she has been advancing alone, facing any challenges in front of her with a majestic identity, and guarding this world. Generations of civilizations continue to grow.

Facing her like this, most people are in awe. Even if they occasionally meet someone they can confide in, because their life spans do not match, they are often under the influence of time, watching everything they are familiar with turn into dust .

This makes her seem like a hard-hearted 'fairy'.

But under such circumstances, Bai Ye, who she thought she would never see again, reappeared in front of her, even completely unchanged from the person she remembered.

"It's incredible." Fu Hua showed an undisguised smile. In tens of thousands of years, this is almost the first time she has shown such a smile from the heart: "I have persisted for a long time and have been working hard to achieve everyone's goals. , Whenever I feel hopeless and tired, I can't help but think of what you said. Although I always regard it as an unfulfillable promise, whenever the night is quiet or I fall asleep alone, I can't help Remember it and use it as a belief that keeps you going."

Regarding Fu Hua's continuous narration and confiding, Su Ye never answered.

Because he is still trying to think about whether his identity switching is reasonable, and whether there is any problem that has a huge impact.

After all, Su Ye knew very well that for a long time in the past, he hadn't actually experienced everything that happened 5 years ago.

In his timeline, his previous self faced Fu Hua with the attitude of a stranger.

And in order to cover up the essence of time travel, he forged a theory for Fu Hua.

Although this statement can reasonably explain many problems caused by time travel, since Su Ye did not know these things in the past, there must be a lot of bugs and many places that cannot be explained.

At the same time, Fu Hua's self-talk continued.

With a smile she had never seen before, she slowly said: "I really didn't expect that I would see you again one day. Danzhu and Cangxuan told me before that you were already dead, right? I actually know that I may be alive. So, I try not to let myself think about it, and try to make myself like a machine, performing the mission of the Tinder plan. But I know that I am not a real machine after all, I am performing the task At the same time, I kept telling myself, to live, to continue to live, because only in this way can I complete the agreement with you. Facts have proved that I did it... yes, I did it ..."

"It seems that a lot of things have indeed happened." Su Ye looked at Fu Hua's complicated face, looking back at the past thousands of years, and after thinking about it, he nodded with an expression of approval: "What did you do?" Very good, Hua, it is your efforts that allow this world to maintain the most fragile balance in the face of Honkai, and until I wake up, Honkai did not completely occupy any land in this world, you have done enough .”

In Bai Ye's tone, Su Ye praised Fu Hua as much as possible.

Although the huge span between 5 years and an instant made him unable to appreciate the heaviness of this journey, he could still imagine how difficult it would be for Fu Hua to persevere on this road.

"I did a good job?" Hearing Su Ye's words, Fu Hua didn't seem to expect to be praised, she was stunned for a while, and then said stiffly: "But, did I really do a good job?" ?I didn't complete the fire plan, I didn't protect Danzhu and Cangxuan well, I didn't protect the land of Shenzhou thoroughly, and I was even used by Otto...I did too many wrong things, every time I made a mistake , have hurt countless people, I am no match for Su, Kevin, Mebius, or Bai Ye."

Hearing Fu Hua's sigh from the bottom of his heart, Su Ye couldn't help but linger on the other party for a few seconds - at this moment, he felt more and more clearly the heavy burden on the other party.

Corresponding to countless huge plans and long persistence, the so-called Chiyuan Immortal has always been the girl who was led forward by everyone 5 years ago and followed her footsteps ignorantly.

This gave Su Ye a strange feeling, as if the time of 5 years had really been compressed into a moment, and nothing had actually changed...

Shaking his head, Su Ye quickly put this wrong idea behind him.

Yes, although Kevin and Fu Hua have not changed from the past, but this is just these two people.

In this time and space, he still has an old friend that he has not met, and that is Mebius.

Su Ye felt that the other party's change should be the most unimaginable for him...

When Su Ye felt helpless at the invitation of a mad scientist who had lived for 5 years, Fu Hua noticed his emotion and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Su Ye, what are you thinking?"

"It's nothing." Su Ye quickly shook his head and brought the topic back to the main topic: "Hua, you've done well enough, I don't know about the others, but anyway, if it's me, I'm sure I can't do better than you Good. The 5 years of hard work have really worked hard for you."

"Have I... done enough?"

Hearing Su Ye's words, Fu Hua couldn't help but froze in place.

She stared blankly at Su Ye in front of her. All the memories of 5 years were mixed in her mind. Before she knew it, tears even overflowed from the corners of her eyes...

"Uh, what's wrong with you?" I didn't expect Fu Hua to be so excited, Su Ye was suddenly a little surprised, flustered, and didn't know how to comfort her.

Fu Hua, on the other hand, couldn't help but burst into tears, forced himself to calm down, and said, "I...I'm just so happy. Bai Ye...I really did a good enough job Are you done? Can all the efforts I have made really be recognized by you? Have I... completed my mission?"


Unexpectedly, Fu Hua would ask such a question to himself, while Su Ye was stunned, he also realized that he couldn't make a wrong move at this time and fool around on this issue.

So, he said very seriously: "Well, Hua, you have done well enough. For 5 years, you have carried the long-cherished wish of each of us, and you have persisted until now alone, no matter whether others approve it or not, but I will definitely approve of your choice!"

"You have accomplished your mission!"


For a while, the scene fell into a long silence.

Under Su Ye's flustered gaze, Fu Hua wiped away the tears from his face bit by bit, a kind of open-mindedness and cheerfulness that had never been seen before gradually emerged from this Chi Yuan immortal who had guarded the land of Shenzhou for thousands of years .

Obviously, Su Ye's answer brings Hua's mission that once belonged to Yingjie to a perfect end.

Regardless of merits or demerits in the future, she now completely no longer feels any regrets about her past life.

"I understand, thank you, Bai Ye."

"Well, you deserve it, Hua."

Accepting Fu Hua's thanks frankly, Su Ye suddenly didn't know how to speak later.

But Fu Hua suddenly said indifferently: "Should we still use this name in the future?"

"Such a name?" Su Ye was taken aback for a moment, then realized something and said: "You mean the name? Well, if you can, you can still call me Su Ye. After all, this era is different from 5 years ago. I'm used to the name now."

"That's it, then you can also call me Fu Hua." The girl who had been completely freed from her mission smiled and stared at Su Ye, the calm gaze even made the latter feel a little uncomfortable.

And just when Su Ye and Hua looked at each other, not knowing what to say to relieve the awkward atmosphere, a figure suddenly came slowly from a distance.

"It seems that you have finished chatting." Kevin said, and gave Su Ye a subtle look in his eyes.

"Why, could it be that you were peeking from the side just now?" Su Ye recalled something, and quickly looked around.

"Is this a peek? It's just a simple sight. After all, you two were so absorbed in the conversation that you completely forgot that this is a conference room." Kevin said, pointing to the corner of the conference room.

Su Ye followed the other party's line of sight, and at a glance, he saw a certain Bishop of Destiny who was watching the gossip, and Youlandelkiana and others behind Bishop of Destiny.

"Okay, why don't you remind me..." Sighing, Su Ye fully realized the problem and felt deeply helpless.

"My reminder is useless." Kevin said, showing a rather weird attitude, and soon became serious, and said: "Although I have agreed to your alliance, I am not the only leader of the world snake. One person. I have to go back and tell that guy about this matter, whether to agree or not, wait for my notification later."

"Uh, maybe you mean..."

"That's right, it's Mebius."


Seeing Kevin's serious eyes, Su Ye really lost his temper now.

Originally, he wanted to face Mebius for a while, but now it seems that things may be brought forward no matter what.

"Well, I know, we have to face it sooner or later." Su Ye said, standing up helplessly: "In short, indeed, tonight is just a start for the future. We each have to share the news Inform more people, time will not stop waiting for us."

"Well, it is true."

Kevin nodded, but seeing that Su Ye was about to leave and returned the anti-entropy notification message, he suddenly said, "Wait a minute!"

"?What's wrong?"

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