All of a sudden, the atmosphere at the scene became heated, and a touch of excitement appeared on everyone's faces.

Whether it was the original anti-entropy members, or the St. Freya Academy members who joined later, or even someone like Xier who had just been fished out of the Quantum Sea, they didn't have any resistance to this matter, and they accepted it very much.

Seeing this scene, Su Ye couldn't help but smile, realizing that the united front for the doomsday that he proposed was indeed not empty talk.

It has a solid mass base.

And this, it is destined that the birth of the alliance will not encounter any resistance, and it will become a sharp blade for the civilization on this planet to collapse, to tear apart the long night, and usher in the dawn!

Humanity will surely defeat the collapse!


Destiny Headquarters.

After gathering, Ulandal and Rita walked towards the Valkyrie's maintenance hall step by step.

"Master Ulandal, have you met the Bishop?"

In response to Rita's question, Ulandelle nodded and said: "Well, it was so sudden, he also said that he would let the destiny get rid of his shadow, I really don't know what he wants to do."

"Indeed, but isn't this just the Bishop's usual style?" Rita smiled and said: "The Bishop has always regarded the world as a chessboard, and everyone including himself as pieces on the chessboard. In this In the mode, only the result has the only meaning. After all, the value of the so-called process may have disappeared many years ago for the bishop."

"Indeed, by the way, why do you speak so much like Dr. Schrödinger today? There is a taste of philosophy in your speech."

"Is that so?" Hearing Ulandal's speech, Rita replied in surprise, "Maybe I'm also a little nervous about what's going to happen next."

"Well, it's normal to be nervous." Urandale nodded, telling the fact that she was actually quite nervous.

The two communicated like this while walking, and soon came to the assembly hall of the Valkyrie headquarters of the Destiny Headquarters.

Today's Mandate of Heaven has undergone system reforms and has become a fully automated machine. Therefore, apart from the scientific researchers, there are almost only a large number of Valkyries left in charge of all functions.

This is why Otto will hold a conference here.

"Very good, everyone is quite on time." Looking at the large number of Valkyries of Destiny in front of him, Otto stood on a high platform and said with a smile: "Next, I will spend a few minutes telling you that this world is about to Great changes that have taken place. That will be a decisive step in the history of mankind's fight against Houkai."

As he said, Otto did not hesitate, and it really only took a few minutes to form the three major forces of Destiny, Anti-Entropy, and World Snake into a huge alliance against Houkai, and in the future, a close relationship will be established within the entire alliance. All the things that were exchanged were said.

Upon hearing this news, the Valkyrie Goddesses of Destiny were all shocked, obviously they did not expect that such a big change would happen overnight in this world.

Facing everyone's attitude, Otto didn't give them too much time to sort out their mood, and said:

"At the same time, after Destiny officially joins the Honkai Alliance, I will give up all management of Destiny's internal affairs, and entrust all of these to Ulandal to handle them all!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole scene fell into a shock.


World Snake, HQ.

After Kevin told many World Snake cadres about the tripartite alliance, it was no surprise that he received a lot of doubts.

But the question is just a question. World Snake is an organization with a strong belief in Ying Jie. The topic initiated by Kevin himself, when Gray Snake representing Mebius said nothing, all World Snake cadres I don't have any opinions on this matter, I just feel puzzled at the top of my head.

After establishing this matter, Kevin also quickly asked Gray Snake to contact Destiny and Anti-Entropy to determine the time and place for the official tripartite meeting.

During this period, Kevin himself sat alone on the cold throne, lowered his head, thinking about everything that happened before.

At the same time, he seemed to realize something, turned around, and found a green-haired figure slowly walking out of the shadows.

"Mebius, do you really want to go to the meeting in person?"

Regarding Kevin's question, Mebius, who is the actual creator of the World Snake, said with a wicked smile: "Of course, although I am not the Lord of the World Snake, and I don't want to attend as a representative, I just want to see you in the past." Take a look, what's the problem?"

"Are you sure you won't cause trouble at the conference?" Kevin said, with a look of distrust of the other party, and added: "And Bai Ye and Hua are also there..."

"What are you emphasizing with me?!" Mebius showed a dissatisfied expression on her face, but she still didn't turn her face, and said indifferently: "I didn't just come here just to see him, in fact, Regarding the collapse, I have the latest research and I am going to announce it.”

"The latest research?" Kevin was surprised by this, as if he didn't expect the other party to actually research something for so many years.

And Mebius just said silently: "5 years is enough time for me to think about many things clearly and understand many valuable things. Therefore, I will directly agree with the tripartite alliance and come out in person to participate into it all.”

"Well, I misunderstood you." Kevin sincerely apologized.

"No, you didn't misunderstand." Mebius turned around slowly, and murmured to himself as he disappeared into the shadows: "That damned White Night, who has been resurrected for so many years, actually didn't come to see me once On the one hand! Just for this point, I will never let him go easily!"


Seeing Mebius gritted his teeth and left, Kevin was slightly stunned, and then showed sincere sympathy.

There is no doubt that the sympathy was directed at Su Ye.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chapter two hundred

In 2016, spring.

The tripartite meeting of the world's three most powerful anti-Honkai organizations has been formally determined.

At the same time, the location of the meeting was set to be St. Freya Academy in Sky City in the Far East.

Although in this world, the knowledge of the Honkai has not been popularized to ordinary people, and the Honkai organization is only an organization hidden behind the scenes of the world, but the leaders and high-level leaders of various countries have always known that the Honkai organization in the shadows is He is the real ruler of this world.

The Mandate of Heaven controls Europe, Anti-Entropy controls America, and the World Snake covers every corner of the entire world...

Therefore, after the meeting revealed the news through official channels, all the high-level eyes of the world were all focused on this artificial island in the Pacific Ocean for a while, with various guesses and speculations, thinking about the three major organizations and the future of mankind.

And as time passed, the day of the tripartite conference finally arrived.


Over St. Freya Academy.

The transport ship riding on the anti-entropy descended from the sky, and Su Ye and the large army of anti-entropy officially arrived here-the place where all this originated.

Seeing this artificial island that has been blocked since the Battle of Destiny, Su Ye sighed slightly.

At the same time, Qiyana and the others beside him also had complicated expressions, obviously they did not expect that they would be able to return to this place again, and with such an identity.

With the complete landing of the transport ship, everyone quickly got off the battleship and walked step by step towards the direction of St. Freya Academy.

During this period, everyone noticed that there were many transport ships that were not anti-entropy moored around St. Freya Academy.

They soon realized that these were sent by destiny and the world snake.

Walking into the interior of St. Freya Academy, Su Ye and the others saw a group of Valkyries of Destiny in front of them. The leading Valkyrie respectfully said to everyone:

"According to Lord Ulandal's order, we will lead you to the meeting site."


Su Ye nodded, without any doubt as to why the other party said the order of Youlandelle, not the order of the Bishop of Destiny.

The others behind him also ignored it, and walked forward nervously.

"It's been more than two years since I came back here, I really miss it." Walter said while looking at the teaching building in the distance: "The former colleagues don't know what's going on now."

"I remember that St. Freya Academy was blocked after the Battle of Destiny." Su Ye replied while thinking: "The former students and teachers should be dispersed, and the Destiny Valkyries scattered all over the world will be trained." Let's go to the base."

"Oh, that's how it was supposed to be." Teresa sighed, and said helplessly: "Obviously, I have been running St. Freya Academy for more than ten years, but it finally ushered in such a result."

"Did Sister Bronya and everyone live together in this academy before?" Xier showed a curious look, looking around, the other personality in her body, Hei Xier, has been less and less since the last time. If she came out, even if she took the initiative to call, she seldom got a response.

The corners of Bronya's lips curled up slightly and she said, "That's true, but my previous identity was an anti-entropy spy... By the way, Su Ye, were you really not someone sent by another organization? ?”

"Nonsense, did I mention that there is any organization behind me?" Su Ye shook her head and said with a smile, "It was purely because Qiyana and Mei were here, so they just followed."

"That's it..." Bronya nodded, and found that the expressions of Qiyana and Mei next to her were a little strange.

The two of them seemed to recall a lot of past events because they returned to this familiar place.

"Ah, over there is the staff dormitory, Su Ye, where is your dormitory still?"

Hearing Qiyana's suddenly excited voice, Su Ye looked slightly, and saw the familiar room on the fifth floor through the window.

Because he left in a hurry at that time, he didn't do any tidying up at all. If there were no accidents, the things inside should be placed as they were.

"I really miss..."

Mei couldn't help but nodded at this, although it was only half a year or so since they left St. Freya Academy, but the sense of time felt as long as centuries.

All of a sudden, when the three of them showed different expressions, they finally arrived at the venue where the meeting was held.

On the venue, a group of Valkyries and World Snake cadres are located on both sides of the venue.

The one on the left is Destiny, which is composed of many middle and high-level Valkyries. In the current organizational structure of Destiny, Valkyrie is not only a combat unit, but also an administrative unit. An S-level Valkyrie like Ulandal is directly responsible for the entire organization. power.

The one on the right is the World Snake, which is composed of many World Snake cadres. Most of them wear cloaks and have different appearances. The national origins of the members vary greatly, but they are all Stigmata Awakened, both combat units and high-level organizations, and Valkyrie have a similar structure.

Seeing this scene, Su Ye couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching.

After all, the meeting of these two organizations is so delicate that it looks like a rider battle between and Meituan. After all, the style is too distinct.

After the anti-entropy people came to the venue, the flag belonging to the anti-entropy slowly rose from a flagpole by several Valkyries.

The whole venue was extremely simple, or rather uniform.

This tone is obviously intentional, and it symbolizes the equal status of the three major organizations in the future alliance. Even though they have different voices and responsibilities, they still maintain the most basic equality.

And in the center of the venue, three huge long tables are placed in the center in the form of a triangle, obviously reserved for the representatives of the three major organizations.

At this moment, Bishop Otto was standing in front of the long table, and World Snake Lord Kevin was standing in the opposite direction.

At the same time, many cameras are pointing at this place, and the grassroots members of the three major organizations are watching this conference destined to affect the world through the Internet, waiting for the complete birth of the new order.

After arriving at the venue, Su Ye immediately looked at Otto in front of him, and said, "Are you well prepared? It's an academy, but it's still so formal."

"Hehe, isn't that natural." Otto first glanced at Teresa in the distance, and found that his granddaughter didn't seem to want to talk to him, so he shook his head and said to Su Ye in front of him: "Fate is still The world's largest anti-Honkai organization, when it comes to grassroots mobilization capabilities, World Snake and Anti-Entropy can't even catch up with flattering horses."

"Who are you underestimating?" Kevin in the distance was dissatisfied for the first time, but then he seemed to realize that what Otto said was true, so he couldn't help muttering: "At least in terms of the supply of instant noodles, the world Snake's industrial chain is countless times more complete than Destiny's Mandate!"


The words of the World Snake Lord made the atmosphere of the meeting cool down for a moment.

But after that, everyone didn't pay much attention to it, and quickly changed the topic.

At the same time, as the atmosphere at the scene became more and more serious, Su Ye, Otto and Kevin entered the venue officially.

Behind the three stood their supporters.

Behind Su Ye are Teresa and Walter, behind Otto are Yolandelle and Rita, and behind Kevin are Gray Snake and a cloaked man who can't see clearly.

For this man in the cloak who did not reveal his identity, everyone in the venue was confused and speculated.

Su Ye also started guessing. He originally thought it would be a jackal, but he couldn't match it with a jackal in terms of size.

But when he kept observing and trying to guess the other party's identity, he vaguely noticed that the figure in the cloak seemed to be watching him all the time, and his gaze was too intense...

"No way......"

All of a sudden, at the same time that Su Ye had an astonishing guess, Otto in the distance had already sent a signal first.

Then, as the lights around the venue were turned on one by one, all the participants in the meeting sat in their seats, which symbolized the official start of the meeting.

"Ahem, since everyone is here, let my host, Otto Apocalypse, announce the start of this meeting!" Otto said, and looked in the direction of the world snake first: " Of course, before the official start, can I ask this friend of the World Snake to explain his identity? This is the respect that a representative should have when participating in this world-class conference."

Regarding Otto's words, Kevin did not waver and nodded slightly.

And the cloak figure behind him also slowly took off his cloak, revealing a long green hair and a slender girlish face.

Facing the crowd, the green-haired girl said in a crisp voice:

"My name is Mebius, and I am the true creator of the World Snake, and one of the Fourteen Heroes of the Flaming Moths of the pre-civilization era!"

Hearing Mebius' words, everyone at the scene except the World Snake was surprised.

With Su Ye and Kevin's revealing of their identities, the people who are destined to resist entropy now actually have a certain understanding of the so-called pre-civilized hero.

But even so, they didn't expect that there was a pre-civilized hero in this world, and she was a woman who looked so young.

However, despite his young appearance, anyone can feel a kind of oppressive force beyond imagination from Mebius' eyes like poisonous snakes.

At the same time, in the face of Mebius' revealing of his identity, Su Ye finally realized what he was feeling just now.

For this reason, while he couldn't help feeling a little flustered, he quickly calmed himself down.

After all, he came here as the representative of anti-entropy, so it is impossible to suddenly show timidity at such a time.

As if he had noticed Su Ye's attitude, Mebius from a distance slowly looked over, and while the gaze staring straight at him made him frowned again, the other party also looked away very naturally. go back.

Su Ye couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

All in all, after confirming all the participants at the scene, Otto stood up on his own initiative, smiled and said:

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