However, just as Su Ye took a step forward and was about to make a move, Qiyana's figure came in front of them.

"I have a way to solve them, leave it to me here."


Unexpectedly, Qiyana would take the initiative to invite Ying, Su Ye and others showed surprised expressions.

The girl smiled calmly, and slowly said: "I have studied Taixu Sword God and controlled the power in my body for a long time, and now I can almost perfectly replicate the ability of the Herrscher of the Sky, so I have a way End this fight without killing them."


Hearing Qiyana's words, Su Ye pondered for a moment, and then agreed to the opponent's battle in the name of the commander-in-chief during the war.

He obviously also wanted to see how far Qiyana had grasped the power of the Herrscher of the Sky.

So, under the gaze of everyone, Kiyana let out a breath slowly, and opened her hands towards the many tactical magicians who were about to fight the world in front of her.

At this moment, her silver-white windless automatic spread into a fan shape at an astonishing speed, and at the same time, the girl's right eye burst into an astonishing golden light, emitting pitch-black imaginary energy!

"That is?!"

In the bewildered and surprised expressions of everyone on the scene, Qiyana's slender figure suddenly squatted down, as if grasping the ground tightly, to prevent herself from being thrown away, and took a deep breath... ...


Suddenly, a huge imaginary black hole exploded from the boundary between the sky and the earth out of thin air, countless terrifying energies were released from all around, and the astonishing whistling sound resounded through the scene!

In the end, under the influence of this imaginary black hole, the tactical magicians of the DEM club in the sky found themselves unable to affect gravity, and were directly dragged by the black hole!


A burst of wind that was almost too fast to be heard resounded, and a cage of time and space was formed out of thin air in space, imprisoning all the tactical magicians of the DEM club!

Among them, even Artemisia and Takamiya Mana, the two strongest strategic magicians, couldn't resist, their bodies were completely sealed by the frozen time and space, and they couldn't move at all!

"What kind of power is this!?"

Through the screen, Isaac's breathing suddenly became extremely rapid, and his expression became completely confused.

That ordinary-looking silver-haired girl managed to control the elite troops of their DEM club alone? How could such a thing exist! Even elves can’t do such a thing?!

All of a sudden, Isaac's expression was completely flustered, and he couldn't even maintain the smile that was always on his lips, and couldn't help trembling.

At the same time, another battlefield.

Ulandal confronts the magician Eileen.

The two are constantly moving in the space at a high speed invisible to the naked eye, and every time they collide, they will cause terrifying destructive power of space shock.

During this process, Yolandal did not use any power other than the god-killing armor and the matching trial spear, whether it was the God's Key Heiyuan White Flower or the immortal star anchor derived from the power of the world. Without any use.

Even so, she was still able to gain the upper hand in the confrontation with Ailian.

At the same time, as she absorbed the experience of fighting in another world at an extremely fast speed, she successfully caught a flaw in Ailian, and thrust out the spear in her hand!

"Light Wing, Jet!"

As the most perfect god-killing armor, Bright Knight Moon Soul possesses almost all the power of the same type of armor.

Therefore, the light particle technology that was originally possessed by the White Knight Moonlight is also possessed!

Right now, Ulandal seized the opportunity and suddenly spread the spear in his hand in the form of a beam of light!


In the dumbfounded expressions of the people in the battle world, accompanied by the ray of light piercing the sky like a star, the strongest magician Ailian was knocked into the air on the spot, and the whole person fell directly into the ground like this, forming a A huge pothole!

For a moment, the scene fell into complete silence.

Whether it was AST, Ratatosk, or the high-level executives of the DEM agency watching the screen through the projection, everyone was silent...

They never expected that facing the strongest elite troops of the DEM Society, the civilization of this different world not only did not send the main force, but only sent two girls, and the battle was easily ended!

This is not a war at all, but a unilateral crush!

"Maybe I made the biggest mistake of my life..."

Facing this result, Ai Zac muttered to himself, his heart was ashamed, and he no longer had any strength.

In the battleship of Ratatosk, Wuhe Kotori and Kannazuki Kyohei were shocked, but they couldn't help but feel joy at the strength of the people from another world.

In contrast, Murasame Reine's expression became incomparably dignified, even gloomy.

Chapter 210 A new channel! "Doomsday", "Black Bullet", "No Game No Life 0"!

Chapter 210 Two

DEM headquarters.

The Hyperion came all the way from Japan and arrived here in less than two hours, suspended above the earth, blooming with the brilliance of civilization from another world.

Soon, on the ground, a meeting room of the Daybreak Light Alliance was temporarily remodeled.

Su Ye is sitting on the main seat in the meeting room, his left and right hands are Otto and Kevin respectively, followed by Raven, Kiana, Einstein and other vanguard main force.

Almost all the middle and upper echelons of the alliance gather here.

At the same time, Youlandelle slowly walked in from outside the meeting room.

Her lance was pointed at a captive from the DEM Society, Eileen Mira Mathers.

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the DEM agency, Aizhak Ray Pelham Westcott, was also escorted in.

Facing the leader of the DEM club, the master of the dark side of the battle world, Su Ye looked at him very naturally, with an undisguised smile on his lips.

"How do you feel now? Your Excellency Izak from DEM."


Regarding Su Ye's words, Ai Zac seemed to want to uphold his own character, and wanted to be more arrogant.

But soon, seeing the indifferent faces in the conference room, he finally sighed helplessly, and said without any resistance:

"I admit, outsider, the power of your civilization is real. Just the vanguard has such a powerful force. Neither the DEM society nor any organization in our world will be your opponent."

Ai Zac tried his best to show himself not to be humble, but his attitude was already a manifestation of complete submission.

Even though this guy's strategy is very similar to a certain Catholic bishop, but unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, strategy will not have any effect.

As a result, everyone in the conference room showed satisfied expressions.

"Ahem..." It seemed that everyone looked at Ai Zac like a slaughtered sheep, and Ailian, who was controlled by Youlandelle, couldn't help but said: "As Why do powerful civilizations from other worlds come to invade our world? What is your purpose?!"

"Purpose?" Regarding Ailian's words, Su Ye couldn't help but spread her hands, and said, "We have said our purpose from the beginning, and that is the technology of the tactical display device. For this, we can discuss with you A certain degree of cooperation, or a transaction. But unfortunately, your leader is too greedy and unwilling to communicate with us through reasonable means. Instead, he used force. Such a result can only be said to be his own fault."

"This..." Su Ye's words were too open and aboveboard, and the logic was so reasonable that Ailian, who was still full of anger, couldn't say anything.

And Ai Zac seemed to have resigned himself to his fate, and sighed.

But he still didn't give up hope, and couldn't help but said: "So, as long as I hand over the technology of the tactical display device to you, you will let us go? Or even leave this world voluntarily?"

"Of course not." Su Ye broke his hope directly, and said calmly: "The tactical display device is only our first goal. In addition, we also need to set up a long-term stronghold in your world to cooperate with you. Some organizations in the world cooperate, and even recruit a group of mercenaries from you to solve the problems of our world."

"Problems in your world?" Isaac noticed the key word, his face was confused, obviously he didn't understand what kind of problems such a powerful civilization would encounter.

And Su Ye didn't hide anything, and said calmly: "Just as there are elves in your world, there are also some existences called Herrschers in our world. Those existences are very powerful and extremely aggressive against civilization. We It is precisely to find a way to defeat the Herrscher that I came to your world."

"The Herrscher..." Hearing this unfamiliar term, Ai Zac didn't react, and Ailian beside him didn't have any thoughts.

And when the scene was slightly silent, Otto suddenly interrupted: "Speaking of which, do you know phantom? When we were exploring in your world and contacted an elf, we suddenly saw a strange phantom , and was directly attacked by the opponent, and almost suffered serious damage!"

"What phantom?" Ailian didn't respond to this.


But Ai Zac's expression suddenly changed, he could hardly control his voice and said loudly: "You said that you encountered a phantom and blocked the opponent's attack!?"

"Oh? What do you know?" Otto couldn't help but speak, he was obviously very curious about the guardian of the elf.

And Ai Zac didn't answer immediately, he seemed to be still in great shock, and he opened his mouth slowly after a long time:

"That phantom is the original elf, and it is also a 'god' created by myself, Ailian and another old friend 30 years ago."

"God?" Kevin was slightly taken aback.

"Created by yourself?" Otto obviously paid more attention to this word.

As for Su Ye, although he probably knew the situation, in order to let others know the facts, he asked:

"What exactly happened?"

As a result, everyone looked at Ai Zac curiously, wanting to know the reason why the gods of this world were born.

But now, facing the fact that he has become a prisoner, Ai Zac didn't hesitate much, and quickly said:

"A long time ago, Ailian and I were born in a group called wizards. This group has always been living in seclusion and has no connection with the outside world. But with the development of human society, humans have discovered us and slaughtered us. everyone in the village."

"In order to avenge mankind, I, Eileen, and a man named Elliott, we three wizards worked together in the central part of Eurasia 30 years ago to use elf magic to concentrate the spiritual power existing in the world. At one point, successfully created a brand new creature from another world, that is the world's first elf, known as the original elf."

"We wanted to use this powerful existence to avenge the humans in the world, but the power of the original elf was so strong that we accidentally let it escape. When we finally found each other, we found that it had fallen in love with a man named A young man who is a true scholar of Chonggong, he himself has changed his name to Mio of Chonggong."

"In order to capture the original elves, we paid a lot. Just when we were about to succeed, due to the accidental death of the young man named Chonggong Zhenshi, the original elves completely ran away and completely disappeared from our eyes."

"In the 30 years since then, various elves have appeared in our world one after another. There is no doubt that the original elves are constantly creating their own kind."


Ai Zac's words fell slowly, and the scene suddenly fell into silence.

Everyone from the collapsed world heard this too subtle story of another world, and for a moment they didn't even know what to say.

"For the sake of the so-called revenge, you have created a monster capable of destroying the world. You are really stupid." Urandelle couldn't help but speak, she obviously looked down on this kind of personal grievances being enlarged to a group, and even for this reason A guy who wants to destroy the world at every turn.

"The elves in this world were actually born in this way. In this way, the elves seem to have done nothing wrong..." Qiyana muttered to herself, apparently not expecting the truth to be like this.

"Stupid, narrow-minded, crazy." Kevin cherishes words like gold, expressing his attitude in a few words.

Although Su Ye didn't say anything, he could see his indifference towards Ai Zhake from his expression.

"It was you who created the elves with your own hands?" Compared with other people, Otto was obviously very excited, and said loudly: "What is your so-called elf technique? Is it related to the tactical display device? Besides creating What else can a spirit do?!"

This man, whose mind is full of resurrecting Karen, is obviously very curious about this miraculous power!

As for Otto's inquiry, Isaac hesitated for a moment.

In the end, knowing that his own life was in the hands of these people from another world, he said helplessly:

"Elf spells and tactical display devices are both the technology of our wizard family. It's just that the former can only be used by the blood of our wizard family, and the tactical display device is to allow ordinary people to use the power of wizards, and the artificial deterioration Version."

"I see."

Otto quickly calmed down when he heard that there was a bloodline requirement.

However, he still looked at Isaac and Ailian with a malicious expression on his face, obviously thinking about whether to use artificial human technology to capture the blood of the wizard family in this world.

However, Su Ye saw what he was thinking, and said decisively:

"The elf technique is obviously only aimed at the spiritual power of this world. In other words, it is a technique that can only be used in this world, and it cannot be used at all outside this world. Otto, you should not think too much, and focus on tactics. On the display device. At least it should be a technology that can be used across the world, after all, it only needs to convert spiritual power into Houkai energy or other energy sources."


Hearing Su Ye's words, Otto quickly calmed down.

He also knows that it is unreasonable to pin his hopes on the technology of other worlds. The greatest hope is his own imaginary power plan, which is the real hope of saving Karen.

All in all, the interrogation of Isaac ended quickly.

Su Ye and the others don't want to enforce the law across the world for the time being, but they can't allow the other party to continue to control the DEM society to oppose them.

So, they forcibly imprisoned Ai Zac, intending to take it out occasionally in the future to see if there is any other use value.

Ailian, on the other hand, was just an accomplice, so Su Ye and the others had no plans to deal with the other party for the time being, they just didn't allow the other party to do any more harm to the members of the alliance.

After doing all this, Su Ye and others immediately started searching the DEM agency, transferred all the technical data related to the tactical display device to Hubrian's mastermind, and quickly passed the newly developed DEM. Cross-world communication technology, sent back to the collapsed world.

The newly established Honkai Research Institute on the Honkai World immediately began to conduct research on these knowledge from other worlds, and immediately filled it into the current alliance's technical system.

At the same time, the top management of DEM was disbanded collectively, and the entire organization was dismantled.

However, because the armed personnel of the DEM company were not easy to deal with, in the end they were forcibly disarmed like Ailian, and were concentrated in one place for guarding.

As for the original elves mentioned by Ai Zac, under Su Ye's suggestion, everyone decided to ignore it for the time being.

After all, from the current point of view, that god-like existence has not shown any hostility towards people from other worlds like them, and if it is not necessary, they will not conflict with such an existence.

Of course, Su Ye also asked everyone to secretly prepare for the confrontation with the original elves.

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