The effect of that thing has not been reflected until now, he has no idea what kind of effect it will be.

Maybe it can really revive that pink goblin lady, maybe...

Chapter 220 Seven Cut Through "No Game No Life Zero" Kevin

Chapter 220 Seven

After finishing the troubles in the world of "Black Bullets", Su Ye returned to the world of Honkai.

Mebius and Otto did not follow.

The former intends to continue to study the gastrula and children of the curse in the world of "Black Bullet", and further delve into the mysteries of genes.

The latter is planning to use the Tokyo area as a base to deliver the alliance information to all countries in the world of "Black Bullet", and use his outrageous political skills to nibble away at all countries in the world bit by bit, making them Volunteer, or be voluntarily joined into a union.

Su Ye is not very good at these two things, and under normal circumstances there will be no gastroenteric organisms in stage five appear again, so he simply left first.

However, he didn't go back alone, and the one who returned to the collapsed world with him was the silent Son of Heaven.

"Are you willing to represent the interests of the Sons of the Damned and negotiate with the Alliance?"

Seeing this girl with a silent expression, Su Ye was still a little surprised by her.

Although the people in the Tokyo area have completely lost the opportunity to join the alliance, the children of the curse from the Tokyo area still have the option to join the alliance.

At the beginning, Su Ye planned to find a few sensible people from among those little ones, and pull them over to participate in the next negotiation meeting of leaders from another world.

But what he didn't expect was that the one who was finally elected by these little ones was Sheng Tianzi who was the leader of the Tokyo area.

Obviously, even the sons of the curse who have been brutally treated all this time are very clear that the Holy Son of Heaven treats them sincerely, so they voluntarily let the other party act as a representative to discuss matters related to the sons of the curse.

It can be seen that during his reign, Sheng Tianzi treated both the people in the Tokyo area and the son of the curse equally, and he can really be called a real saint.

Facing Su Ye's question, the Son of Heaven just nodded silently, obviously not having any doubts about this matter.

Then, she looked in surprise at the brand new world in front of her that had never existed in her memory.

"This is your world?"

Seeing the endless blue sky in front of him, the dense forest, and the St. Freya Academy standing on the artificial island in the distance, the expression of the Holy Son of Heaven changed slightly.

But Su Ye just nodded silently, and didn't show much.

After all, he is very clear that everything in front of him is just a fleeting falsehood.

If you can't fight against the Final Herrscher in a year or two, everything will be completely in vain.


After clarifying the situation, Su Ye walked towards the front of the forest while talking with the Holy Son of Heaven about the newly formulated trans-world management regulations.

But after a while, a fierce quarrel came from a distance.

"What kind of monster are you? Why did you bring us here!"

It was a young boy who was speaking. He had striking white hair, was dressed in coarse cloth and leather like in the Middle Ages, and his pale face was covered with various wounds, which made people feel shocking after seeing it.

Next to the boy is a girl who looks inconspicuous, but if you look closely, you will find that there are all kinds of strange parts on the girl's body. If you don't look carefully, you may even mistake it for a robot. Really a robot.

Rick and Huby.

The names of the two protagonists of "No Game No Life Zero" immediately appeared in Su Ye's mind.

"It seems that Kevin has completed the task."

As he said that, Su Ye saw Kevin with a silent and cold expression as expected, and he stood indifferently at the same place, ignoring Rick's complaints at all, completely indifferent.

At the same time, one of his hands firmly held Shubi's shoulder, as if he was guarding against the attacks and threats that this Machina might release at any time.


Under the threat of almost causing chaos on the scene, Rick and Xio calmed down a step ahead of themselves, obviously realizing that these beings did not take the initiative to kill themselves, which itself does not seem to represent hostility.

And Kevin also found Su Ye, and after heaving a sigh of relief, he said quickly:

"Bai Ye, come and explain to them."


Hearing Kevin's words, a picture of the other party holding the Skyfire Great Sword and directly entering the human settlement in "No Game No Life Zero" appeared in Su Ye's mind, and brought Rick and Shuby out one by one.

And after listening to Klein's further explanation next to him, he also found that this seemed to be true.

After Kevin arrived in the world of "No Game No Life Zero", he walked for a long time against the black and gray sky, but he didn't find any living things.

This made him realize that the efficiency was not fast enough, so he decisively began to actively release the coercion, exuding hostility to arouse the vigilance of other species.

In fact, he did sit down.

In just two days, he encountered three orc teams, one vampire team, two giants, one giant dragon, and a large group of Flügel...

After blowing everything up and being on the wanted lists of various races, Kevin's almost human-like appearance finally caught the attention of the human survivors.

The human leader, Rick, immediately took Shubi, an Ex-Machina who was willing to help him, sneaking attention.

But the sneakiness itself is an easy clue to follow.

In the end, Kevin chased Hubby and ran all the way. After abruptly exhausting the battery of the Ex-Machina, he successfully captured the target of the action and successfully returned to the original world.

"You are really..."

Hearing Kevin's magnificent experience, Su Ye opened his mouth slightly.

But at the same time, he also quickly understood what he was going to do, and he took the initiative to come before Rick and Hubie who were still a little vigilant.

"Interested in saving your fellow man?"


Hearing Su Ye's sudden words, Rick was slightly taken aback.

Su Ye stopped clicking and didn't say anything more.

In this regard, Rick, as a top smart person in the world of "No Game No Life Zero", quickly realized the meaning of Su Ye's words.

The two looked at each other, and tacitly completed the rest of the communication.

"Then, since everyone who should be called has already been called, let's get ready to start." Su Ye exhaled and called Walter and Teresa who were still working overtime: "Prepare a room, we I'm going to have something to say to these leaders from different worlds."

For this, Walter and Teresa were clearly prepared, and immediately realized the situation, and went to summon the representatives of the other world staying here.

Soon, in a temporary conference room, a negotiation from five worlds officially started.

Yes, in addition to the collapsed world represented by Su Ye himself, as well as the world of "Doomsday", the world of "Dark Bullet" and "No Game No Life Zero", a representative from the World of Battle has also been sent over, and that is the representative Kotori Wuhe, the leader of this organization in Ratatosk.

Chapter 220 Eighth Leaders' Talks Across the World

Chapter 220 Eight

In an empty conference room.

Su Ye raised his head, and slowly looked around at the leaders of different worlds present. Without wasting any time, he calmly said:

"First of all, I think everyone should understand what kind of organization the Daybreak Light Alliance is before coming here."

Hearing his words, Wuhe Kotori and Shengtianzi nodded, obviously already had a full understanding of this different world organization.

William and Swan looked a little confused, but managed to remain calm.

Only Rick and Hubie looked confused, and the former couldn't help but raised his hand and said:

"I don't know very well, after all, I don't even know where this is."


Feeling helpless again for Kevin's unreliability, Su Ye sighed, and said in detail to Rick from "No Game No Life Zero":

"First of all, this is not the world you are familiar with, but a world that is completely isolated from the world you were originally in. Many laws of your world are invalid here. Similarly, many laws of our world will also lose their effect in your world. .”

"Secondly, the Dawning Light Alliance is an alliance of doomsday confrontation organizations born in the world where I live. Originally, it was just an organization alliance that wanted to gather all the power of our own world to jointly fight against doomsday and natural disasters. However, due to the sudden opening of the world channel , we have to start exploring the world beyond our own civilization.”

"So, under my proposal, we think that the scope of this alliance should be expanded further, so that every world that is fighting against the doomsday can join us as much as possible, and people in every world can join us. No option."

"The Alliance Against Doom..."

When Rick heard Su Ye's words, his expression was slightly silent.

He was obviously confused by such a fantasy.

After all, in his world, the only alliance that exists is the war alliance established by other races to compete for the star cup, with the purpose of waging war against other races.

It never occurred to him that an alliance was formed not to wage war, but to save the world.

However, Rick is not completely unacceptable to this kind of thing, he is even very happy to see such an organization that can help his world emerge.

Of course, all of this still depends on the specific attitude of this so-called alliance, confirming that they are really willing to help a strange ethnic group...

On the other side, after confirming that Rick has no problem, Su Ye also continued:

"Everyone, after clarifying the concept and significance of the Daybreak Light Alliance, I think there is no need to say a lot. Since you can appear here now, there must be various troubles in your world, and even The apocalypse may come at any time, I think, instead of fighting alone and struggling in the apocalypse, it is better to join the alliance, let us unite the power of all civilizations, and fight against the disaster and the apocalypse together.”


Su Ye's words were very simple, yet very sincere.

At least, the expressions of many people at the scene have been shaken.

Of course, Wuhe Kotori seemed to have a different idea about this, and couldn't help but raised his hand and said:

"You said you want to fight disaster and doomsday together, but this is a problem unique to your world. There are no disasters in my world. The only elves that can threaten the world, we, Ratatosk, are completely There are ways of dealing with them that don't endanger the world."

Regarding Wuhe Qinli's speech, Su Ye nodded silently, as if agreeing with the other party's point of view.

But then he shook his head and said:

"While there may not seem to be apocalypse in your world, threats and disasters do exist."

"No, I said we can solve the elves' problem by ourselves..."

"It's not about the elves."

Facing Wuhe Qinli's re-emphasis, Su Ye shook his head very bluntly, and slowly said in the surprised expression of the other party: "The biggest problem in your world is not the simple elves, but the creation of many elves. The source - the original spirit."

"Original elves?"

Wuhe Qinli seemed to be hearing this word for the first time, and his expression suddenly fell into confusion.

And the other people at the scene didn't know the situation of the battle world, so they all listened in a daze like listening to a story.

On the other side, Su Ye was obviously ready to speak, and said calmly:

"Ms. Wuhe Kotori, how do you think the elves were born? What is the purpose of the existence of the elves? Did she create you simply because she found it interesting?"

"What... how do you know?"

Su Ye's words made Wuhe Qinli's expression suddenly out of control.

After all, the other party's words can be said to directly point out her identity, pointing out the fact that she is an elf.

And Su Ye didn't pay too much attention to this, and continued:

"Don't worry, this is just a little preliminary investigation. In fact, Miss Wuhe Kotori, your power has disappeared, hasn't it? Otherwise, that existence would not have allowed you to cross the world passage so easily to come To this place where the laws of your world have utterly failed."


The amount of information contained in Su Ye's words was huge, and Wuhe Qinli just thought about it casually, and felt an unprecedented chill shrouding himself.

After all, if what Su Ye said is true, then all her actions are actually monitored by a terrifying existence.

It is precisely because of the other party's permission that she loses her elf power, can join Ratatosk, and can even communicate with these people from other worlds normally...

And what if that existence does not allow her behavior?


All of a sudden, when Wuhe Qinli's heart was about to lose control, Su Ye's words sounded again:

"As an elf, Miss Wuhe Kotori, you should be very clear about how powerful the existence that can create you is. And his purpose, even if it is just a simple purpose, will affect your entire civilization, and even to cause a great shock to all elves."

"Now, do you think joining the alliance is beneficial or detrimental to you?"


Su Ye's words made Wuhe Qinli speechless.

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