"Hold... sorry."

Unexpectedly, she seemed to have done something bad, Su Ye quickly apologized.

And Lei Dian really seemed to find his attitude very interesting, after pondering for a moment, he said:

"That's it, then, in order to compensate me, you can help me complete a task."


Unexpectedly, a dead person would ask him to complete a task, Su Ye hesitated for a moment, and nodded considering that the dead were the most important.

Then, the purple phantom suddenly showed a very expectant expression, and sent a seed to Su Ye's hand.

"This is?"

"This is the seed of the Inazuma Sakura tree. Originally, it should be planted by Ying now and grow thousands of years ago, but now she obviously can't do it, so this task is entrusted to you Finish it."


Now Su Ye was completely stunned. He was stunned for a long time before slowly opening his mouth and saying:

"You want me to plant it now?"

"No, I want you to plant it in the rice wife thousands of years ago."

"Wait, what does this mean?!"

Facing Su Ye's confusion, Lei Dianzhen smiled and said:

"Hehe, you will understand soon. Because of us, we will meet again soon."

"Nice to meet you, Ye."

Unable to understand Lei Dian's true words, Su Ye wanted to ask further.

But the girl in the phantom seemed to be very interested in all this, and ignored his wishes at all, directly turning into countless cherry blossoms and gradually drifting away.

In the next moment, everything in front of Su Ye's eyes suddenly began to change rapidly, and the originally prosperous Daozuma City began to change towards a simple and desolate direction at an extremely fast speed.

The sun and the moon began to twist at an almost unimaginable speed along the diametrically opposite trajectory of rising in the east and setting in the west!

In this world where everything started to flow backwards, only Su Ye stood there dumbstruck, like a carp on a long river of time, and began to rush upstream at an extremely fast speed!


I don't know how long it took, when Su Ye came back to his senses, he found himself in a dilapidated village.

The village seems to have just experienced a disaster, there are hardly any survivors inside, only some monsters exuding disgusting smells are constantly wandering.

Facing this scene, Su Ye wanted to turn around and leave, but suddenly heard a slight breathing sound.

Turning his head, he was surprised to find that in a dilapidated hut, two young girls were clinging to each other and hiding in the corner of the house, looking at Su Ye in horror.

The two girls looked less than eleven or twelve years old, with almost identical faces and purple hair.

They seemed to be the only survivors in this village, and now they looked at Su Ye who suddenly broke into the village with fearful eyes, as if they were looking at a terrifying demon who was about to kill their sisters!

Chapter 230 Are They the Future Rice Wife Thor? !

Chapter 230 Four

at dusk.

In a ruined village in the wilderness.

Su Ye stood on the road of the village in a daze, and didn't recover for a while.

And gradually, recalling everything that happened just now, and the seed in his bosom, his expression gradually became enlightened.

"So I'm traveling back to the past again?"

Looking at the desolate and remote village, Su Ye couldn't combine this place with the prosperous Daozuma City in the future.

But considering that when time went back and the world reversed just now, his position did not change at all, which means that this place may really be Inazuma Castle, but it was the Inazuma Castle a long, long time ago.

"This is really... what the hell is that guy trying to do?"

Different from the last time travel required by the system, this time his time travel was purely forced back to the past by the real soul of Lei Dian sealed in Meng Yi's heart.

He didn't even know what year and what time it was here.

Of course, considering what Thunder and Lightning said before he really traveled back, I am afraid that what I returned to was the rice wife thousands of years ago. The entire Tivat continent does not yet have the Seventh World Ruler, and it is in the period of the war between demons and gods.

Under such circumstances, the only way for Su Ye, who does not grasp the original power of the Tivat world, to return to the modern age may be to live slowly day by day, until thousands of years later, he will connect with the original timeline... ...

"This is really..."

Sighing, Su Ye, who probably understood the situation, felt helpless.

After all, even if he knows that the time of the main mission will not be connected with the original world, no matter how long he stays here, it will not affect the cause of the collapsed world's fight against the Herrscher of the End. However, the thought of living in such a strange place for thousands of years made Su Ye's scalp tingle.

Because, the time of thousands of years, no matter who is placed on it, is really too heavy.

"No, I can't just live like this for thousands of years! If that's the case, when I return to the Honkai world, I'm afraid my whole body will be so numb that I can't get any more numb, and maybe I won't even have the idea of ​​fighting Honkai!"

"I have to find a way to complete the tasks issued by the system in this time and space, end this main task, and return to the original world!"

After making up his mind, Su Ye immediately began to think.

First of all, there are two tasks issued by the system.

One is to become Liyue Demon God, and the other is to explore the truth of Kerriya.

First of all, becoming Liyue Demon God is easy to solve.

Although Su Ye has vaguely confirmed that he is no longer in the Tivat Continent in the original time and space, but no matter which time and space is in the Tivat Continent, Liyue Demon God's position still exists.

The concept of becoming a Liyue Demon God is not just Liyue in the original time and space, Liyue in the past time and space became a Demon God, there is nothing wrong with thinking about it.

Uh, the only problem is that you may run into a certain Yan Lord who is passing by, and if there is a fight at that time, the scene may not be very good...

Su Ye is not sure whether his current level of power is the opponent of the Rock King.

However, it is conceivable that he said that he wants to become the Liyue Demon God, but he does not necessarily have to confront that Emperor Yan Wang. He can definitely consider cooperating, or in other ways, to always maintain peace with the Emperor Yan manner.

So the first task is easy to solve.

The second task, on the other hand, is really difficult to solve.

After all, Su Ye has no idea about the specific birth time of Kanria, and it seems that it has never been mentioned in Yuanshen's game settings.

If Su Ye wants to find out the truth about Kanria, he must at least witness the birth of Kanria.

That is to say, he will live at least until the day of Kerriya's birth.

Although it is still a very outrageous thing, at least it is much better than living in the original timeline, in a state where I don't want to accept it, but I can only accept it.


After thinking about this, Su Ye couldn't help but sigh.

He never expected that such a troublesome matter would be involved in a battle with General Thunderbolt.

This made him even more emotional, fate is really unpredictable, no matter how strong you are, it may suddenly appear and slap you in the face.

"In short, don't worry about becoming the Liyue Demon God. I still have at least a thousand years to waste, so I can slowly prepare... Haha, no matter what, at least I don't lack time or anything right now. It’s a good thing to spend as much as you want?”

Speaking some self-comforting words, Su Ye finally raised his head and began to observe the surrounding environment.

Right now, he is in a dilapidated village.

The village seems to have been attacked by some monsters, and there is no human habitation at all.

On his right hand side, there is a narrow house that is not very wide.

The house is very empty, almost without any furniture, with a few wooden boards on the floor, the environment looks very grim.

Faced with this situation, Su Ye seemed to inadvertently cast his gaze towards the gap in the house, and naturally observed two petite figures inside.

Because of the twilight, it is impossible to have street lights in the ancient and remote villages, so he couldn't see the specific situation clearly, he could barely see that it was two young girls who were curled up in a corner and hugged each other.

And because the two girls lowered their heads, he couldn't see the faces of the two girls clearly.

However, based on the current situation, he quickly made a guess.

——This is a relatively remote village, which has been attacked by some monsters. These two girls should be the only survivors in the village.

Of course, even if they were survivors, the life of these two girls could not have been very good, otherwise they would not have been able to live in such a dilapidated house.

Through the movements of the two of them, Su Ye was sure that the two girls had clearly found him right now, and maybe because they were afraid that he was a villain, the bigger figure was pressing the smaller figure desperately with one hand, and the other hand Then he covered his mouth, lowered his head and tried hard not to see what happened here, and not to reveal any movement.

It can be seen from this that the older girl has a more flexible mind and will make the most correct response when encountering things.

After all, if a stranger suddenly appeared in such a wild place, the probability of being a villain is far greater than the probability of being a good person.

If the two sisters hide, at least they can still work hard to survive, but if they fall into the hands of a villain, one can imagine what will happen...

This is the most reasonable strategy they can adopt.

After confirming this, Su Ye sighed helplessly.

The two little girls who seem to have lost their homes, if they are left alone, someone may pass by here later, or someone familiar may take them away and send them to a safe place.

However, the probability of such a result is not high, it is more likely to be eaten by those wandering monsters, or captured by passing villains, and fall into a miserable end.

Therefore, what Su Ye has to do is very clear...

"Oh, children, children are the ones I'm worst at dealing with, and there are only two of them. Is this killing me?"

Thinking of myself as a big man and going to take two little ones to act in the future, that scene is really sour.

So, Su Ye quickly made up his mind.

Take these two little ones away first, and send them to a large town that may exist nearby, or some other safe place.

After that, I will leave completely, cut off contact, and complete what I should complete.


Quickly put an end to the increasingly divergent thoughts, Su Ye gently raised his hand, and opened the door of the dilapidated room.


In the humble room, the sound was so quiet that even a needle dropped on the ground could be clearly heard.

Su Ye pretended not to see the two girls who were hiding in the corner, scared out of their wits, and sat directly on a piece of furniture that looked like a table in the middle.

Looking at the almost dilapidated room without even a bed and a chair, Su Ye probably realized what kind of life these two sisters usually lead.

After sighing inwardly, he felt that he should do something, at least he couldn't pull out the two little ones so recklessly, it would easily trigger a stress reaction.

There is nothing wrong with Su Ye himself, but it would be bad if he hurt these two poor little girls.

So, recalling her childhood experience of feeding pets, Su Ye knocked on the table, made up her mind, got up decisively and walked out of the room.


Seeing the tightly closed door and the figure disappearing from sight, the two sisters who were hiding in the corner immediately released their tension and breathed a sigh of relief.

In the room, the younger sister stared blankly at Su Ye's leaving figure, and said in a slightly relaxed way:

"Sister Zhen, that guy has already left, can we go out?"

"No, he hasn't gone very far yet, we'll have to wait a little longer."

As an older sister, the girl's thinking was extremely clear, and she was not flustered at all by the sudden setback, she calmly analyzed it.

But my younger sister's expression changed slightly. After hesitating for a while, there was a gurgling sound in her stomach...

"Sister, I...I'm so hungry..."


Hearing my sister's words, my sister's expression suddenly became confused.

No matter how clever she is, it is impossible to find something to fill the other party's stomach at this time.

After all, the two sisters were already helpless, and needed other families in the village to take turns to help them, so that they could barely maintain their lives.

The monster that attacked suddenly before destroyed the entire village, and the residents died and escaped. Only the two sisters were lucky and hid in the cave, which escaped the catastrophe.

In this case, where would she go to find food for her sister?

Other people in the village may have food at home, but if you go there rashly at this time, you will easily encounter monsters who have not left.

Although there may be food in the wild, she hasn't gone to a complete school yet, and she can't tell what can be eaten and what can't. With their fragile bodies, hunting and the like can't be done.

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