Seeing Su Ye nodding, a little plea appeared on Miss Miko's face under the mask, and she said with sincere words:

"Your Excellency Su Ye, I can see that you have great power. You are a natural born Great Onmyoji or Immortal. Now that Daozuma is in crisis, can you please help us to help Narugami Taisha to put down those foreign demon belts?" To prevent the Demon God War from happening?"


Su Ye didn't answer Miss Miko's request immediately, wondering if she should help her.

One reason is that he still doesn't know Dao's wife's situation, and if he blindly stands in line, he may go the wrong way, leading to a huge change in history.

Although the time reversal power used by Lei Dianzhen this time, the system did not indicate the concept of causal value, but he still did not dare to have too much influence on the past.

After all, if he causes too many distortions, so that even Kerriya no longer exists in the future, then he may never be able to complete the main mission and leave the world of Teyvat.

And the second point is that Su Ye is still hesitating about whether there is any limit to becoming the Demon God of Liyue—whether the system's mission is for him to become the Demon God of Liyue, or only to become the Demon God of Liyue.

If he made a move in Daozuma, due to the influence of his belief, he directly became the Demon God of Daozuma's native land, then if he couldn't become the Liyue Demon God, he would have nowhere to cry.

In short, it was precisely because of these two points that Su Ye did not directly agree.

Miss Miko also seemed to know that Su Ye would not agree easily, so she spoke slightly:

"In short, if you are willing to agree, you can come to Narugami Shrine at the top of Narukami Mountain at any time. Master Gongsi welcomes a strong person like you at any time."

After speaking, Miss Miko seemed to be in a hurry to go back to report the task, so she turned and left on the spot.

Regarding this, Su Ye was slightly taken aback, and then realized that he had forgotten an important thing - that is, he forgot to entrust the two little girls to Miss Witch just now.

After all, he is a big man who doesn't know how to take care of a little girl at all. Instead of letting him bring two oil bottles, he might as well just throw them to the shrine for adoption.

If you want to come to Naruto Shrine, you will definitely not mind adopting a little human girl.

"Forget it, anyway, there is still a chance in the future, if it doesn't work, just take the two of them to Narugami Shrine."

With this in mind, Su Ye walked towards the campfire.

But when he returned to the campfire, he didn't see the familiar figures of the two sisters, only the blazing flames kept touching his spirit.

"This is really..."

Although it was expected, Su Ye still felt extremely helpless when he found out that the two little girls had escaped.

This made him wish he had applied for a teacher major.

In that case, maybe he won't be so powerless in the face of wayward children.


Time goes back to before.

When he found that Su Ye was leaving with the witch who suddenly appeared, Lei Dianzhen's immediate reaction was that the opportunity had come!

Boom, boom, boom...

While controlling her ever-increasing heartbeat, she stared wide-eyed, never expecting to have the hope of escaping from here so soon.

Although the sky is still dark and it is still very early before dawn, as long as they can leave here, the two sisters don't have to worry about the threat from that man anymore!

With this thought in mind, Lei Dianzhen grabbed his younger sister's hand and quickly woke up the other party who was in a daze after staying up too late!

"Shadow, idiot, wake up!"

"elder sister?"

Hearing the real Hu Hu Huan, with a confused face, Lei Yingying raised his head dully as if he had just had a sweet dream.

And Raiden really pulled the opponent up without hesitation, and said loudly:

"Ying, let's go, let's run away now!"

"Escape? But Brother Su Ye hasn't come back yet, should we say hello to him?"


Who wants to greet the kidnappers when the hostage escapes?!

He was about to be stunned by his idiot sister, Lei Dian really couldn't understand how his sister could be so stupid for a child born from the same twin!

For this reason, regardless of Ying's bewilderment, she forcibly pulled him up, and led him from the warm campfire into the dark wilderness.

All of a sudden, there seemed to be some kind of great fear in the quiet wilderness, and the heartbeats of the two sisters suddenly stopped for this!

"Don't...don't be afraid!" Lei Dian really insisted on courage, not to be overwhelmed by the mere night: "Shadow, I...I will protect you!"

Hearing what Lei Dian really tried to say, she was still a little hesitant at first, but the shadow who kept turning her head to look at the campfire gradually stopped talking, and she habitually left everything to her sister to think about.

Thus, the two began to march towards the dark wildness.

First step, then second step, third step...

The two sisters walked cautiously in the silent wilderness.

Walking through the path and wading across the river, the two of them walked out of the surrounding area of ​​the village without knowing it, and came to a completely strange place.

That is no longer the village that the two sisters are familiar with, but a wilderness that humans have never set foot on!

Dark, silent, eerie, scary...

All of a sudden, even Lei Dian was completely lost in this strange environment.

At this moment, she has no hope in her heart, no joy of the rest of her life!

Yes, just the confusion of the endless distance, the fear of the unknown future!

"How about, let's go back and find Brother Su Ye."

Seemingly seeing that Lei Dian really regretted it, sister Ying couldn't help but express her thoughts.

Zhen instinctively wanted to nod, but quickly shook his head.

"That guy is too dangerous, no one knows what his purpose is! We have to leave quickly, yes, leave quickly, or he will find him!"

All of a sudden, as if he had found a temporary purpose, Lei Dianzhen finally broke away from the confusion and fear, and ran forward with his sister at high speed.

The scenery in front of him also began to change rapidly.

Dark forests, deep caves, many phantoms that cannot be seen...

The increasingly weird environment and the dark night made the two sisters' sense of fear not only not diminished, but increased!

Every step forward, what I feel is not joy, but constant fear, helplessness, anxiety...

Lei Dian really couldn't help but miss the bonfire just now, the delicately flavored roast pheasant, and the man named Ye who looked dangerous but actually didn't hurt them.

Chapter 230 Seven Right... Sorry, I was wrong, Ye!

Chapter 230 Seven

On a field path in the dark.

Various images appeared in his mind, Lei Dianzhen's expression suddenly became extremely stiff.

She found herself inexplicably beginning to miss everything just now.

Compared to facing the darkness alone after leaving the bonfire, from the man named Ye, she felt a sense of security that was far more reassuring than this night.

If I hadn't forced my sister to leave...

Do not!

Can't think like that!

Lei Dian really quickly eliminated the bad thoughts in his mind!

A strange man stays with two little girls, no matter how you think about it, nothing good will happen!

If you continue to stay there, God knows what will happen?!

In this way, Lei Dian, who had made up his mind, no longer hesitated. Even though he felt all kinds of dangers hidden in the dark night, he still forcibly summoned up his courage and led his sister to an unknown road.

In any case, as the one who proposed the escape, she could not show cowardice after all.

Compared to Lei Dianzhen, who was forcibly stiffening up, Lei Movie has flinched at some point, lowering his head and not daring to look at anything.

There was a stark contrast between the bonfire just now and the darkness in front of her eyes, which made her miss the warmth just now even more.

She even had the idea of ​​wanting to go back to Su Ye.

However, compared to Su Ye who just met, Ying obviously trusts her sister Zhen more.

So, even though the intense fear made her tremble and chill all over, her thin figure still followed her sister in front of her closely, running forward non-stop.

"Ha ha"

The two girls ran like this for an unknown how long, the environment in front of them was getting darker and deeper, and it was completely beyond the comprehension of the two little guys.

From the shadows in all directions, there were even roars from time to time, exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

In this situation, Leiden, who was still stubborn, finally realized the problem.

She began to realize that walking alone in the wilderness at night with her sister was too stupid a thing.

At the very least, Su Ye, a human being, would take a fancy to their bodies and would not do anything unnecessary.

And the beasts in the wilderness will eat them to the bone!

"Sister...Sister..." Lei Movie seemed to feel Lei Dian's hesitation and regret at this moment, and said cautiously: "Let's go back... Go back to Su Ye Brother, are you okay?"

"go back?"

Hearing this word from Lei Yingying's mouth, Lei Dianzhen had mixed feelings for a moment.

It was her decision to flee there with her younger sister, and it would definitely make that Su Ye very angry.

Now if he returns with his younger sister, the ghost knows what kind of abuse he will face.

Therefore, she still has not made the decision to return.

Of course, even if he didn't decide to go back, Lei Dianzhen also realized that it was very dangerous for the two little girls to continue wandering in the wilderness like this.

So, she gave up and continued wandering around, and decided to find a safe place first, and then light a bonfire just like Su Ye did just now.

She had read the knowledge of starting a fire out of thin air in the book, and believed that even if she did not bring flint when she escaped, she could still start a fire!

Soon, Lei Dianzhen brought Lei Movie to a small stream in a forest.

The two sisters first washed their dirty hands and feet with stream water, then immediately packed up the firewood and decided to try to light a fire.

However, Lei Dianzhen is purely rich in theoretical knowledge, and his practical experience is actually quite fragmented, just like many homeboys on the Internet have rich theoretical knowledge of sex, but their practical experience is fragmented.

She soon discovered that there was no way to light the bonfire according to the knowledge in the book.

No matter what she tried, the firewood couldn't be drilled to light it.

"how so......"

All of a sudden, Lei Dian really realized the powerlessness of books.

No matter how much knowledge you have read and how rich theories you understand, if you don't have the practical ability to display it, and you haven't experienced the corresponding experience, you can't play any role.

But when Lei Dian was completely desperate, Lei Xing was looking at the dry firewood, and a gleam of light slowly flashed in his eyes...

"Sister, let me try."


"Well, I feel as if I could set them on fire."

As he said that, regardless of Lei Dian's confusion, Lei Xingying just walked to the front of the placed firewood step by step.


The girl took a deep breath while silently staring at the bonfire in front of her.

The next moment, with her waving her right hand——


A purple pattern suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and Lei Movie actually raised his hand and struck out a thunderbolt. Through the collision between the lightning and the wood, a flame was created!


Seeing this scene, Lei Dian's eyes really widened!

She never imagined that the idiot younger sister who had always been clumsy and had to rely on her own help to survive had such a miraculous ability.

She had only seen the skill of summoning lightning by waving her hand in the rice maiden who passed by.

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