"I have something to talk to this gentleman, everyone go out first."


Hearing Su Ye's words, everyone in the fishing village did not dare to neglect, and immediately left the room, leaving everything to Su Ye and the blue-haired girl beside Zhongli.

"Ahem, do you need to introduce yourself?" Su Ye asked tentatively.

Zhong Li said calmly:

"No problem, I'm Zhongli from Liyue Port, just a demon god."


Confused by Zhongli's words, Su Ye sighed and replied:

"I am the Demon God who guards this small fishing village, Su Ye, I have heard Mr. Zhongli's name for a long time."

"Oh? You know my name?"

Zhong Li raised his head slightly, a little surprised, after all, his name is usually Morakes, which is enough to shock Li Yue.

But Su Ye just shook his head slightly and said, "I just heard about it by chance."

"I see." Zhong Li nodded without doubting it.

"Why did Mr. Zhongli come to my place?"

As Su Ye said, he glanced at the blue-haired little girl beside him, and quickly recognized that she was Gan Yu, the future secretary of Liyue.

However, Gan Yuming is still a little girl right now, not only did not realize Su Ye's gaze, but was staring at the fishing rod in his hand with wide eyes, as if wondering what it was.

For this reason, Su Ye quietly handed over the fishing rod, and quickly gained the little girl's favor.

Well, there is nothing wrong with this wave of goodwill! Whether you will be beaten in the future depends on whether you have enough goodwill!

All of a sudden, when Su Ye was thinking about messy things, Zhong Li obviously didn't notice his mental activities.

The creator of Liyue Port was looking at this small fishing village quite seriously, and said with a slight nod:

"I came here mainly to find out what the rumored Thunder Saber Demon God is and what his attitude is towards the people of Liyue. After all, this is related to the future expansion of Liyue Port."

"Then how do you understand it?"

In response to Su Ye's question, Zhong Li's eyes that had never wavered showed a slight smile, and replied:

"Very satisfied, at least I have realized that the Thunder Saber Demon God, who is rumored to kill Demon God without blinking an eye, has no malicious intentions, and is even willing to play with the children."


Regarding Zhongli's evaluation, Su Ye was a bit subtle.

But no matter what, as long as the opponent has no intention of attacking, and he is allowed to settle in the corner of Liyue, he will be very satisfied.

And Zhong Li seemed to have seen his thoughts, so he said slowly:

"Although I recognize your existence, Your Excellency Su Ye, this fishing village still has a certain influence on the future development of Liyue Port, and I cannot make a decision easily."

"What do you think I should do?"


Unexpectedly, the other party would say such targeted words, Su Ye was slightly taken aback, and immediately realized what the other party meant!

If you want to be stable, you need to add money!

"what do you want?"

Hearing Su Ye's upright words, the corners of Zhongli's mouth curled up slightly, and he said with a calm expression:

"Your help."

"Exchange your right to live with one of your help."

Chapter 240 Second Zhongli's Cooperation Request

Chapter 240 Two

Help? Su Ye recited the word silently, feeling a little stiff for a moment.

When he came to Liyue before, what he was most afraid of was being approached by some great demon gods and dragged into the chaotic war of demon gods with an almost tough attitude.

After all, not to mention the causal impact of such a large-scale action, Su Ye himself is not completely sure to fight against other great demon gods, especially multiple great demon gods.

Individual strength is often weak in group wars. Su Ye, who once established an alliance in the collapsed world to fight against the coming of the end, knows this well.

Therefore, after coming to Liyue, Su Ye has been unwilling to approach the center of Liyue, and dare not have contact with other demon gods in Liyue.

What he is afraid of is that he will be involved in this chaotic and disorderly war of demon gods, and he may become a cannon fodder in the war of demon gods if he is not careful.

In such a vast and terrifying war involving countless demon gods throughout Liyue, this is very likely to happen.

Even if Su Ye possesses the full power of Thunder God and possesses certain imaginary powers, he is often powerless to resist.

Therefore, Su Ye instinctively rejected Zhongli's request.

Of course, all of this still needs to be heard about Zhongli's request in detail, and to understand how far the other party's so-called help is going...Su Ye looked at Zhongli in front of him and Gan Yu who was fiddling with the fishing rod, the corner of his mouth slightly Upturn said:

"I have to know exactly what kind of help you need from me before I can consider whether to agree."

"I can't play with the lives of myself and my people."

Hearing Su Ye's words, Zhong Li, who was wearing a gray-white cloak, nodded slightly, approving his words.

"I understand your concerns." Zhongli considered for a moment, then continued: "So, I can tell you the specific requirements right now."

Here we come... Su Ye's face slowly showed a little seriousness, and even the air in the room was a little stagnant because of it.

"Just a few days ago, the third Demon God War broke out. Dozens of Demon Gods and Great Demon Gods were involved in this battle, which triggered a huge change in Liyue, and also led to a change in the power structure, and it was completely fixed. Before the war happened, , My immortal generals and I moved from Guiliyuan to Liyue Port, and encountered a secret attack by the Whirlpool Demon God who wanted to drown Liyue Port." Zhong Li calmly described the situation while taking a sip of the fish soup. with.

Seeing the appearance of the old god on the other side, Su Ye almost guessed the subsequent development.

The facts were as he expected, Zhongli quickly added:

"The Whirlpool Demon God thought that I hurriedly moved Liyue this time to use it as a rear base camp, and thought that I was stuck in the third Demon God War and could not move, so he took the opportunity to attack Liyue Port. But in fact, this It's a layout between me and my immortals."

"We have made a plan from the very beginning. We deliberately gave the Swirl Demon God a chance to attack Liyue, so that the Swirl Demon God thought that the attack on Liyue Port was an opportunity to inflict serious damage on my camp without me being present. .But in fact, this is also my chance to wipe out this great demon god who stirs up troubles in the sea and causes disasters from time to time.”

"The final result is obvious. I hid in the dark, took advantage of the whirlpool demon god's attention, and sealed it with one move, ending the battle."

"The structure of Liyue has thus entered a new stage."


Hearing Zhongli's words, Su Ye nodded slightly, understanding the opponent's tactical choice.

But what he didn't understand was why the other party wanted to talk about this with him, and he and the rock king were not in the same camp?

"Since you have eliminated the Whirlpool Demon God and laid the foundation of Liyue Port, why do you still seek my help?" After thinking for a moment, Su Ye finally asked his own question.

Zhongli's pale golden eyes remained calm from beginning to end, and he replied in a steady and thick voice:

"Because the Vortex Demon God is not my ultimate goal."

"The successful establishment of Liyue Port will attract the attention of the entire Liyue demon gods."

"Next comes the real battle."

It means that there will be a fourth Demon God War, and it will be in Liyue Port...Su Ye immediately understood everything after hearing Zhongli's description.

Liyue has a vast land and resources, and there are only a few suitable environments for living.

Gui Liyuan has gone through the third Demon God War and has almost completely turned into a mess, so it must be difficult for Liyue Port to have any good results.

After all, the war between demon gods is a war of territories, not to mention the demon gods on the order side, the demon gods on the chaotic side often don't care about the people, and are very willing to attack the hostile demon gods by destroying the enemy's territory.

However, the current Liyue structure has not yet been fully established. Except for the Liyue Port faction represented by Emperor Yanwang, most of the other Demon God factions still have the desire to fight. There is no reason not to check and balance them to prevent the balance from being broken... ...Su Ye frowned slightly.

Unless there really is an extremely terrifying Great Demon God that scares the other Great Demon Gods out of their minds, otherwise, there is no reason for so many Demon Gods to join forces to deal with one faction!

Seeing Su Ye's reaction, Zhongli realized what he was thinking and explained calmly:

"As you can imagine, I made a lot of noise when I took the initiative to deal with the Whirlpool Demon God. The other Great Demon Gods are now vaguely aware that I am not on the same level as them, and are aware of the threat that exists on me."

"So, almost all the demon gods in Liyue are gradually starting to unite, planning to attack Liyue Port together, and even want to directly destroy Liyue Port to achieve the goal of hitting me."

"Because of the third war of demon gods, Guili was originally the main battlefield. My immortals suffered a lot in that war. If they are really targeted by the great demon gods, it is bound to usher in an even bigger attack. At that time, no one knows how much sacrifice will be ushered in."

So that's why I want to ask for my help... This is to avoid Liyue Port from facing greater losses in the next battle...Su Ye thoughtfully nodded and said:

"So you came to me to check the situation, in fact, you came here specifically to find me?"

"You are not at all for the follow-up development of Liyue Port, but simply want to seek my help?"

Hearing Su Ye's words that directly lifted the excuse just now, Zhong Li did not show any embarrassment, and replied calmly:

"That's it. When I heard that there was a Thunder Saber Demon God by the sea, I already wanted to come here to meet you, and wanted to know whether you are a Demon God from the order side. Of course, I already had certain thoughts before coming here. Bias, after all, the demon gods on the side of chaos will not take such painstaking efforts to protect a small fishing village, which is not particularly beneficial to most demon gods."

Sure enough, the purpose is clear, but it's really thanks to you that you think highly of me...Seeing that Zhongli's attitude has not changed, Su Ye no longer restrains himself, and opens the skylight to speak bluntly:

"Okay, I guess I get what you mean. Well, what kind of help do you need?"

"According to the possible chaos in the Fourth Demon God War, do you want me to help you guard Liyue Port?"

Su Ye is very confident in his own strength, but this is a one-on-one frontal battlefield, if he is asked to perform security work, this strength may be discounted, at least it is hard to say how useful it will be.

Unless the power of imaginary numbers is directly used, the situation in this world is still unknown, and it is still unclear whether the power of imaginary numbers can produce effects...

So, if possible, Su Ye doesn't want to directly participate in frontal battles, at least he can't participate in this kind of defense battle where you can't fight back after being beaten.

After all, he doesn't want Emperor Yan to have the best invincible shield in the world, and lightning itself is not suitable as a shield material...Similar thoughts flashed in Su Ye's mind from time to time.

However, Zhongli's words quickly dispelled his thoughts, and the rock king said calmly:

"It's not about guarding Liyue Port. There are dedicated people who will do this."

"I need you to help me, or to say, to help the immortals under me, to surround and kill a real great demon god!"

Su Ye was completely surprised, and said in disbelief:

"Siege the Great Demon God? But aren't the other Demon Gods joining together to attack Liyue Port?"

Could it be that there is any great demon god who is not clear-headed and intends to act alone at this time?

"As you think." After taking a sip of the fish soup with a calm expression, Zhong Li, who was sitting in his seat, had already guessed what Su Ye was thinking, and said frankly: "Most of the great demon gods are very firm in their will, and With an arrogance rooted in the bottom of my heart, no matter how bad the form is, I will not be with other demon gods."

"So, this time their attack on Liyue Port will often not be a concerted effort, but will be carried out in batches, and there may even be internal strife and a state of self-chaos. Considering that once the Demon God War starts, it will not end easily. , we have ample opportunity to ambush a great demon god."

Hearing Zhongli's words, Su Ye nodded and said "Yes":

"But why do you think I can help? That's killing a great demon god? Could it be that you just let me be an assistant?"

Su Ye didn't think Zhong Li would see through his strength so quickly...

Even if he knew something, he should look far from a great demon god.

After all, how could there be a great demon god staying in such a dilapidated small fishing village, and every day besides practicing, he was fishing...Su Ye laughed at himself in his heart.

"I can see that there is something special about you." Zhongli looked at him quietly with pale golden eyes, and said in a very firm tone: "And when the battle strength explodes at that time, you really only need to be an assistant, no Need to be the main force.”

"Haha." Su Ye didn't care about Zhong Li's unabashed words of belittling him, and nodded after laughing dryly.

Zhong Li went further and said:

"Your ability is thunder and lightning, which is a rare ability in Liyue Port. We don't have demon gods and immortals who can manipulate the element of thunder."

"So that's how it is." Knowing what Zhongli came to look for, Su Ye nodded slightly: "In that case, there shouldn't be a problem. I can help as an assistant, but it won't be of much use. After all, I'm just an ordinary person. An ordinary fishing village demon god can't hold up any big scenes."

"It's enough." Zhong Li took a deep look at Su Ye, as if he didn't want to expose the salted fish demon god who served vegetables, and nodded calmly, "Among the known enemies so far, the Yasha demon god, the emerald demon god, and the layered rock demon god are all They are objects that may be targeted, and we will deliberately arrange some bait to guide them to show up."


"That's right." Zhong Li said calmly: "Liyue Port is the first bait, I am the second bait, and the rest of the immortals are helpers to help you destroy the enemy. I can't guarantee that after this battle is over, Liyue Port and I can still exist, but as long as we win, you and your small fishing village will never be disturbed."

The conditions are quite good...Su Ye nodded secretly in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be a little stiff and said:

"If I want to help you deal with the hostile Great Demon God, what about my small fishing village? I don't have any men who can help me guard this place."

"I can send a team of Qianyan Army to help you guard, and even in the process, let an immortal come here as a guard."


Su Ye was really startled all of a sudden.

This Rock Lord is actually willing to let the immortals help guard his small fishing village in order to ask him to help.

Is this because the other party believes that his value is higher than that of a fairy?

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