
Su Ye, who was completely bewildered by Lei Movie, stood still, staring at him with a pair of clear big eyes, whether he was undressed or not.

The two of them were so embarrassed.

"What? Brother Su Ye, don't you know how to undress by yourself?"

"What the hell?"

"I can already undress by myself without relying on my sister's help. I did it two months ago!"

"Why do you look so proud? Do you still want me to praise you?"

"Yeah, I want to hear Brother Su Ye praise me!"


Su Ye was a little confused by Lei Movie's anticipation.

But then he found that the girl's mood was a bit wrong. Compared with usual, the other party seemed to be more excited now, as if she was covering up something.

Chapter 250: Lei Movie: I want to grow up quickly, and then get married to Brother Su Ye!

Chapter 250 Six

"Shadow...are you uneasy?"


Hearing Su Ye's sudden words, Lei Movie, who was still smiling, froze for a moment, and then his expression became a little stiff.

Seeing her like this, Su Ye immediately realized that his guess was correct.

It is true that Lei Movie has a strong sense of uneasiness about the current status quo for some reason.

But this is very strange, Dao Wife's demon god has been almost wiped out by him, and it's Chinese New Year, everyone is so happy, it makes no sense for Lei Ying to feel uneasy all of a sudden.

Su Ye looked at the girl in front of him in confusion, eager to get the answer from the other's expression, but after all, he is not a detective and does not have such a strong ability to recognize expressions, so he could only say helplessly:

"Shadow, are you in any trouble?"

"No...no oh."

For Su Ye's question, Lei Movie responded immediately.

Judging from her expression, she did not appear to be in any trouble.

So Su Ye had no choice but to give up asking, and walked out of the room step by step, turning around and saying:

"Is there anything you want, or a place you want to go? If you have anything you want, just tell me, as long as I can do it, I will help."


Hearing Su Ye's words, Lei Movie's expression suddenly brightened.

She obviously wanted to ask Su Ye for something, but she didn't know how to say it. Now that she heard the other person's words, she finally got what she wanted, showing an expectant expression.

Seeing her excited appearance, Su Ye didn't pay much attention to it, just calmly looked at the smile on the girl's face, and subconsciously stroked her head.

Su Ye's sudden behavior surprised Lei Yingying, but she didn't show any objection, she just narrowed her eyes and let him fiddle with it, as if the two of them had returned to the past, to the dilapidated village a few years ago …

"At a time like this, I should call my sister over."

"Huh? Call your sister? Why?"

Su Ye originally thought that Lei Yingying wanted to ask him for something, that's why he showed such an appearance.

But judging from the other party's words, the girl's idea may be a little different from his idea.

In fact, it was true, Lei Xinghua made an unexpected move, took his hand and walked towards Lei Dianzhen's room.

"What the hell do you want me to do?"

Facing Su Ye's confusion, Lei Movie just simply smiled and said, "Come with me, Brother Su Ye, you will know soon."

"..." Not knowing what sister Ying was thinking, Su Ye finally had no choice but to follow her, and followed her to Lei Dianzhen's room.

"Sister, sister, are you there?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, Shadow?"

Lei Dianzhen walked out of the room, looking at Ying in front of him in confusion and Su Ye who also looked confused.

The three of them just looked at each other, and Lei Movie slowly said:

"The New Year is here, don't people say that the whole family should stay together on this day? I want to stay with Brother Su Ye and my real sister all the time."


Unexpectedly, Lei Movie's request was actually this. Su Ye and Lei Dianzhen looked at each other, and then saw a smile in each other's eyes.

They didn't laugh at Lei Xun, but nodded indifferently.

Looking at the gradually dimming night, Su Ye took the initiative to speak:

"It is said that there will be a lively banquet at Narujin Taisha Shrine tonight, let's go to it together."

"Well, okay." Lei Dianzhen just said, and then suddenly said with a reddish face: "Ah, if this is the case, wait for me for another two hours!"



Hearing Lei Dian's true words, both Su Ye and Lei Movie were stunned, clearly unable to understand why the other party needed two hours to prepare.

Regarding this, Lei Dianzhen looked at Su Ye with a blushing face, and then closed the door of the room without saying a word.

"Your sister is really strange..." Looking at the closed door, Su Ye was stunned for a while, and then instinctively uttered a complaint.

"Yeah, my sister is really weird." Lei Movie also nodded and said: "It's the New Year, every minute is precious, but she just wastes it like this."

"Forget it, then we don't care about her, let's find a place to go shopping first."


As Lei Movie nodded, Su Ye took the other party to find an open space, and chatted while walking.

"Speaking of which, the age difference between you and your elder sister is less than one year, but it looks like you are much more mature than Ying, obviously there is no difference in body size..."

Since the sisters Lei Dianzhen and Lei Yingying are basically inseparable, Su Ye can easily distinguish many differences between the two sisters.

Especially since the two sisters have almost the same appearance, and there is no big difference in body size, those small differences will become more obvious.

Compared with Lei Dianzhen, who is mature enough to look like an adult who has experienced many things, Lei Xing looks like a child who has not experienced much in the world. If it is not for his appearance, he looks very big, Su Ye even doubts that the other party's actual age is not good enough. By the age of ten, it's just a plus-size loli.

"Brother Su Ye, are you always secretly paying attention to these places?" Lei Movie heard Su Ye's words, and said indifferently: "I really can't see it, so it turns out that Brother Su Ye also cares about these things. Mr. Gongsi You are right, no matter what kind of man you are, your heart is the same.”

"No, wait, where did your understanding go?" Su Ye was a little confused all of a sudden, always felt that the other party's words seemed normal, but after careful understanding, there was something wrong.

And Lei Movie's next words also confirmed his thoughts.

"Brother Su Ye, aren't you talking about my sister and I's figures?"

"Why did I only hear that word!?"

Su Ye couldn't help complaining, feeling a little secretly dissatisfied with the white fox witch, thinking that she was too bad, teaching children something all day long.

Although Lei Movie's actual age is not considered a child...

On the other side, Lei Movie could not help looking at his almost mature chest, looked at Su Ye in a little confusion, and asked:

"Brother Su Ye, don't you like the figures of my sister and me?"

"No, so why is it like this again?"

"Master Gongsi said that as long as he is a man, he will yearn for the body of the opposite sex, unless it is a woman he hates very much and despises. So, Su Ye, you really hate me and my sister, and you don't like us. woman?"

"That white fox..."

Hearing Lei Movie's words, Su Ye was really a dumb man eating Coptis chinensis, unable to express his suffering.

While cursing a wave of white fox witches in his heart, he tried his best to smash his teeth and swallowed in his stomach, and said:

"No, I'm not uninterested in your bodies."

"That's it." Hearing Su Ye's words, Lei Yingying suddenly showed a happy expression, and said with a smile: "I will tell my sister about this later, she will be very happy!"

"do not!!!"


Facing Lei Movie's bewildered expression, Su Ye, who was already at a loss, looked away, coughed lightly, and quickly changed the subject:

"Then what, aren't we talking about New Year's topics? What kind of topics should be discussed at any time, and some topics should be discussed when you grow up."

"That's it." Lei Movie didn't have any doubts about Su Ye's words, and nodded with a smile: "Then I must grow up quickly, so that I can talk about such topics with Su Ye, and then I can still talk about it." Together with my sister, I got married to Brother Su Ye!"


Feeling a lot of troubles and didn't know where to spit them out, facing the innocent Lei Movie, Su Ye finally didn't say anything.

At the same time, some cherry blossoms floated over from the direction of the divine cherry tree, and the brilliance in this winter made Lei Movie suddenly excited on his own.

"This is really... as expected, I'm still a child..." Seeing that Lei Yingying was suddenly attracted by a cherry blossom petal floating over, Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and took a picture. Patting the Demon God of Thunder on the shoulder, this stupid bird started to take a nap again at some point to sleep in another place.

Then he took out a long sword and began to practice sword skills and Taixu Jianxin in the open space.

Even though the days are very peaceful now, without feeling any threats, Su Ye still has no plans to completely relax.

As soon as he is free, he will immediately start to practice his sword skills and hone his Taixu sword heart.

As time went by bit by bit, his swordsmanship has begun to evolve towards the real god's domain, and it has even completely surpassed the height that the future Lei Movie has reached, reaching a situation that cannot be described in words.

Now facing a demon god, even if he doesn't use any thunder and lightning, he can directly tear apart the hostile ordinary demon god with just the sword energy he swung with pure swordsmanship.

The previous Octopus Sea Demon was such an example. At that time, Su Ye didn't even use any thunder and lightning, not to mention that he had no desire to strike.

The only wave of thunder and lightning was made up in the sky by the Demon God of Thunder in order to prevent the sea demon from escaping.

Of course, in addition to Su Ye's own swordsmanship becoming more and more perfect, his body of a demon god given by the system is also a more critical factor.

After all, a strong physique is the basis for a powerful swordsmanship

In addition to the overall improvement in physical ability and swordsmanship strength, Su Ye's improvement in Taixu Sword Heart is not slow.

However, the gap between the third realm Mingjing and the fourth realm Taixu is too far away. Su Ye suspects that even if he has practiced for decades, he will not be able to break through the barrier between these two levels.

But considering that he may have to live in this Tivat continent for thousands of years, he felt that this would not be difficult, but a very simple matter.

Having fun while suffering belongs to yes.

Just thinking about the future and starting to practice the sword, Su Ye's spirit gradually became concentrated.

But at some point, Lei Movie's eyes gradually focused on him, a pair of big eyes fixed on Su Ye's sword practice, as if completely immersed in it.

I don't know how long it has passed like this. When Su Ye completed a round of swordsmanship practice and came back to his senses, he found that Lei Yingying next to him was looking for a low stool and sitting down, with his left palm supporting his right elbow and his right hand resting on his cheek. , staring blankly at his direction for an unknown how long.

"What are you doing!?"

Su Ye stopped his movements and walked towards the other party.

"Brother Su Ye, your sword-wielding posture is very handsome, and it looks like the one I've imagined... It's exactly the same as the strongest sword I imagined."


Hearing Lei Movie's words, Su Ye was slightly stunned.

Then he realized that it was normal for the other party to have such thoughts.

After all, although the prototype of his swordsmanship is Feitian Yujian, his subsequent growth has almost always depended on Wuxiang Yidao, and later he had countless collisions with Lei Movie's phantom in his mind.

This means that his swordsmanship is the swordsmanship that Lei Movie should have in the future, and it is the ultimate form that the opponent can reach.

So, after thinking about it for a while, Su Ye didn't say anything more.

After all, he doesn't want to interfere with Ying's growth path, he is worried that the other party will lose the direction of growth...

At the same time, after being stunned for a while, Lei Movie suddenly said:

"Brother Su Ye, besides practicing swords, is there anything else you like to do? I see that you usually seem very bored."

"Uh, is it boring? Me?" Su Ye frowned slightly as she said, and found that she seemed to be becoming more and more rigid unconsciously: "In retrospect, I used to be quite normal, with many things I liked ..."

Su Ye suddenly reacted.

Obviously, my previous self was quite normal, would complain, and was willing to accept new things, but before I knew it, I became as boring as a middle-aged uncle.

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