I just had to wait for him to come.

But Paimeng said curiously: "Then besides Su Ye and Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind, the remaining two people, one of the emperors should be the Emperor Yanwang, so who is it?"


Regarding Paimon's words, Shen He suddenly didn't know how to speak.

Su Ye said calmly, "After all, it is Liyue's Demon God, but she died at the hands of the enemy Demon God during the battle of Guiliyuan. That happened before I came to Liyue."


Hearing Su Ye's words, both Ying and Paimeng were a little stiff, so the former quickly changed the subject and said, "Anyway, since we've already arrived, how should we call the immortal out?"

"I don't know." Shen He said very calmly, expressing that he didn't know how to call his master out.

A few other people unexpectedly had no resistance to this answer, and even took it for granted.

Su Ye then said: "I remember that guy Liuyun seems to like to eat, you may be able to seduce her by cooking some delicious food."


Hearing these words, Paimon immediately began to salivate.

Ying, on the other hand, nodded hesitantly, and then started to build a stove beside her. After a while, the delicious food was successfully cooked.

Under the flying fragrance, there was a sudden sound from the cave in the distance, and the seal at the gate slowly disappeared.

"This... worked?"

Paimon's voice sounded.

Shen He nodded hesitantly and said: "This means that the master is in the cave, let's go in."

Chapter 270 Four, This Liuyun Is Tsundere

Chapter 270 Four

Walking into the entrance of the cave, a cave with a unique shape appeared in front of Su Ye, Ying, Paimeng and Shen He.

The road in the cave is winding and narrow, but once you reach the end, you will find that the road ahead suddenly becomes clear, and you can't see the end at a glance.

"This is?"

Ying and Paimeng were very surprised, they couldn't imagine such a small cave, why there is such a huge space inside, it can be said to be unbelievable.

For this reason, Shen He immediately explained: "This is the cave of the immortals. The interior is composed of the magic of the immortal family, which can expand a huge space. Most immortals live in similar caves."


Ying and Paimon were shocked by Shen He's explanation.

Paimeng couldn't help having fantasies, and slowly said: "If I also have such a cave, wouldn't Su Ye and I, travelers, be able to have a very magical residence in the future? It's just like a secret base." !"

"Uh, why did you think of the secret base..."

Ying spoke subtly, but also did not conceal her yearning for the Xianjia cave.

And just when the few people continued to move forward, trying to reach the end of the cave, a sound suddenly came from a distance.

"Hmmm... the breath of nothing taboo? Although I don't know what you are doing, but for the sake of your sincere worship, I will give you a chance. It must be a cave house arranged by the immortal himself."


I didn't expect to meet the immortal and pass the trial, and the few people present suddenly showed subtle expressions.

Then Shen He said slowly: "This is the master's wind sword'id='ran203'>

"Heh." Hearing Shen He's words, Su Ye couldn't help laughing and said, "Liu Yun is still as arrogant as before, he is really an awkward guy."


Regarding Su Ye's statement that he no longer concealed his identity, the other two people present plus a Pimon immediately showed expressions that did not know what to do.

After all, the seniority of this kind of old past is so high that ordinary people can't accept it.

At the same time, Shen He also took the lead and walked to the trial site inside the cave mansion.

The first thing that catches the eye is a stone step. In front of the stone step is an empty cliff. It seems that there is a corresponding place in the distance, but the middle is empty.

Meanwhile, a wooden sign next to it reads 'The Invisible Road'.

"The invisible road?" Paimon subconsciously asked.

Ying, on the other hand, fell into contemplation. Looking into the distance, she muttered to herself, "It means that there is a hidden road in the middle, and do we need to find out this road?"

Shen He nodded at this and said: "It is very likely that this is what the master usually likes most is to make all kinds of magical mechanisms, and take them up for other people to experiment with."


Regarding Shen He's words, Su Ye suddenly couldn't help recalling some bad memories.

That was when he was staying in Liyue, Liuyun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun suddenly gave him a so-called 'automatic hair washing machine' one day, claiming that it can wash hair efficiently and does not require extra steps.

Su Ye didn't think much about it at the time, and agreed naturally.

Then he realized that the so-called hair washing machine actually lifted the person up, stuffed the head into the water basin, and then the whole body began to rotate at high speed!

After washing the hair, not to mention the hair can't be found, the whole body can almost be found, the world is spinning...

Since then, Su Ye has put the invention of "I love invention" Zhenjun and the invention of a certain handicraft side by side, basically belonging to the creation of instruments of torture.

Right now, facing the unique invention of True Monarch 'I Love Invention' again, Su Ye sighed slightly, and said, "How about I take you to fly there directly?"

"Can it still be like this?!"

Su Ye's words shocked the few people who were still trying to solve the puzzle. They didn't expect such a convenient way.

Paimon said excitedly at the first moment: "Then I don't need Su Ye's help, I can fly there by myself!"

Ying, on the other hand, said worriedly: "But if you do this, won't the True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing the Wind be angry? If you don't follow the rules..."

"Master is very likely to be angry." Shen He also nodded, making a judgment based on his own cognition.

Regarding this, Su Ye thought for a while and didn't say anything more. He directly opened his right hand, and a large amount of lightning directly covered the space in front of him, and quickly revealed the hidden road.

"Wow! It's amazing!"

Unexpectedly, Su Ye found the hidden path so quickly, Ying and Paimeng were very surprised, and walked forward excitedly at the same time.

Shen He's expression was a little stiff, obviously doubting whether such cheating behavior would make his master feel angry.

However, when she saw that standing next to Liyue was the demon god Su Ye who pacified Liyue with Emperor Yan thousands of years ago, she no longer had any confusion and accepted the result very naturally.

Afterwards, the group encountered various agencies.

There are roads with falling rocks, roadways with swords and swords, and embankments with fireballs falling from the sky...

After going through the trials of mountains of swords and seas of fire, the group finally reached the end of the trials, a spacious area.

"It's actually possible for you to be able to break through the cave. You guys are quite capable." A blue and white crane descended from the sky and appeared in front of everyone: "This immortal is the True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing the Wind. Let me know what you are doing. .”

Regarding this, Paimon immediately said: "This cave is so big, and all the traps inside are you alone... er no, a bird... er, not right, always , was it established by you?"

"That's natural." True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind didn't care about Paimeng's title, and said very calmly: "Including the cave, I built all the organs by myself. The mechanism technique of this immortal, Even after meeting with Emperor Yan Wang, he still needs to be praised, except for a guy who doesn't understand the mystery of tricks and the beauty of tricks at all..."

"This..." Pai Meng was slightly taken aback by the words of Zhenjun Liuyun Bianfeng, and continued to speak: "Such a big cave, do you live by yourself? And there are so many traps... ...Did you live here alone for the purpose of studying mechanics? Just like in the legend, the immortals left the mortal world and lived in seclusion somewhere, researching many powerful things by themselves... .”

"I...just feel that communication is too cumbersome, and I want to find a clean place. But not long after I got clean, you all came here. Forget it, forget it, what's going on with you, please report quickly Come on, don't disturb this immortal's rest." After Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind, he was about to flap his wings, but he saw Shen He behind him.

She murmured in surprise: "Shen He? Why are you back, girl? Didn't I tell you to go to Liyue Port to find your senior sister?"


Shen He hesitated for a moment regarding Liuyun Bianfeng Zhenjun's words, and finally said slowly: "I was indeed looking for Senior Sister Ganyu, but Liyue was too big, and I got lost... Later, I met a very... very strange person, in order to repay his help, I brought him to see you, Master."

"A very strange person? Who?"

True Monarch Liu Yun borrowed the wind to speak calmly, and he didn't think that the strange person Shen He was talking about would surprise him.

However, when Shen He carried out Su Ye who was calming down behind him, True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind suddenly couldn't hold back.

"You...you are, Su Ye? You're back!!"

Su Ye didn't bother to pay attention to the identity that was recognized all of a sudden.

He could only sigh with emotion that Liyue's group of immortals had a really powerful memory.

"Yeah, I've gone through a lot of things, and I barely survived."

Su Ye didn't explain too much, and also hinted with his eyes not to ask more questions.

True Monarch Liuyun borrowed the wind to experience the turmoil in Dao's wife back then, so he naturally knew what Su Ye meant, and he didn't hold on to his return for too long.

"This is really, I didn't expect you to survive such an experience. Hmph, as expected of you, you can't do anything else, but life is hard." Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind said calmly.

It didn't seem that there was any emotional change due to Su Ye's return, but judging from her constant flapping of her wings, she was obviously very happy.

And Su Ye obviously knew the arrogant character of True Monarch Liuyun Biaofeng for a long time, and said slowly: "Although they have been gone for thousands of years, I always feel that Liyue's old friends haven't changed much. Both Zhuyang and Lishui recognized me at once, is my appearance so easy to recognize?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind and said calmly: "Your portrait is kept in archives in the Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals in Liyue. From time to time, people will make sea lanterns based on you during the Sea Lantern Festival. And fireworks, even if thousands of years have passed, it is impossible for someone to forget your appearance."


Unexpectedly, such a thing would happen, Su Ye turned pale with shock.

It's no wonder that after he arrived in Liyue Port, he always felt that there were some strange eyes staring at him at any time. Does the whole Liyue know the appearance of the Thunder Saber Demon God?

What kind of shame play is this!?

At the same time when Su Ye turned pale with shock, Master Liuyun Borrowing Feng finally realized that there were Ying, Paimeng and others at the scene.

So, Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to come back to his senses, looked at them, and asked:

"By the way, why are these mortals looking for me? Tell me, tell me your purpose."


Facing the serious immortal, Paimeng and Ying nodded immediately, and quickly told each other what they knew!

"Emperor... Dijun was assassinated?!" Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to hear the news from the two of you and me, and suddenly fell into a great shock, and murmured inconceivably: "Why? Could it be like this?! Someone dared to commit such a heinous crime! It’s so absurd, it’s unbelievable! I must investigate it immediately!! No, it’s better for me to suppress Liyue immediately, and wait for all the immortals to come—”

"Uh, wait!" Su Ye said immediately.

Paimon on the side also quickly said: "Huh?! Wait...wait a minute! What do you mean by suppressing Liyue Port? Are you going to destroy the entire Liyue Port?!"

Regarding this, True Monarch Liuyun borrowed Feng and said calmly: "Just use some thunderous means, so as not to cause more troubles."

"But you are the immortal who protects Liyue, shouldn't you protect the mortals of Liyue?" Ying immediately came to advise.

However, Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind and said calmly: "Exactly, following the emperor's law, we have been guarding Liyue Harbor for more than [-] years, but now that villains are in power, we have to use some extraordinary methods!"

"Wow! Think of a way! This fairy is serious! She is really going to suppress the entire Liyue Port!" Paimon said and looked at Ying, but then quickly looked at Su Ye, obviously thinking that Su Ye and Liu Yun might be able to stop each other by taking advantage of True Monarch Feng's relationship.

Regarding this, Su Ye also said helplessly: "Liu Yun, please calm down, let's not mention that Lord Yan may not be dead, even if he is really dead... Cough cough, no, anyway, let's not talk about it." Speaking of whether that guy is dead or not, you are definitely not what the old man wants to see if you go up and beat Li Yue up like this!"

"Yes, yes!" With Su Ye's opening, Pai Meng immediately put his hands on his hips, and said, "Liyue is the Liyue of the Emperor Rock King, and the Emperor Rock King absolutely does not want to see you suppress Liyue, make Liyue The moon will be destroyed! Let's calm down first and discuss the long-term! At least, you should listen to everyone's ideas first!"

"Dijun's thoughts...Of course I know Dijun's thoughts, but now that Dijun has been killed, why should we follow Dijun's wishes! Humans in Liyue love Dijun on weekdays, but sometimes they will secretly All kinds of nasty thoughts, very good at confusing black and white, how can I believe it?!" True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind said so.

Seeing that he still couldn't convince, Su Ye couldn't help but sighed, wanting to continue explaining.

But Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind suddenly changed his voice, and said: "However... since you are back, Su Ye, it seems that I don't need to worry too much about this matter. Besides, they also don't need to worry about it. You are already waiting for me, forget it, I trust you, I will consider this matter slowly."


Seeing Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Feng reluctantly believing you, Ying and Paimon suddenly showed a subtle expression.

But Su Ye said calmly, "Let me tell you, this Liuyun is a tsundere."

"Yes, master is a tsundere." Shen He on the side also added the same.

Regarding what the two said, although True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind didn't understand what Tsundere meant at once, his expression immediately collapsed, he flapped his wings directly, and kicked out these guys who saw his jokes!

"See you later, Liyue."

After Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind, he glanced at Su Ye, with meaningful emotions in his eyes.

Chapter 270 Wangshu Inn: My God, are you the Thunder Sword Demon God?

Chapter 270 Five

After seeing True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind, Su Ye, Ying, Pai Meng and Shen He decided to go to the next location, which is to find the Great Sage Conquering Demons, Dharma Protector Yasha.

It took a few days for the few people to finally arrive at the Wangshu Inn located on Liyuemend's walkway from Endless Clouds, and saw this strange place growing on a giant tree.

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