Especially when she recalled the time when she crazily praised the Thunder Saber Demon God in front of Su Ye, she couldn't help feeling an urge to escape from Liyue overnight...

On the other hand, Su Ye and Ning Guang both sat down on their seats with calm expressions, as if preparing to talk about something.

Of course, the former is actually forcibly calming down, not allowing myself to think about some things that are not there.

"Ahem, then, before answering Master Su Ye's question, can I ask you a few questions?" Sitting on the seat, Ningguang asked.

"Ask." Su Ye calmly looked at Tianquan star in front of him, and didn't mind the other party's hasty question.

And Ningguang took a deep breath for this, and slowly said:

"What I want to ask is, what do you think about the assassination of the emperor before?"


I didn't expect the other party to talk about such an important topic, Su Ye frowned for a moment.

He probably realized the reason why Ning Guang asked himself this question, and because of this, he didn't know how to answer it. After all, this might affect Zhongli's plan, so he had to respond cautiously.

Although he often said that he was hurting Zhongli, he obviously didn't really want to fight against Zhong Li. In fact, he still respected that Liyue rock god.

Therefore, he must ensure that what he said next will not affect Zhongli's plan, nor will it cause Liyue Seven Stars to have unnecessary associations.

"Why do you ask me this question?" After thinking about it, Su Ye realized that the best way not to say the wrong thing is to speak less.

So even if he guessed Ningguang's thoughts, he still wanted the other party to express his logical thinking.

As for this, Ning Guang didn't mind at all, and calmly said:

"After all, you are also a member of the immortals, and now the Liyue Seven Stars have conflicts with the immortals. We need to know your attitude, Lord Su Ye, and hope to clear up some misunderstandings."

"As the Demon God of the Demon God War, you should know how tragic the war was 2000 years ago. Blood flowed for thousands of miles and people were devastated. In the end, there were only seven victors left on the mainland. They died on the remains of the losers. Kingdoms and city-states were established, and the age of the Seven Gods began."

"Guyun Pavilion is also a product of that era. It is not a natural landform, but a huge rock spear thrown by the emperor during the war! Under the rock spear, it suppressed the emperor's defeated general - the failure to obtain the Seven Gods Not only the demon gods will die, but even the seven rulers of the world have changed over the past 2000 years."

"Dijun's death is a disaster that Liyue can't imagine, but Tivat's seven god system...will not collapse. The next rock god will appear sooner or later, but how can we forget Dijun? By then, Li The relationship between the moon people and the immortal gods will definitely be different from the past...Even in the new era, the Liyue Seven Stars are the old people of the emperor. The crime of raising a knife to the you think , can we afford it?"

Regarding Ning Guang's series of words, Su Ye pondered slightly, and then asked: "Then why did you hide the ancestor Fashe?"

With a calm expression, Ningguang answered:

"Hehe...the incident happened suddenly at Yujingtai that day, and I was completely unprepared. You seemed to be at the scene at the time, and you should have seen it too. Seven Star's enemies have already been lurking in Liyue Harbor. If you don't take immediate action If you act, you will definitely be at a disadvantage. It is necessary to hide the ancestor Fashui, and through this, I can turn light into darkness and stop with stillness."

"Enemy?" Su Ye raised his eyebrows.

"You should be able to see it." Ning Guang said calmly, "It's the fools, those fools from the Winter Kingdom, they seem to have a certain attachment to the ancestor Fashui, let's make a bold guess, maybe they want to get the fairy ancestor Something in the phalanx, say, the heart of God..."


Su Ye didn't answer Ning Guang's words, but acquiescence itself is also an attitude.

Ke Qing, who was at the side, was a little surprised, she obviously didn't expect that there was such a hidden secret behind the hiding of the fairy ancestor Fashui.

"Okay, this is my attitude, so I would like to ask Master Su Ye, what is your opinion on this matter. Or to be more straightforward, are you on the side of Qixing or the side of Immortal?" side?"


Facing the gazes of Ning Guang and Ke Qing, Su Ye was silent for a moment, then slowly said:

"First of all, I don't think you Liyue Qixing killed the Rock King Dijun."

One sentence sets the tone of the conversation.

Su Ye saw that both Ningguang and Keqing's expressions had improved, so he continued to speak: "Let's not mention the killing of Emperor Yanwang, there are many doubts, just the strength of Emperor Yanwang, I don't think there is any doubt. Who can kill him? After all, even if it is a demon god level existence, it is impossible to shake the energy of the rock king emperor, even including me, this is impossible."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Regarding Ning Guang's appearance that seemed to be aware of something, Su Ye didn't point out further, but continued to say: "The second is the attitude of the immortals. I don't think there is anything wrong with the thoughts of the immortals. Liyue is now in a crisis. Under such circumstances, it is a good choice to introduce external forces to reshape the environment."

Although Liuyun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun's statement of suppressing Liyue is obviously too much.

"I see, is this your attitude, Mr. Su Ye?"

Ning Guang nodded, and did not refute Su Ye's statement, but asked instead: "Then if the Liyue Seven Stars were to fight with the immortals, which side would you be on?"

Obviously, this is the question Ning Guang really wants to ask.

Now that the situation in Liyue Port is precarious, and the immortals are sticking to each other, and conflicts may break out at any time, she needs to judge which side the Thunder Saber Demon God who suddenly returned is on.

This is the key to many future problems.


As for Ningguang's question, Su Ye was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Shouldn't I stand on either side, I support Liyue Seven Stars' independent rights, and I agree with the thoughts of the immortals, so the only thing I can do The goal is to keep the conflict from escalating and breaking out as much as possible.”

"I understand."

Hearing Su Ye's answer, Ning Guang's eyes lit up slightly, and then nodded slowly.

She obviously got the answer she wanted.

After asking her own question, Ning Guang seemed to have a whim, and said with a half-joking attitude:

"By the way, if possible, I really want to gain your trust, Mr. Su Ye. So, there is a question that may offend me. If you want to choose a more trustworthy person between me and Keqing... ...who would you choose?"

As soon as Ning Guang asked the question, Su Ye froze for a moment.

In the distance, Ke Qing, who was still thinking about what the two of them said just now, couldn't hold back all of a sudden, her eyes widened, she didn't expect that Ning Guang would bring the topic to herself.

She looked at Su Ye immediately, obviously wanting to know the answer to this question.

And Su Ye didn't dwell on it for too long. After thinking for a while, he immediately said:

"If I have to choose, then... Keqing."

"Eh?" Unexpectedly, Su Ye chose herself so directly, Ke Qing was stunned.

But Ning Guang showed a smile, shook his head and said:

"Sure enough, this is indeed your demeanor, which is no different from the legend."

"You guessed it?"

"Hehe, Keqing and I are so different, considering your character, you still have some self-knowledge."

As she spoke, Ningguang smiled and said, "I originally thought that life was easy to break. With her character as a Seven Star, there are some things that I need to take care of behind the scenes. But after she said [The age of immortals has passed] , If even the Liyue Seven Stars dare not face this point squarely, what will Liyue's future do? When I said these words, some doubts in my heart were dispelled a lot."


Unexpectedly, Ning Guang knew that he had said such a thing, and even repeated it.

Ke Qing, who was still surprised at first, suddenly showed an extremely ashamed expression.

The wish to escape from Liyue with Qunyu Pavilion is more vivid!!

At the same time, Ningguang continued:

"I don't deny that the death of the emperor seems to be beneficial to Liyue and Seven Stars, but for Liyue, I can't be restrained by the rumors of [Seven Stars usurping the throne] from my actions."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Well, it seems that you have realized it. I ordered the news to be blocked and the fairy body to be hidden. One is to temporarily stabilize the situation, and the other is to prevent the enemy from exerting pressure on us. A covert operation that went beyond the bottom line of diplomacy. As Tian Quan, who is responsible for Li Yue, I don't care about my posture when confronting. The approval of the preparation of sending the celestial ceremony is only for Seven Stars to fully take over Li Yue and buy some buffer time."

"Well, that's a good idea."

"There is one thing that needs to be discussed with Master Su Ye in advance."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"The Fools seem to be researching the duplication of Never Taboo Record. What they want to conspire may be bigger than we imagined."

"I see......"

Knowing Ningguang's worry, Su Ye nodded, but did not waver.

After all, he knew very well that Liyue's situation was under the control of that rock king emperor, and any disturbance could not escape Zhongli's control.

So Su Ye doesn't care about the actions of fools at all, he cares more about completing his own system tasks.

So, after thinking about it, Su Ye slowly looked at Ning Guang in front of him.

Sensing that Su Ye was going to ask a formal question, Ning Guang couldn't help but sit upright, and the question that Su Ye might ask kept flashing through his mind.

And finally—

"Do you know the abyss?"


Hearing Su Ye's question, Ning Guang was taken aback for a moment, and then instinctively produced many conjectures.

Of course, she didn't say all her conjectures, she just told the other party her answer.

"About the abyss, no one in the entire Tivat continent knows better than me. After all, I have been sending people to investigate this trend."


Su Ye praised slightly, and realized that Tian Quan Xing Ningguang is indeed a capable person who can do things, and he did not find the wrong person this time.

So, he took the initiative to ask: "Do you know what happened 500 years ago? Why was the abyss born?"


Unexpectedly, Su Ye would ask such an out-of-class question. Ningguang was silent for a long time, and finally said slowly: "I have investigated this for a long time, but the information I have is not complete. related to the fall of this kingdom."

"As expected..." Knowing that the abyss and the Kingdom of Kanria have an inseparable relationship, Su Ye nodded, "Then do you know the specific circumstances of that destruction?"


Hearing Su Ye's words, Ning Guang fell into a longer silence this time.

She glanced at Ke Qing next to her, as if she was thinking about whether the next words should be heard by the other party.

But after thinking about it, she still chose to say: "The destruction of the kingdom of Kanria came from the judgment of heaven. The seven gods of the world participated in that war and completely wiped out this ancient country. But in fact, this country It seems that it has not completely disappeared, and the abyss is the remnants of the entire country!"

"The abyss is the remnants of Kanria?" Keqing in the distance was taken aback, she didn't expect to hear such a secret.

On the contrary, Su Ye nodded calmly: "This is consistent with my cognition. The only thing I am confused about is why Tianli destroyed Kanria 500 years ago? What did Kanria touch that made Tianli go to war so violently that he even sent The seven gods descended to destroy them?"


Feeling the pressure of talking with Su Ye more and more, Ning Guang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and answered after a long time: "There is no specific answer to this question, but I may be able to give a guess."


"Kanria has obtained a certain kind of power that the law of heaven cannot allow. That kind of power makes Kanria a powerful force at once, but at the same time, it also makes the law of heaven determined to destroy it."


"Among the seven gods of the world, several gods who participated in this war died, but I have always had a thought, that is, was the death of the gods really voluntary by them? Could it be that their deaths were also justified by heaven Target?"


Hearing Ning Guang's words, Su Ye frowned slightly: "Who are the dead gods?"

"The first God of Thunder and the first God of Grass." Ning Guang said slowly: "Although most people think that there has always been only one God of Thunder, in fact, the one who died 500 years ago is the real one." The god of thunder is the true master of Daozu, the true master of thunder and lightning."


Hearing this familiar name, Su Ye's heart skipped a beat, causing waves.

Yeah, you're dead, really...

Haven't you changed anything?


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-------Chapter 1 in Inazuma, surrounded the castle tower!

Chapter 1

Inaba City.

A large number of soldiers moved inward from around Inazuma Castle.

Under the leadership of the two girls Ayaka Kamisato and Shinkai Kazusha, the leader of the rebel army, the integrated alliance army invaded Inazuma Castle like a broken bamboo.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the shogunate army who were already on the verge of collapse were so frightened that they put down their weapons one after another, not daring to resist any more.

"It's over, the rebels and the rebels are coming together, we can't resist it at all!"

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