"I see, thank you, Fu Hua."

"I'm the one who should say thank you."

Fu Hua's expression was very serious, and he said gratefully:

"To be honest, when I lost to the Herrscher of the Sky, I really thought everything was over. After all, even if I have arranged some things with Yu Duchen in advance, it is still very difficult to defeat a Herrscher, so, I am really grateful to Su Ye for saving Qiyana, I will not ask where you came from or what your purpose is, I just hope that you can protect this child in the future, and don't let Honkai occupy her soul again."

Hearing Fu Hua's speech, Su Ye suddenly didn't know what to say.

After all, he knew very well what this Immortal Chiyuan had gone through so far in order to protect human beings.

After crossing so many roads of Shura, but still eager to protect the people around him, Su Ye felt that no one in this world should be qualified to accept the other party's thanks.

So, he immediately nodded and said:

"No matter what, I will protect Qiyana."

"Well, Su Ye, you are stronger than me and more reliable than me. You will definitely be able to do it. And I caused so much pain to Qiyana because I foolishly believed Otto's words... .”

The girl said, showing a gloomy expression.

Seeing this, Su Ye couldn't help but want to say something to comfort the other party.

But before that, Fu Hua's expression became strong again.

Obviously, the firm will possessed by the 5-year-old Shangxian is beyond the reach of ordinary girls. The other party quickly walked out of the shadows before, and poured the mysteries of the Taixu Sword God into Su Ye.

After doing all this, she seemed to be too tired, and she disappeared without a word.

And the feather in Su Ye's hand also became eclipsed.


Realizing that Fu Hua's situation was even worse than the original one, and that he might not be able to count on this Divine Immortal to help him in the future, Su Ye could only carefully put away the feathers, and turned to look at the unconscious Qiyana.

After confirming that the other party would not be able to wake up in a short time, the boy could only sigh, and while trying to delve into the Taixu Sword God left by Fu Hua, he looked towards the distant sky.

"Since the Taixu Sword Qi has been obtained, there is no need to go to Taixu Mountain. Tianqiong City... Well, as expected, we can only go there..."

After much deliberation, Su Ye made a plan.

He will go to Sky City and solve the Herrscher problem in Kiyana during this time!


The girl once heard people say that when she was about to die, everything she had experienced in the past would fly before her eyes like a revolving lantern.

But now, there was only darkness in front of her eyes.

At the same time, countless pictures began to appear in front of her one by one.

The Catholic Church's laboratory.

The truth about the experimental body K423.

The damage done by the Second Herrscher after his first awakening.

The Herrscher personality in the body reappeared, summoned countless Houkai Beasts, fought with everyone in St. Freya Academy, and hurt those important people...

'No, it's not true!!'

The girl couldn't help but escape like this.

In the end, there was still a last trace of fantasy in her heart, the fantasy that what she had just witnessed was just a nightmare, and that everything would return to its original state when the classroom bell rang.

However, the darkness in front of you is endless, and the weightlessness of the constant falling feels the end, and you can only see endless nothingness!

At the same time, there was another voice in her heart, speaking to her in a mocking tone:

"Aren't you willing to admit the reality? Kiyana Kaslana, no, experimental subject K423, you can't go back anymore, you can never go back..."

"Do you think that when your former companions learn the truth about your monster, will you still be willing to let you approach them and hug them?"

"That's right, in their eyes, the girl named Kiyana no longer exists. The only way to save you now is to destroy you!"


In the next moment, Qiyana found familiar figures appearing in front of her eyes one after another.

Mei, Bronya, Himeko, Teresa...

Familiar people walked towards her, and then raised their weapons towards her!

"Qiana, sorry, we have to do this! Because you are Herrscher, we must kill you!"

"no, do not want!"

Kiyana showed a terrified expression, holding her head in her hands and trying to escape.

And just then...

"What are you doing? Do you have sleep cramps?!"

The moment Su Ye's voice sounded, the girl suddenly realized that she was no longer in that dark place, but lying in a simple room.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Waking up from the room, Qiyana's face was full of confusion.

Of course, it is not so much confusion as it is that after experiencing a major life-shattering event, both mental and physical resistance to external stimuli developed and fell into a state of bewilderment.

Obviously, because of the fear from the bottom of her heart, Qiyana couldn't help but want to escape from reality, and even completely ignored Su Ye's existence.

For this reason, Su Ye didn't say anything, and let the other party sort out his mood, while he sat silently in his seat.

He has been wandering with Kiyana for a week since leaving the Destiny headquarters.

During this week, while observing the changes in the energy of the Herrscher in Qiyana's body, he was also researching the Taixu Sword Qi and Shen Yun that Fu Hua had left for him, and he had achieved preliminary results.

However, since Taixu Sword Qi·Shenyun is a technique to control Houkai Neng, it is not easy for Su Ye, who has never been in contact with Honkai Neng, to research it.

It took him a long time to figure out the difference between Honkai energy and concepts like magic power and elements, and finally he gradually understood how to use Taixu Sword Qi.

Of course, Su Ye is only understanding at the moment, if he wants to truly use the strongest Taixu Sword Qi, he must learn the real Taixu Sword Heart, which is 【Shen Yin】.

It's a pity that Fu Hua disappeared too quickly at that time, even if Su Ye wanted to ask now, he had no chance.

While Su Ye was thinking, Qiyana finally came back to her senses.

"Su Ye, let's talk about something, it feels so embarrassing..."

You finally know how embarrassing you are? My Miss Herrscher!

Facing Qiyana with a sluggish face, who felt that her IQ had dropped by [-] percentage points compared to before, Su Ye couldn't help but sigh.

But he would still satisfy Kiyana's request, so he recounted everything that happened before in his own voice.

"So many things happened."

When the Herrscher of Void occupied her body, although Qiyana couldn't control her body, she was able to observe everything through the Herrscher's eyes.

Therefore, it was obvious that she was just following Su Ye's words.

In essence, she still hasn't got rid of the shadow in her heart, and she has full fear of the Herrscher consciousness in her heart.

Su Ye didn't say much about it, he knew that this kind of thing can't be forced, he can only let the other party accept it slowly, and even face the fear in his heart.

So, taking this opportunity, Su Ye took a good look at Qiyana.

Obviously only a period of time has passed, but the girl's appearance seems to have changed a lot, and she can no longer see the innocence before from the other party, nor can she see the innocent, heartless smile that day.

Even though there is no change in appearance, the feeling of temperament has changed a lot.

During this week, how many times did the other party repeat that 'nightmare'?

Of course, although she was obviously still in a very painful and sad state inside, Qiyana didn't show it at all on the surface.

A stiff smile appeared on her face, and she spoke as calmly as possible:

"I didn't expect Su Ye to be so strong. I actually said that I would protect you. I'm really overwhelmed."

"Whether strong or not has nothing to do with strength, weak people can also do things that strong people can't."

"Yeah, that's why I'm weak, and I can't become strong at all..."

"No, that's not..."

"That's it!!"

For a moment, as if a certain switch was pressed, Qiyana finally couldn't control her emotions, and said loudly like catharsis:

"If it wasn't my fault, if it wasn't for me not being able to defeat the monster inside me! Everything would never have turned out that way! It was because of my weakness, Mei, Bronya, Teresa, Himeko, and many others It takes many people to receive such pain, even you, Su Ye..."

"Maybe next time that guy will show up again at an unknown time, hurt the people around me when I'm not paying attention, and even kill you, Su Ye! So, don't get close to me anymore! Leave me alone Destroy yourself! Please! I really don't want to hurt anyone anymore!!!"


Seeing Qiyana's howling with all her strength, Su Ye sighed silently.

He didn't say much, just turned and left the scene.


Seeing Su Ye leave the room, Qiyana instinctively breathed a sigh of relief.

Just talking to people now, she can't help but think back to the scene when she became the Herrscher of the Sky and killed all directions.

The threat of being around her all the time made her feel extremely fearful from the bottom of her heart, and she didn't even dare to communicate with the people around her.

Therefore, Su Ye was willing to leave her, and Qiyana felt happy from the bottom of her heart.


But, obviously he should be happy, but why does the mist that blurs his vision unconsciously appear in his eyes?

Why do I feel pain like a knife in my heart?

The current self is simply an existence that may become a monster at any time. In this case, he should not have contact with anyone, and he can no longer let his power that may get out of control at any time hurt anyone, right!

...Really, I don't want to experience that pain anymore!

- Don't get involved with me anymore!


The girl seemed to have made up her mind, but what she didn't notice was that as the room cooled down, her pale blue pupils gradually glowed with golden light again.

The Herrscher's shadow is about to cover her body again along with the torn wound.

And before all this happened...

"Nong, idiot, don't be in a daze, the instant noodles are ready for you."

The hot bowl of instant noodles extinguished the Herrscher's fire that was supposed to be blazing. Qiyana raised her head dumbfounded, and saw Su Ye with a calm face.

"What? Can't you eat instant noodles? But unfortunately, Mei is not here now, and I don't have the skills to cook for you, so let's eat instant noodles for a few days first."

Hearing Su Ye's self-centered words, Qiyana froze in place.

The tears that had been swirling in the eye sockets just now, and never fell, finally cut through the air at this moment and fell on the bed.


Seeing this, Su Ye suddenly fell into a state of panic.

After all, the way he used to get along with Qiyana was basically fighting against each other, and Su Ye was also used to complaining about Qiyana's various actions with poisonous words.

So, when he found out one day that he actually wanted to comfort this stupid paramecium, he fell into a state of not knowing what to do.

For this reason, he quickly reviewed the anime he had watched before, trying to find out if there were any scenes worth referring to in the anime.

As a result, for some unknown reason, all the outrageous scenes popped up in his mind at this moment.

'Hoho, are you walking towards me? Did you not choose to run away, instead approaching me?!'

'King of Heroes, do you still have enough weapons?!'

'Commander, the car is ready!'

"It's me, it's me first, obviously I came first...whether it's kissing, hugging, or falling in love with that guy."

'I won't stop, as long as you don't stop, there must be me in front of you!!! So, don't stop!!!'


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