Becoming a prop master from a full-time hunter Author: Little Jackie Chan from Chen Gang's family

Mo Lin, who sorted out Doraemon's props, traveled to the world of full-time hunters.

Awakened [Fourth Dimensional Treasure Bag]'s ability to read!

All kinds of props in Doraemon can be extracted and used!

Can't understand the hunter language?It's okay, [Translation Konjac] Come out!

Lack of food and water? [Gourmet tablecloth] Find out~! !

There are also the [Bamboo Dragonfly] flying in the sky, the [Any Door] that can reach any corner of the world, and the [Timer] that pauses time...

When the props displayed their powerful effects in Mo Lin's hands, he also became a well-deserved master of props in the world! !

001 time travel, [four-dimensional treasure bag]

"Where am I?"

When Mo Lin slowly opened his eyes, it was accompanied by a slight headache.

"I remember I was working overtime to sort out Doraemon's props encyclopedia for the boss, and then..."

Maureen tried hard to recall everything that happened before.

Where Mo Lin works, his boss is a rich second-generation weirdo, who likes the anime Doraemon very much.

It just so happens that Mo Lin also likes animation very much, and knows many well-known comics by heart.

So he attracted the attention of the rich second-generation boss, and the two hit it off immediately, and the relationship was very good.

And what this rich second-generation boss likes most is not the hot-blooded Wang Daoman, but the childhood memories of Doraemon.

He specially gave Mo Lin a USB flash drive that looked like a four-dimensional pocket, and asked Mo Lin to help him sort out the various props that appeared in Doraemon.

Just when Molin spent an indefinite amount of time and was about to sort out the thousands of props~

Suddenly, his computer froze.

Then there was a powerful burst of light, and then Maureen didn't know anything.

When he opened his eyes again, it was the current scene.

" this place?"

maureen watching


Surrounded by the many garbage dumps exuding miasma of smoke and dust, and the barren land farther away, he looked blank.

There is not a little bit of human habitation around here, even the garbage dump has traces of human life.

But here, it seems that it is not just an ordinary garbage dump.

Mo Lin was about to stand up just now, but suddenly found out.

My body seems to have shrunk, and my skin has become as supple as a teenager!

"What's wrong with me? "

Maureen was stunned.

And at this moment?


Suddenly, a strong light burst out in Mo Lin's mind, drowning his consciousness in an instant.

Let his body fall to the ground again.

"Props... Hunter x Hunter... Psychic ability..."

With vague words in the corner of his mouth, Mo Lin's eyes were once again shrouded in darkness.

And just when he fell down not long ago.

A figure came from a distance.

He was wearing a small size protective suit and looked a little petite.

"Humanity? ! "

The figure spotted Mo Lin who had fallen on the rubbish mountain at a glance.

"Are you not wearing protective clothing?"

She tilted her head. Falling down on a mountain of radioactive garbage without wearing protective clothing can basically be a death sentence.

Moreover, the body of this kind of person will also be filled with radiation, and no one wants to get close to it.

The only thing that ends up being landfill waste.

The petite figure in protective clothing wanted to just walk away.

"what? ! "

She suddenly found that the clothes on Mo Lin's body looked very good.

After thinking about it, she stepped forward carefully, and grabbed it with the equipment of the protective clothing.

"There is no radiation?!"

The fluctuation detection from the protective clothing made this figure a little surprised.She checked and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the protective clothing.

Looking at Mo Lin's immature and handsome face, he paused for a few seconds.Originally, her purpose was only for the suit on Mo Lin's body, but now??? She thought about it for a while, and quickly made a new decision.

"Headache hurts hurts hurts?"

After an unknown amount of time, Mo Lin woke up from the darkness again.

This time his head hurt a lot more than before.

He sat up slowly with his head covered, sorting out the memories in his mind while looking at the surrounding environment.

At this moment, he was sitting on a very tattered wooden bed, and the environment seemed to be in a certain house.

However, this house can basically be described as a bare house, with almost no other things except the door.

There are only old oil lamps, a hammock, an old table and chair, and a broken oil lamp on it.

The only advantage is that the overall is fairly tidy, so that the house does not look like a pigsty stable, at least it is a place for people to stay.

This shows that the owner of the house is still more careful.

But Morin didn't pay much attention to it.

As the memory surged in his mind, his expression became more and more surprised.

"I actually traveled to the world of Hunter x Hunter?!"

Recalling the clear memories that gradually emerged in his mind one by one, Mo Lin couldn't help but smile wryly.

The time-traveling thing actually happened to him?

Fortunately, he is an orphan with no attachments or concerns.

Hunter x Hunter is his favorite anime, bar none.

But like it or not, it doesn't mean he wants to be here.

If you want to talk about the high-risk world rankings, Hunter x Hunter must be on the list, and it's very high!

In this world, the law of the jungle is very close to the law of the jungle.

The laws and morals of the world can't restrain the devil in people's mind at all.

In addition to the hidden risks of human society, there are also various natural crises such as secret lands, demon lands, monsters, and ruins.

Coupled with the existence of mind ability, everything is possible in this dangerous and mysterious world.

"Fortunately, I have also initially mastered the ability to read."

Recalling those memories in his mind, Mo Lin raised his immature little hand slightly.

— A group of pure white air flow covered his fist.

When coming from time travel, it seems to be the benefits of time travel.

The strong light from the computer re-baptized his body.

Only then did he return to the most suitable time for cultivation when he was twelve or thirteen years old, and it helped him get through the fine pores all over his body.

Not only that, this strong light may be said to be Mo Lin's golden finger, and it also helped Mo Lin cultivate a different kind of mind ability.

Dimensional Treasure Bag]?

Mo Lin flipped through the introduction about his abilities in his mind, and read softly. .

002 powerful mind ability! !

Mind ability: [four-dimensional treasure bag]

Ability effect: Every day, you will sign in in the treasure bag to randomly draw an item, and the drawn item can be taken out of the treasure bag at any time.

Ability limitation: Only one item can be drawn every day, whether it is good or bad is completely uncertain and random, and the ability user needs to explore the function of the item himself.

And every time props are used, a certain amount of mind and energy must be consumed.

The stronger the props drawn by signing in, the more mind and energy will be consumed to use them. If the power of mind and energy are not enough to activate the props, the props cannot be used normally.

This is the mind ability obtained by Molin! !

It seems simple and fair.

Equivalent exchange, if you want to obtain powerful abilities, you must be subject to relatively harsh restrictions.


"Are all these props from the world of Doraemon?!

Mo Lin's eyelids twitched, "Good guy, is this going to make me a Doraemon in the world of Hunter x Hunter?!

That's right, according to the memory in Mo Lin's mind, these props in the four-dimensional treasure bag

Basically all props from the world of Doraemon!

This is also the golden finger that he passed through, so that he can fully understand the function of the props that he will extract in the future! !

After understanding this, Mo Lin can still joke about it bitterly:

"So, try not to do some personal things for the boss, otherwise, it is very likely that you will like to offer a time-traveling package.

"From time-traveling, to baptism, to reading ability, this dragon is simply serving very thoughtfully."

Of course, this was just Maureen's joke.

He came to the world of Hunter x Hunter, but there is no Daxiong who needs him to save.

This thought ability is completely tailored for his current self.

After all, the four-dimensional treasure bag, which is drawn at check-in, is all props from the world of Doraemon.

And he just happened to have summarized and sorted out various props in the world of Doraemon.

He dare not say that he is completely proficient in the functions of various props, at least it is no problem to know them well.

Many props in Doraemon are very convenient and practical. In this dangerous world of hunters, it can be said to have a very important role.

In addition to life-supporting props, Doraemon also has many weapons of mass destruction.

For example, every time he saw a mouse, Doraemon took out a super bomb that could blow up the whole house and even the earth together from his pocket in a daze.

There is also the laser pistol that can melt a tank with one shot, and the homing shell that can easily explode an aircraft carrier...

So Mo Lin sometimes wonders, is Doraemon really just a babysitting robot for household use?

If Maureen had such a prop...

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