PS: At that time, Nobita sprayed half a bottle of spray on his teacher because of a mistake, and was forcibly taken home by the teacher who became extremely concerned about his study, and forced him to do a few homework from morning till night.

Well, this kind of causality-defying prop that can affect people's mind and will is really terrifying.

Maureen rarely used these props.

—On the one hand, if it is used, the consumption is really terrifying.

On the other hand, in this world where thoughts are rampant, using this kind of thing casually may lead to very bad consequences.

Jin Zai tried several times, but still couldn't get the [Monster Hat] back from Xiaojie's hand.

Even Jin can't do it, let alone other people with the ability to read.

"For Xiaojie's consideration so thoughtfully, let me thank you for him first."

Jin expressed his gratitude, but from the corner of his eye, he still looked at the [monster hat] with some reluctance.

Well, most likely he didn't enjoy himself enough, and then he couldn't get it.

The main purpose of Maureen spraying this spray is to prevent Xiaojie from losing his hat in the future.

He also prevented his unreliable father from sneaking off the hat himself on the way to send Xiaojie back to Whale Island.

If it was the father of a normal person, he would definitely not rob his son.

But Kim--*

It's hard to say, he can do anything.

"Since you gave my son such an expensive meeting gift, then I can't say nothing?"

Jin looked behind Mo Lin, Huashi Doulang, who had been silently listening to the two big men chatting there.

"This is your brother?"

Jin tilted his head, "Although they all look handsome, they don't look alike...A half-brother?

"He is my apprentice."

Mo Lin pointed to Huashi Doulang, who also stepped forward and made a clasping salute.

"Huashi Doulang, I have met Mr. Jin."


Jin suddenly realized, "Looking at your age, I thought you were all brothers."

0...ask for flowers oo

"However, for apprentices who are about the same age, this situation does exist."

He scratched his head and realized, "By the way, I also have a not-so-young apprentice."

Jin's disciple, Kate, is almost as old as himself.

"What department is he?"

Being able to enter the island of greed already shows that he is a person with the ability to open his fine pores.


Huashi Doulang said honestly.

"Is it the enhancement system? It's really the same as I thought..."

Jin thought for a while, "Have you developed the ability to read?"

"not yet."

Huashi Doulang shook his head, "Master said let me practice briefly on this island first, and then study the ability to read after mastering the skills of reading."

"So what?

Jin scratched his cheek and coughed lightly:

"Then you can practice with your master first, and after I send Xiaojie away, I will come back to help you see what kind of mindfulness ability should be developed."

"Um? "

Huashi Doulang was slightly taken aback, "Help me develop my abilities?"

"What are you still in a daze for? Hurry up and thank Jin in advance."

Maureen reminded from the side.

Jin may be a fool, but his attainment in mind ability is completely unassailable.

0 ....

Being well-informed, he will definitely give Huashi Doulang the most suitable strengthening ability for him.

This also saves Mo Lin the effort to help Huashi Doulang develop his mind ability.

Jin's disciple Kate's ability to read was completely taught by Jin.

Although Kate can't do without complaining when using the ability, but he uses it very smoothly.

Moreover, his ability did save his life at the last moment when facing Neferbit.

The mental ability tailored by Jin may not be the strongest and most practical, but it is the ability that is most suitable for oneself and can best exert one's own characteristics.

But having said that, how many people in this world can make Jin tailor-made abilities for him?

After Mo Lin's reminder, Huashi Doulang came to his senses, his eyes lit up and he quickly saluted, "Thank you, Senior Jin."

Since stepping into the gate of the world of those with the ability to read, Douro Huashi also has a certain understanding of the ability to read.

He has always been amazed and envious of the many very practical and convenient props that the master took out at random, all obtained through the manifestation of the ability of thoughts.

After knowing this, he is also very eager for his own ability to read.

Even after going through Mizumi Shiki and knowing that he has the ability to strengthen the system, Douro Huashi was not too disappointed.

As long as it is suitable for you and you can use it smoothly, you can.

He is not picky in this regard.

"Not so polite."

Jin waved his hand casually, "Otherwise, I would be the one who should say thank you."

"When I have time later, I will also bring my apprentice over to meet you."

He made a rare joke.

The sun also gradually moved towards the west as the few people chatted, and the black night was about to cover the land.

"Okay, after talking so much, it's getting late."

Jin looked up at the sky, "That's it for now, I'll send Xiaojie back first, and then come over.

With that said, he wanted to say goodbye and leave.


Mo Lin stopped him, "Before you leave, let's shake hands."


Under Jin's puzzled eyes, a pair of purple and red gloves suddenly appeared in Mo Lin's hands

A strange glove with purple wrists and red palms and fingers.

Mo Lin put the glove on his hand three or two times, and then visible to the naked eye, the glove shimmered and disappeared as if invisible.

"All right?"

There was a smile on Maureen's face.

"Come on, just shake hands."

0【Ability Copy Gloves】!The copy is in hand, Jin's perverted talent!



Do you think I'm blind, or foolish? ! !

Even if you want to do something, you don't have to make it so obvious in front of me, right? ! !

"Hey Hey hey!"

Jin looked at Mo Lin very disgustedly, "You just act in front of me like this, playing tricks so aboveboard, do you think I'm a fool?

He even felt a little insulted to his IQ.

He pouted at Mo Lin's seemingly normal hands, "What kind of strange prop are you?"

"Are you trying to play tricks on me?"

Jin was very vigilant.

Through today's chat, he also understood Mo Lin's character.

Coupled with the previous relationship between Molin and Yishukube and the evaluation he got afterwards, Jin also thinks that Molin is not a bad person.

And the other party put on the prop that looked like a glove in front of him, more because he wanted to show himself that it was not a prop to entrap him.

But... Maybe he was pranking himself, using himself as a prank prop?

As for why Kim thinks so...

Well, because he used to do this type of thing a lot???

Maureen clapped his hands and said:

"This is not a prank prop. Even if those things are used, they must be used secretly and secretly, and they will never be used openly.

Jin became even more vigilant after hearing this:

"You really have the props to trick people!! It seems that I have to be on guard against you in the future.

If it is really a prop used to trick you,

It's no use being on your guard.

"Nine sixty

Not to be outdone, Mo Lin replied that he had indeed drawn a lot of prank props in his pocket that could play tricks on others.

"Come on, let me shake hands quickly!"


Kim raised his hand to stop,

"you tell me first,

The glove props in your hand,

What kind of function does it have?

"This one?

Mo Lin raised his hand, "It's [Ability Copy Gloves].

Props: [Ability Copy Gloves].

Effect: Wearing this glove, you can copy the abilities and technologies of others as soon as you shake hands with others. For example, after shaking hands with Edison, you will also become an invention king.But once you shake hands with the second person, the ability and technology of the second person will be copied, and the ability and technology copied by the first person will be overwritten.

After Mo Lin told Jin about the efficacy, the result~

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