This scene stunned the entire audience, and everyone looked dumbfounded.

Because this is completely different from what they thought, everyone thought that there would be a violent collision.

The results of it?Get blown away with a punch?

"Lizard King! Hold on!" Xiao Zhi shouted anxiously into the smoke.


As soon as Xiaozhi finished speaking, a burst of passionate shouts came from the smoke!

I saw Lizard King shaking his hands!Disperse all the smoke and dust around.

At this time, a large amount of grass-attribute energy emerged out of thin air around the lizard king, like an energy coat, attached to the lizard king's body.

The characteristics of the Lizard King, lush, trigger!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi waved his fist and said with a smile: "Good job! Lizard King! Now use the flying leaf storm to fight back!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiu was also slightly startled.

With such a big difference in level, it stands to reason that this punch should be fatal, right?

Forget it, one punch is not enough, then another punch!

"Lucario, rush over and use Comet Fist again." Ye Xiu said calmly.

Lucario clenched his right fist, condensed the steel attribute energy, and rushed towards the Lizard King quickly.

And Lizard King heard Xiaozhi's order, and his whole body condensed strong grass-attribute energy.

Immediately afterwards, the strong grass-attributed energy turned into dozens of hundreds of sharp blades, rushing towards Lucario!

After the release, the Lizard King stood in place, with a large number of blue particle effects appearing around his body, and his special attack dropped significantly.

At this time, Lucario was also rushing towards the Lizard King.

Swish swish!

The leaf blade of the flying leaf storm kept cutting Lucario, but it didn't stop it from running!

Lucario bears the blow of Flying Leaf Storm, and rushes to the Lizard King, his silvery right fist slams out!

boom! ! ! ! !

Another deafening bang!The Lizard King was thrown off the field without any defense.


He fell to the ground tightly, the branch in his mouth fell to the ground, and lost the ability to fight.

"Lizard King!" Xiao Zhi shouted.

"The Lizard King can't fight! Lucario wins!" The referee raised his right hand and announced loudly.

With the death of the Lizard King, the icon of Xiaozhi's first elf on the big screen dimmed, and there were only 5 elves available for battle.

At this time on the battlefield, Lucario was panting slightly.

Flying Leaf Storm is originally a grass-type big move, and the lushness feature adds power.

No matter who it is, it may not feel good to be hit by this move.

Fortunately, Lucario's attributes have steel attributes, so grass attribute moves are not very effective on him.

"Come back, Lizard King, you have performed very well, take a good rest."

Xiao Zhi took the Lizard King back, and whispered a word of comfort to the Poké Ball.

Then he took out the second elf ball and flung it toward the battlefield!

"Flame Monkey! It's up to you!"


ps: Thank you readers for your support.

Chapter 121 Ash's Big Brother


The elf ball hit the ground, making a crisp sound.

White light flashed.

A humanoid elf appeared on the field.

It is a monkey with a long burning fire on its head. Its whole body is mainly reddish brown, with white fluff on its head, chest, lower legs and feet, and gold spots on its shoulders, chest, back of its hands and knees. Yellow swirly scales.

【Name】: Flame Monkey (♂)

【Attribute】: Fire/Fighting

[Characteristics]: Fire

[Strength]: Level 62 (Early King of Heaven)

[Qualification]: Champion

[Skills]: Flame Wheel, Flame Jet, Hole Digging, Sonic Fist, Flame Charge...

[Evaluation]: A flaming monkey with the qualifications of a champion, one in a million, with amazing perseverance!



The flame monkey roared at Lucario!Not at all afraid of it.

"Xiaozhi sent his main elf! Flame Monkey! It can be seen that, instead of being afraid of Lucario, Flame Monkey has a strong fighting spirit! So, can Flame Monkey turn the tide of battle! Let us Let's wait and see!" The host explained loudly.

"Oh? Is senior brother coming?" Ye Xiu murmured.

The flame monkey can restrain Lucario in terms of attributes, but Ye Xiu has no intention of switching spirits.

The level gap between the two sides is very large, so there is no need to change.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu launched an attack directly: "Lucario, use super speed to approach!"


Lucario responded, and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the flame monkey!

"Flame Monkey! Spray flames!" Xiaozhi commanded loudly.


A large amount of fire attribute energy is continuously condensed in the flame monkey's mouth.

call! ! !

The next moment, a violent pillar of fire spewed out from its mouth, rushing towards Lucario!

"Lucario, use your speed to dodge! Get closer and use the Enhanced Fist!" Ye Xiu waved his right hand, giving instructions continuously.

I saw that Lucario turned into an afterimage, easily dodging the jet flames from the Flaming Monkey, his right fist condensed the energy of fighting attributes, and continued to rush towards the Flaming Monkey.

"Flame Monkey! Use the Sonic Fist to meet it!" Xiaozhi commanded loudly.

Facing Lucario's approach, the flame monkey's right fist condensed the energy of fighting attributes, flashing white light.


The right fist turned into an afterimage and hit Lucario's stomach first.

Lucario was slightly repelled a step, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then swung his enhanced fist towards the flame monkey!

boom! ! !


The flame monkey who received this punch screamed, flew backwards for several meters, and fell to the ground.

The strength gap between the two sides is fully reflected at this moment!

After punching this punch, orange particle effects appeared all over Lucario's body, and his attack power increased again.

"Flame Monkey!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's call, Flame Monkey stood up with difficulty, gritted his teeth, and stared at Lucario.

It does not accept!

"Good job! Flaming monkey! Use the flame wheel!" Xiaozhi shouted happily.


The flame monkey looked up to the sky and howled!Gather fire attribute energy, and then let the flames cover the whole body!

The body turned into a swirling flame!Rush towards Lucario!

"Lucario, Bo missile." Ye Xiu didn't panic in the slightest, commanding lightly.

Hearing Ye Xiu's instruction, Lucario clasped his palms together, continuously condensing the waveguide power and fighting attribute energy in his palms.

The two energies continuously converged into a light blue energy ball.

Lucario swung hard!The wave missiles rushed towards the flame monkey!

"Flame Monkey! Be careful!" Xiaozhi shouted anxiously.

Bang! ! !


I saw that the wave missile hit Lucario's stomach, first flying him backwards for several meters, and then accompanied by the scream of the flame monkey, a violent explosion occurred!Thick black smoke surrounded it.

"Flame Monkey! Don't lose! Stand up!" Xiaozhi clenched his fists and shouted!

Everyone at the scene held their breath, wanting to know what was going on in the black smoke.

next second!


A mighty roar came out of the smoke!

Blazing flames break through the smoke!Break through the entire venue!Straight into the sky!

The whole body is overflowing with strong fire attribute energy!

Fire feature, trigger!

Xiaozhi pointed his right hand forward and shouted: "Flame Monkey! Use Flame Charge!"


The flame monkey roared again, and its whole body turned into a huge fireball as dazzling as the sun, rushing towards Lucario!

Along the way, the air and the ground were burned up!

Seeing this scene, the corners of Ye Xiu's mouth rose slightly.

"It's finally here. This move is what I've been waiting for. Let's have a fierce collision!"

"Lucario! Use all your strength for melee combat!" Ye Xiu shouted with enthusiasm.


Lucario roared to the sky!The whole body condenses strong fighting attribute energy.

Plus the power of endless waves!Filled Lucario's whole body!keep spilling out.

In the next second, Lucario crossed his hands!Standing in front of him, he rushed towards the flame monkey!

Along the way, the surface of the ground was instantly annihilated!

Bang! ! ! ! ! ! !

The red and blue colors collide fiercely!The sound of collision pierced the sky!

The collision of the two elves lasted for four or five seconds.

In the end, Flame Monkey lost consciousness in the collision and was knocked out of the field by Lucario.

At this time, Lucario was not feeling well either. He knelt down on one knee, his chest was aching, and his whole body was burning hot.

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