When Jiang Yan boarded the Qunyu Pavilion, he saw that the hall was filled with dense sand tables, materials, and manuscripts.

The three people staring at the thick dark circles have already started a preliminary discussion.

Seeing Jiang Yan's arrival, everyone said hello and then started the formal exchange of plans.

"I've been thinking about it for a few days. Do I need a reason to fight a demon who is a potential threat to Liyue Port?"

"If there is a reason, it is that Liyue does not allow an enemy capable of destroying Liyue Port to sleep near Liyue Port."

Keqing was always the first to express his opinion.

As long as there is something she wants to say, she never hesitates or waits, and does her part.

"Since we have done it, don't hide it. Whether it is Xiang Xian's family or Xiang Liuguo, our purpose is very clear. It is to use the corpse of the demon god to prove that we have the ability to protect ourselves."

"This clear attitude is also enough to deter people who have ideas and plans for us."

"Strength and attitude are indispensable. If you have strong muscles without the determination to fight at all costs, you will not be in awe." Ke Qing patted the table excitedly.

"So, my plan breaks down into the following steps:"

"First of all, we need to make a talisman weapon that can directly attack the deep sea, and make it out."

"I've already researched the feasibility, and this is the preliminary structure diagram and approximate requirements."

Keqing posted a draft full of alchemist and blacksmith's notes on the board for everyone's reference.

"Secondly, as a deterrent, we need to pour the greatest firepower on Bajia at once."

"So, I plan to gather all the alchemists and prison topaz in Liyue Port to make an alchemy cannon that can directly bombard Guyun Pavilion from Liyue Port, and suppress Bazhu with a huge rock spear."

"Fortunately, the introduction of jade steel technology has made this previously unimaginable weapon possible."

"Only by replicating the great achievements of the emperor in the past can it have the greatest impact on the immortals and bring the greatest confidence."

"This is what I learned after my initial communication with the Alchemy Family. It is estimated that it will take about one to two years."

"For specific resource and manpower requirements, you can take a look at this form"

Having said that, Keqing took out a form that recorded various astronomical figures and distributed it to everyone.

"If Ba Chuan is successfully suppressed, we will release Oserer and carry out another bombardment after we are fully prepared and watched by the immortal family, fully proving the power of mortals."

"Of course, to be on the safe side, we will also invite Narugami as a last resort."

"This is my preliminary plan. For the detailed plan, you can read it."

Keqing energetically pushed the stack of manuscripts in her hand to Jiang Yan and the others, and then sat back in her original seat.

Listening to Keqing's plan, she looked at the preliminary plans of the depth charges she planned and the Liyue Cannon.

Good guy!Is this running into the era of fantasy technology?

Especially for this Liyue cannon, the concept map is full of dense notes, analysis, and opinions of many alchemists, blacksmiths, and mechanics.

God knows how this girl spent these three days and nights.

In Keqing's plan, this Liyue Cannon occupied the entire ship's berth;

The base is composed of a large number of solid and strengthened rock plates made by the owner of the God's Eye;

The front is covered with thick amber bunkers of wasabi;

The barrel as a whole is made of jade steel;

The ammunition department is a huge magic circle. A large number of alchemists use prison topaz to directly generate an indestructible rock gun in the barrel. The gun tip will automatically explode after touching the target's body, causing terrifying rock element damage.

The power department is composed of two magic circles, using a large amount of wish-burning agate and the most victorious amethyst to generate an overload reaction and provide sufficient driving force for the rock gun.

Jiang Yan was dumbfounded.

Bombard the Demon God with a giant fortress cannon?

Who are we today?

Is there a mistake in retiring in Liyue: Chapter 219 Chapter 212 Is there a mistake in sealing fishing?

What made Jiang Yan even more depressed was that both Ningguang and Gan Yu accepted Keqing's plan more than his own.

In fact, alchemy technology is used quite a lot in Liyue, and the final machine, which can automatically shoot continuously and even pose a threat to the demon god, is a representative.

From the perspective of Ning Guang and Gan Yu, this kind of fortress cannon is nothing more than a large terminal machine.

However, for Keqing's plan, what Ningguang can't accept is the time and investment, one year or two?

She has seen too many such pictures in the plans of her businessmen.

According to her estimate, if the Liyue Cannon is built within three years, everything will be considered smooth.

And investing such a huge cost, in addition to showing it to the immortals, it can only be used to defend against enemies from the sea?

At this moment, is it crazy to want to surpass the emperor?This spectacle is too misleading.

As Gan Yu looked at the rows of astronomical figures, she already had difficulty breathing.

With this kind of large-scale construction model, the surplus of Liyue Port in a few years may be emptied, and there is no need for the Xian family to prove it to this extent, why bother?

Thinking of this, Gan Yu cleared her throat and announced her plan.

"My plan is to cooperate with the Winter Kingdom and allow them to conduct research on the power of the Demon God within a controllable range."

"Fools are very interested in extraordinary power, and the relics and seals of various countries are the objects of their exploration."

"Including the previous cooperation in Layer Abyss, they even paid out of their own pockets to help Liyue solve the problem, just for the research results."

"Although I don't know what they are planning, but with this attitude, we have room for cooperation."

"This is the record of Liyue's previous transactions with the Winter Kingdom, and their psychological expectations."

"This is some public information collected by Yuehai Pavilion about the extraordinary power transactions between Zhidong Kingdom and other countries."

Gan Yu said, took several sorted forms and distributed them to the other three.

"Judging from their attitude, we can use the research rights of Oser and Bachi in exchange for the full cooperation of the Winter Kingdom."

"Attacking the Demon God requires a more powerful weapon than the Final Machine, and we can just use the power of the Winter Kingdom to achieve it."

"The spar technology of the Zhidong Kingdom can just fill in the current gap in the energy supply of the Liyue Talisman weapon."

"That's all I want to say. As for how to defeat the demon god, it's really not my specialty. I'd better listen to the opinions of a few of you."

Selling the demon god who is a hidden danger to the Winter Kingdom as a treasure?

Really have you, Gan Yu!

It seems that Zhidong Country has suffered a big loss, but Jiang Yan has thought about it carefully, and Zhidong Country is likely to agree to this deal.

The demon god is indeed a hidden danger, but it is indeed a very rare thing, and the Winter Kingdom will definitely not let go of the opportunity to study it.

Backed by the emperor's fox and the fake power of the tiger, Zhidong Kingdom bought not only the research rights, but also the price of getting the emperor's nod, which would cause a lot of bleeding.

Therefore, Gan Yu's desire for spar technology is not excessive at all. Zhidong Kingdom has a great goal, and its imaginary enemy has never been Liyue.

What's more, although Gan Yu's plan is a complete plan, it is also very easy to integrate into other plans and become a powerful supplement.

In Jiang Yan's eyes, both Ke Qing and Ning Guang nodded in agreement.

As expected of a 3000-year secretary, she excels in everything she does.

After listening to Gan Yu's proposal, Ning Guang stood up and tapped the cigarette stick on the table.

"The methods of both are good, but I want to prove ourselves to the Xian family, we have a more important task - to calm people's hearts."

"Dijun Benyue, this news won't be hidden for long, and I don't want to use my reputation to hide it."

"The long dream of "a land with gods" is endless, but what we have to do is to let the people of Liyue learn to say goodbye. "

"The people don't have the patience of a fairy, and every day when the "contract" is broken, it will bring panic. "

"So, I decided to prove myself to the public as soon as possible, not just to the immortals."

Hearing this, Jiang Yan, Ke Qing, and Gan Yu all changed their expressions.

That's right, please Xian Dianyi is approaching, even if you fool around this year, the price will be credit bankruptcy.

But if the truth is told, the entire Liyue will fall into a very long period of depression.

At this time, it is very important to come up with a great victory as soon as possible.

"Therefore, my plan is very simple. I will wait in the Guyun Pavilion and unlock a small part of Oser's seal."

"If she finds out at this time that she can break through Oser's broken seal by sacrificing herself, what will she do?"

Although this plan was simple, the cruelty and ruthlessness contained in it made the other three tremble.

"But if you do this, it's hard to say what the immortal masters think of you."

Jiang Yan seriously persuaded Ningguang, there is no need, these gods are all good people, who have ever seen such a ruthless game?

Even if you prove yourself, it won't make sense to drag your reputation to indifference.

And Ningguang, he waved the cigarette pole indifferently.

"I don't have any responsibility at all, so what kind of star do you still want to be?"

"My moral ability is not as good as that of the emperor. If I want to get something, I will naturally have to make a choice. This is just a necessary price."

"But, after Oser came out, we couldn't suppress him in a short time?" Gan Yu asked.

"Whether it is a weapon against a demon god or a technique, it will take a while to prepare."

And Ning Guang lightly stepped on the ground with his heel, making a crisp sound.

"As long as the height is high enough, the power of a stone is comparable to the rock spear of the emperor."

"Not to mention, we are stepping on a big enough rock."

Ningguang's complete plan left the three of them speechless.

She didn't even want her most beloved Qunyu Pavilion, which shows how firm her heart is.

In terms of efficiency and effectiveness, neither Keqing's construction spectacle nor Ganyu's external support can compare to Ningguang's desperate efforts.

But..... pay so much, is it worth it?


Actually, it's worth it.

In the past few days, Ningguang has been thinking, what is the so-called "proof"?

It wasn't until the next night, when she was tossing and turning in bed, that she suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

I, Ning Guang, why do I have to prove something to the immortal masters?

It was Liyue's Wanmin who recommended me, not a fairy teacher, not even an emperor.

Whether it's before or after, I just need to lead the people of Liyue forward without distraction.

It's great to be able to suppress a demon god, but if you can't suppress it, can immortal masters who don't eat fireworks lead Liyue?

It's a joke to think about how I've been so focused on pleasing the immortal master these two days.

How could he be worthy of his wild words of "Linzhi Fengyi, there are few troubles? One is enough."?

Concentrating on thinking about it, she put aside all the worries before, but her vision has broadened.

Without the protection of the emperor, Liyue does not need much power, but "order" and "determination".

In the era when no demon god could be found to fight, strength was not the most urgent need.

Even relying on one's own strength is the way to bring disaster.

As a Tianquan star, the most urgent thing in front of me is actually to quickly stabilize the "order" and express my "determination" to lead Liyue forward regardless of everything.

Thus, an efficient and ruthless plan was drawn up.

The cruel and merciless killing of the enemy and the determination to sacrifice everything for oneself are all in it.

As for the dissatisfaction of the immortal masters?Take advantage of the only moment, grasp everything in your hand, this is a mortal.

The emperor handed over Liyue to us mortals, if the immortal masters are not convinced, then come and take it!

Is there something wrong with retiring in Liyue: Chapter 220 Chapter 213 Is the three-in-one strategy wrong?

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