This kind of super brave speech was welcomed by the two people and Pai Mengzi shaking their heads.

"Except for you, who would want to challenge them. Not to mention the rock king, we can't even find immortals now, let alone challenge them." Paimon complained.

"Emperor Rock King, it is still rare to see the immortal Dianyi every year; and the three-eyed and five-manifested immortal, it is rare to see it in a lifetime."

"Traveler, why are you seeking immortality?" Zhong Li asked.

Ying explained to Zhongli and Dadalia the story of her separation from her brother, as well as her desire to see a fairy and ask about her brother's whereabouts.

Such a pious and justifiable desire to seek immortality instantly excited Dadalia.

A perfect chess piece will even go on the chessboard with its own reasons, and the combination with its own plan is simply seamless.

As a good brother, how can he watch a sister who is looking for his brother feel sad?

"Find the immortal, I have a good way." Dadalia offered help very kindly.

"What way?" Ying instantly regained her spirits.

Could it be that today is indeed my lucky day?

"Hehehe, take this." Dadalia handed Ying a copy of the "Hundred No Taboos".

Isn't this person in front of you the best candidate to try whether the "Hundred No Taboos" can be seen through?

"This is...?" Ying still doesn't know anything about the power of Liyue's talisman.

"To put it simply, this thing is a token. Let the "Three-Eyed Five-Display Immortal" not harm your token. Dadalia explained to Ying in detail.

"Leaving the city to the north, to the west of Guiliyuan, there is a stone forest named "Extreme Cloud Room". People in Liyue believe that it is where the Immortal Cave Mansion is located. "

"But I don't need to 'believe' - because I 'know' that the celestial beings are there. "

"Hundred Taboo Talisman? I didn't expect that the Talisman of No Taboo is still alive today." Zhong Li looked at this talisman and said with emotion.

"That's right, Mr. Zhongli is indeed very knowledgeable, I would like to offer you a toast." Dadalia was very happy to be cheered by someone, and drank it all in one gulp.

It's a pity that he didn't understand Zhongli's complicated eyes... "The mortals nowadays are so courageous."

Of course Zhongli knew the talisman of no taboos, because he forged it himself.

There is no taboo talisman, which originated from the period of the Demon God War. I forged a certificate to reward the mortals who have made meritorious deeds in subduing demons.

With the [-] no taboo talisman, they can make wishes to several real people in order to get due rewards.

But in fact, the so-called "celestial power" above has no effect at all.

It's just my own unique fairy power feature, similar to a mortal's business card and name post.

How can the demon god be so good? Most of the mortals who "have meritorious deeds in subjugating demons" will be smashed to pieces, and there are not many people who have been granted the talisman of no taboos, and almost all of them have been lost for thousands of years.

If it weren't for ordinary people to pick up from the pile of old papers to make a game, it would have been lost in the years.

However, in the accounts of mortals, things are different:

They only know that with the "immortal power" on the Bai Wu Taboo talisman, they can meet immortals, fulfill their wishes, break the seals, and do almost anything.

Judging from the results, it is indeed the case, but what works is the face of Emperor Yanwang.

But of all this, the two who were about to do big things with their fake business cards in front of them naturally didn't know.

"It seems that the information network of fools is very useful..." Paimeng complained:

"But, since you have this, why don't you fulfill your dream of challenging immortals?"

"Haha, the talisman of no taboo can only guarantee that the immortals will not harm you, and has no coercive force. If a foreigner wants to challenge them, who will care about you?" Dadalia explained to Ying and Paimon with a smile:

"I also have selfish intentions. If you are familiar with the immortal and introduce me, maybe the immortal will agree to compete with me."

"In general reason, it does."

Zhongli nodded in agreement. When you release Oser, the immortals will not only agree to compete with you, but even a group of immortals will compete with you.

"Then I accept it gratefully, thank you, my lord. "

"If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely ask the immortals."

At this moment, Ying felt that this Zhidong man was really kind, he was like a messenger sent from heaven.

At this time, the food was ready, and after the three of them, plus Paimon, were full, they said goodbye to each other and prepared to part ways.

When parting, Dadalia stopped Zhongli:

"Mr. Zhongli, I admire your knowledge very much."

"I don't know if I have the honor to travel with you in Liyue recently, and see you a lot?"

Zhongli looked at Dadalia quietly for a while, then nodded.

For the sake of the special auditorium and the wallet for walking, he agreed.

"It's okay."

D'Addaria was very pleased with his consent.

Crossing the river and adding local snakes, this wave is stable.

"Then during this time, please give me a lot of advice!"

Did I make a mistake in fighting the sea battle in Guyun Pavilion: Chapter 256 Chapter 247 Did I make a mistake in the script Xunxian

Jiang Yan, who has been following the "Prince", saw the three people talking happily, and couldn't help feeling the inertia of fate.

Following "Young Master" was not to obtain any information, but because he was afraid that he would not be able to accept the reality when he heard that the emperor was flying to the moon, so he twitched his head and threw the big whale directly at Liyue Port.

However, he never expected that he would directly get involved with the emperor and the traveler.

It's all Hutao's fault. After saving Heguan last time, Jiang Yan originally approved a large amount of Dao's wife's financial expenditure to reward Hutao and serve as the emperor's pension by the way.

As a result, Hu Tao's professional dignity was disturbed, saying that He Guan was rescued by his master, and that he would not be rewarded for his meritorious service in the Hall of Rebirth.

After resolutely delaying, Jiang Yan had no choice but to give the Liyue Youth League a free tour of Quan Dao's wife.

If Hutao honestly took Mo La, would Dijun be so poor that "three bowls can't pass Hong Kong"?

This is good, Liyue is not happy to make a cameo appearance in friendship, and gave Jiang Yan 1 courage, and dare not assign a script and task to Dijun in this big drama.

But "Young Master" plunged in by himself, and Jiang Yan had nothing to do...

It can only be said that Zhongli's cool vest, no matter where he is, is like a firefly in the dark, so bright, so outstanding, and he can't do anything about it.

The original plan was for Jiang Yan to treat Ying to a meal, and after a good show, he would take her to go fishing with her.

Although Ying looks very naive, she who has traveled through countless worlds just doesn't care, not that she is not smart.

As long as there are enough rough stones, Oscar can show it to him.

But now that the whales themselves have taken the bait, they had to temporarily change the script.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan hurriedly used the communication talisman to contact several real monarchs for a show.

At this time, Ying has already embarked on a journey between the clouds.

Finding immortals in Absolute Cloud is not an easy task, otherwise countless immortal seekers would return without success every year.

There are thousands of pinnacles, all of which are above the churning sea of ​​clouds, and nothing can be seen on the surface.

The steep mountains make climbing every pinnacle a very dangerous and difficult job.

Even above the sea of ​​clouds, I found some unusual mountain tops;

But after going down the mountain, it is difficult to find the corresponding stone peak on the ground.

However, if it is not so difficult and true, how can the stories brought back by travelers make whales hooked?

The immortals were very patient, and it wasn't until the third day that Ying and Paimeng passed through the amber all over the mountain to find the cave of Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun.

Paimeng is quite useful sometimes, halfway through the climb, she can fly up to see if there are any fairy caves on the top of the mountain, otherwise Ying will not be able to find the caves of a few true kings if she takes a few times more time.

Of course, in fact, the caves of several real monarchs usually have magic circles that can conceal the perception of mortals, and they have been temporarily withdrawn for the sake of acting.

Along the way, Ying broke a pile of amber and rescued two treasure hunters. Finally, under their guidance, she followed the rugged and winding mountain road to the top of the mountain.

The entire top of the mountain was restrained by the magic circle, and Ying and Paimeng seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, unable to advance an inch.

"Ying, try the talisman that "Master" gave you. " Paimon suggested.

Ying took out a hundred no taboo talisman and pasted it on the magic circle.

And Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan, who felt the breath of the [-] no taboos, also retracted the magic circle at this time.

From Ying's perspective, as soon as she took out the talisman, the magic circle dissipated like melting ice and snow, and she began to have confidence in the gift from "Master".

However, just as he was about to move forward, there was an angry shout from the top of the mountain:

"Trassing the mountain gate without authorization, and letting the thieves who were commanded privately be released."

"Ignorant mortals, don't come quickly to receive the commandment!"

Paimon and Ying were taken aback, "I always feel that this fairy has a bad temper." Paimon complained.

But things had come to this, Ying had no choice but to climb to the top of the mountain anxiously, in front of the cave of the True Monarch of Lishui Mountain, a crane with a black body, white neck and bronze feathers was already waiting there.

Seeing Ying coming up, True Monarch Lishui Dieshan scolded:

"Not only broke into the "Hulao Mountain, destroyed the amber on the mountain, but also released the thieves who were being commanded. These thieves really don't know the power of Xianwei, but you are also extremely rude."

"Whoa! We, we have a reason!"

Paimeng was startled when he saw Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan's aggressive appearance, he quickly hid behind Ying, and explained with his head exposed.

"Look at this..." Ying held the Hundred No Taboos talisman and showed it to Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan.

Seeing the [-] no taboo talisman, True Monarch Lishui Dieshan immediately changed his attitude.

Even if it was a script, Jiang Yan didn't intend to let the fairy masters lie.

Firstly, it is too disrespectful to let the immortal lie, and the immortal may not agree.

Second, how can a lie have the truth to mislead people?

So Jiang Yan just asked the immortal masters not to expose the fake [-] no taboo talisman in the traveler's hand. As for the rest, the immortal masters behaved normally and could play freely.

""Hundred No Taboo Seals"?Didn't expect this to exist in the world. " Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun looked at this nostalgic talisman that was probably produced last week.

In the past, the immortals would not put on the posture of an immortal for every warrior who held a hundred-no-taboo seal, but called him a "comrade-in-arms" enthusiastically.

It's a pity that neither things nor people...

Thinking of this," True Monarch Lishui Dieshan's nostalgia became three points more sincere.

"The emperor cast this divine seal in the past. It was given to mortals, and the number is rare. It has been scattered and lost for thousands of years..."

"For the sake of the No Taboo Talisman, why do you come here? Tell me the details. If it's not too much, I will give you blessings."

Ying told Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun about how she and her elder brother encountered a mysterious god and were forced to separate, looking for his whereabouts.

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun shook his head after listening.

"I don't even know the god you mentioned. But in terms of body shape, it's definitely not the emperor."

"As for whether the emperor has heard of your brother's traces, I have never heard of the emperor, but you can go to Aozang Mountain to ask Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind."

"When it comes to gossip and trifles, she is better at it." After finishing speaking, True Monarch Lishui Dieshan spread his wings, and a bronze-colored feather floated into Ying's hand.

"This feather will guide you to the cave of Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind in Aozang Mountain. The fate between you and me is over, so you can leave quickly."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and entered the cave, and there was no trace.


The facial expressions, emotions, and story of Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan's big drama are all perfect, and now the pressure has come to Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind.

Compared with the easy-talking True Lord Lishui and Dieshan, and the master who agreed without saying a word, Jiang Yan spent a lot of effort in persuading True Lord Liuyun and Borrowing Wind.

At the beginning, Jiang Yan said that she would cooperate with acting to fool ordinary people, but Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind and refused.

"This immortal is not an actor of Liyue, why did he accompany you to perform such a scandal?"

Naturally, Jiang Yan couldn't report to the emperor, so he had to explain:

"True Monarch Rong, there is a little twist in the matter, there is no need for the True Monarch to say anything that violates the facts and conscience, as long as that hundred-no-taboo talisman is true."

"When you mortals vowed to complete this plan alone, that's not what you said."

Recently, the technical problems of Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun being transformed by Qunyu Pavilion have caused unbearable disturbance and no peace.

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