"Captain Qin, it's bad, I'm here to inform you that Mond is about to face a life-and-death crisis."

"What's wrong?" Qin immediately entered the working state

"Have you read the book "Heart of Qingquan", Captain Qin?"

"That's right" nothing else, Captain Qin has a little secret, she is a lover of love novels, and has been moved by the love story between humans and elves told by Qingquan Heart many times.

"I believe you know that the story of the heart of Qingquan is true. Now that old Finch is getting old, he may return to heaven with regret. Do you know what will happen after his soul returns to heaven?" Jiang Yan started to whet his appetite, and Yun Jin also became interested.

"What will happen?" The two asked at the same time.

"The development of Mond's wine industry is essentially due to the high-quality grapes and water quality, and all of this was originally obtained by the pure water fairy Lodia using her power to purify the light water. If old Finch is not around, Do you think Lodia will still send the water of life downstream? Or just leave this sad place?"

Qin is completely numb to hearing, there is nothing wrong with it, the pure water elves can't force them to come, they can stay wherever they want, once they stay away from this sad place, Grandpa Lu and the West Wind Knights, which operate entirely on the liquor tax, will be in trouble.

The world's fine wines come from Fontaine. Although the wine industry, the pillar industry of Mond, has a long history, it can now compete with Fontaine. Now it seems that there is a pure water elf with Fontaine. Why didn't I think of this before?

Yun Jin was also dumbfounded, aren't we here to make a couple?Why did it suddenly become a major issue related to the safety of the two countries?Is it really good for me, a non-government person, to get involved?

"Wait, wait, the situation you mentioned is too serious, I want to consult Lisa and Mr. Diluc"

Lisa and Di Luke, who were urgently called, confirmed the authenticity of the problem from the perspectives of the water elf and the brewing respectively. Do couples go to decline if they are not in harmony?It's not funny at all.

"Ah, this...Jiang Yan, do you have any good ideas?" Even though she was full of resentment, Qin still had to put down her body to ask for help, because this person was definitely the strongest idea king she knew. I never had any bad intentions, at worst, I will be tricked again!

"Don't worry, no one knows how to match emotions better than me. I call this plan - If You Are the One" Akimbo.JPG

Is there something wrong with playing rural revitalization in Qingcezhuang: Chapter 49 Chapter 48 Is something wrong with the part-time online car-hailing leader of the Knights

"Then, the If You Are the One Dream Realization One-day Tour Team is officially established, and now we are announcing the division of labor."

——Master Diluc, as a direct stakeholder, can you please sponsor the most stable car?

--no problem

——Sugar, you are in charge of refining a shock-absorbing layer for this car

——Yes, Mr. Jiang Yan

——Noelle, you are in charge of simply leveling the road, can you?

——Yes, Mr. Jiang Yan.

"Yun Jin and I are in charge of persuading old Finch, so it's settled, let's go." Jiang Yan waved his hand, completely ignoring the eyes of head Qin, "What about me? What about me?"

It's different from Lisa who made it clear that she wanted to fish and had already returned to the library.Leader Qin, who loves love novels, has no ability to resist the dreamlike thing that the story in this novel is coming to him and is about to give a perfect ending.

I have read a lot of love novels, and I have thought about how to change the tragic ending many times. Now that I have such an opportunity, how could I not participate in it?

"Hey, this operation is related to the fate of Mond City after all, I decided to accompany this mission personally just in case," Qin said with a serious face.

To be honest, Doudou, who usually has a serious face, is very entertaining, but forget it, and then we will settle the new and old ones together

"Okay, Captain Qin, you are in charge of damping the car's shock with the force of the wind element."


Qin's happy smile reminds people that this is a girl after all, and Farga is really too much for a girl who should be lively and lovely to bear such a heavy burden.

In a blink of an eye, everyone scattered away, and it was time for Jiang Yan to sell crutches again. Old Finch felt a chill all over his body, and the two Liyue adventurers from yesterday came to him again.

The male adventurer who was silent yesterday said:

"Old Finch, do you know how a pure water elf grows?" Before old Finch could answer, he continued

"The water flow in the world is one, and all the pure water elves grow by merging with each other. Two pure water creatures only keep the most important memories they think, and merge into a new whole."

"40 years have passed, and Lodia has recovered from a weak pure water elf to the most powerful pure water master in Liyue. In countless fusions, does a memory with mortals still exist?"

"If you need a relationship, you can wait here until the moment when your soul returns to heaven, but if you wait for 40 years just for an answer, today will be the only chance for the rest of your life, do you want to know?"

Many people can let go of things like feelings, but find an answer to the pursuit of 40 years of dedication?Just look at old Finch's blushing face and the battle between heaven and man.These 40 years of waiting, every day and every night, pressed down like a mountain, and instantly crushed this mortal who lacked courage

"I, I want to know the answer." Old Finch mustered up the courage to say this sentence. No one would want to have no answer in his life, even if he could let it go.

Yun Jin was so impressed that there was such a big difference in understanding the same thing in a different way!

Not long after, the Mengde If You Are the One team arrived one by one, Jiang Yan snapped his fingers, "walk up", and helped the stunned old Finch into the car

The head of the Knights and cadres are dedicated to serve, and the richest man in Mond provides a luxury car. This old Finch really has a fairy fate, so he can't accept it.

Having completed the task, Di Luke and Granose returned to Mond City, Noelle, Qin, Jiang Yan and Yun Jin escorted old Finch to Pure Water.Di Luke's luxury car was already stable, and the cooperation of Sugar and Qin made the road almost without any bumps. Noelle kept opening the road ahead.After a short walk, we arrived at Pure Suwon.

But here comes the problem.Counseling is really a lifetime thing. Old Finch was about to enter the floating platform, and he began to worry about gains and losses again, hesitating, and everyone was so anxious that everyone wanted to throw him over.

"What should I do?" Qin turned her head and asked.

"Go to the battle song!" Jiang Yan turned to look at Yun Jin. Yun Jin had no choice but to sing "On the Water Side" that Jiang Yan taught her along the way. The song is a good song, but the rhythm is weird. After adapting the singing, Jiang Yan is as good as others, so there is this Beijing opera version of On the Water Side.

Songs are actually useless, whether it is the fairy of Fontaine or the old man of Mond, who knows the ghostly Liyue opera?The biggest function of Boss Yun's live concert is actually to attract attention.

While they were listening to the song, Jiang Yan decisively used the wind manipulation skills taught by Wendy to make Old Finch stagger a few steps "uncontrollably" and rush into the floating platform.

The first forbidden curse of the curse of courage——here it comes.Old Finch looked at this watery world, thinking that every day and night 40 years ago, a kind of power emerged from the old body, making him kneel on the ground, and made a pious wish as he did back then.

"do you still remember me?"

There was silence, only the gurgling of running water.Just like the days and nights he spent watching the spring water for countless years.

There was silence, and old Finch also became desperate while waiting. Suddenly, he suddenly realized, as if he had completed his life's pursuit, he turned his head and left safely.

"Let's go, call it a day," Jiang Yan said

"Lodia hasn't replied yet?" Qin said, but she mustered up her energy and wanted a happy ending.

"No, she has already replied," Yun Jin said

"I don't see you" is "I, remember"

Yun Jin, who acted and edited love and resentment, was completely moved by this sad story

Qin suddenly came to her senses, and tears filled her eyes with the emotional Noelle. This parting charm was too destructive for a girl.

After sending old Finch back to Qingquan Town, the few people were silent, and went back to the deer hunter to eat dinner in silence.Have the girls ever felt the cruelty of time?Farewell in a low voice, and leave silently, I believe several people will feel uncomfortable for several days.

"It seems that the fairy drama I acted in before was really hard to draw. In the eyes of the fairy, it was really laughable and generous," Yun Jin said with emotion.

"Don't worry about it. In your play, it is better for the Emperor of the Rock to plow the land with a golden hoe, because the audience only understands the golden hoe. If you use star silver, they don't understand and don't like to watch it."

Yunjin was teased by Jiang Yan's "golden hoe" and the branches trembled wildly. "Okay, in this situation, when I return to Liyue Port, I will have to make a big show. I hope Brother Jiang will reward me and give me a personal show."

"Definitely, as long as you don't pull me in, it's fine to be the part of singing-and-people-listening~" Jiang Yan didn't want to become an important supporting role in Liyue's hit drama to make it popular again.The weird imitation made Yunjin cover her mouth and laugh.

"Brother Jiang treats fame like dirt, my younger sister admires it, but should I write it or not? It depends on Brother Jiang's performance." Unknowingly, the two chatted and became closer.

"Breakfast tomorrow morning, I'll invite you!" Jiang Yan was still very conscious.

"Okay, let's go—" Yunjin sang mischievously.

"Okay!!!!" The big star and the boy who made a guest appearance were chatting and laughing as they walked away.

Is there something wrong with rural revitalization in Qingcezhuang: Chapter 50 Chapter 49 Is there something wrong with being an elemental creature in Tivat

Since Jiang Yan's promised recommendation has been overfulfilled, Yunjin will naturally not be stingy, and said straightforwardly that any cooperation with the Eye of God will be fine.

In fact, Jiang Yan had taken the advance payment privately a week ago. When he decided to fish for a mermaid, in order to avoid being associated with himself after contact, Jiang Yan challenged her that night.

The process is not worth mentioning. The few marksmanship that Yun Jin practiced for the sake of acting, although his talent is quite impressive, but like Xiangling, no matter how talented he is, he must focus on it. The marksmanship taught by the gods Xiangling couldn't be saved, let alone Yunjin who was taught by mortals.

Unprecipitated marksmanship is powerless against Jiang Yan, who has experienced many battles, and the swirling cloud developed by the eye of God, it happens that Jiang Yan and Beidou have practiced hard for a long time to catch waves. The two principles are similar Jiang Yan quickly mastered the moves, and Yunjin's Spinning Cloud Opening was quickly tricked by Jiang Yan's false move, and the backhand was a faster and fiercer counterattack, ending the battle directly.

That's why it's good to challenge the Liyue people. The first reaction after the incident was "immortal entrusting a dream" or "immortal means", which was very clean from beginning to end.It's a pity that Yunjin, like Xiangling, didn't care about it afterwards. After all, she rarely went out, and the use of elemental power was too exaggerated to deal with a few thieves blocking the way, and it might not be enough to deal with the powerful enemy of God's Eye.Even if there is a real war, if she goes to the front line to sing the Goddess Split View, can Li Yue really be reduced to the point where she can split the view by herself?

Carrying the drink provided by the deer hunter, the two started communicating in the open space outside Mond City.After observation and testing, Jiang Yan felt that his gameplay was a bit strange compared to other licensed God's Eye owners.Generally speaking, Tivat has three guiding methods of elemental power, "breathing", "earth veins" and "God's eye", the form of his own blue bar and recovery speed, no matter how you think of it, it is like the "breathing" of elemental creatures and some demon gods

It's no wonder that I learned the skill of God's Eye strangely, but it's relatively smooth for Ying, who has no God's Eye.People are guiding, what am I holding back?

The God's Eye is indeed a god-level prop, and the network speed is enough to allow 5g mobile to hang himself. Jiang Yan held Yun Jin's God's Eye, and watched Yun Jin's burst of elements from three meters away, a massive amount of elemental power It is in place in an instant, and can even be flexibly transmitted to any part of the body. This kind of wifi transmission is really outrageous.

What I call is the elemental power in my body, which is obviously one step less than the guide of God's Eye, but in terms of time, there is no difference at all. The local hard drive can't handle the mobile network, which is very angry

It seems that I have found the reason why my return to blue speed is super slow. Only powerful elemental creatures can guide huge elemental power between breaths. The weaker elemental creatures, the smaller the elemental power that can be channeled.It seems that the speed of my own blue recovery depends on the blue bar! Jiang Yan immediately began to test the fire with 3 blue bars, the thunder with [-] blue bars, and the ice with [-] blue bar. The conclusion is basically consistent with the inference.

Jiang Yan, who has been puzzled by him for a long time, is finally comfortable. Is there a bright future for me? 5.0's 40 stamina boss, the Phaseless Rubik's Cube is me.

Yun Jin was stunned, why can Brother Jiang use various elemental skills without the Eye of God?And they all have profound attainments?

Jiang Yan saw his question, and directly answered it with Liyue's special caliber 2.0, "I've wanted to know this question since I was a child. Now it seems that I have a small number of bloodlines of demon gods or immortals who return to their ancestors."

Although Yunjin was very curious, she couldn't ask any further questions. This was indeed the most likely reason.The secretary of Liyue Qixing and the legal experts who have worked with him several times are all half-immortal beasts, and many people in Liyue Hong Kong know it.

Looking at the horns and antlers of Gan Yu and Yan Fei, one should know that it is admirable and admirable for the immortal to protect Liyue for thousands of years, but the love between men and women is really indescribable and cannot be delved into.Although Brother Jiang's family background is innocent, his father's generation may have encountered anecdotes that are not humane.

Naturally, Jiang Yan didn't know that Yun Jin had already conjured up the fairy family's supernatural powers such as "God's Eye of Pregnancy" in Yun Jin's mind. If the two of them hadn't had a good relationship and were relatives, they would have thought of adapting it into a Liyue play.If he knew, Jiang Yan must have repaired the sword with the three views according to the little girl's ass.Now he could only look at Yun Jin's strange expression and wonder what kind of evil it was.

Looking at Jiang Yan's troubled expression, Yunjin thought she had touched a pain point, so she quickly changed the subject, "Brother Jiang, can you demonstrate your elemental skills, maybe my little sister can give you some details."

Jiang Yan thought about it, the three cobblers were better than Zhuge Liang, maybe Yunjin could really come up with something for herself?Start with the familiar skills and demonstrate them one by one

Stepping Moon Shadow, Secret Sword Fine Snow, Wind and Wheel Standing Together, Thunder Chopping, Catch Waves, Ice Vortex, calling yourself confident are moves that you can use freely. I'm afraid I can't get rid of a few words. I have been in contact with so many people for so long, and I dare to show off just a few moves. Compared with "Inazuma's naginata, sword and forging skills, I basically directly The shadow of the "forced Graman" passed down is really not powerful.

People who play a lot of games can't always realize how outrageous the objects they compare are.Yun Jin who was on the side was stunned, especially the two skills inherited from the shadow. It's just the difference between "too late to stop" and "unstoppable".

Originally, I only thought that Brother Jiang was a first-class talent with a clear understanding of world affairs and human feelings. I didn't expect that the blood of the immortal was so powerful. One or two" is really laughable, Yun Jin blushed with embarrassment when she thought of this.

"Brother Jiang's magical skills, my little sister admires me, I won't use my three-legged cat kung fu to make a fool of myself, but my little sister has a little humble opinion, since brother Jiang mainly focuses on the elemental power of the thunder element, why not be a fake god of the thunder element The eye of the eye, is it easy to deceive people on weekdays? Anyway, Brother Jiang’s magical skills, the power of the thunder element alone is enough to deal with daily enemies, right?"

One word awakened the dreamer, why did I forget Wendy's glass ball?Isn't it simple to have a light bulb with its own LED?Let’s make do with one first, and find Wendy to make colorful colorful ones later, Jiang Yan thought.

"Thank you, little sister, but it's not convenient for my brother to return to Liyue Port for the time being, can you help me to order one and send it to Qingce Village?" Jiang Yan was not polite, and directly ordered Yun Jin

"It's a small matter, and there is another problem." Yun Jin suddenly showed a subtle smile, "Lei Qi's trick is quite famous in Qixing Bamen, and there are many people who have witnessed it with their own eyes. If Brother Jiang doesn't want to expose his personal relationship with Yuhengxing , still need to make a facelift." This trip is really full of melons, and it is the leader of the foreign knights and the Liyue Seven Stars. It is also a big drama

"Sure, sure" Hey, can you stop laughing so strangely?Your big star image is gone!I'm not familiar with her, I haven't seen her!Jiang Yan roared in his heart.

Is there something wrong with rural revitalization in Qingcezhuang: Chapter 51 Chapter 50 Is there something wrong with using magic to defeat magic?

Lei Qie is easy to change, the important thing is the attribute of the thunder elemental power, the shape is not important at all, Jiang Yan thought about it, and designed a talisman with a gentian flower as the base and the triple layer of thunder printed on the surface.

Those who think it is a talisman will naturally think it is the method of the fairy family; those who can understand the triple seal of Lei do not have the courage to delve into it, and Ying probably won't mind if she uses her pattern to pretend to be a tiger. Fu, Jiang Yan looked at his work with satisfaction.

copyright?What copyright?It's not that I didn't teach Keqing the big move, but she still owes me the tuition fee, it's just a small change, okay?However, Yun Jin has nothing to say about the degree of mastery of elemental power that can easily change the appearance of elemental power skills.

The princess's Roman holiday only lasted for one day, and the big star's outing for three days has reached the limit.Yunjin reluctantly parted with Jiang Yan at the foot of Wuwangpo, and waved goodbye after exchanging letters. Jiang Yan also returned to Qingcezhuang, returning to the big topic of insisting on exercising at night and studying the matching of different elemental forces and skills during the day.

Recently, Jiang Yan's main challenger has become Wendy. Although the Seven Gods are a little sensitive, but since he knows that his friend has fallen asleep, he is naturally fearless in breaking open the door.

What's more, isn't it common sense to buy courses and get online courses?Apple tuition fees for offline classes are paid by myself, no problem!

Wendy's god-level wind element control is really too difficult to learn, otherwise Jiang Yan wouldn't be cornered and whoring online classes for nothing.As a wind element spirit who regards "freedom" as her soul, Wendy rarely drives the wind element. When she wants to do something, her first choice is always to follow the direction of the wind to accomplish her goal; It was crooked but nailed to his head at the same speed.

When compliance is really impossible, Wendy will consider guidance, and use the smallest force to change the direction of the wind to achieve the goal; as for driving, when it really comes to that point, Wendy will use her own strength to achieve the goal. Realize, because he is the wind, but when he does this, the surrounding wind will cheer and join him.

A god who can understand the wind and see the wind has no problem doing this, but as a human being, for example, if you look ahead, you can break the air in front of you into dozens of pieces, large and small, in your mind. , each block has a number of velocity and direction.Do this and you're good to go. "No, I'm buried," Jiang Yan complained.

Human food naturally needs the learning method of human food. Every time in a battle, Jiang Yan will first burst out the elemental force to dye all the air in front of him with the color of wind elemental force. After determining the direction and border of a piece of wind, he will use different depths of color to mark it. .

Then?Then he was nailed to the forehead with an arrow.Listening to the wind and watching the wind, I don't understand the previous decision against a ghost, don't delay me playing 3D puzzles!

Relying on the bug learning method that fell into a box, Jiang Yan still gained something. Although the bow has not been opened a few times, but the eyes have gradually felt that they have tactical eyepieces. The small ones dare not say, and the big airflow is divided into several pieces. There are still some points.

The actual effect is that Jiang Yan can now use the same elemental power to shoot arrows that travel with the wind and hinder smaller obstacles, but if he wants to make further progress, he may have a long way to go.

It's a pity that when the jigsaw puzzle was in full swing, Jiang Yan Qingce Zhuang couldn't stay any longer. Yun Jin's new play "Qingquan Town" was staged. Yunjin's reputation, touching and sad love, Korean drama-style packaging, touching poems, and innovative songs, the scene can only be described as explosion, and for a while, I felt that I didn't deserve to be a Liyue Hongkonger if I didn't listen to this drama.Relying on this story, Qing Ce Zhuang's reputation once again skyrocketed like a rocket.People living in retirement, vacationing, and doing business are busy, turning Qingcezhuang into a satellite city.

It's a good thing, Old Master Yang has also become the savior of Qingcezhuang, and the old man is very proud of the kind of dinner at someone's house where the main dish is added.But why are more and more people coming to interview Jiang Yan?A romantic wit?who?

After careful questioning, I found out that Yunjin did not include Jiang Yan in "Sing and Listen" as promised, but on the poster of the teahouse, he was listed as the second author!

"The poems, songs, and the overall structure are all written by Brother Jiang. The younger sister's reputation is a small matter, and the reputation of Yunhan Society has been around for a hundred years. I really don't dare to corrupt the reputation. The younger sister has been waiting for a letter from Brother Jiang for a long time, so I have to write it myself." I have made a decision." This was written in the letter sent by the messenger who pretended to be the Eye of God.

"She still beat me up? Thank you so much." Jiang Yan gritted his teeth angrily, but he could only write back to appease and let the messenger bring it back. This person is a little devil in private, and he will give you the whole job after not writing for a while. If you don't coax it, you may not get anything out of it.It happened that the affairs here were basically over, so I had to say goodbye to the master and go back to Mond.

However, things can't go on like this. The deadly title of "Merry Talented Scholar" must not be pinned on himself.Magic is the only thing that can overcome magic. It seems that the long-delayed readings such as "Young Heroine Xingqiu Transformation and Being Captured", "Woman Hero Xingqiu" and "Two or Three Things About Female Catcher Xingqiu" should be published. Credibility, saying that killing people and punishing their hearts means killing people and punishing their hearts.

Down the Wuwang slope, Qing Cezhuang returned to the commercial road of Liyue Port.A truck full of light water was driving slowly, and on Wuwang Slope, a black shadow descended from the sky and landed on the front windshield of the truck.After a closer look, it was a masked strongman in the clothes of the treasure robbers. The masked strongman pierced the front windshield of the truck with a sword from the air, and the cold long sword slashed against the merchant's neck, scaring him out of his wits

"Hero, spare your life, hero, spare your life, don't you just want money? You have something to say!" The businessman was very wronged, and he had to go through the process of stealing money.

"I don't want money today!" The voice was deliberately rough

"Hero, spare your life! Hero, spare your life!" The businessman was about to pee in fright, how could he be so irritable?It's so unprofessional.

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