When the two swords were about to meet, Beidou suddenly injected elemental power, and the blade of the big sword suddenly exploded with dazzling thunder.Jiang Yan's plan to use the method of electric potential repulsion to relieve force was shattered, so he had to gather all the elemental power, and after receiving the knife, he tried to withdraw the knife to relieve force.

How can it be so easy to unload the huge force that can cut down seamounts?Beidou's heavy slash forcibly split Jiang Yan's thunder element force defense shell, and slashed on his sword.Although he had retreated and lost some of his strength, Jiang Yan was still pushed far away by the huge force of the giant, and barely stabilized his figure with the giant sword, so it was impossible to counterattack.

Beidou put away his giant sword and approached, pulled Jiang Yan up, and patted him on the shoulder heavily.

"Little brother, your physique is not good! It seems that you didn't practice well after you beat me! Do you think your little tricks are easy to use every time?" Beidou, who finally found his place, was in a great mood.Facing his little brother who has been practicing duel for several months, Beidou has a feeling of passing on his skills.

Ke Qing was dumbfounded, these two knew each other before?What else do you need to recommend?

Grinning his teeth, Jiang Yan dodged his shoulders from Beidou's continuous slaps, "Where, it's Mr. Beidou, you have too much strength, but I'm a normal mortal, how can I have such strength?"

Beidou narrowed his eyes, "Huh? How dare you say that your teacher is not human? Don't even think about leaving until you drink enough of a pot of wine."

Jiang Yan waved his hand quickly, the ghost wanted to drink with the people who ran to the sea, and they all drank it like water, "Don't, don't, don't, I really have important matters to discuss with Mr. Beidou this time."

Beidou picked up the flagon and took a sip, "Important matter? On the Death Omen Star, the key is to drink. If you don't drink enough wine, you can't unscrew any important matter."

"The food at Wanmintang has been ordered, let's chat while eating." Ke Qing knew that Jiang Yan didn't drink alcohol at all, so she quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, for the sake of the water chestnut, please forgive me once, brat leads the way, don't call me teacher after disrespecting me for a few glasses of wine next time!"

Ke Qing followed behind, looking thoughtfully at the two people who suddenly turned from strangers to very familiar.

Is there something wrong with the Liyue mixed system: Chapter 77 Chapter 76 Is there something wrong with the Hercules who beat up the solstice

Xiangling, as a non-staff cook of the Death Star, knew what to cook when she saw Beidou, and served a set of delicious dishes in a short time.They have been busy since the morning, and Jiang Yan and Ke Qing, who didn't have anything to eat, also directly turned into cookers. After eating and drinking enough, the topic became serious.

"Teacher Beidou, I offer you a toast, thank you for your long-term guidance." Jiang Yan sincerely thanked Beidou.Among the few who practice sparring most often, Heying can only practice offense, and he hardly needs defense; while Keqing focuses on mobility and rarely parries.Therefore, in terms of defensive techniques such as dismantling moves and parrying moves, I have practiced with Beidou all the way, so it is only natural to call him a teacher.

Beidou received this cup, and she also likes this little brother in front of her very much. Since the first battle of Haishan, the enemies in the entire sea area have been frightened by her. Occasions and opponents become fewer and fewer.In the past few months, she can swing the sword to her heart's content, but Beidou feels that she has rubbed off on the fairy fate.Moreover, this little brother has a resolute personality and a good talent, so passing him a trick is not considered unreasonable.

"What's the matter with me, little brother? Tell me what you want to say." The common thing that people of the Lei family have in common is that they are swift and resolute, and the same is true for Beidou. Since this little brother came here at the risk of being discovered by others, he must be asking for something. Definitely help if you can.Human affection is the best link between people.

"Mr. Beidou travels all over the world. I believe he must have some understanding of the rapid development of weapons in the Winter Kingdom in recent years." Jiang Yan was not polite, and directly raised the topic.

"That's right, the biggest loss I suffered in recent years was in the hands of the iron-clad ships of the Winter Kingdom. The army formation composed of muskets, rock envoys, and thunder hammers is really difficult to break through. Their weapons have improved too fast these years. When mentioning the solstice, Beidou was also very angry. In the "business dealings" of the Inazuma route, the Southern Cross often had frictions with the fools, but on the rough sea, the rock barriers and firecrackers and water guns of the fools The advantage of the ice gun is too great, if you don't plan to tear your face into a fight to the death, you will only suffer.

"Mr. Beidou, have you ever thought that the outside world is changing with each passing day, and Liyue's frog in the well is still satisfied with the so-called world as it is. One day, a bigger iron-clad ship will turn the Death Star into a small raft, with better muskets Rock battles make long spears and bows useless, when the time comes, will we shiver under the wings of immortals?"

Every word Jiang Yan said was what Beidou was worried about. As a person who travels across the world, Liyue opened her eyes to see that the No. 1 in the world must be her.After seeing Xumi's energy-guiding technology, Fontaine's technological development, and Zhidong's element force mechanism, Beidou is often very worried about Liyue's future. The current fools have been able to form a team to fight against the person with the eye of God. What will happen in a few years?What will happen in a few decades?If the Death Omen became a small raft in front of the ironclad, what would she do with herself?

Thinking of this, Beidou took a sip of wine, "To tell you the truth, I got a few pieces of equipment for fools before, but the stupid woman in Ningguang said that equipment that is not of scale is meaningless, so I spent a lot of money on it." It was not successful in the end. Moreover, the supply of these equipment at sea was also very problematic, so we had to give up in the end.”

Ke Qing and Jiang Yan looked at each other, and it turns out that Li Yue has never been short of smart people, and everyone thinks basically the same.

"Since the Dragon King has also thought of this, things are easy to talk about. Brother Jiang and I got [-] sets of various types of fools' equipment a few days ago..." Ke Qing expressed his attitude. If Beidou is always wary of himself, That can't work.In this matter, we are all comrades on the same boat.

"Two hundred sets? Zhidong's weapons are never for sale. Could it be that you have wiped out an army of fools?" Beidou almost lost his grip on the jug.The few sets of equipment she got were just sporadic equipment seized in a raid on the stronghold of the Fools. The Fools had a strong will to fight, and they often fought to the last moment, so it was difficult to seize equipment that was in good condition.

Jiang Yan told Beidou the whole story of the First Battle of Longji Snow Mountain. After Beidou listened, he patted Jiang Yan's back heavily. "It's ok, little brother, young and promising, I really underestimated you!" With so much strength, Jiang Yan felt that there must be a big red handprint on his back. This person definitely has the blood of Brother Tuozi.

But Beidou changed the subject, "Although two hundred sets of equipment are quite a lot, it is far from enough to move the lifeless Liyue. Is there any good way for you to call me here?"

"Recently, Liyue Port has gathered all Liyue's martial artists, whose identities are in the army, chamber of commerce, sect, martial arts hall, and all walks of life. If this group of passionate warriors help us to promote, the lifeless Liyue Port will come back to life. Already?" Jiang Yan said with a smile.

"That group of deadheads? I tried it. I went to the martial arts gym with my wind fists in my hands, but no one paid any attention to me. I want to kill this group of stubborn old people," Beidou said disdainfully.

"The way to break this matter depends on Beidou teacher's great assistance. We are like this..." The three of them conspired together for a long time.

The next day, a Zhidong merchant ship berthed in Liyue Port, and Zhidong merchant Andre loaded a ship of Zhidong armaments to sell to the major chambers of commerce in Liyue Port. He thought that the weapons ahead of the times would be popular. However, I didn't expect to run into walls everywhere, only met with sarcastic remarks and ridicule.

"Wonderful and ingenious, will people who use this kind of thing still practice martial arts well?"

"Get out! Otherwise, this old man will pierce your rotten iron with a gun"

"Where did the winter liar come from? I used up all the spar storage, isn't this just a piece of scrap iron?"

"It costs a few hundred moras for a battle? With that money, why don't I hire another person?"

"A firecracker for 20 Mora? If I can afford this firecracker, why go to the dealer?"

Zhi Dong, a wealthy businessman, Andre, was furious, and vowed not to make any money, but also to let the people of Liyue know that he was not a liar, so he rented a piece of land in the port area of ​​Liyue Port the next day, and set up a martial arts arena.A huge couplet was hung up, writing "Learn martial arts for ten years, shoot for 1 minute" and horizontally criticized "The Frog at the Bottom of the Well" offering a reward of tens of millions of moras to challenge all warriors in Liyue. In the battle of the three, whoever defeated the trio of fools and guards under him, tens of thousands of Mora will offer it with both hands.But if no one can win after seven days, the couplet of "The Frog at the Bottom of the Well" is going to stay in Liyue.

The citizens of Liyuegang have always been bloody, and the atmosphere of the whole people learning martial arts is also indispensable. The young men with full blood jumped on the stage, but after a whole day, the warriors who had been beaten with black noses and swollen faces were carried down one after another. The three guards of the fools The group is still showing off their might, and they can only watch them return to the merchant ship triumphantly.The spectators and contestants who couldn't get angry could only angrily inform their relatives and friends about the situation, and prepared to invite senior teachers to come to help them.

As soon as he got back to the cabin of the merchant ship, Brother Sledgehammer immediately took off his mask, "Oh, this clothes is so hot to death, how do people in Zhidong Kingdom survive?" The spring light revealed in the mouth made Jiang Yan, the firecracker soldier, blushed, and had no choice but to turn his head away.

Fengquan brother, the Southern Cross trainee sailor Fengbara Manyo also took off his heavy armor with a troubled expression, "Although I have also practiced martial arts, this kind of deception is really against the way of a samurai."

That's right, the so-called Solstice Merchant Ship was completely performed by the Southern Cross Fleet dispatching ships from Guyun Pavilion. Under the cover of Ke Qing, the person in charge of the General Affairs Department, it was natural that the procedures were complete and there was no problem.

The cast is also very strong: a crew member from Zhidong plays a guest role as Andre, the merchant of Zhidong, and Brother Lei Hammer is volunteered by the very interesting Beidou, and he also brings in the trainee sailor Fengyuan Wanye who is proficient in the use of ventilation elemental power.And Jiang Yan, who can use a variety of elemental powers, is naturally used as the ice fat water fat fire gun rock to make up for the number.

Even if they don't use the power of the God's Eye, the three of them are top fighters among warriors, and combined with the equipment of the Fools, they are naturally invincible.

"How long do we have to wear this suit?" As a literary youth and a handsome swordsman, Manyo is very painful to forcefully imitate Fengquan brother's brutal fighting style, and he is not a drunk near Shimura's house. People rushing up is full of old punches.Playing like this, my style has really plummeted

"Hurry up, just wait for the two fish to get hooked." Jiang Yan is full of confidence in this, and his teammates are strong, and everything is on track.

On the third day, at the "Liyue Bone Forging Jue" compilation meeting

At the beginning of the meeting, Keqing did not bring up today's topic as usual, but spoke in a tone full of disdain, "Everyone present here is really in a good mood. Right now, people from Zhidong are hurling banners at us in the port area to scold us. It’s a frog in a well. Everyone practices three nines in winter and three volts in summer, isn’t it just to write a book? If you really have such a great ideal, why don’t you abandon martial arts and follow literature?

I'm still young and need to show some face, excuse me now, I'm going to the port to see if Zhidong's military equipment has turned our group of warriors into useless people, even into cowards! "After that, he got up and went straight away.

All the masters of martial arts, masters of the martial arts gym, and elders of the sect, those who didn't know the situation looked puzzled, and those who knew the situation were hot, so they had to follow Ke Qing's footsteps and headed all the way to the ring in the port area.

Above the arena, the competition has already begun.I saw that the trio of fools and guards formed a tight battle formation, with the Fengquan vanguard as the arrow, the Thunder Hammer vanguard as the main force, and the Rock Envoy guerrillas who appeared today are responsible for protection.

After yesterday's defeat, Liyue's people who played today have already changed from hot-blooded youngsters who took part in the battle spontaneously to well-known coaches of various martial arts schools. Those who are playing are the three true brothers from Liyue's largest martial arts school. Although the martial arts of the two senior brothers are good, Liyue people are only familiar with military formations and fighting alone, and have no experience in such small-scale battle formations. After a short time, the battlefield was divided by a three-person group of fake fools who deliberately concealed their skills. Divide and break.

Just after the three of them rested for a while, Ke Qing hit a thunderbolt and jumped onto the stage in a flash of lightning. "I am the owner of the God's Eye. Maybe I will unconsciously use a little power of the God's Eye when fighting, so I don't take advantage of you. You three, let's go together."

After all, Ke Qing drew his sword out, although it didn't carry the light of thunder, it was still as fast as a sword. blocked by an open shield.At this time, the pulling effect of the Fengquan Vanguard's glove had also appeared, so Ke Qing had no choice but to turn his sword and break the Fengquan Vanguard's posture. Jiu's punch emptied out, but Ke Qing chased him back again and again.

There was thunderous applause from the audience, "Master Yuhengxing, come on!" The port businessmen and players who had been frustrated for a day all gave out cheers.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, Keqing has firmly grasped the initiative on the battlefield with his flexible mobility, but the cooperation of the trio has become more and more tacit, making Keqing still unable to make achievements, and he is already sweating profusely.

After more than a dozen rounds, Keqing's movements were obviously not as agile as they were at the beginning. The Thunder Hammer Vanguard seized the opportunity and took advantage of the moment when the Wind Fist Vanguard restrained her. smashed down.

Amidst the exclamation of all the audience and warriors in the audience, Ke Qing's dragon chant purple light flashed in the box in her hand, and a thunder light swept with her backhand, sweeping a huge elemental force, and directly knocked the huge thunder hammer into the air.The Thunder Hammer vanguard leaned back, and was protected by the Yanshi guerrillas in time with a barrier.

Ke Qing looked at the flashing thunder of the long sword in his hand with a desolate face, and said, "I used a lot of the power of the God's Eye, and I lost this round." After saying that, she jumped off the ring and left without looking back.

Seeing Yuhengxing's defeat, the martial arts masters who rushed over couldn't sit still any longer, they all whispered to each other and prepared to thwart Zhidong's arrogance.

However, those who participated in the compilation meeting of "Liyue Bone Forging Jue" were basically the elders or heads of various sects who passed on their skills. Fortunately, the guards of the Fools arrived so that they would not be seriously injured or died on the spot.

As the sun was setting, a group of warriors and onlookers had no choice but to watch Zhi Dong, a wealthy businessman, Andre leave triumphantly, hanging up high couplets that swayed in the wind, as if they were slapping their faces non-stop.

In the cabin of a merchant ship,

"Mr. Beidou, your acting skills are really amazing, no wonder you don't need to rehearse with Ke Qing in advance." Jiang Yan flattered Beidou decisively.

"Hahaha, how can something that has been rehearsed in advance be able to fool the warriors in the audience? This armor is so powerful, it won't hurt even if you take a hard sword." Beidou took off his armor and drank the ice that he had prepared earlier. Water, this kind of leather suit is good for everything, but it is too hot. Zhidong Kingdom will not be able to invade Nata in this lifetime wearing this shabby thing.

The only Manyo who couldn't get into the atmosphere, but couldn't defy Hokuto, could only sigh aside and continue to familiarize himself with the use of boxing gloves.

Compared to the ease of the trio, Liyuegang is a blast.Different from the first day, the merchants in the port area who had been frustrated all day only took one night to spread the ugliness of this group of warriors throughout Liyue port. Master Yu Hengxing ended up exhausted with one enemy and three Accidentally used God's Eye.This group of wastes will be shitting when they are on stage, and the kung fu has been practiced on dogs?We, Liyue, are good at everything, but this group of warriors are too useless, they can't even beat a few Solstice Hercules.

When all the teahouses, restaurants, restaurants, and night markets in Liyue Port were blackmailing themselves, the warriors were completely Alexander. They held a meeting overnight to discuss how to restore the glory of Liyue and beat up the Hercules of Winter.They are all living in the same industry, and they all know each other's abilities.Not long after, the order of the wheel battle was arranged, ready to avenge the shame in the morning.

The port area on the fourth day was no longer what it was on the first day. It was crowded with people early in the morning, and all Liyue people who were not in a hurry came to watch the excitement, and even the Qianyan Army sent a large number of people to come Maintain order.

When the trio of fools appeared on the stage, there was a burst of booing in the port area, mixed with a little cheering.Three days later, Brother Lei Hammer and Brother Feng Quan have already made their names. Li Yue is known as "Heavenly Demon God Armor Purple Hammer General" and "Wind Juan Liuyun Iron Fist Man". Poor Jiang Yan is regarded as a attendant.

Facing Liyue's combination at the top of mortal martial arts today, in fact, ordinary God's Eye users may not be able to easily win, but none of the three people in the factory is "average".Before Wanye had the God's Eye, his swordsmanship was already well-known in Daozuma; before Beidou got the God's Eye, he was even more powerful in beating seamount monsters;The three vicious combinations that hide the real combat power, under the intentional rhythm control, make the challenger always feel that the opponent's skills are not strong, and it all depends on the strength of the soldiers.

As the last group of warriors who had been arranged were knocked down, Keqing came forward with the Qianyan Army, and said to Andre, "Okay, this farce should be over, I admit that the military equipment of the Winter Kingdom is indeed very strong." Sharp, the Qianyan Army decided to purchase all of these weapons, and this matter ends here.”

However, the warriors quit. Dozens of contestants with bruised noses and swollen faces, as well as the head elders who came to watch the battle, all stepped forward and bowed to Ke Qing, "Master Yuhengxing, please think twice. Allow me to wait for a few more days, and I will surely save face for Liyue."

Ke Qing glanced at them, "Face? Face is earned by yourself, not given by others. Even if you find hidden world masters to beat them down, can it prove that your spears and daggers are better than Zhidong's military equipment? If you lose, you will be defeated." Lost. People, be ashamed!"

None of the warriors present could raise their heads, but they still did not move an inch, because if this matter ended like this, the reputation of the warriors in Liyue Port would be no different from that of toilet paper.

During the stalemate, the presidents of several chambers of commerce who were watching from the sidelines came forward and said, "Sir Yuhengxing, there has been a saying since ancient times: If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. All the masters come to Liyue to participate." Martial arts grand meeting, we have never brought magic weapons and blades, we Liyue has passed down for thousands of years, and the organ talisman seal fairy magic weapon, how can it be compared to the barbarians in the winter? Hope that the Yuheng star will give us some old people a little face, and a few days of grace. We will do it for everyone When the grand master found a suitable weapon and used it for a grand event" when it affected Li Yue's face, the merchants couldn't stand it.

Keqing showed a embarrassed expression, and turned to look at Andre, "You heard it, what is your intention about this? I promise that no matter the victory or defeat, the Qianyan Army will purchase this batch of armaments."

Andre made a bow, "According to Master Yu Hengxing, the arena was originally planned to be set up for seven days, so it will be limited to seven days, and it will be a small business, so it won't be long." After saying that, he turned away without turning his head. Go, the harshness in the words made the warriors' teeth itch.

New Moon Pavilion

Liyue luxury merchants and warriors sat together, and the president of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce took the main seat, and said loudly, "At noon tomorrow, please do your best and call all the alchemists, talismans, forging, and mechanism masters you know to gather here. Yue's face can't be lost in our hands!" Everyone agreed with a loud voice.

At the same time, Gan Yu's family

The communication talisman in the hand of Shen He, who lives here temporarily, flickered, and the voice of the borrowed Fengliuyun Zhenjun came out, "What? The Zhidong Kingdom humiliated my Liyue people with the alchemy mechanism technique? Have you ever seen a vulgar mortal creature dare to be so arrogant? Go back to Ao Zangshan quickly and make a few mortal magic weapons for you as a master, so that people in Zhidong will dare not talk about mechanisms in the future."

Is there something wrong with the Liyue mixed system: Chapter 78 Chapter 77 Is there something wrong with the delivery of seven stars

Liyue people have a strong sense of superiority over the people of other countries. Under the wings of an emperor who has protected the people for more than [-] years, Liyue, as the place where the wealth of the world gathers, has enjoyed peace for thousands of years. Is it comparable to other countries where the gods are hard to protect themselves?

That's why this slap in the face made Liyue Hong Kong people so unacceptable.If an evil guest comes to the door, the Qianyan Army or the three-eyed five-display immortal who can't see it will be punished.But the major martial arts gangs don't know gold inlaid jade first, even if they are ridiculed in the face, as a commercial capital, such things are taken for granted.Therefore, the bigwigs in the business world and the martial arts world had no choice but to use the venue of the "Liyue Bone Forging Jue" compilation conference to gather, spontaneously pool their brains and efforts, and strive to let Zhidong Barbarian experience the demeanor of a great country.

The thugs will naturally have to be replaced again. Although the second young master of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce closed the door due to some well-known reasons, but this time it is related to Liyue's face, he was also forcibly dragged out of the room by the owner of the house and turned into a masked hero Qiuqiu to win glory for the country. , and brought in the well-connected alchemist Chongyun and the hall master Hutao, the three owners of the God's Eye. Superb, when facing the Solstice Winter Elemental Weapons, you will not be helpless.Apart from the high-ranking Liyue Seven Stars, this is already the strongest lineup that can be dispatched in a short period of time.

People are easy to find, but weapons are hard to find. Whether it is the Qianyan Army or the famous sect, there is no problem in gathering three magic weapons or weapons from the Immortal Family, but Yuheng Xing has already blocked the conversation. There was no way to save face.

In just half a day, the alchemists, talismans, institutions, and master blacksmiths around Liyue Port have already sat together, but the plan to win the strengths of all the families is naturally not what you want.In fact, if it wasn't for the sharing of honor and shame this time, these masters who usually dislike each other would have quarreled long ago.

The status of this group of masters from all walks of life can be imagined.The president of the chamber of commerce and the gang leaders of the sect, although they have face invitations, how can they control them?

When the big businessmen and martial arts giants were at their wits' end, a seductive voice came from a distance, "How is your discussion going?" Come.

As we all know, Liyue and Seven Stars, the right of heaven is respected, in front of Ningguang, no matter they are the best from all walks of life, or the masters of martial arts with peaches and plums all over the world, they all lower their high heads.

Ningguang glanced around with majestic eyes, and said slowly, "I already know the specific situation. As the Liyue Seven Stars, we shouldn't intervene in civil disputes and be laughed at by other countries. Since ancient times, there have been no generals who can win forever. Even if he lost his eyes and was laughed at by others, it was just commonplace.

But since you've let your big talk out, let's keep talking about Liyue's face.So, whether you lose or win, there must be a result anyway.If in the end, because we have our own opinions and can't help each other, the quarrel becomes anticlimactic, and people from other countries laugh at me, Liyue is a mess, the consequences~ you can't afford it.At that time, even if Lord Yan does not punish you for eating rocks, I will ask you for an explanation. "

After all, his eyes swept across, as if he wanted to keep everyone in his eyes, so that he could "have an explanation" in the future.The stern words and eyes make everyone present tremble and dare not say a word

Ning Guang saw that the point had already been reached, and the voice changed, "Of course, those who have done wrong must be punished, and those who have done something must be rewarded! To Dongdong, a small country businessman, is willing to use tens of millions of moras to earn face, and Li Yue's face naturally has my face. Concentrating on one piece, I offer [-] million moras to strengthen the morale of the army, and you masters can show your strengths." The guard opened the huge box, and the golden mora brought the atmosphere of the venue to a new level.

Just when various chambers of commerce were about to donate a bounty, Ning Guang raised his hand to stop them

"My colleagues in the business world, what you need to do now is not to donate moras, but to mobilize capable craftsmen to quickly produce the works of the masters and earn moras as soon as possible.

After a few days, no matter whether he admits it or not, Zhidong's military strength has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and this colleague from Zhidong Kingdom has made a good advertisement.After this matter is over, regardless of whether they win or lose, whether it is an army or a caravan, even the treasure troupe, they will put a few sets of new weapons on the agenda. .

With such a huge business opportunity, who can produce new armaments first?Who can produce the strongest armament?It depends on the abilities of everyone here.”

As the living God of Wealth in Liyue Port, Ging Guang, throwing a piece of confetti at random can make the business world in Liyue Port turbulent. How can such a very straightforward statement make the heads of the chamber of commerce not tempted?As soon as the words were finished, servants from all walks of life came down from the Yujing Terrace, and began to race against time to scramble for relevant talents and construction workshops.

Seeing that the atmosphere was heated enough, Ningguang nodded to the famous people in the business and martial arts circles present, and left in a hurry.

No matter how good Liyue is, there will always be merchants who don't love Liyue; but there must be none who don't love Mora.In a blink of an eye, master craftsmen, mechanism masters, talisman masters, and forging masters all became objects of competition for Quan Liyue.It's a pity that the masters are completely dismissive, and they are actively and consciously working closely together in groups, seeking to earn a family business that can be passed down for dozens of generations for future generations.

Tianquanxing made it clear that the replacement of Quan Liyue's armaments is a huge fat in the trillions. Whoever is the first to develop a set of armor weapons that can surpass the armaments of Solstice Winter will be as rich as the enemy.

In desperation, the merchants had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and collect some stupid equipment for imitation and localization.The few pieces of Fool's equipment on the market have already been fired at sky-high prices, but there is no market for them. Those who did not buy Andre's armament a few days ago have long regretted it.

Andre's merchant ships have already been crowded with people, and Andre, who has already let out a sigh of relief, does not talk about past complaints. He is talking about business, but the price is soaring as the market goes, and everyone has been slaughtered heavily.

"Unfortunately, half of the proceeds were eaten by Ning Guang alone." Ke Qing, who invested in the shares with acting skills and policies, and accounted for 20% of the shares, was very depressed.

"That woman has always been the most ruthless. Those who work hard to make money are not as good as those who sit and collect money, huh!" Beidou, who took 20% of the shares of villains No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] and filmed ships, was very indignant at this. She is very familiar with the distribution method, every time she transports goods across the border, she will be slapped heavily by Ning Guang.

"It's too normal, who made her have a strong ability to carry goods?" Jiang Yan, who planned the whole process and only had 10% of the shares in the end, had no choice but to sigh depressedly for Liyueweiya to eat 50% of the shares in one go.

There must be something wrong with the world, really - L'Oreal Chiang

Is there something wrong with the Liyue mixed system: Chapter 79 Chapter 78 Is it not about friendly firepower?

Mora's power is infinite. Creation cannot be imitated, and imitation cannot be modified. In just two days, Liyue Youth League's reformed armament was officially released in a corner.

It's not that the Liyue Youth League is so talented, it's mainly because the craftsmen mostly think about how to produce mass-produced equipment that can be changed into outfits to make a fortune; Under the premise of fouling, produce a batch of weapons as soon as possible to participate in the competition.

Xingqiu was the most lazy, and found the craftsman of the chamber of commerce to modify the water gun of the heavy guard of the water gun, so that it can narrow the nozzle, shorten the range, and shorten the handle, making the water gun into a laser sword. Once activated, the high-speed water flow can spurt out to form a water sword

And Hu Tao had a big brain hole, and designed a ghost launcher for himself. After Hu Tao encapsulated the collected ghosts into bullets, he put them into the fire guns of the fools. Once fired, the fiery ghosts will come out of the shell. , With a bang, the enemy was blown to death together.

"Walnut, are ghosts considered energy-producing armaments?" Chong Yun said that this was a bit of a foul, right?

"Of course forget it. Collecting ghosts is not the power of the God's Eye, but the secret method of the Hall of Rebirth. On the battlefield, aren't there resentful spirits everywhere? The Lord said no problem means no problem”

Seeing the helpless Chong Yun of his unreliable teammates, he had to work hard and use his knowledge of talismans to design a weapon, which was named Popsicle Great Sword by Xing Qiu.

Write dozens of frost talismans together, roll them into scrolls and wrap them on the hilt of the sword. Each talisman is made with fine holes for easy tearing. There is a slightly protruding line on the hilt, which only needs a twist of the wrist to use. With one pull, you can tear off the used talisman and continue to use the next unused talisman.

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