——The more powerful Lirufar, the more "electricity" is required.

"I'm sorry, probably only if I get all the spirits together, I can perform self-circulation..."

After only leading the way for a while, Lilufar, whose light has dimmed a lot, said apologetically.

Even in ancient Sumeru, the only one who was lucky enough to "enjoy" the punishment of hunting souls was the one who destroyed Ju'er City.

Since she couldn't find a reference, she could only adapt to the effects of the process of piecing together the spirit.

However, Jiang Yan didn't pay attention to what she said, but focused his attention on the Shrine of the Spirit.

Integrating the seven elemental forces has always been Jiang Yan's hope to complete the work, and it has become a very feasible solution to restore the seven colors of desire to the savage light realm force, and then transform it when needed.

But it is a pity that there are very few people in the world who have mastered the technology of Yuanneng preparation and control, which has kept Jiang Yan from making any progress.

Jiang Yan was very excited when he first saw the charging pile of the Shrine of the Spirit. If he can learn this trick, wouldn't he be invincible?

However, after careful study, Jiang Yan discovered that the two seemingly plant-like branches did not actually transmit energy and nutrients. The so-called shrine was only a facility for transforming wish power into primordial energy.

No fish, shrimp is also good.

Under Lilufar's surprised eyes, a golden light soon appeared on Jiang Yan's right index finger, which was the very familiar spiritual power.

Lelufar was completely dumbfounded.

The Zhenling family, as the sacred blood family of the Kao family, is fortunate to have the ability to control the power of the light realm.

But this one in front of you, can see the mystery just by looking at it?

It doesn't matter if you look at it, the key is that the power of the three realms is incompatible with each other. Can people in the world really not be poisoned by this power?

Of course, Jiang Yan would not be poisoned by mere powers of light, and even had no problems with the "Da Ri Yu Yu" at close range.

Thanks to the strange body coordinated by the magical plug-in, Jiang Yan, who has countless diametrically opposed forces stored in his body, doesn't care about any conflicts in the violent creation of the Light Realm Force.

If so, I should have been frozen and burned by the diffusion superconducting overload intensified induction on my body, and then released a bunch of grassland cores, and finally exploded myself into fireworks with a snap.

It's just a small effort to transform it into strength.

Of course, the "small operation" was only for him.

Jiang Yan, who came all the way to fight with Ying, has always had the illusion that "this thing is nothing unusual".

However, wish power is transformed into power. Even if you look at the entire world, few people can control and sort out this chaotic power.

Less is meaningless. If there is more, it will be driven by the power of the will and become a slave of the power of the will.

What's more, where can ordinary people go to accumulate strong willpower?

Therefore, Ying, who fulfills his wish and moves forward, is completely the strongest in this aspect of the entire world.

And Jiang Yan, who was trained with her as a template, has already reached the standard of a "monster" technically, so that the whole bottle of Lilufar, who is knowledgeable, almost bursts without the three views in the physical sense.


Although I still don't understand how this well-established contractor did such an outrageous thing.

But after seeing this incomparably pure spirit-suppressing power, Lilufar's greed was almost irresistible.

Aspirations are also graded, firm aspirations, random aspirations, chaotic aspirations, and one-hearted aspirations will be directly reflected in any effect.

And the willpower created by a strong will like steel alone can be said to guarantee both quality and quantity. For Lilufar, it is like a supreme delicacy.

The magic bottle flew over violently and circled along Jiang Yan's fingers, giving Jiang Yan a constant itching like licking.

Batch after batch of suppressing spirit power rushed over, making the magic bottle shine like a small light bulb very quickly, and it was only when it looked "full" that it stopped.

"My lord, thanks to your great power, I have recovered a small part of my strength, which can protect you from deserts, hot winds, plagues and conspiracy. Please allow me to serve you."

After all, a translucent film of light enveloped Jiang Yan's head. Jiang Yan and Naxida only felt that after a moment, the air they breathed was immediately cleansed, and the heavy sand smell disappeared without a trace, leaving only There was a strange aroma.

"Woohoo, if it wasn't for my soul being torn apart and unable to gather enough strength... I would be able to transform into any beautiful image to please you."

Speaking of serving, Lilufar is very dissatisfied with his current ridiculous form.

Not being dependent on others, but relying on the existence of others, what is called service?Parasitism is almost the same!

Generally speaking, injecting one's own primordial energy into primordial energy creatures has a special meaning.

It marks that this primordial creature has become "his thing" ever since.

Of course, Jiang Yan naturally didn't know about this high-level custom, and Lilufar didn't intend to explain it, he just wanted to serve the new master better.

It's a pity that even if Jiang Yan began to have imaginations about "Human XP Encyclopedia", with Naxida at the side, it was impossible for Lilufar to elaborate, so he could only change the subject and talk about the location of the next fragment of everyone's destination: Zhe shin valley.

Karvey's exploration team was scared out of their wits by the giant statues of the relics walking back and forth as soon as they arrived there, and almost ran away on the spot.

Scattering and fleeing in the sand sea is no different from annihilation of the whole army?

Fortunately, relying on Kawei's prestige, after the exploration team recruited members one after another, this ridiculous incident came to an end.

The relic colossus that can walk around is completely different from the one lying there. Even if one was rebuilt, Kavey, who dismantled one, was not crazy because he could handle it, and soon wrote a letter of appeal to Jingshan Palace, That's why Nasida's "by the way" came about.

Since Kavi's cannon transformed from the relic colossus gave the artificial god a fatal blow, the firepower of the relic colossus has re-entered the entire Tivat's field of vision.

However, as the war fortress of Kanria, except for the noble knight Marshal Amfortas who drove out to fight for the Sumeru allies and left three waste products, there are really no other countries.

Now the giant statue of the ruins of Jiangzhumo Mountain has been completely scrapped, and the giant statue of the ruins of Tuha Luogu has been dismantled in the "Sea of ​​Knowledge" battle. The only statue of the ruins in good condition is the I picked the one at the Folded Shin Valley.

The Qianhe Sand Land is flooded with fools, and it is obvious that they are eyeing this weapon that is not as good as the light of the world in actual combat, but it is also an excellent weapon.

After this news reached Nasida's ears, it immediately attracted Nasida's attention.

The reason is very simple. The Chaos Furnace Core of the Ruins Colossus is by no means an object that can be easily replaced. It is huge in size and releases hot potatoes of pollution all the time. Presumably all fools know that it is impossible to move this thing to any place without sufficient means of concealment. a port.

But it is completely unreasonable for fools to spend so much energy just to steal a few small parts.

So Nashida can easily infer that the Fools have the actual combat technology to cut off the pollution of the relic colossus.

So before she came to Qianhe Sand Field, she had already decided on a strategy with Jiang Yan for this "by the way" thing:

——Black eats black.

Since they are so eager to move, then teach them a lesson, use their technology, and see how to stop this relic colossus safely.

No matter what, it's better than Jiang Yan cutting down the giant statue of the ruins with a sword. This person is more reliable than a god.

But unfortunately, Naxida thought too much.

The actions of the fools in the Great Red Sand Sea have not undergone so much deliberation.

Originally, there were not many fools in Dachishahai, and the task was very simple:

Investigate the status quo of the tribes of the desert residents, win over and infiltrate them through trade, attract the attention of the sages, and provide convenience for the executive officers in Sumeru City.

To put it simply, it is a casual chess game that is laid out one step at a time.

However, after the "Sea of ​​Knowledge" battle, the relic colossus became a favorite,

After the Battle of Sumi City, the rebellious Professor Frodlock under the command of the "Doctor" took the initiative to lead the team all the way here, preparing to investigate how this god-killing fortress possessed such a powerful ability.

However, just after they came here, they encountered conflicts between the Academy and the aborigines. They didn't want to be driven out of the desert by the Academy, so they had no choice but to become shields and thugs for these tribes unwillingly.

research?The escort troops have all become combat troops!

Jiang Yan cleaned up several camps of the fools, and the final result was only a large pile of ancient devices that were said to be used to charge the Yuan Energy Construct and alleviate the non-self-circulation-"Charging Transformation Containers".

Well, from Jiang Yan's understanding, this is a power bank.

But with the charging treasure, do I not need to continue feeding the bottle?

Jiang Yan looked at the magic bottle that was just "full" and was spinning happily, and made a suggestion.

However, this proposal was firmly rejected by Lilufar:

"No, it's too unpalatable!"

It is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality, and Lilufar, who has eaten the extremely pure psychic power a few times, has already decided that he must hold on to the long-term meal ticket in front of him.

Who would eat mass-produced swill when there is a big meal to eat?

Chapter 685 Chapter 662 Did the hamster move something wrong?

In the vast sea of ​​sand, how to fight against a combination that can fly like a storm, and also comes with a Nasida brand life detector and polygraph, and a combination of Lilu Farfar psychological experts?

The answer is no, the strongholds of the Fools were overturned one by one like groundhogs, and then tied up in a string like camels, waiting for the acceptance of the Academy.

Jiang Yan originally thought that the people who performed this kind of mission were strong-willed fighters who would rather die than surrender, and even if they were caught, they would burst into blood from their bodies.

As a result, every time they arrived at a stronghold, there were only one-fifth and one-fifth explanations of the details, and the tired soldiers looked "relieved".

Amidst the indignant accusations of countless fools, Jiang Yan knew what had happened.

To put it simply, these fools were fooled around by the primitive people in their hearts.

Coincidentally, the "primitives" who lied to them were none other than Jabalel's hometown - the Tanit tribe.

A small tribe actually gave birth to two crouching dragons and phoenixes, Jebel Lele and Sameer, and these two big sand robbers who had a notoriety once resounded in the sand sea, were actually just losers in internal struggles. The atmosphere can be imagined.

According to Jabalel, the Tanit tribe has been colluding with the Thirty for hundreds of years to smuggle physical books, arm the minds of the top leaders, and optimize farming and hunting techniques.

Ignorant?Ignorance is just a tool for them to manage their "family".

The brains of the heads of several big families are even more flexible than the people of Sumeru who have been poisoned by the void for hundreds of years.

Ignorant fools, meeting this group of vicious and cunning fellows who are comparable to town spirits, what is the end?

Sure enough, according to the fools, the first batch of expeditionary troops were completely deceived by these bastards to "open up the eternal oasis" as a bait to go from Sumeru City.

The Fools are naturally not good men and women, and originally wanted to make some noise and involve part of the energy of the Holy Order, so that the plan of man-made gods can be carried out smoothly.

So they took out a set of procedures they were most familiar with, used technology and equipment to vigorously support the puppets, and assassinated the diehards. After a lot of effort, they finally let the current new mistress take over.

However, they soon discovered that although the elders had killed a lot, the so-called "puppets" they helped up were nothing more than younger, more sinister, and more vicious new-generation poisonous snakes.

Soon, the fools who went deep into the tribe "disappeared" or "accidentally happened" one by one, but the progress of exploring the eternal oasis was delayed again and again for various reasons. An excuse to ask for more technical and material support.

It wasn't until the end of the Sumeru City battle that the fools who had been lurking everywhere came to the Qianhe Sand Land one after another, and finally there were enough troops to tear up this seemingly incoherent cooperation and prepare to take revenge.

They were surprised to find that the advance team of the Holy Order had also swaggered to the Tanit tribe, apparently reaching a certain degree of cooperation.

And what's even more shameless is that the bastards of the Tanit tribe actually received the Order Academy while spreading the news, inviting the fools to ambush after the end.

This way of not being a threat is better than a threat, completely disgusting the fools enough.

In order to avoid being sold for a good price by the Tanit tribe, the fools could only be forced to become a shield for these bastards, launching a surprise attack according to the time and location disclosed by the Tanit tribe.

However, how could the Tanit tribe, with the attitude of making them both lose, tell the fools the true combat power of this advance team?

After a fierce battle, the fools who lost their troops and generals no longer had the ability to fight back. They could only hide in a corner of the sand sea, eating sandworms and swallowing salt water, waiting for the "House of Hearth" who also suffered heavy losses in the Sumeru War. "Re-establish supply lines.

This humiliating cooperation mode and task progress, of course, made every fool who performed the task hate to the bone.

Every fool's expeditionary army has been contending with supernatural beings from all over the world all year round, and casualties are commonplace.

For the noble Ice Queen, even if the entire army is wiped out, she never complains.

However, being treated as fools by a group of primitive people from the beginning to the end, and even betrayed and tricked everyone to die, it is really not reconciled not to dismiss those bastards!

As a result, the fools showed an extremely enthusiastic and cooperative attitude, and even sold out their colleagues' strongholds, just hoping to see those vicious and cunning "puppets" before being escorted back to Sumeru City, and get their due rewards.

Seeing the scene where even the vicious fools were so angry that they collectively broke their defenses, Jiang Yan had a new understanding of these "daughters of the Flower God".

Are you really believers in the God of Flowers, not Heizi?

"To treat these guys, we used to have an old saying..."Only desert people whose shoulder blades are pierced by iron rings are loyal desert people."

Lilu Falpal continued to resonate continuously with ample energy, while making sharp comments with a sneer.

The nobles of the Eternal Oasis have always had this attitude towards "minions who eat sand".

However, this sentence only brought Jiang Yan and Naxida strange expressions.

Isn't it you who is the biggest sunspot of Huashen?

The flower god who brought joy and happiness to everyone in the dark age has a very subtle reputation now. Isn't it because your family members are crazy about scoring points for her?

Of course, there is no need to say this sentence.It's terrible to be held hostage by this kind of guy.


I have to say, black eat black, ah no, white eat black is really the best way to gain weight.

Years of hard work by the fools has made Jiang Yan and Naxida cheap in this way.

Of course, the Fools' Expeditionary Army has been deployed in the Qianhe Sand Field for such a long time, and of course they will not gain nothing except being deceived.

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