"Keqing, I have learned a new trick, good luck to you, let's develop it together"

Is there something wrong with looking for a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 112 Chapter 110 Is there something wrong with transnational joint research

The Rose Witch feels fate recently, it's really amazing

Once upon a time, she fanatically pursued the truth every day, and felt supreme joy at every step she got closer, but the truth was very stingy to her, and only showed her the madness and huge shadow under the truth, which made her retreat.

After she accepted the threat of fate and came to Mond away from "wisdom", the truth sent itself to herself with a ribbon.This little cutie, whether it's the "National Cultivation of Immortals" shared earlier, or the development of the field tonight, he has no idea how amazing the real value of these things is.

This so-called "expansion of the field of thunder elemental power" involves the most essential dismantling of thunder elemental power. How could it be created by a mere Daofu fairy?It is definitely the truth that can only be grasped by the earthly rulers with elemental power, power and wisdom.

"The essence of wisdom is the greed for truth." Lisa silently recited a motto from the Sumeru Holy Order, lamenting her so-called renunciation, hesitation and reserve in the face of the truth delivered in a takeaway box?what is that?There is only one thought in Lisa's mind, it smells so good!

As for the price?Lisa didn't even ask.Lisa couldn't afford the price God offered, but as a once-in-200-year genius at the Sumeru Academy, Lisa was very confident in her ability to repay her debt of favor.Be a magic advisor to Little Cutie for decades?It doesn't matter.

On the training ground of the West Wind Knights, the same square has been drawn, and the lazy cat opened her long-sleeping eyes, emitting the dazzling light unique to the seeker after a long absence.

With a flick of the fingertips, one electrical circuit after another was built in the air, and the lightning enchantment was completed in a blink of an eye.Lisa didn't stop. With the continuous release of the thunder elemental power, the energy level of the thunder light in the air continued to rise in a resonant way, and plasma sparks like rain began to appear in the air. It was Lisa's special skill Rose Lightning.

Not enough, not enough, the Rose Lightning can be regarded as the culmination of a mortal formation, but the distance field is not strong enough, Lisa followed Jiang Yan’s description and explanation, and continued to increase the energy level of the Lightning in her hand in the form of pulses, until the air near the electric circuit Since it has become a plasma state, it has become a powerful booster of thunder elemental force, and can guide an unprecedentedly powerful lightning strike at any time.

Being able to use the power of heaven and earth for her own use marks that this trick can already be called a small field. With a wave of Lisa's arm, all the power of the thunder element was removed, and all the abnormal phenomena disappeared in an instant, and only the air remained in the air. The feeling of fresh air brought by ionization.

The AR tactical eyepiece conceived by Jiang Yan, Lisa’s evaluation of this is a layman’s imagination. The cutie must have some misunderstandings about Sumeru or Fontaine. Fontaine and Sumeru have similar finished products, which are widely used in dangerous Area scouting and exploration.But use it in actual combat?Think too much.

Whether it's channeling energy or elemental force metal, the sensitivity is completely unacceptable for the ever-changing battle situation. With an eyepiece that will give results in 10 seconds to judge the battle situation?

Thinking of this, Lisa showed a mysterious smile at the cute and silly place.The little cutie "sneaked up" her revenge, but I still remember it. For the sake of this great gift, I will report it when I return to Mond.

As a user of thunder elemental power, whether it is the use of electric circuits or the reuse of residual elemental power, Lisa has a simpler and more effective solution, because Xumi is full of people who study this stuff.

Due to the low aggressiveness of the grass elemental power, Xu Mi has always been the focus of research on how to use the earth veins and other attribute elemental powers free in the air.What else?Come up with a bunch of garlic bastards and spray the enemy to death?

However, the few papers I used to win the Excellent Paper Award from the Holy Order Academy must be too cute for the little cutie. Lisa reopened the Rose Lightning and began to think about how to build a set of "simple road signs that even the cuties can learn"

In Liyue, a neighboring country, and in the training ground of the Qianyan Army, Keqing is constantly moving the force of the thunder element and sensing changes in nodes.

Due to the gap in strength, only when the elemental force bursts out to start the parade on the sky street, Keqing can use the long sword infused with most of the thunder elemental force to briefly draw out nodes for traction and acceleration.

As for normal times, you can only release the elemental power by yourself and build a thunder wedge to achieve it.Turn your surroundings into a domain?Don't think about it for now.

However, receiving such a great gift would not be rewarded for no merit, Ke Qing seriously decided to find a way to repay it.Although her elemental power is not strong enough, but Keqing is confident that there will not be many people in the entire Tivat who are better than herself when it comes to the traction and acceleration of Lei's elemental power.

Therefore, Keqing took a rare vacation in several years, assumed parading in the sky street as a normal state in the training ground, and began to design a set of tactics for her friends.

Naturally, the sky street parade in reality does not start every 12 seconds. Keqing needs to go through a long warm-up, let the blood and elemental power use for a period of time, and make the whole body coordinate and resonate before starting this killer.Otherwise, it is very easy to cause joint injury and element force imbalance.

At present, Keqing has used the Parade Parade for the fifth time in one morning, and the previous record was used three times in a bandit suppression battle. On the second day, he was so exhausted that he could not hold the pen steadily, so he had to ask the secretary to write the report.

Although it was just practice, Keqing's physical strength was exhausted by five parades in the sky, and she persisted only with perseverance.Although Jiang Yan didn't say anything, Ke Qing could tell his eagerness at a glance.It's a rare opportunity to repay him, so of course I have to do my best.

Ke Qing didn't say anything about this long "fate of immortality", but she was very grateful in her heart.In the beginning, I just practiced duel with the feeling of rubbing against the immortal fate. Maybe the other party has learned a lot, but this kind of thing doesn't care about it. Since I don't have the heart to teach seriously, then I owe a little favor.

If only that was the case.But when the other party has crossed the threshold of her own, she still treats each other with courtesy, and when she gains something and does not forget to share it, Ke Qing already regards the other party as a best friend in her heart.Throwing a peach in return, Ke Qing has been looking for this young man during that time, and is ready to repay him well.

Unexpectedly, I didn't find the other party, but the other party appeared in front of me after doing me a big favor.The more owed the favor, the worse the strength, the further the distance, making friendship a heavy burden here in Keqing.

There is less and less help in martial arts, and Ke Qing, who is thinking about it, can only make some returns in terms of work, by working hard to cooperate with him and leading him to work together.But after finding out that Fang Zhi was not here, he had no choice but to give up and watch his friends go to Daoqiu.

This time I finally had the opportunity to do my best, Keqing would never miss anything, shook her sore shoulders, and after a simple recovery, come again!Practice until you can't lift your arms, and then when you sit down to recover, think carefully about how to design your tactics.After recovering, practice until you can no longer lift your arms!

"This time, I must impress him," Ke Qing secretly swore.

Is there something wrong with finding a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 113 Chapter 110 Is there something wrong with being crushed by the natives?

Jiang Yan didn't have time to wait for the results. After becoming a ruthless scientific research contractor, he devoted himself to the continued fight with Ying.

what cost?What return?What are you talking about among your friends?Lisa and Keqing didn't ask at all what kind of reward he needed for his materials, and what kind of reward his own research Jiang Yan would give.Jiang Yan never considered that his friends would not do their best to help him.

When the whole world is full of bad people, good people cannot survive; but when surrounded by good people, bad people cannot survive either.Tiwat is a world where friends have troubles and everyone has a knife in their ribs. At the beginning, Jiang Yan, who accurately calculated the optimal upgrade route, has unknowingly become a person who has hundreds of knives stuck all over his body for his friends.

In Tivat, which is full of crises, every friend may one day become a comrade-in-arms who will live and die together. The mentality of comparing every penny and penny is not very popular in the Thieves, let alone having ideals and pursuits. The fools and the Abyss Cult.The villains are all like this, and the decent can be imagined.

I have a lot of friends, Ying's friends, and Kaying himself are doing their best to help, this wave can win!Everyone's full support is also a major source of Jiang Yan's confidence.If the Nanfu energy-gathering ring on my back is full, will I still lose?

It's a pity that Jiang Yan, the eye of Thunder Punishment Evil Yao, really can't learn it. The principle of this trick is that the shadow directly tears the real world, and replaces it with a corner of the pure land of the spiritual realm. In the spiritual realm, what he sees is what he sees. What you do, the moment you see it, God's punishment will come out immediately.

Mentally strong enough to tear apart the real world?Are you fighting for mental strength with someone who loses once in 500 years and dies, but doesn't lose once?There is everything in the dream.So Jiang Yan never considered learning this trick at all. Anyway, in the end, he must have dreamed of a one-knife duel, and this kind of trick has no chance to be used.

In fact, Ying doesn’t need to use this trick when fighting alone. The battle with Jiang Yan is basically started with Yixin Pure Land, and the direct firepower is fully used to quickly start to grab the rhythm. Yixin Pure Land is deployed in this world. no use.

It has entered the fifth day in a blink of an eye, and Jiang Yan is completely stuck in the third move of Thunder Sword. Both Jiang Yan and Yae Shenzi are scratching their heads at this unreasonable move.

This trick is a limited skill in Yixin Pure Land, without the ubiquitous and powerful thunder element power provided by Yixin Pure Land, it cannot be used at all.Jiang Yan should have sent it directly, but since every time Ying uses this trick, he will spread the pure land of one heart to the entire arena, the most difficult step can be skipped instead, just go whoring for nothing.

However, even for the remaining part, the difficulty will cost Jiang Yan his life.

The thunder sword move is divided into three parts. The thunder element force and magnetic field are different for each position in Yixin Pure Land, providing a unique mark for each position.The first step of Thunder Sword is to create a mirror image magnetic field with the same shape and frequency as the target location.

The second step is to use the slash to infuse the powerful lightning element force into the mirror magnetic field while maintaining the frequency, and the target position will resonate to produce the same lightning slash across space.

The last step is to destroy the mirror image magnetic field that you have just constructed, and use the reverse magnetic field generated by infusing the thunder element force to directly pull yourself to the target position, and perform a violent second slash.

This kind of slash that directly crosses space is extremely difficult to guard against. When you see her raise her hand and grab it, the next moment, a powerful thunder blade will directly appear on your face.I don't have any invincible frame dodge, I can only subconsciously parry, the success rate can be imagined.Moreover, he barely defended the first knife, and swung with all his strength in an instant, and it was easy to make the situation take a turn for the worse.

Faced with this kind of BUG skill that colorless dogs are embarrassed to use, Jiang Yan can only avoid being directly defeated by this trick by not giving any chance to distance himself, and insisting on burying and moving, but the loss of elemental power The rate can be imagined, the reason why it was always exhausted before, this trick has a lot of credit.

After formally starting to learn, Jiang Yan realized how high the threshold for this move was.Yae Kamiko's domain is gradually developed and utilized with powerful computing power, and Ying doesn't have to be so complicated at all. The genuine god-level domain allows her to always be the center of the domain, with complete control, and any part is like a finger. .She doesn't need to count, she has to keep re-calculating. Naturally, she loses or wins the same move duel. Every time before she finishes mirroring, the knife has already hit the face.

Jiang Yan, who had no progress, had to ask Yae Shenzi for help, and Yae Shenzi opened up his own fox domain. Jiang Yan used it to practice how to quickly create a mirror magnetic field.

Yae Shenzi also had a lot of resentment towards this move. When he was young, he used this move to cross space countless times, pinching the back of his neck and lifting it up until he could use the field to move quickly.The little guy is still learning the running skills back then, which can be regarded as a cycle.

Unaware of the reason why Yae Shenzi's field is mainly used for displacement, Jiang Yan continued to learn the third lesson of the field course from Yae Shenzi - Sokoban, no, push nodes.

If there are other nodes on the road between the two displacement nodes, it will cause great interference to the rapid displacement, so when designing the moving line, we must try our best to "push" the redundant nodes to neutralize them with repulsive force.The cleaner the push, the better the displacement.

The design of this kind of route made Jiang Yan's head explode more than the calculation. Shenzi could easily design a route with three displacements, but he often had flaws at both ends, which made him very upset.A person who has received modern education is crushed by primitive people in the field he is good at, which is really embarrassing to the instructor.

It was really tormenting to be stuck in computing power during the day and slow in speed at night. In just three days, Jiang Yan's eyes were bloodshot, his clothes became messy, and anxiety arose spontaneously.

In the early morning of the third day, after finishing customizing the room and bidding farewell to Ying, Ying stopped Jiang Yan, took a step forward, raised his right hand with the momentum of swinging a knife, and said the soft expression and tone that he had secretly practiced for three days, "Goodbye, be careful on the road".

Jiang Yan was taken aback, this was the first time to say goodbye to each other, "Okay, see you tonight"

Ying clenched his left hand in the sleeve, and his tone and movements were perfect.Next is what I wanted to say just now. I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t organize the words, so I had to restore my expression to a serious one. I turned my head and said to the Okuchi who were guarding outside the door, "Send this distinguished guest to the Royal Hot Spring. Hugh"

"No need, I still have something to do with Ms. Yae Kamito later, um, forget it, I'll go." Ying's aura of "assigning you a major task" made him unable to refuse.

He was "escorted" by Okukatsu to go to Yuyu Hot Spring. Looking back, Kage walked out of the castle tower and was watching from the railing. Seeing her attitude of not giving up until he walked into Yuyu Hot Spring, okay? , The idea of ​​​​running halfway was shattered.Jiang Yan had no choice but to entrust the guards of Okuji to take a leave of absence from Yae Shenzi on his behalf, and honestly prepared to start soaking in the hot springs.

In other words, whether it is Mond or Liyue, there is only a choice of wild bath or large wooden barrel for bathing. The hot springs native to Nata are only welcome in Tivat.After many years, he finally went to the hot springs. Jiang Yan was not very resistant. It would be good to take a break. It happened that it was still early, and there was still time to go to the special training after breakfast.

Yu Tang Fuxing, the person in charge of Yu Hot Spring, didn't think so at all. When Okuji told Yu Tang Feng Xing that this was personally arranged by the general, Yu Tang Fu Xing filled his mind with a plot of [-] words, and directly led Jiang Yan to the The general has never been here, but it has reserved an independent hot spring for him, and it is served by a special maid.At the same time, it directly announced the closure of business, and prepared to arrange a full set of programs to welcome the general's follow-up visit.

It's a pity that whether it's the imaginative plot or the grand service content, they are all winking for the blind.The general did not come, and Jiang Yan, who had already been exhausted mentally, fell asleep as soon as he got hot water, no matter whether he was rubbing his body or changing clothes, he was completely unconscious like a pool of dead flesh, and he opened his eyes again. into the night.

"What's the matter? Paimon adjusted the time?" How about a day at my age?

Is there something wrong with looking for a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 114 Chapter 110 Chapter [-] Is there something wrong with looking for a coaching team in heads-up

Maybe it was a change of luck after bathing and changing clothes. When Jiang Yan returned to the residence to shake people, Ke Qing had already announced that the development of her new move was completed.

"Use the trick you're facing." Keqing was triumphant. After three days of thinking day and night, she finally developed the best plan to deal with this high-speed elemental attack.It was not in vain that her arms were bruised and her elemental power was severely overdrawn.

Jiang Yan was taken aback when he heard that, Ke Qing became Liyue Seven Stars when other little girls were still cooking and making achievements, she was definitely a genius among geniuses.However, this kind of trick, which is regarded as profound even in Thor's side, can it really be resisted by mortal swordsmanship?

Now that she's so confident, let's try it.Although Keqing's elemental power is not too strong, Jiang Yan certainly cannot expand the field with her physical fitness.However, if it's just a trick, it can still be done with great consumption.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan condensed a large amount of thunder elemental force and spread it around the two of them, briefly simulating the elemental force environment of Yixin Pure Land, using the crazy operation of consuming half of himself before starting the fight, so that Keqing's subconscious mind could keep watching the changes.

At this time, Ke Qing was facing Jiang Yan sideways, pointing the long sword with his right hand, and pinching the sword formula with his left hand, which was exactly the starting posture of Yun Lai's swordsmanship.

With a grasp of Jiang Yan's left hand, he created a magnetic field that was completely symmetrical with that in front of Keqing's body. After three days of special training, his speed in this link was barely passable.Immediately, more than half of the elemental power was poured into the right hand, and a lightning strike was made, and the sword struck the center of the ring magnetic field.The sharp Thunder Blade appeared on Ke Qing's face in an instant.

Keqing took half a step forward with his left foot, stepped hard, and with the electric blade in his right hand, he pressed down like a baton, "Go!" With a soft voice, he lowered the blade to the lowest point, and Jiang Yan swung it over. Thunder Blade and the elemental force attached to his long sword, just like a large vat of water found a pipe for launching, they burrowed into the ground in one go.

In the next moment, when Jiang Yan destroyed the mirror magnetic field and was pulled over, he found that the powerful thunder element force under his feet firmly fixed himself in place, as if stepping on a quicksand trap, and the full-strength two-stage slash naturally Ended up without illness.

Just as Jiang Yan fell into a momentary state of rigidity, Keqing's left hand turned into a sword, and the weak but amazingly fast sword pierced Jiang Yan's throat, which was immobile and exhausted.

"It really made her do it, I admire it." After waking up, Jiang Yan had a new understanding of Keqing's genius. He used his left foot to clear the thunder element power in a small area in front of him, and then used the long sword's local line to draw There is no entity, and a slash of pure thunder element force is directly pulled to the ground.

At the same time, because the polarity of the second-stage slash is opposite, this part of the elemental force guided underground will have a strong restriction and adsorption effect on the enemies who come over by surprise.In the end, the sword was discarded to keep the magnetic field stable, and it was a stroke of genius to use the sword finger surprise attack as a trump card.

How much effort did this little girl put in?In the past few days, apart from the arena in the evening and the fox's personal training in the afternoon, the rest I have to think about is how to crack this trick. Why didn't I figure it out, but outsiders figured it out instead?

"Summoning, Keqing" Jiang Yan decided to praise her well, she might not have done anything else in the past three days.

After some rainbow farts, Ke Qing felt complacent even subconsciously, it was the first time she was so elated since she couldn't beat this friend.Although you don't like vanity, who doesn't want to hear praise from the heart from a master who is better than yourself?

After using the Thunder-Inducing Sword for the second time to make Jiang Yan's Shanzhai Thunder Sword invisible, Jiang Yan whose throat was pierced again by the sword finger was unable to say goodbye, so he had to smile and nod to bid farewell to the friend who had helped him a lot.

And Keqing fell asleep on the bed after waking up, and didn't wake up until the evening of the next day. Looking at the doctor Baishu who didn't know when he came to the door, and the herbal package of nourishing soup piled up next to the bed, the two-week course of treatment was extremely painful, Ke Qing wants to cry but has no tears.

"Doctor Baishu, can you stop drinking this?" Ke Qing said bitterly

"No, Mr. Yu Hengxing." In Bai Shu's eyes, patients only have the status of "patients". After recovering from illness, patients are Yu Hengxing. Before recovering from illness, he has the final say.

After being personally inspected by Mr. Lei Shen, this move is indeed effective. It was used for the first time, and it almost brought a valuable counterattack opportunity. However, the power of Ying's second move is not comparable to that of Jiang Yan himself. He was directly attacked by all his strength because his center of gravity was not stable. The key cut a stagger, and the counterattack was directly blocked.

The move is a good move, but it is not a universal solution. It can only be interspersed with other plans to increase the advantage. You can't use the same move twice for Saint Seiya, and you can't use the same move for Thor.

When using it for the third time in a row, Ying deceived the thunder sword with a false move, and immediately attacked Jiang Yan directly with the five-linked sword like a storm. It seems that there are only a few more options to truly Discover the advantages of this trick.

Yae Miko was the second to come up with a solution, and her solution was full of the fox's cunning style - making trouble, since you use the resonance of the magnetic field to cut people across space, I will let the magnetic field be chaotic!

Yae Shenzi gave Jiang Yan three "sewing thimbles" made of jade steel to wear on the thumb, middle finger, and little finger respectively.Of course, the thimble was just a joke. This little thing is actually a "special magic weapon for anti-lightning generals", but it looks very similar.

The metal ring is covered with irregular small pits and Daozuma incantation characters, and the inner side is a wound jade steel wire.Whenever Jiang Yan pours the elemental force of thunder, the current circulating in the "thimble" will create a messy and irregular magnetic field, just like the vibrato Divine Comedy played by a loudspeaker, which suddenly destroys the order of the magnetic field in Ying's field, making her Cutting people from a distance cannot be achieved.

Of course, if you think about it, you know that this trick also has great disadvantages.Killing the enemy eight hundred, self-defeating is almost eight hundred, it is basically a means of skipping class like a exchange, it is overthinking to rely on this opportunistic method to gain an advantage.

In addition, as a senior patient, Shenzi taught Jiang Yan a lot of special skills to deal with Ying, or it was the shameful revelation of the second year of middle school.

"In her field, the unadjusted nodes are always ring-shaped, and the distance is almost equal. It is completely predictable. Alas, perfectionists are a headache."

"In Yixin Pure Land, just expand your domain as much as possible to protect your body. Don't be afraid of low strength. At this time, Ying believes in his own martial arts and rarely uses domain strength to cover others, so he is often teased by me, hahahaha"

"In times of crisis, don't think about the strongest move, try to use pure sword skills to fight her. When she meets an opponent with valuable martial arts, she will always subconsciously keep her hand and let herself enjoy the collision of martial arts to the fullest. It is really pointless persistence."

"Try to slow down the pace, challenge her with the slow pace of the gym, and she will attack you with the slow pace of the gym. Even in the battlefield back then, she liked the feeling of strolling in the courtyard"

This kind of class skipping technique is really reliable, much more useful than the Fox Matrix, which requires a supercomputer to fully master, Jiang Yan complained, after practicing for so many days, he did not make much progress in "Sokoban", on the contrary It was the "Zigzag" raid in the first class, and it was five consecutive slashes with Genryu Shinsho. As the understanding became deeper and deeper, I became proficient immediately.

"It seems that it is easy for you to make friends with elemental creatures." The taunt from the Son of God

"Master Yae Shenzi, who is both wise and beautiful, you have revealed so much information, aren't you afraid of being hacked by Wuxiang?" Jiang Yan confronted

"It's really heartless." The fox covered the corner of his mouth and laughed. I only broke the news because of you, not just to see a joke. It's very reasonable, that's right.

After another three days of hard training, Jiang Yan, who has made some small achievements in training the finger of forbidden magic and leading the thunder sword and fox matrix, finally ushered in Lisa's "Domain Skills That Cuties Can Learn" with both illustrations and texts.The document was brought by the Southern Cross, from Mond to Liyue and then to Dao's Wife, and the favor was full.

Although Lisa's document is quite thick, there are actually two tricks:

The first move is to use the electric circuit to gradually destroy the enemy's field. Miss Lisa's Rose Thunder Light is an element force field composed of a large number of electric circuits, and it is also her signature technique.

In the document for Jiang Yan, Lisa taught him in great detail how to use the nodes and the ground to build electrical circuits one by one, so that these nodes would be exhausted in the cycle.

The principle is actually very simple, it is similar to Ke Qing's Lightning Sword.It's just that Keqing's plan is to solve the countermeasures, while Lisa's plan is to systematically destroy the other party's territory. As long as you keep a distance, you can always do this.

The second move is the elemental power marker. At present, with every sword Jiang Yan swung, the elemental power dissipated quite little.Lisa went in the opposite direction and asked Jiang Yan to create a sword with a thunder element force node, which must dissipate a certain amount of element force. As long as the dissipated element force disappears simultaneously with the node, then the electric spark formed by these dissipated element force will With Lightning, it can be used as a timer for node duration.

Yae Shenzi, who studied the two sets of plans with Jiang Yan, admired the two sets of plans very much.And immediately followed suit, and made this tutorial the main content of the fourth class.

However, Yae Miko said that although other people’s textbooks are used, the tuition fee cannot be discounted, and it will be charged together with the tuition fee of the third class. Limited, but book signing is required.

"It's okay, it's okay." People are knives and I'm fish, what else is there to say?Fox, wait to be the heroine

Under the joint development and training of Li Yue, Dao Wife, and Mond's strongest thunder master, finally on a certain day after another week, Ying's Thunder Slash, Yuanliu Cloud Piercer, and Yuanliu Duanliu were all blocked. Death, no meritorious service.

In the end, in just half a month, Jiang Yan miraculously forced out the secret of the Shadow Profound Truth in a completely head-to-head manner - Wuxiang's knife!

Is there something wrong with finding a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 115 Chapter 110 Chapter [-] Is there something wrong with unlocking and hanging

The full version of Wuxiang's knife is actually very simple. Ying raises his own thunder element power level to the level of a real lightning thunder, and then shoots the thunder of punishment at a speed of 30 kilometers per second, directly reducing the enemy to ashes .

Ying often said that she is the most powerful and terrifying incarnation of thunder in this world. In fact, this is not a description, but a statement, because she can really condense the elemental power of thunder to this level.Anyone who can only do this kind of intensity without turning himself into ashes can use this trick to turn others into ashes in an instant.

You see, it's that simple, you don't need to learn, you don't need to think, you don't even need to dream.

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