What I carry is the blade of Chaifeng and not Iron Broken Tooth, why did it get mixed up like this?Where are my Kikyo and Kagome?Jiang Yan was lost in thought.

Forget it, just seal the seal. The last time the retreat challenge was real, Jiang Yan's most painful thing was not being smashed by lightning one after another, but that after sleeping all night at night, he had to force himself to continue sleeping during the day.

He was mentally exhausted, but his brain cells were tormented by forced sleep, causing him a splitting headache. Even recalling the pain of this mismatch between body and spirit, Jiang Yan had the illusion of wanting to vomit.

In the end, every time he wakes up, he can use his ultimate move crazily, overdrawing both his physical strength and elemental power at the fastest speed, and relying on the extreme fatigue state to help himself fall asleep again.

I really don't want to experience that sour feeling again.It's good to be sealed this time, at least it's more convenient to sleep.

In fact, it was not his fault to use this kind of sealing hypnosis method to forcibly reverse and counter-addiction, but it was Lei Dian's real remnant soul who couldn't afford to toss about it.

Although it doesn't need to be the same as the original shadow, force the soul to trace back into the arena.But the constant memory superposition is also a lot of pressure for this remnant soul.

To be on the safe side, Yae Shenzi could only seal Jiang Yan's body and soul together with the real remnant soul, so as to minimize the process of summoning the soul and copying memory, consuming even the slightest trace of the real one.

In addition, using the soul-warming magic circle and a large number of precious materials, the fragile remnant soul is constantly cared for.

As for that little guy, what is there to complain about if he can get this kind of blessing?

The continuous nourishment of the soul by the magic circle is naturally beneficial and harmless, but no one is willing to do it. These ten days are enough to burn a large part of Narujin Taisha's 500-year savings.

For example, when heated in an incense burner, the humble wood chip called "Jia Luo" that emits a strange fragrance has a miraculous effect on nourishing the mind and solidifying the soul.

However, because of this miraculous effect, this small piece of wood is basically not sold in the entire Tivat, and can only be obtained by trading between fate and strange things.

If you have to set a price, this small piece of wood, which can hold a spoon, is worth at least several hundred million moras.

Even with the wealth and status of Yae Shenzi, cutting such a small piece is as painful as cutting his own flesh.And there are still many materials of this level in this enchantment.

Thinking about the consumption of each day, Yae Miko and the maidens present at Narugami Taisha are praying with great devotion that the ceremony will end smoothly as soon as possible.

Jiang Yan was unaware of the imperial-level enjoyment of whoring for nothing, and fell into a deep sleep with an aura of "good smell"

"Summon, Thunderbolt"

A figure indistinguishable from the shadow emerged from the void, "Although I have the memory of coming here once, every time I come here, I feel very magical."

Zhen looked at his hands, his long-lost healthy body was full of strength, as if he had returned to hundreds of years ago.

Being able to find his own body data from the long river of history is at least the power of a higher god, and it is unimaginable for him to be the seventh ruler of the world.

Thinking of this, I am really in awe of the things behind this arena.

Jiang Yan, on the other hand, misses and looks forward to this scene very much. Back then, he was just a rookie in the golden segment. Unlimited viewing screen plus mouse macro to beat the strongest king to the ground once was enough for him to boast for a lifetime.

But after a year, I was finally able to stand in front of her as a master of segmented skills. I don't know what will happen this time?

"Lighted by the thunder, the eternal land!" With a really simple sentence, the thunder elemental force in the entire arena rioted for a while, cheering, jumping for joy, and constantly resonating, restless and circulating.

In a blink of an eye, thunder snakes and electric lights danced wildly everywhere, and countless domain nodes emerged out of thin air.

A year ago, Jiang Yan thought it was the effect of the big boss show.It is only now that I understand that this kind of behavior of covering the entire arena with the spiritual realm in an instant is outrageous. In terms of the use of elemental power, Ying really can't compare.

If it weren't for Ying's extremely familiarity with the real field, he would have already knelt down just because of the gap at home.

But Jiang Yan wasn't afraid either. Although there was no coach on the field this time, he was no longer a rookie in the past. First, let's say hello to Chuanyun, who was the winner last time!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan put his sword back into its sheath, the eye-catching thunder light flickered in his hand, and the two purple rays of light on the scabbard began to circulate and flicker like liquid.

"Time is limited, I will only teach you one move that can defeat Ying Wuxiang's knife."

Different from the puppet that was pieced together with memory and physical fitness a year ago, Leidenzhen after the fusion of the two memories, the arena has finally copied her logic and emotional data, making this real one significantly more agile than last year's puppet Quite a lot.

I saw that Zhen took a pose exactly like the statue of the Seven Heavens, with his hands crossed in front of his body before reaching his abdomen, gradually withdrawing the domain from the ordinary world, leaving only a mirror-sized interface, from the "mirror" only dazzling The purple light became brighter and brighter, until it was almost impossible to look directly at it.

"Pierce the cloud!" Jiang Yanmeng shot out with all his heart.

However, at the moment when Jiang Yan's long sword, which condensed all of Jiang Yan's thunder elemental power, just came out, the "mirror" in Zhen's hand lit up, Jiang Yan's eyes went dark, and then he found that he had left the arena.

Jiang Yan, who was defeated by the mysterious method, was at a loss, and hurriedly communicated mentally with Zhen who was next to him.

"Miss Zhen, what is that thing that looks like a mirror? How did you defeat me?" Jiang Yan has lost thousands of times, and has experienced all kinds of strange losing methods, but this kind of ambiguity makes people not understand. I have never seen the lost method.

Shen Ying shook slightly, the real voice sounded directly in his spirit

"This trick is called Mingshenjing, and it was named after the inspiration from seeing the seven-day god statue cast by mortals."

When I really said this, I smiled. The Dao wife regards the mirror as a sacred object, and often hangs it on his chest as a tool to avoid evil.

When the dust of the Demon God War was settled and her statue of the Seven Heavens was made, in order to show the power of calling the god to subdue demons and protect Dao's wife, the craftsman carved a magic mirror on the chest of the statue without authorization.

The gentle Lei Dian really doesn't care about this, but in order to appease the dissatisfaction of his sister and friends, he simply developed an identical move, that is, the Ming mirror to match the statue of the Seven Heavens, which proves the "correctness" of the craftsman. That's how to calm down the matter.

This story of reverse effect as cause is also an anecdote.

The move developed on a whim has never been used against any enemy. Unexpectedly, it will come in handy hundreds of years later.

In this regard, Leiden also felt the magic of fate for a while, and continued to explain to Jiang Yan:

"The principle of this trick is very simple. It compresses one's spiritual realm to the extreme, and infuses it with great elemental power, and then opens a small entrance in Changshi.

At this time, any enemy or target that approaches you for the first time will be bombarded by a powerful direct lightning strike due to the huge potential difference, and will be directly reduced to ashes.

This move cannot be defended, cannot be avoided, as long as it is within the range, the hit has become a fact.

This kind of move that automatically locks the enemy and is sure to hit is exactly the nemesis of Ying Wuxiang's one-knife cross-space slash," Zhen said confidently.

"It's so strong that it can erode the spiritual realm of reality, and it needs to be extremely compressed. Is this simple?" Jiang Yan said that he dared not dream of this in his dreams. Ying's Thunder Punishment Evil Eye has not been practiced yet, and this is another PRO. MAX version?

"I think it's okay." Is it so difficult to develop something by yourself?Why did my sister, Huzhai Palace and him say it was difficult?

Is there something wrong with finding a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 119 Chapter 110 Is there something wrong

For a long time, Jiang Yan felt that Ying's trick of evil Yao was incompatible with her combat system, which was very strange no matter how he thought about it.

As a god whose most profound meanings can be cut for 999 seconds, she is strong enough by herself, and there is no need to deliberately use Yixin Pure Land to carry out cross-domain attacks.

It is not her character to protect the family members. When encountering a strong enemy that the family members cannot deal with, it is her style of painting to rush over and slash the enemy with a knife.

It wasn't until Lei Dianzhen used this trick that Jiang Yan suddenly realized.It turned out that this trick was specially developed to commemorate my sister.This person is really, all kinds of behaviors always give people a feeling that they can't hold back their noses.The contrast between strong and pitiful is really unbearable.

But speaking, this magic version of the magnetic storm coil is really strong. Although it is designed to match the statue of the Seven Heavens, in terms of strength, it can basically be on par with the original version of Wuxiang. Although it is a purely defensive skill, it is practical. The level can completely kill that kind of map gun that does not distinguish between friend and foe.

The process of accumulating power and compressing is isolated in the spiritual field, and Chang Shi can't see the clues at all, and it doesn't escape, which is very suitable for anti-sneak attack;

The phenomenon of direct lightning strike is to discharge at the speed of light.If there is no law of time or space, when the other party sees the mirror, it is basically the death date of the other party;

It can even control the strength and release in advance within a certain range according to the strength of the enemy;

What kind of genius is able to develop such skills for the reason of "I need a mirror so that people don't blame the craftsmen"?Jiang Yan could only say that he was convinced.

He thought too much, this trick was not really original by Lei Dian, he had even seen the original version with his own eyes, but he couldn't recognize it with the vision of a mortal.

This trick is actually the special skill of his family's eldest rock king Dijun - the thunder version of "Tian Xing".Surprised or not, is it unexpected?

Of course Morax would not drag a star down from the false sky to hit people, and if it was really that big a meteor fell down, there would be nothing left over the entire Liyue Gamundga, Tianli Neither will be allowed.

In fact, this trick is Morax's tearing apart a corner of his spiritual realm in Changshi, and then smashing down an extremely compressed rock element force aggregate at Changshi. Once the tide-like rock element power appears in Changshi, it will Turn everything around into crystalline rock.

It sounds familiar. The inspiration and principle of Lei Dianzhen's move, Ming Jing Jing, comes from the unique skill that made countless demon gods frightened during the war of demon gods. That's all.

There used to be countless demon gods wandering back and forth in the sea area between Liyue and Daozuma, seeking a corner of the land.It's a pity that he was hammered back and forth by the God of Gold and Narugami like a ping pong ball. In the end, either he was hammered to autism and fled to the open sea, or he was brutally sealed in the dormitory of Your Excellency Guyun.

Thunder is really at this stage. I saw Morax beat countless children violently with this trick in Guyun Pavilion, and felt deeply "Oh, yes, this is possible." Version.

As for the story of the statue of the Seven Heavens?In fact, after completing the first version of this trick, Leiden always felt that something was missing in this trick. It wasn't until he saw the stonemason's beautiful statue of the seven heavenly gods that he realized that what he needed was a hand-wrapped chest to compete with Morax. His handsome posture, so the stunt Naukami was officially named and the posture was determined.

It can be seen from this that there is a big gap between the "truth" of the gods and the "legends" of mortals.But this real version is Leidenzhen's own little secret, my sister's good friend, knowing the "legend" is enough.

Regardless of whether it is a genuine or pirated version, tearing apart a corner of Changshi in the spiritual realm requires demon-level power. Although Jiang Yan has the same physical condition in the arena, can a child possess Tyson to box?Of course not, what Jiang Yan has to do in the past ten days is to use this trick crazily until his skills are fully aligned.

After understanding what he was going to do, Jiang Yan felt that the situation was not as bad as he imagined. The most difficult part of any move was actually the threshold. Skills can be practiced sooner or later, but what cannot be done numerically is can't do it.The plug-in has changed the probability from zero to not zero, what else do I have to be afraid of?

I cheered myself up, but unfortunately, in the first part, Jiang Yan hit his head full

"What is the spiritual realm? How does this thing unfold?" Jiang Yan stared like a goldfish. The elemental force almost blew his head off, and he didn't see any clues to the spiritual realm. Knowing is completely out of place.

"Spiritual power doesn't exist in the ordinary world, and it's useless for you to drive the elemental power." Shenying made a rustling sound, with a little real laughter. Communication, not afraid of being banned by fake games.

"Just like the two of us are talking, without relying on wind, matter, or elemental force, the spirit is the spirit." Zhen hesitated, and then said:

"Although the next thing may not be effective, you must promise not to tell any existence, no matter when, where, or anyone." It's really rare to speak in a serious tone

"I promise" Jiang Yan knows the importance of dry goods that even the gods must solemnly emphasize. The importance can be imagined.

"The spiritual world is actually just a "miniature of the world". It was born from self-awareness, and gradually created all things in the spiritual realm through continuous cognition of the eternal world and inner desire. Their strength depends entirely on cognition Strength of"

In the final analysis, it is just fantasy in the brain, the richer and more detailed the more real, this Jiang Yan understands, but how can something based on fantasy interfere with reality?If I don't understand this, I will never be able to open up this ghostly spiritual realm. I believe that I have already gone to a mental hospital if I can do it.

Zhen didn't make a fool of himself, and continued to introduce him to this secret that only the gods can understand "So, most of the spiritual realm is inside the eggshell called "cognition", which isolates the "universe" and "A Microcosm of the World".When this eggshell is broken, a whole new world will be created.Of course, this is something we cannot do. "Speaking of which, Leiden really paused slightly, paying homage to the great existence that created Tivat.

"However, the world built by the spirit will naturally not isolate the spirit. Many powerful spiritual exchanges can penetrate this layer of eggshells that isolate everything, such as dreaming, such as possession, and the communication between us, and even It can change the perception of the outside world by those around you.”

Jiang Yan suddenly had an absurd idea, thinking of the water drip experiment on death row inmates that has been circulating for a long time, and the patients who were "scared to death" by the wrong test report.Could it be that in the fantasy world, I thought he was electrocuted, and if I made him think he was electrocuted, he was really electrocuted?what is this?Thought stamp?

Seeing Jiang Yan's pensive look, he really threw out a big news-"Your arena is actually a standard spiritual field."


Is there something wrong with finding a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 120 Chapter 110 Chapter [-] Is there something wrong with frictional electricity?

Hearing these words, Jiang Yan was stunned as if he had been hit by a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

"Miss Zhen, wait a moment, I will take a strand first"

My trick is to pull people into the spiritual world, then slash them, and finally go back with a mental state

Yixin Pure Land is to pull people into the spiritual world, then cut them, and finally go back with a spiritual state

But if I win, I can bring some physical fitness and elemental strength. This is not brought by the spiritual realm.Jiang Yan forced himself to stop thinking about this extremely frightening question. The three philosophical questions can be considered slowly later. What is needed now is ten days to fix the film. Other things can be left behind. Think about skills first.

"My arena can't be cut down to Changshi with a single knife. Miss Zhen, didn't you say that the spiritual world can't affect the material?" Jiang Yan asked his biggest question.

I really hesitated for a while, and finally threw out the most terrifying answer, "But what if Changshi is also another spiritual world of higher existence? A strong enough spirit can really change Changshi. Do you know what this means? "

The answer that subverted the three views of Tewat gave Jiang Yan the feeling that - "That's it?"

In fact, this world is a game, or this world is the spiritual world of the original people, what is the difference in essence?Orobus, who had to get to the bottom of it and was finally banned, is a lesson from the past.I am not a philosopher, where and how I live is the most important thing.

But since this is the case, this arena that can directly change the rewards given to him by Changshi is at least from the four upper gods, and maybe even higher-level big shots are directly stuffed into his cognition.

It's a good thing to have too much background, because you don't have to worry about it.For the great god who wants to crush himself to death and only needs one thought, what is the meaning of his own entanglement?How to use this opportunity to learn to interfere with reality is real.

Seeing Jiang Yan who recovered from such secrets so quickly, Lei Dian couldn't help nodding his head. No wonder this person is valued by his sister, and his firm will is absolutely extraordinary.Look at Orobus, when he heard some big news, his heart collapsed, and the whole snake was gone, even inferior to ordinary people, so weak!

In fact, Lei Dian really thinks highly of Jiang Yan, mainly because of the secrets of creation. He really has no point in dealing with a hard drive full of games.If she tells Jiang Yan what she thinks, at most she can reply:

Do you know who inserted the great sword of Azeroth?

Do you know who did it when Sael Naga died?

Do you know who fixed Farnese's mitosis?

have no idea?Why don't you hurry up and get a copy of the computer business information!

Now that he knows how to operate, the boring theoretical class has finally turned to the practical stage. With the real guidance and help, Jiang Yan first imagined in his mind-"self"

What should I be like?

How tall are you and what is your height?How about your weight?What are the characteristics of the body?What are the heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidneys, head, shoulders, chest, waist and legs?

how is my heartbeatHow about elemental power?How does Qi and blood flow?

This part is rather simple. By constantly comparing with himself, Jiang Yan built a fairly complete "self" in just one day, and started the second step - environment construction

Where should I stand?Simpler, an empty flagstone square?


"You can't do this. The spiritual world is the "miniature of the world". Although it can be distorted and deformed, it must come from the existence of the world in your cognition. If you don't have enough cognition, you can't understand it. into your spiritual world.Really soft teaching.

When Jiang Yan heard this, he immediately understood that some teenagers would wake up halfway through their erotic dreams because they lacked the necessary dll files. Things that they have never experienced in reality are naturally unimaginable in their dreams.

The place you are most familiar with?A microcosm of the world?Why so much effort?Look at my keyboard tricks - ctrl+v!

In just half a day, an identical empty arena was constructed, which itself is something of the spiritual world, without a miniature, Jiang Yan moved it directly, and this part can be regarded as skipping class.

"So fast?" I was really taken aback. A life is born with continuous self-knowledge, so the self-construction is generally very fast.But the construction of the external environment, even if it is a place of residence for a lifetime, is just an empty symbol for most demon gods, and cannot be a complete miniature. How did he do it?

After listening to Jiang Yan's explanation of his ideas, I really appreciated his brain hole, "Then it is much simpler since this is the case, although the spiritual world you build is only the most basic origin, time, space, heaven, life, death, etc. The concept does not exist yet, but it is indeed a very good start." Speaking of this, I really thought about it, and continued to say:

"The next step, I need to establish a link with your spiritual world and help you establish the first beam of lightning in your world. Since our current spiritual distance is very close, it will be relatively simple."

"What do I need to do?" Jiang Yan approved of this teacher very much, he didn't charge tuition fees, he didn't play tricks, and he talked about good things, fox, look at him!

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