No matter, let's take a step at a time-the four people with their own thoughts finally came to the same conclusion of letting go of themselves.

Is there something wrong with looking for a relationship in Daozuma: Chapter 127 Chapter 120 Is there something wrong with paying the protection fee

After a trial, the exhausted Zhen finally spared the two of them, and urged him to respect himself, and then made a big news, he would rather die in his own body than force the replacement. After the two repeated their promises countless times, Zhen finally let them go back to rest, and fell into a deep sleep himself.

Unfortunately, the two of them couldn't rest at all.

Jiang Yan didn't even challenge the challenge, and couldn't sleep. When he closed his eyes, it was the daytime picture, just like bringing a souvenir mirror, infinitely replaying.

As for Ying, he didn't even try to sleep at all. When he returned to the castle tower, he began to meditate, meditate, and replay infinitely in his mind.

It was a perfect night, and the only one who got hurt was Ayaka Kamisato.Faced with a bunch of nobles and samurai who thought they were the ones who made the big news, Ayaka Kamisato couldn't argue with anything.The pedigree of the top aristocrats is clear, and the generation of the Kamisato family has even fewer descendants. How could "Mea Kamisato" deceive other nobles?

But the general's meaning is very clear. Rumors can be spread as you like, but if they spread to me, the social practice is over. In order to keep her reputation, Kamisato Ayaka can only hold her nose together with her brother and forge various identity documents. He did not hesitate to violently add sexual news to the deceased elders to "create" an illegitimate child named Kami Kami.

It's a pity that this solution can only deal with the original version. The evolution and growth speed of the derivative version is faster than that of slime. After Kamisato Ayaka kissed Inazuma Castle everywhere, Kamisato's aggressive version is also constantly appearing.The brothers and sisters in Shenli were made to be directly autistic, and for a long time, they didn't see anyone except government affairs.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Yan came to the castle tower to discuss government affairs with Ying. Although it was a bit weird for a foreigner to discuss government affairs with a god who basically didn't care about common affairs, but if you really keep an eye on it, there must be some reason. Just now Who can bear it without meeting each other?

Liyue's special envoy said that Liyue is paying close attention to what happened to Daozuma, is there anything wrong with it?

The gods have found that the service of the three is not effective, and they need to find a competent consultant, no problem

Fortunately, the two of them really have to discuss the follow-up matters, this is not an excuse.Although a plan for convalescence in a foreign country has been finalized, it is not a trivial matter for the ruler of the world to go to a foreign country, except for the free Wendy.

Moreover, there is now a consul and the divine body of Ying in the castle tower.If Jiang Yan and Ying are not there at the same time, only one Yae Shenzi will look after the house.Can a fox watch the house?She can't, if the Ice Queen sends fools and consuls to make a surprise attack, it will be her turn to blah blah blah.

Ying and Jiang Yan thought for a long time, and finally Jiang Yan thought of a good solution. Back then, the Seven Gods had held many banquets in Liyue Port. During the banquets, no country was allowed to use weapons, otherwise it would be disrespectful to the rulers of the world, especially the host Morax.

So I simply sent a letter written by Ying to Liyue, thanking Morax for sending a special envoy to warn the fools and lunatics about seeking the power of the gods. Bo Li, let me express my thanks.

The "little gifts" are not thin at all. The jade steel ingots and the most victorious purple wafers that were not allowed to be sold during the lock-up period were extremely underestimated, enough for Liyue to complete part of the current armament upgrade that is in full swing.

Of course, this is not a "small gift" as announced, but medical expenses and protection expenses. The amount is directly filled, and the old man must be satisfied.

As long as the King of Rock sends out the invitation letter, and the Empress Zhidong is a bit sensible, she will not risk offending the two gods at the same time, and then send high-end combat forces to Dao Wife during this period.

In the final analysis, the shadow currently using the real body is basically a half-disabled body at present, and it is better to be quick and messy than to have long nights and dreams.

Naturally, such important matters need to be discussed with Zhen and Shenzi. He is familiar with Lei Dianzhen, the emperor of Yan Wang, and he is noncommittal to Jiang Yan's method. If things are wasted, they will be wasted. Some vulgar things are not worth mentioning.She just wanted to see if this mortal could shoulder the important task of replacing her soul with Yingshuang and fell into a deep sleep and recovery period, and as a dark child, she was weak, and it was not time for her to go on stage yet.

A few days later, Emperor Yan Wang received the letter and the gift list, and shook his head with a smile. The shadow warrior in his memory definitely couldn't write such a thing, and he couldn't do such a thing like throwing away the fury fox and pretending to be a tiger. Where do you need these things?

That's all, for the sake of the little guy's intentions, he did as he wished.Thinking of this, the emperor took the lead and wrote an invitation letter with the specifications of the Seven Gods Banquet, and handed it over to the Liyue Seven Stars, and then summoned the Moon Cutting and Building Yang Zhenjun to discuss how to improve the Immortal Art of Reviving the Dead repair effect.

A few days later, Ying finally received an invitation letter from Morax, or an invoice for medical expenses and protection fees. The two began to pack their bags and prepare to go to Liyue. Ying was very excited about this.

She didn't want to spend a day in prison in the Tianshou Pavilion.Due to the turbulent gossip, Zhen repeatedly restricted the two of them not to go out on dates to contribute to the gossip.The two can only chat, eat, and handle government affairs together in the castle tower every day.Only at night can you exercise your muscles to your heart's content and go shopping happily in the arena.

Although the two people who have just confirmed their relationship can spend a whole day sitting and looking at each other happily, but they have a choice, and they can't wait to go to every corner of Tivat together. What government affairs?

When she arrived in Liyue, no one knew her, and she could date every day. If it wasn't for the need to rush back immediately to replace her body, if it wasn't for being weak and unable to compete with others, the ghost would go back to the castle tower to get her stamp!

Unlike the happy and innocent Ying, the night before his departure, Jiang Yan sent a message through the Son of God, and was really called under the Shenying cherry tree, and began to entrust him before leaving.

After recent observations, I really feel that my sister is really lucky. This person is both civil and military, and she is quite insightful and witty.The only shortcoming is that in terms of gods, there are quite some inexplicable arrogance and fear. If you don't overcome this, it is easy to step on a big somersault.

During the period of sleeping and recovering after the body replacement, there is no other choice, so let me explain some things.

"The recent political affairs have been handled well. I know that she can't handle many recent government orders," Zhenrou said.

"Excellent" Jiang Yan has nothing to say about this by-product of picking up girls. Anyway, he also trained in Liyue for a while, so it's too boring to compare with a god like Ying who can only rely on Wuxiang to eliminate the bottom.

"During the time when I exchanged bodies with Ying and fell asleep, I was going to make you the imperial servant, that is, the former servant of Huzhai Palace. At that time, Dao's wife's political affairs will depend on you." big bomb.

"Wait, wait, I'm from Liyue, how did I become Dao's wife in power?" Jiang Yan was dumbfounded. He didn't understand the imperial servants, but he knew the servants. Under the general, above ten thousand people Even if it is the resolution of Sanfeng, it is not allowed to play without the permission of the minister.

"Don't refuse, since you have chosen Ying, this is what you should bear." Zhen's tone was very serious and could not be refused.

"Okay, I'll do my best." Jiang Yan also understands that in the absence of the Leiden sisters and the God Son's care, he is the only one who can stand up. There is no leader in the Three Pursuits and they can only hold each other back. In the past few hundred years, if there is no Yae God Son with aloof status Coordination has long since fallen apart.

"I am very assured of your ability, but pay attention to one thing, you must not underestimate the ruling of the world. For example, your gift was very problematic before, and the help of the world's rulers never asked for compensation, especially when you tried to use vulgar things to make deals with the gods. For the sake of disrespect, if it is the old god of Nata, you must have been reduced to ashes." Zhen solemnly reminded her that she was really afraid that Jiang Yan would kill herself one day, not every god is easy to talk to.

Jiang Yan smiled: "The emperor is the god of the contract. As long as the dedication and reward are established, the old man will not be angry. Don't worry, I will definitely pay attention to it."

"Okay, then I wish you the best of luck, go back quickly"

"I look forward to meeting you in reality." Jiang Yan smiled and waved goodbye.

"By the way, remember, keep the etiquette!" She really panicked when she thought that the two of them would go to Liyue without restraint, but she would not agree to this trusteeship-style recuperation trip if there were other ways.

"Okay, definitely." Really, you're still thinking about this, it's an accident after all.

"Remember to resist!" Zhen thought about it, and added solemnly.

"What do you imagine your sister to be!" Jiang Yan blushed and fled in a hurry.

The next day, the mountains of jade steel ingots and the most victorious purple wafers had been loaded, and the visiting delegation of the Thunder General Liyue set sail for Liyue under the command of Kujo Sharo.

Thousands of miles to fulfill the promise, a stick of incense is folded in hand, which should not be found in the world.

The seventh volume is over, sprinkle flowers!

Please look forward to the eighth volume: Is it wrong to be a power minister in Daozuma?

Is there something wrong with being a power minister in Daozuma: Chapter 130 Chapter 120 Seven Shuai Bancheng Is something wrong?

This is not the first time Ying has come to Liyue, and several times he has served as the last seat in the banquet held by the ruling world.However, the banquet at that time was not very happy. Most of the world’s ruling elements created creatures, and they could not escape their own elemental characteristics. Everyone with diametrically opposite personalities gathered together. Jokes and jokes, the overloaded induction superconducting evaporation and freezing have already turned Liyue Port into Liyue Happy Valley.

But this time, it's not so complicated, healing, sightseeing, and leaving.She doesn't have to guard her sister's safety all the time, and doesn't have to worry about bad government affairs. Ying is very much looking forward to seeing Liyue's style in a thousand years with him.

Jiang Yan's mind was full of thoughts about how to be a servant. The biggest official he had ever been was the head coach of Qianyan Army's Shengxian sprint class, and the chief director of the Longji Snow Mountain Eating Chicken crew. It was really stressful to suddenly throw him a country. very big.

Don't wait for Yinghezhen to wake up and find that the Eighteenth Route Anti-King is besieging Hanamizaka, and Goro Wanye Xinhai is fighting Jiang Yan in Sanying, then people will not be able to laugh.

Thinking of Jiang Yan here, he had no choice but to write a plan in his free time, whether it was the eye hunting order, the lock-up order, Haizhidao, or the wild crowd, there would be huge troubles everywhere. Alas, this thing is much more difficult than a one-on-one match in the arena up.Jiang Yan looked at the piles of notes, maps, analyzes and plans full of distress. No wonder Gan Yu and Qin were so busy every day.

If thunderstorms are not taken into account, Daozuma is not far from Liyue. In just one day, the envoys arrived at Liyue Port. As soon as they arrived at the port, Daozu and Liyue Yale sounded, representing the emperor's cutting the moon and building the sun. Zhenjun and Ningguang, representing the secular world, greeted him at the port hand in hand, and beside him was the Qixiang car, a courtesy car dedicated to welcoming the secular ruler.

This four-wheeled cart built by Liuyun Borfengzhenjun himself has been spotless for thousands of years.The whole body of the car body is made of century-old quintessence wood, which is fragrant. What's even more amazing is that there is no need to push and pull. If you want to go east, you can go east, and if you want to go west, you can go west.

The real king of cutting the moon and building the sun saluted to the shadow, "His Royal Highness, the master of Yujianming, welcome to visit Liyue. The emperor has been waiting for a long time at Yujing Terrace. I look forward to your visit. Please get in the car."

Ying walked down the board of the ship slowly, and nodded slightly, "Please lead the way, please cut the moon and build the sun." The real king cut the moon and built the sun is actually an old acquaintance. As a welcome, of course, a gust of wind blows, and the poet who comes to the emperor and "walks away" talking to himself is another matter.

Ningguang really couldn't intervene in this situation, but she didn't need to participate too much in the meeting between the rulers of the world, and it was enough to happily hand over the two ships of priceless materials to Jiutiao Shaluo.

Jiang Yan's move was exactly what he wanted. Although the gods didn't think it was grand enough, at the level of mortals, it really made Quan Liyue shout "Mingshen Qi". "Local Tyrant 666"

Ordinary people naturally don't know about protection fees and medical expenses, but boxes of valuable jade steel ingots and the best amethyst chips were unloaded from the ship and paraded through the market in Liyue Port, but everyone has seen them.

Liyue people's impression of Dao's wife has directly changed from "a country bumpkin who has closed the country" to "a coal boss with a mine at home, Hao!"

There was a 180-degree turn, and Jiang Yan's future plans were able to start smoothly.

To be honest, on such a diplomatic occasion, Jiang Yan, who is from Liyue, shouldn't have come out in the first place, his status is really embarrassing.

But Zhenheying's request cannot be refused.As long as he can still move, he doesn't dare to ask Yinglai Liyue to do any interviews, his younger sister really knows best, to communicate with people depends on the naginata, if you catch it, you are a good friend.

If she and Morax were to fight each other, they might still be able to cut [-]/[-] in their heyday; but if there is any negotiation, if Morax is willing, I am afraid that Daowife can be negotiated as a vassal of Liyue.Of course, Morax was a loyal elder and would not take advantage of her, but God knows what his sister could say without using her brain?

In order to avoid letting Ying play on his own, and returning to Dao's wife, he himself was brutally defeated by the Tianzhu State traitor. Jiang Yan had no choice but to walk down from the deck under the strange eyes of his master and Ning Guang, and followed Ying behind him as an entourage.

Ying is very flustered now, her plan is, when Liyue is directly introduced to Morax in private, Morax will heal her with a swish of his big hand, and the rest will be dating and entertainment time.

But now, what the hell is such a solemn occasion?She didn't even know what to say or what to do, she was pulled away by the concierge car, what should she do if she placed an order?

As a pure warrior, Ying actually took the diplomatic mission of his sister.However, the so-called "diplomacy" by Daozuma basically means stepping on the other party's head after a severe beating, and the other party shouts "I accept it", declaring the success of the diplomacy.

She is so "diplomatic" with the ghosts, tengus, and Haizhi Island, well, it's all over now

However, Liyue obviously can't do it, she can't have a duel with Morakes first, although she really wants to, but her current body can't fight at all.

The serious-looking, but panic-stricken Ying turned his head from time to time, trying to use Jiang Yan's figure to give himself some confidence, and finally stopped altogether, returned to Jiang Yan's side, grabbed him, and pushed him into the car without any explanation. That's right, it's comfortable now, Ying just gave up thinking and entered the hang-up mode.

She is comfortable, Jiang Yan is about to pass, and Dijun can't trick you into Tianheng Mountain and sell it to a fool as a daughter-in-law, what are you afraid of?Everything you do now represents your sister.If your sister's reputation is hacked again, Shen Yingshu will be so angry that she will go bald.

But now, it's too late to say anything. In order to avoid Ying's dreamy operation, Jiang Yan simply started writing scripts in the car, and gave Ying Ying a detailed explanation of the play. If he can't come, let me come.

As for the unbelievable deer eyes and antlers that are about to turn into question marks of the leading Master Moon-cutting Zhuyang; the seething atmosphere of the surrounding Liyue citizens...

did not see it!You can't see me so far away!You can't recognize someone like me who doesn't model independently! ——Jiang Yan has fallen into a state of self-deception, he knows that because of Ying's mind-extinguishing operation, he is completely irritated.

For things like gossip, when it's others' turn to smile, it's your turn to be unhappy.There's nothing shameful about finding a god to be your girlfriend, and Jiang Yan doesn't mind other people's envy and hatred, but the direction of this rumor is a bit outrageous.

Rumors ran much faster than this unmanned "crane private puller". Before arriving at Yujing Terrace, Jiang Yan, who had amazing hearing, had already heard a group of people coming, whispering, and the two boats of gifts were in their mouths. Here, it also became the betrothal gift of Naruto.Such impactful two news successfully joined forces.In a blink of an eye, Quan Liyuegang began to discuss what kind of handsome man could be worth half of Liyuegang's story.

From now on, above Liyue Panlu and Deng Xiaoxian, there will be a whole new level-"handsome two boats" and "handsome half city"

Is there something wrong with being a power minister in Daozuma: Chapter 131 Chapter 120 Eight Is there something wrong with reselling sea chaos ghosts?

I think too much, and there are no government affairs exchanges and unanswerable questions.In fact, most of the seven gods are not very interested in mundane affairs. Even the most responsible emperors just turn the rudder when there is a problem in the general direction.

During the 3000 years, Morax has helped other earthly rulers solve difficulties many times. With his powerful strength and benevolent senior demeanor, he won the trust of the other six earthly rulers. This is why the gatherings of the gods are held in Liyue Harbor s reason.

The treatment is the same this time. Morax silently summoned several immortal families to carry out many targeted optimizations for the body of the gods, and spent a lot of precious materials to create a fairy family secret in Luhuachi. The scene of the ceremony was built.

Of course, Morax didn't tell the young gods and humans about these things. Humans have fulfilled his contract, and their colleagues need their own help, that's all.

After a few brief chats and understanding of Ying's current body and soul conditions, the three of them and Zhenjun Qiyue Zhuyang went to the secret realm located in Luhuachi.True Monarch Lishui and Mountains, and True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind, the two true monarchs who performed the fairy art together at the beginning, have already been called here, waiting for the emperor to come.

Jiang Yan is quite familiar with the Immortal Art of Resurrecting the Dead from the Dead, and even though he used less than one-sixth of the bankrupt version - Moshuiqihe Immortal Art, he still owed his master a great favor and made himself half dead.

Seeing the materials on the ground that were several times larger than his bankrupt version of the immortal technique, and the three immortals looking as if they were facing an enemy, Jiang Yan finally understood why he had to remind himself solemnly.

I am indeed too arrogant. Restoring the divine body is completely incomparable with repairing the human body. With these materials alone, my two ships of gifts may not be enough, let alone the "protection fee". If the emperor is serious, it is enough to steal himself Layers of skin.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan walked towards the emperor honestly, and Chen Ken bowed his head to admit his mistake, "The emperor is sympathetic, the grass-roots are guilty, and they should not pretend to be their own heart, in the future..." Speaking of this, it is worthless to promise too much in the future After pondering for a long time, I could hold back a sentence, "Please see the effect in the future",

This "seeing after effects" hints that he is not yet drifting away, and he still treats himself as a citizen of Liyue. It would be better to show his loyalty like this, Jiang Yan thought.

"You have a very close relationship with Dao Wife's General Thunderbolt, so don't mention the word "caomin" anymore. What's more, since you have entered my door, I will take care of you." Although Morakes seemed as safe as a rock on the surface, when he saw Dao Wife's General Lei Dian and this little guy walked into Yujing Terrace side by side. The last time he was so surprised was when he saw Gan Yu's parents 3000 years ago.

Although he knew that this little guy had a lot of connections with General Lei Dian, but he never expected the connection to be so deep.Humans and unicorns, humans and the incarnation of lightning... This kind of heavy topic that Morax has seen for a long time, I really don't know how to evaluate and deal with it.

So even if the character in the pocket that had been kept for a long time was borrowed, Morax could only sigh and put it aside.

At this time, Ying had already sat in meditation in the center of the ceremony site as required, making full use of the extremely compressed elemental force to create the material of body tissue.

The three immortals surrounded it in the shape of Pin, and began to use these materials in an orderly manner, with a clear division of labor, to manufacture, import, and sort out body tissues, and finally adapt and integrate them by Ying.

Although there is more personal assistance, a lot of trouble is less, but because the strength of the god's body is far superior to that of ordinary people, it can only be completed bit by bit, and the time and energy consumed are far more than the original version.

The emperor observed the scene, turned his head and said to Jiang Yan, "The ceremony will take about three days, you can go back to Liyue Port for the time being, and I will send someone to notify you after it is completed."

"Disciple Zunling" Jiang Yan hit the snake smoothly, no matter where he was, this "under the door" could never escape.In the current situation, I can only distract Ying here, so I might as well go back to handle Dao's wife's important affairs.

Back at Liyue Harbor, Jiang Yan invited Keqing and Jiutiao Saluo to have a big banquet at Xinyuexuan, thanking the two coaches and training partners for their hard work over the past few days.

It wasn't until a few days ago that Jiang Yan challenged Jiutiao Shaluo on purpose, and only dared to tell her the truth after the end.Knowing that Jiang Yan had actually defeated Wuxiang's sword head-on under the same conditions, Jiutiao Shaluo was overwhelmed with admiration. Of course, what made him even more overwhelmed was his courage that even the general dared to covet.With this kind of courage, how can there be no reason to not reach the peak of martial arts?

And Ke Qing, after learning that her Lightning Sword had successfully lured the thunder dragon from the gods to the ground, and then borrowed its power to launch a powerful counterattack, after being evenly matched with the gods, her face flushed with excitement.

It is simply the highest honor for my mortal martial arts to successfully defeat the divine skills.Bind the Canglong?It's a good name for the occasion. I'll practice it when I look back.

After some business exchanging, the relationship between the three became more intense. At this time, Jiang Yan threw out his big plan.

"Keqing, you are in charge of Liyue's land. We, Liyue, have a lot of land that cannot be developed due to the residue of the demon god left behind."

"Yeah, such a fertile land, many places can only be abandoned. It's a pity." Ke Qing, who has Liyue's map in mind, is deeply moved when she mentions this place.

"Everyone is on their own, so I'll be honest. Unlike Liyue, Daoqi's industry and commerce are underdeveloped. People who don't want to farm usually go to learn martial arts, but what can they do after learning martial arts? Except for a few who join the army Those who open gymnasiums can't do anything else, they can only be robbers." Jiang Yan briefly introduced the key to the fact that Daowife has many robbers.

Hearing this, Jiutiao Shaluo also nodded sadly. The situation is actually more serious than what Jiang Yan said. The shogunate army is almost all hereditary officials + conscripted farmers. The ground is full of chaotic ghosts and wild beasts.

"So, can we, Liyue, consider recruiting a group of rice wife mercenaries with low cost and superb martial arts skills? To clean up these dangerous land boundaries? We only want to give those who have learned martial arts an extra means of making a living."

It is true that Keqing has been having a headache with the cleaning of these places. It is no wonder that she, as the land manager, does not feel sorry for such a large area of ​​wasteland.

But if the Qianyan army was sacrificed for such a thing, Liyuegang would definitely be held accountable, and he couldn't justify it in his heart.

But if it is a foreign mercenary, this can really be considered... Ke Qing fell into deep thought

Seeing that Keqing was a little moved, Jiang Yan hit the iron while it was hot, "One hundred warriors with superb martial arts skills only need this number" and made a hand gesture.

so cheap?Keqing was taken aback, at this price, even Liyue could hire a flamboyant who hadn't graduated from the martial arts school.

It's still cheap?Kujo Sara was also surprised, the price was enough for Inazuma to hire the shogunate army flag.

"Of course it's cheaper. Dao wife is to solve the problem, and Yimo La doesn't make money." Jiang Yan said local direct sales, no middlemen to make the difference

"What you said before is so scary, you won't send me a group of wild and untamed robbers directly?" Ke Qing was a little worried by the fracture price.

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