Even when Zhenheying is shopping, at the long counters of izakayas and cooking kiosks, among the vendors and craftsmen, and in the shops all over the street, you can hear everywhere that Sanbong is a vegetarian meal. When will Narugami Tsubasa return to Inazuma? Hearing the discussion, Zhen and Ying were entangled.

The temporary workers hired to take over the shift are too capable, and the regular employees are killed, what should I do?

"How about we lure him back to serve as a servant?" Zhen suggested that with such a person, the government affairs would not delay her time with her younger sister, and she would also have a name to recruit him to ask questions, killing two birds with one stone.

Ying is also very tempted by this. Although he is no longer Naruto, his concern for the people of Daozao is actually not much less than before.

However, the travel plan of the two of them is about to start, and no matter how they think about it, it is impossible to govern in Inazuma Castle for a long time, so they have no choice but to refrain from expressing their opinions.

Lie it, you can count on your ability to deceive my sister.

However, what Zhen and Ying didn't know was that Jiang Yan hadn't completely resigned at this time, otherwise Dao's wife would have died long ago, and a group of crouching dragons and phoenix chicks who had lost control would be so ugly when they met, and they would treat the witch and the end I can't imagine how much backlash it caused.

Since he uses others to do things, he must handle the beginning and end for others, and not harm others just because he helps himself. This is the most basic principle of Jiang Yan's life.So Jiang Yan took off his official robe and official position, but he did not take off his identity as the "conductor" of the boat ticket to Bayun Island.As long as the "conductor" is still there, no officials dare to show their paws to shrine maidens and ninjas.

The way the fox manages Dao's wife during the absence of the shadow is worth learning, so Jiang Yan has always maintained the status of "friend with a close relationship with the gods" in the outside world. My good friend Jiujo Saluo performed it on his behalf.

This hateful dog.Rather than saying that she used her as a gun, it is better to say that she used herself as a gun. At least Jiang Yan heard a lot from the people. Corrupt officials who he obviously did not find also boarded the ship under his own name, and achieved the "Ming" The wings of the gods are in charge of the prestige of "God's Punishment is discerning".

Either way, Jiutiao Shaluo is full of loyalty, execution and will are also good, and he is suitable to succeed him as a servant.

It's all about human effort, as long as you understand people, no matter what, the result will not be too bad. After all, I have got several hens that lay golden eggs for Dao wife. Will get better and better.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan prepared to find Zhen the next day and recommend her as his successor after running away.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and the wind brought a familiar voice with a touch of excitement, "My friend, please come to Mond, Twarin's purification has taken a turn for the better, and Mond and I need your help !” Jiang Yan only knew one person with this ability in the entire Tivat.

Just in time!Wendy you are so awesome!Jiang Yan was overjoyed, Zhengchouying was reluctant to part with her sister, there was no good reason, and she was ashamed to go on a trip with her, it was indeed a turning point!

The timely gust of east wind made Jiang Yan as excited as Zhou Gongjin before the decisive battle, Lei Fu walked up!

The two Thunder Gods stand together, in the perception of those who are familiar with the power of the thunder element, they are simply huge lighthouses.At this time, Makoto was talking with Kage in front of Yaedo Hall

Really holding this year's hit "Jun Is Flower" kept laughing at Ying, Ying was at a loss for what to do.

"Oh? Back then, under the cherry blossom tree, the waka you memorized finally came in handy. What kind of picture did you imagine in your mind at that time?"

"This illustration is so realistic, Ying, did you really live like this? Or was it made up by Shenzi?"

"This line is so touching, let me read it to you."

"This is the story that happened in Hanamizaka, right? Wow, it's as beautiful as a Waka. Speaking of which, I still have the commemorative mirror of Miko in my hand. Let's go to the Jihu statue to reminisce?"

"No, sister!"

Thanks to Jiang Yan's use of reverse traction, the figure came directly in front of the two in a flash, saving Ying, who was too shy to speak, quickly walked in front of him, turned his back to his sister, trying to cool down his face.

After constant contact, he was gradually able to distinguish the two sisters through careful identification.

My elder sister is relatively cheerful and lively, and she prefers to laugh, but she behaves dignifiedly and has the temperament of a lady.

Ying moves his hands and feet, with the unique vigor and swiftness of a warrior, but his expression and personality are rather shy. He has no city, and likes to express his emotions to familiar people with his big talking eyes.

Jiang Yan glanced at it for confirmation, and then said to Zhen who was still reading "The King is the Flowering Period" just now:

"Really, I'm sorry to bother you. I just got the news that Ying and I need to go to Mond. My friend Barbatos needs my help with something. I need to take Ying to make an insurance."

The name is very powerful. After thinking about it, I realized that this person and Barbatos called each other friends. The acquaintance is too extensive, and I have never heard of it.

I really don't want my sister to run away with the man at all, leaving me to take care of my wife.But when it comes to the request of the seven governing worlds, especially since he has just accepted the favor of Morax, there is really no way to refuse.

"Well, okay, but you have to hurry back, I'm not good at martial arts, once the fools come to avenge the stragglers, you will never see me again." Exaggerated fear expression.

"If I hadn't defeated Wu Xiang with your Naruto mirror, I would have believed it," Jiang Yan complained silently

But Ying really believed it, no matter how many times he had fought with Jiang Yan in the arena, in Ying's mind, she was still that frail elder sister.Recalling the scene when she lost her sister, Ying couldn't help but look pale, so she could only look at Jiang Yan in embarrassment, and then at her sister.In the end, I was really afraid that the tragedy would happen again, so I tightened my hands and planned to give up the trip and stay in Daozawa to protect my sister.

"Really!" Jiang Yan was in a hurry, how could he bully his sister like this, Hanhan who dared to lay his heart on the castle tower is still in Mond, how can there be a second iron-headed boy who dares to fight you?

Seeing Kage's serious expression, I really regret that I shouldn't have brought up this topic.I am grateful for my sister's concern for me, forget it, let's give her a vacation after 500 years of hard work.

"Don't worry, it's just a joke, it's not 500 years ago, who dares to face the world's ruling sword?" While talking, Zhen drew a circle with a thunder light, hinting to Ying, "You were just defeated by my unique move Oh"

Ying was still worried, and looked at her sister worriedly, completely reluctant.

Seeing this, Zhenzhen smiled, and gently took Shenzi in Ying's arms, "It's okay, let Shenzi protect me during this period." Then he tapped Shenzi's ear lightly, "God son? The rest time is over, Let Ying rest assured."

The pink fox glanced at Jiang Yan angrily, and transformed into a prototype in a burst of pink smoke. She could return to her human form a long time ago, but Yinghe Zhen's embrace was too warm, and she missed her so much that she couldn't bear to leave.Naruto Shrine?what is that?

I have seen through this a long time ago, but is it because the fox fur is not soft?Or is the fox's stomach not warm?Why debunk it?

Only Ying, because he cared too much, always thought that Yae Shenzi hadn't recovered yet, so he turned into a fox slave and wouldn't let go.Yae Kamiko enjoys the 500-year debt owed by her master with peace of mind, and sells Moe for a month without any guilt.

As a result, today, I was completely terminated by this big pig's hoof, and next time I can't bear this face, and continue to play cute in my arms, so that other monsters can see that I am still alive?Hateful!

Jiang Yan, who had no idea that he had offended Yae Shenzi so much, was very happy to see his friend recovered, and greeted him warmly:

"God, you have already replied. That's great. The maiden from Narujin Taisha Shrine and the ninja from the last episode gave me a lot of help. They are already the most important guardians of Inazuma. The next paragraph Time, it's up to you to continue to protect them."

It's a pity that the enthusiastic care and greetings only received a heavy roll of eyes from Yae Shenzi.

I communicated with the high-level witches through codes and spells half a month ago, do I need you, a big pig, to take over?Don't think I don't know about you getting paid for my photo!

The photo of the pink fox is a big hit in Narujin Taisha Shrine. Recently, the task of passing orders or handling affairs for Jiang Yan has almost been snatched away by high-ranking witches without manners.Every witch kept these photos in the most secret place of the dormitory, and was willing to secretly take them out to view them in the middle of the night.Only the closest friends are willing to share and organize a private appreciation meeting.

I believe that the work of confiscating the photos after Yae Shenzi will inevitably have a long way to go.

Seeing that Yae Miko had returned to his original form and looked normal, Kage also breathed a sigh of relief. His family members were seriously injured in order to save him, and Kage has been very guilty. Recently, he has been trying to make up for it. It's not the first time I've been tricked by a fox, and it's not bad to revisit this 500-year-old feeling anyway.

"Son of God, during my absence, take good care of my sister for me," Ying said seriously.

"Okay, don't worry, you and Inazuma have completely come out of the shadow of hundreds of years ago, and it's time to move from the past to the future, go out and relax, remember to come back" Yae Shenzi gave a rare comfort film.

"It's rare to hear comforting words from you, I accept it." Ying was very emotional at the rare truth-telling from this family member who likes to tease others.

"Then let's have a grand banquet today, let's have a farewell party for Ying and Jiang Yan." Zhen interrupted the sentimental atmosphere, and directly proposed to cheer up.

"Okay, if you don't get drunk tonight, you won't go home!" Yae Shenzi followed suit

Two gods, one family member, and one mortal returned to the castle tower, and celebrated in a rare unrestrained manner. This belated celebration has been late for nearly a month, until Yae Shenzi returned to his original form, and everyone finally had this mood. conduct.

From the tragedy 500 years ago to today, it has finally come to a successful conclusion. How can everyone not be happy?

In the song card competition, the fox won a big victory with its new works in the last 500 years

Jiang Yan's drinking bowl was split in half by a fox with lightning, forcing him to drink

Intrigued, Zhen recounted the dark history of Shadow with the fox; Shadow used lightning to make noise

Ying retaliated by mentioning the black history of the fox, and Jiang Yan was covered by the fox who rushed over to cover his ears.

After the atmosphere finally got up, Zhen Heying simply filled the wine glasses for every friend who was not present 500 years ago, and attended this banquet that ended everything, commemorated everything, and forgot everything for them.

After the uproar, everyone fell into a deep sleep. Tomorrow's Dao Wife will be a new beginning.

The next day, outlying islands

A small boat headed to Mondjingo Port quietly set sail without saying goodbye, only the blessing eyes of the castle tower and Narujin Taisha, which may not be perceived, but they must exist.

There is no need to walk with you, because I am with you.


The eighth volume is over, sprinkle flowers!

Stay tuned for Volume [-] - Is there something wrong with the violent practice of medicine in Mond?

PY push book

If there is more than one world, have you ever thought that the movies, novels, and Two-dimensional characters you know are all real?

Lin Qiufeng's peaceful life was broken by a group of zombies who broke in suddenly. Because of his disabled legs, he chose to sacrifice himself for others, and was seriously injured by a licker in the end.

When life and death exist, the firewall of the world is triggered...

When he opened his eyes again, he found strangely that all the wounds on his body had disappeared. Just when he was confused, two "human beings" with black background and red pupils walked towards him...

ps: Two-dimensional invasion of reality, the protagonist invades Two-dimensional, the first world, Tokyo Ghoul

"My daily life, get the characteristics of a licker"

Is there something wrong with the violent practice of medicine in Mond: Chapter 148 Chapter 144 Is there something wrong with being caught stealing apples

In fact, Ying and Paimon have been in Mond for a while. Although they lacked the cool debut of beating Twarin when they first arrived in Mond, they still rely on excellent swordsmanship that is completely inconsistent with their immature appearance and powerful wind elemental power. Skills have become the new stars of the Adventurers Association, and the focus of the Zephyr Knights.

You know, even if Mond is the city-state of the wind god, there are not many powerful swordsmen in history who can unleash a tornado with their swords drawn.

Creating a small celestial phenomenon by one's own power is not only a matter of "quantity" of elemental power, but a symbol of a relatively high level of "quality" of control power. This kind of power should be the guest of the ruler in every country. How did you go to the wilderness to survive, and was "picked up" by Amber?

Several named knights of the Zephyr Knights observed for a while, watching this traveler work frantically in the Adventurers Association to earn points, until all of Catherine’s low-level tasks were left, and the BUG was triggered before giving up. Like a villain's style of painting.

So although there are still doubts, several knights gradually recognized this traveler, and successively dispatched some labors for investigation and mopping up work with insufficient manpower, so as to prevent her and her big-eating flying pet Time to be hungry.

The gold-medal wage earner who is quick and easy, won the hearts of the entire Zephyr Knights. Wherever there is a commotion in the wild, it is right to send her there!

The only downside is that a horrible rumor started to spread in Mond recently, saying that army ants have been flooding around Mond recently, and wherever they go, even the squirrels on the trees and the vegetation on the ground have been swept away.Children who don't come home at night are eaten alive by the marching ant warlocks of the Lawrences/Fools.

The West Wind Knight has refuted rumors many times, but there are still passing merchants who see the places that travelers have raided and bring back more rumors.

Despite this troublesome shortcoming, after the traveler helped the Zephyr Knights complete a large number of urgent tasks, he still became a distinguished guest of the Zephyr Knights and formed good friendships with several named knights during the missions.

One day, when Ying and Paimon returned from a mission to clear up the Qiuqiu people's camp, they suddenly discovered a small apple grove.

With the mentality of not letting go of anything that can press F, Ying and Paimeng rushed over, and started to click, click, click.

Then, Ying and Paimeng were pleasantly surprised to find that these colorful apples actually had a variety of fruit flavors, some were sweet and greasy, some were refreshing, and some even blended with the fragrance of flowers and plants.

This is all baby!Ying and Paimeng began to eat and pretend even more vigorously, that is, they didn't turn on the dust song pot, otherwise the tree would be taken away by Ying.

Paimon: "This should be the garden of the fairies. I heard that the fairies will hide treasures in their own courtyard. Only those who find the fairies will find them."

Ying: "Fairy's garden? Then where is the treasure chest?" The formula of fairy = treasure chest has been deeply ingrained in Ying's mind.

Paimon: "Look at that tree!"

Ying looked up and saw a fist-sized gem with an ominous red light and a shape like a teardrop shining on an apple tree in the middle of the orchard. The surrounding breeze was blowing around it, making the leaves of the apple tree rustle.

Immediately, Ying's eyes turned into the shape of Mora, how many Mora would it cost to sell such a big gem!This is indeed the garden of the fairies!

Thinking of this, Ying jumped up high, ignoring Paimon's "bad feeling" dissuasion, climbed to the tree in a few steps, tore through the surrounding breeze, and held the huge gem.

As soon as she held the gemstone in her hand, Ying was surprised to find that the ominous red light melted as quickly as ice and snow in her hand. After a while, the red color of the gemstone had completely faded away, leaving only the crystal clear, contained wind element power. of cyan.

"Ha... I slept soundly. Hey, hello, traveler, we meet again." A handsome young man appeared out of thin air in the breeze and fallen leaves, and greeted Ying enthusiastically.

In fact, Wendy had woken up a long time ago. Since the battle of Longji Snow Mountain didn't cost him too much strength, this deep sleep didn't last long.

After he woke up, he kept thinking about how to save Twarin. It happened that Twarin was severely injured by the abyss chanter in the battle of Longji Snow Mountain, and left a lot of poisonous blood in Longji Snow Mountain.After doing some research, Wendy came up with a stupid method.

He uses thousands of winds in this fruit forest to slowly purify the poisonous blood, then injects these purified wind dragon crystals into Twalin's body, and finally draws out new poisonous blood from Twalin's body, and repeats the cycle, making Twalin body gradually improved.

For this reason, Wendy specifically asked Qianfeng to protect her fruit forest, so that anyone passing by would ignore this small territory of the wind god unconsciously, and Qianfeng responded to their god's request with joyful singing.

Since then, Wendy has entered into a cycle of purification—power exhaustion and deep sleep—waking up and continuing to purify.

To this day, a lovely thief favored by the "world" came to his territory with her flying pet.

Whether it is Wendy or Qianfeng, as part of the "world", they will never be stingy with those who care for them.

This square inch of land given by his friend is his favorite gift he has received for thousands of years.If someone can spread these beautiful creations to the world, he is also happy to see it.

The momentary goodwill reaped wonderful rewards. The poisonous blood that was expected to take several months was purified by a miraculous one day. Wendy, who was lightly burdened, was very excited, and immediately appeared, intending to ask this traveler with magical powers to help save his dependents.

In the end, it turned out to be an old friend from 500 years ago?Wendy couldn't help feeling the wonder of the world.

It's a pity that Ying's dazed blank face was the only one who greeted him. Do I know this person?Who is he?Do you want to pay Mora for so many apples?How much will you pay?

Wendy thought for a while, and understood the situation of the old friend. Forget it, as long as he is still there, let's change the subject directly:

"Huh? Don't remember me? Forget it, I'm Wendy, the best bard in the world, and the owner of this small fruit forest." Wendy blinked her green eyes and looked at the two Paimon with his hands full of apples.

"Wow wow wow, I was discovered by the master." Panicked, Paimon couldn't hold the apple in her hand, and it began to fall continuously. She was afraid of being punished, so she had to fly downward, but because her hands were full of things to hold Poor balance, almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, a gentle breeze gently lifted Paimon and Apple, avoiding the black history of flying pets falling to the ground.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a few apples, anyway, they are gifts from friends." Wendy waved her hand lightly

"Compared to this, can you show me the one just now?" Gently using the wind to straighten Paimon, putting the apple back in her arms, Wendy took out a red crystal condensed from Twarin's poisonous blood.

"Please do the same as before, and hold this crystal again." Wendy's tone was full of expectation.

Ying was also curious about the abnormality just now, so she gently took it again, and held the red crystal emitting an ominous light.

A miracle happened again, the red light melted like ice and snow, leaving only the crystal clear wind color crystals.

Seeing the desired result, Wendy burst into a bright smile that Ying could hardly look at directly:

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