"Go, press its head, and purify its poisonous blood"

Ying's figure was flexible, and she jumped onto Twalin's head with two or three vertical leaps.

It's a pity that as soon as her hands were pressed on its dragon's head, Tevalin shook up and down crazily, left and right, even if it touched the wounds on its wings.Ying was swayed from above, and if her balance was not good enough, she would have been thrown off.

There is really no other way for this kind of [-]-year-old brat. Wendy, who was trying her best to control Twarin's take-off, sighed helplessly, and said to Ying, who couldn't wait for a long time, in a pleading tone, "Take it easy, uniform!" he will do"

Facing the prayer of a friend of a friend, Ying earnestly accepted it, dreaming back into its sheath wholeheartedly, and then with a flash of lightning, it appeared above the tip of Twarin's nose, and the white palm of his hand overflowed with thunder.

The next moment, this little white hand pressed down with the prestige of Zidian Daoguang!The head of the giant dragon, several people tall, was directly pressed to the ground from the air, and there was a huge impact sound, a dusty sound and a huge whimper from Twalin.

Twarin, who was hit hard, struggled frantically, but his head couldn't move at all. Only his wriggling body, trembling wings and tail could prove the pain and powerlessness he was experiencing.

Ying stood out of nowhere, grabbed the spike-shaped dragon scale on the tip of Twalin's nose, and lifted it up vigorously, and Twalin's huge dragon head was directly lifted half a person's height by her;

Then, when it was pressed down again, the huge faucet was like a bag, and there was a sound of falling on the ground, repeating itself.Twarin's jaw was constantly in heavy contact with the ground, and he was completely unable to make a sound, and could only use his nose to "hum" to express his pain.

Seeing this cruel atrocity, even Jiang Yan, who is most familiar with Ying, was stunned.He vowed that until his physical condition reached the same level, he would never fight her offline, let alone the knights of Mond.

"Now is the time! Traveler, show off your miraculous power!" Wendy, who loved her family members, hurriedly used the breeze to support her mother, please hurry up. The Dragon of Apoplexy.

Ying controlled her surprise and fear, and pressed her hands on Twarin's head, who was lying on the ground limply. The power of the abyss was under her hands, turning into bursts of black air and dissipating like ice and snow melting.

At this time, seeing that the situation had begun to improve, the other knights gradually loosened their control. Twarin also began to twist his tail and flap his wings, trying to change to a more normal posture instead of his chin and belly tightly attached to the ground, as if Stew Dalong in an iron pot.

However, Ying interpreted its movements as resisting the treatment, and subconsciously pinched the spikes on the tip of its nose. Twalin hurriedly and obediently continued to lower his head, and even put his tail in the center to avoid the demon god. Symmetrical obsessive-compulsive disorder attack, manually "help" yourself to adjust the posture.

The blood flowed, and the ominous dark red in Twarin's body gradually returned to its original style. In the end, even the eyes full of red light, which symbolized the corrosion of the abyss, returned to the purity of sapphires, announcing the 500-year anniversary of the Dragon of the East Wind. Corruption, finally restored to health by the traveler's miraculous power.

Once the 500 years of pain dissipated, Twarin's throat let out a happy grunt, and then because of the severe pain in the head and wings, the ingredients of happiness and pain became [-]-[-].

"Thank you, um..." Twarin wrinkled his nose in pain, and worked hard to repair his severely damaged wings.

Seeing this, Wendy and Qin quickly used the power of the wind element to help heal Tewarin.As an elemental creation creature, the injury to the body was not a particularly serious injury. After a while, the hollows in the wings had returned to their original state.

"Finally, I am finally freed from the long-term pain. Your friendship and kindness will survive thousands of winds. If you need me, please call my name loudly. I will always look forward to your call." Tavarin lowered his huge head with great enthusiasm, and cast his eyes around the mortals who had rescued him, especially the blond traveler who had purified his pain.In the end, he glanced at the ferocious female demon god from the corner of his eye, saw that she was expressionless, and quickly bent his huge dragon's mouth, expressing a sincere smile.

Next, Twarin turned his head and looked at his god, "As for you, Barbatos, let's go, I have a lot to say to you." Twarin, who had just repaired his wings, supported Wendy with the tip of his claws, gently Throwing it onto his back, he stood up against his weak body, and in a blink of an eye there was only a small black shadow left.

Only the roar of the giant dragon faintly coming from the sky proves how "harmonious" the atmosphere between the dragon and the poet, whom I haven't seen for a long time, is.

Twarin, who had suffered a lot of grievances, must have something to say to Wendy, but no matter what, he would not let Wendy swallow it when he returned to normal.So the knights and volunteers, who didn't need to worry about him, returned to Mond City together, and held a grand celebration banquet at the angel's gift, as well as a reception banquet that was many days late.

Of course, travelers who owe huge rewards and her flying pets who eat a lot are naturally also invited.Without her purifying power, all miracles would be impossible.

It's a pity that this epic battle involving two gods and two demon gods, even though it has been in Tivat for nearly 500 years, is considered to be of a huge scale.But it is destined not to be recorded on the stage of history. Whether it is the Dongfeng Guardian being corrupted or the Beifeng Guardian being tail-docked, it is not a good thing to tell the public.No one knows about such achievements, and Qin really feels indebted to the knights.

However, the knights of Liberty City have never been based on these false names.As long as Mond is still free, pastoral songs and fine wine are still flowing, it is his best reward.If there is another grand celebration banquet, it will be enough to bring everything to a perfect end.

The angel's gift boss sits here, naturally there will be no shortage of fine wines and drinks.Deer hunter, the delicacies from the Mond Hotel are delivered like a stream.The Badminton Festival is about to open, and preparations for a mountain of delicious food and wine have already begun, and a mere celebration banquet is simply a trivial matter.

Before the banquet started, the disgraced young poet had already returned to Mond. If you miss anything, you can’t miss the wine and celebration. This is the rule of gods for young poets, and today is no exception.

As for being reprimanded, complained, yelled, and a little bit of revenge by the family members, it should be regarded as a small episode. As for the snow mountain lament that was finally created, the protagonist is replaced by Liyue's earth dragon, isn't it the same?When the poet arrived at the venue, it was rare to have free wine, so he cheered up on his own.

The Zephyr knights were also quite embarrassed about Wendy. Everyone was a fanatical believer in Barbatos for what he did; All feelings vanished with a sneeze.

"Forget it, the gods play in the world, we won't disturb his interest." The knights reluctantly completed the self-persuasion of turning a blind eye.

The other protagonist at the banquet, of course, was Jiang Yan, who owed a reception banquet. Everyone was very gossip about this rice wife and beauty with abundant martial arts, especially the plot of how Jiang Yan subdued the dragon and subdued the tiger, which was really fascinating.

However, considering that they were not as strong as Twarin, the West Wind knights dared not directly ask this serious girl, so they had to find Jiang Yan to make side attacks.

The knights have never resisted strategies. For the sake of cliche, they secretly changed drinks, and even used despicable wheel battles.Even Captain Qin and Lisa had a girlish heart attack and joined the ranks of story excavation.

When the atmosphere is in place, it is really easy to get people emotional. Even light wine that belongs to the beverage category, when everyone is chatting, exchanging recent situations, and flattering each other, Jiang Yan also feels that the whole person is excited. Suddenly, he has a good drink. The idea that only magic can defeat magic, and only greater gossip can defeat gossip.

"That's right! This Lei Yingying is Dao's wife's number one beauty. We are here this time to conquer Mond! This year's badminton festival girl, I will take it for Ying!"

"Wonderful idea! The city of pastoral songs and fine wine will lose the badminton festival? Eagles of the West Wind, let the people of Liyue see how powerful we are! Girls at the badminton festival, head Qin will win!" Wendy put down her wine glass and took the lead to express her dissatisfaction .

"Captain Qin will win!" Lisa supported with both hands

"Huh? What does this have to do with me?" Qin looked confused.

The Badminton Festival Girls are selected by the champions of the Badminton Festival Poetry, Wine, and Flying Competitions. They will climb the Fengshen Statue in the Highland Square and throw badmintons representing the blessings of the Fengshen to the people gathered below.

Becoming a badminton festival girl, in a sense, means becoming the number one beauty in Mond City every year.Although Qin is a beautiful woman, how can folks or members of the Knights have the guts to tease her?Therefore, it has not been selected in previous sessions.

However, it's a different matter if there are gods taking the lead in the fire. The atmosphere suddenly became high, and several named knights decided to let the head of the piano debut and become an idol. The enthusiastic atmosphere even infected other drinkers.

In fact, who will become the girl of the badminton festival has already become the hottest topic in the bar recently.

"We have great respect for Captain Qin, but when it comes to the badminton festival girl, Barbara will definitely win, rushing to the duck!" Mr. Albert was the first to jump out to express his dissatisfaction.

"No, Diona will win, and Sanhua will never be a slave!" A drinker would rather reveal that he is a regular customer of the Cattail Bar, but also speak for his faith!

That's how the war started.

Is there something wrong with the violent practice of medicine in Mond: Chapter 155 Chapter 151 Is there something wrong with holding the International Badminton Festival

The Badminton Festival, in simple terms, is the National Day of New Mond.

The environment of Old Mond is very harsh, the whole area is covered with ice and snow, and most of the people can only survive under the protection of the tower king, Wind Wall.

Later, after Barbatos became one of the seven gods, he began to use great divine power to transform the environment of Mond.Cut the hills into plains, and use the authority of the heart of God to attract a warm monsoon.

After that, Andreus voluntarily poured his power into this land to protect the land and its inhabitants forever. This is how New Mond is now fertile and spring-like all the year round.

The symbol of the establishment of New Mond. According to the legend of the poets, Lord Barbatos threw the "bird feather" symbolizing freedom to this land, and his people established the present day at the place where the bird feather fell. Mond City.

Since then, the people of Mond will commemorate the blessings bestowed by the wind god every year, and the Badminton Festival, an important festival of Mond, has evolved.

However, the birth of a badminton festival girl is not so romantic. In the last millennium, the old nobles were extravagant and lustful, and turned the badminton festival, which was carnival for the whole people, into a nobleman who selected a certain beauty as the protagonist, and then entered the court to serve of debauchery.

Fortunately, not long after, the wind of change blew, and the first Lion Tooth Knight liberated Mond, and the badminton festival returned to become a festival for the whole people. It is regarded as a kind of humiliation, but becomes a symbol of the most beautiful girl in Mond every year, standing on the statue of the wind god, and throwing a badminton representing luck to the public.

Since then, the election of the girls in the badminton festival has become an important ceremony to commemorate the liberation of New Mond, and it has become one of the finale of the badminton festival.

However, Wendy said that the beauty pageant is not about commemorating the liberation of Mond, and he and Vanessa will not take the blame for this.When the old aristocracy was just overthrown, the beauty pageant was completely abolished as an important evidence of the Lawrence family's licentiousness.

But for the romantic Mond people, under free choice, those who have age-appropriate candidates will naturally choose girlfriends for girlfriends, and daughters for those who have daughters.If there is none, it is likely to choose a well-known beauty at random.

Of course, most of these champions don't happen to have a girlfriend, or a little padded jacket that is just a girl.As a result, there were two votes to one vote for many years. The beauties were elected, and those who were not elected were naturally unconvinced. As a result, a few years later, it became a beauty election contest, which has been passed down to this day.

On a whim, Jiang Yan wanted Ying to participate, not to get rid of gossip, but to let her truly experience the happiness of ordinary people.

Ying is good at everything, but as a high god, it is difficult to feel the happiness of mortals.Although now she is no longer in charge of the world, she no longer has much necessary dignity.But she will not deliberately approach short-lived mortals, and few mortals can communicate normally in front of her.For so many days, there is no difference from before.

Jiang Yan saw everything in his eyes. After so many days in Mond, Ying was happy when he cut Andreus's tail, but he felt indifferent at other times, which made it completely meaningless to travel up.

How can one love a flower if one has not observed it?The two of them still have to travel all over Tivat, how can they not have fun in the first country?

So, after Jiang Yan thought about it, he just came to an immersive experience, and he brought her into it with beating gongs and drums. Hanging the sign of "No. [-] Beauty in the Campaign" and becoming the focus of attention, there must be some Another feeling.

Of course, the real election is purely a joke, the focus is on participation.If it is a fighting competition, Jiang Yan is quite confident; but in the three major competitions of poetry, banquet, and flying, Mr. Albert is probably better than himself.

poetry?Moonlight in front of the window?But the rhyme in Teyvat's common language doesn't make sense... If you can choose a poem in Liyue language, you'll be damned.

drink wine?Hahahaha, I probably didn't drink as much as Beidou in one night in my life, next topic

flight?I didn't fly out of the air crash because I was already pulled by the force of the thunder element.

Ying was at a loss as to what to hear, who is Dao's wife's number one beauty?Badminton festival girl, what?

From the beginning of her birth, no one has ever praised her for her beauty. The demon gods are basically created by elements.Later, when she became a shadow warrior, not many people knew her, and she stayed in the house for 500 years, let alone.

To say that Inazuma is the most beautiful woman, it should also be Ayaka from the Kamisato family or the present God Priestess from Kaiji Island. to the selection list.

It's Jiang Yan, that's all right.Really, clever words!Ying's mouth showed disgust, but the softness of his expression increased by five percentage points.

And the only person who was injured was Miss St. Gurnhild. Qin knew that if the Zephyr Knight took the lead in recommending herself, there would be no suspense. Looking at my recent review, there must be a "blessing of the saints" public execution.What she wants to be is the acting head of the Knights, not inheriting her father's position as the archbishop.

Thinking of myself standing on the statue of Fengshen and throwing a badminton, a group of believers below recited some pictures of gain and loss.

Some people want to be, but can't; some people can be, but can't bear it, the sorrows and joys of human beings are really not connected, Jiang Yan can't help complaining.

False Mond No. [-] idol——Barbara with thousands of fans

The real No. [-] idol of Mond—Barbara’s sister, who is all fans of Mond

"Help me find a way, please, for the sake of our friendship." Qin's expression is very pitiful and helpless, some things, just like the statue that was smashed for the second time, have no orders from the head of the knights at all use.

All right, she looks so pitiful. I didn't propose this to cheat my friends. Jiang Yan had an idea and proposed to Qin:

"Make the scale of this festival bigger and turn it into a Tivat event, and then you can avoid suspicion as the host?"

Qin's eyes lit up, she could have this!It happens that Mond is in a period of rapid growth in trade. It is also a good opportunity to show Mond's wine industry and agricultural advantages in this way.

After returning to the Knight Commander's office, Qin drank a cup of strong coffee, wrote an invitation letter, and sent it to Liyue and Daozuma, inviting friends from all over the world to participate in the most grand festival of Mond—the Badminton Festival in a private capacity.

Although many people declined the invitation due to busy schedules, and attached a congratulatory letter.

However, in neighboring countries, the rulers of the neighboring countries have to give the honor of personally inviting them:

Ningguang and Beidou make an appointment to visit and relax

Inazuma's Yaegamiko entrusts Ayaka Kanzato to visit on behalf of Inazuma because she needs to protect the bodies of the stragglers.

The confirmation of the presence of several big figures raised the enthusiasm of the festival to a new level.Whether it is various programs, material preparations, or venue layouts, it has to be re-enhanced, and it is about to become the biggest ceremony of Mond in the past [-] years.

At this time, as an international event, if only Mond people participated, it would be too thin.

Qin directly announced that if the members of the Knights have friends who work in foreign countries, they can invite them to Mond to participate in this festival. The most important thing Mond lacks is food and lodging.

Jiang Yan was the first to respond, and wrote a letter to invite Coral Palace Xinhai to bring a familiar high-ranking witch to relax, and by the way, check out the opportunities for trade and cooperation in Mond.

Holding her thighs, Xinhai, who doesn't have to worry about the safety of Haiji Island at all, readily accepts it, and brings Luzi and a few witches to Mond happily to participate in the activities, leaving Goro behind to prevent fools from causing trouble.

Amber, who is socially obsessed, invited Ke Lai who happened to be acquainted at the badminton festival a few years ago. Friends come together.

Yula invited Liyue's good friend Yanfei. The two hadn't seen each other for several years and missed them very much. They just took this opportunity to get together. Chongyun and Hutao brought their autistic friends to relax

And the publicity of these people has aroused more people's interest. It is good to go to the annual festival. Many people embarked on the road to Mond with this idea.

With the increase of foreign friends, the festive atmosphere comes at once. Mond, which is like spring all the year round and rich in products, has a natural advantage in street atmosphere.

In summer, at the door of each residential house, badmintons handmade by the hostesses of each house, symbolizing the blessing of the wind god, have been hung, floating with the breeze.The advantages and disadvantages of color and style will become a hot topic among neighbors in the near future.

And every tavern and restaurant puts their specialty food and wine directly outside for tourists to taste. The wooden barrels of various craft beer and fruit wine are piled up in mountains. As for various fruits, guests are directly allowed to take them at will.

Some merchants even started to pile up high-level practice competitions on the street with various vegetables, fruits, cheese, and meat. The champion can take away his own work for free.

The aroma of barbecue, fruit, cheese, and fine wine, under the guidance of thousands of winds, makes the whole Mond City waft with the taste of happiness.

At this time, the fairy-tale atmosphere of the city of pastoral songs also attracted poets from all over Tivat, the streets and alleys, and poets from all over the world. With the help of food and wine, they played the crystallization of their inspiration to tourists. Those who are lacking in the good wine reception of the merchants don't have to regret it. The tolerant Mond people will never be stingy with encouraging applause. In such scenes, peer comments and sarcasm have also become a good seasoning.

In the field of Mond, under the watchful eye of Zephyr Knight, the brave adventurers have already started intensive training and preparation for the flying competition. Talent and strength are not important. Fly out of creativity, and even decorate a beautiful wind wing, You can make yourself the protagonist of the badminton festival for an instant.

The strong don’t need to worry about flowers and applause. The galloping lights of various colors pierce the sky and draw beautiful arcs in the wind. The names and performances of these strong people have already become a big topic on the streets of Mond.

The power of freedom and courage, vigorous vitality and burning will bestowed by Lord Barbatos have been perfectly displayed in every competitor in this sport. Before they landed, praise their verses , has been spread by word of mouth.Enthusiastic Mond teenagers and girls will not let them down when they come back. A romantic time is already an established destiny.

Although the three major competitions are the main course of the badminton festival, the free Mond people will definitely not follow the crowd. The smell of candy and barbecue, the flickering paper and lights, the clown taming the wild boar and the magician who juggle are the favorites of the Mond people. main theme.The choice recognized by others is not a free choice. The Mond people who firmly believe in this have never been rigidly bound by the "mainstream".

You can taste all kinds of creative or delicate snacks. If you think it’s good, the smile is the best tip; if you don’t think it’s bad, don’t worry, the boss will definitely free you and make another proud work To compensate, though, harrowing stories of stepping into the same river twice in a row, not uncommon, were part of the festival.

All kinds of weird little game volunteers took the bait, and it was inevitable that some people would have an inexplicable desire to compare themselves, and started a strange project such as a beer-on-the-head contest, which ended in disgrace. If you don’t like this show, it’s probably because you already became the protagonist of the show.

The badminton festival is also a festival for clowns and magicians. The number of spectators and applause are the best judges of the group arena. The winner is elated, and the loser vows to fight again next year.Knowing that this year will be the biggest badminton festival in a century, they have already started canvassing activities on the streets, and the performances along the street without charging a penny are not to be missed. Xishan, time has been stolen by these thieves unknowingly.

This relaxed and joyful atmosphere made Jiang Yan very comfortable. Even Liyue's Sea Lantern Festival is a standard Liyue ceremony-type festival that only lasts for one night in a busy month. With a tense life rhythm, when has he experienced such joy? And conviviality, a true festival of relaxation for relaxation.Being in it, Jiang Yan couldn't help but feel his tense nerves relax a lot.

The shadow on the side was originally separated from the secular world, but the connection with the world is close by, and it is rare to participate in it as a participant. Jiang Yan's idea really gave her a lot of different feelings.

Food and wine?never resisted

All kinds of mini games?Competitive, she readily accepted.

Novel performance?Exotic style, can be seen.

In a strange country, it’s easy to relax your daily persistence. After a few days, holding small game prizes and snacks in your hands, and holding the "Badminton Festival Limited Edition" cheese mushroom balls in your mouth, the shadow of the cheese and mushroom balls is already much more ordinary than before. Jiang Yan was quite relieved by his anger.

"What are you going to do today?" Shadow has already begun to have a little "eternal" expectation for the badminton festival, which is full of tricks.

PS: Recently, the amount of updates has been large, but the data has declined instead. It is very puzzling.... Is the update method of 2000+2000 better than 4500+ at a time?Or is there something wrong with the writing?

Is there something wrong with the violent practice of medicine in Mond: Chapter 156 Chapter 152 Is something wrong with the palace jade liquid wine

In the peaceful Wangfeng Mountain, one morning, encountered an unprecedented bad guest.

The formless wind, code-named "Bate", has lost count of how many times it has been revived today

Whether it's a hurricane, a whirlwind, or a strong wind, or even the air of the entire mysterious ruins, all of them were cut apart under the single-mindedness of the dream.

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