The two people in the battle did not retreat but advanced, and dived into the crushed ice at the same time.

When the ice blades had just dissipated, the two swordsmen attacked swiftly and violently like fish jumping out of the water.The two knives, which were flickering with ice, collided heavily, and the ice splashed everywhere, and then they continued to fight together.

This is already the 30th confrontation between Jiang Yan and Shenli Linghua. Jiang Yan has gone from being disdainful, to serious fighting, to humbly learning, and he has already gained a lot.

In this special training, the plan Jiang Yan set for himself was to practice ice and wind hard, and also to study the water system.

However, it was a very good ideal, but at the first stop, the strength, skills, inheritance, elemental power, props, and fighting will were all filled with the hexagonal fighter Shen He's hammer.

Shen He, who is extremely talented, taught by the immortals, and has talent and hidden strength, took off the red rope completely with the effort of an immortal, and even because he has no shortcomings, it is almost difficult to target.

After Jiang Yan's training for this period of time, although the scene is much stronger than before, the shortcomings of his lack of understanding of the ice elemental force have been infinitely magnified. Overall, there is still no chance of winning.

There is no other way but to let others hone their ice elemental power skills first.It's a pity that Gan Yu, the best teacher, is only available on the last bus every day.

Therefore, Jiang Yan, who let go of his inflated heart, was going to take Ying's exclusive back-up king first, and the young lady of the Shenli family honed the skills of mortals first.

Unexpectedly, Linghua, who had already reached the position of "Jiechuan" and obtained the God's Eye, turned out to be a treasure girl, and gave Jiang Yan a big surprise in terms of elemental power skills.

Kamisato Ayaka's special skill called slug step is to use the low friction of the ice element force to glide at high speed like an egret treading water, so as to quickly dodge any moves or perform a high-speed assault.

And at the end, you can also use the inertia of sliding and the strong momentum brought by it to carry out a violent assault.

This kind of offensive and defensive move is often used by Gan Yu and Yula, but if it is used normally, only the one-handed sword that is good at entanglement and response is more suitable.

It's a pity that Jiang Yan, who has no dancing skills, has more than enough speed and insufficient response, so he played the egret treading water into a dump truck raid.

Although it is covered with an ice-type shell, it is still a straight-forward style of play of the thunder-type, which makes me shake my head. It is useless for the ice-type to use it like this.

But for Jiang Yan, there is nothing easier than "can't" - just practice if you don't know!

Anyway, such a thing as the initiative depends on swordsmanship as much as possible.

As a result, the overall rhythm becomes suppression of swordsmanship - stalking and dogfighting - being suppressed - fighting back with swordsmanship, and the cycle repeats.

After fighting like this for a few rounds, the person who put on the mask of pain became Ayaka Kamisato.

Even the general praised his "good" swordsmanship, but he retreated steadily in front of this mysterious man, which made Kamisato Linghua very disappointed.

The combination of Kamisato Ayaka's swordsmanship and elemental power is superb, and the tip of each sword carries a strong cold air, either to slow down the enemy's speed, or to block the enemy's actions, and is extremely flexible.

However, even this kind of swordsmanship is losing ground in front of the opponent's fast sword that is hardly enchanted. Every move is pressured on the rhythm of his own changes and the node of elemental power replenishment.

How is this possible?The Shenliu family's heirs are not prosperous, and only one or two people in each generation are qualified to learn the Shenliyu true swordsmanship that can only be learned with the eyes of gods. How could someone know so much?

Seeing that the other party even began to learn his own elemental power enchanting skills at a very fast speed, Kanli Linghua fell into strong self-doubt.

Jiang Yan was not surprised by this. Ying's swordsmanship is the source of all Daozuma's swordsmanship, and all mortals have adapted it. In a sense, it is just a shrunken version.

In other words, as long as Dao's wife is a mortal with a one-handed sword, don't expect to be able to beat herself. Princess Bailu can do this, and Ying probably can praise her more if she knows it.

After only two days, Jiang Yan's hail step has been able to keep up with the rhythm of Kanli Ayaka. After all, he has learned from Gan Yu and Yula for so long, and he is far more skilled than the fire element.

At this time, Linghua also accepted the fact that her sword skills were far inferior to the opponent's.

However, Ayaka, who gave up the fight, became more aggressive.

The swordsman who mastered Shuanghua seemed to have become a last-minute ninja at this time, constantly using high-speed displacement to find opportunities, and when he found an opportunity, he would retreat with one blow and never love to fight, which caused Jiang Yan a lot of trouble.

However, this kind of trouble is a good thing for Jiang Yan.

No matter how fast the ice element is, it can't be compared with Gale and Thunder. Slowly feel the rhythm and smoothness of the ice element force beyond the swiftness, which is very helpful for oneself to thoroughly grasp the ice element force.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan even deliberately slowed down the rhythm of the attack, focusing on defense, to slowly understand these differences and the subtle differences in timing.

Naturally, Linghua Shenliu would not let go of the opportunity, and with the folding fan unfolded, the strongest mystery of Shenliliu-Shuang Mie unfolded.

The astonishingly huge ice elemental force was released in one breath, and under the gust of wind created by the folding fan magic weapon, it swept quickly, forming hundreds of deadly ice blades.

The mutual cooperation of the two elements is so powerful that it is almost impossible to face it directly.

It's a pity that this trick is basically useless to Jiang Yan, who has practiced against Fengshen for several months.

Jiang Yan didn't need to judge the direction of these hundreds of ice blades, as long as he could understand the direction of the wind.

As long as you understand the direction, there are at least two ways to deal with this move easily,

Learning from Yula's vortex, you can easily guide the ice elemental force away from the direction.

Dodge this trick by sneaking into crushed ice with hailsteps, or even surprise her while she's back.

However, Jiang Yan did not intend to let go of the opportunity to face the mystery, his choice was - yes!

The moves that rely on physical memory are all ostentatious, how can you know what's wrong if you hit it a few times?

There was no suspense in the result, and it was almost cut into 4000 copies, a fiasco.

10 minutes later, the spirit guy was cut into shredded potatoes by the ice blade again, come again!

This way of learning by taking one's life is very fast. After two hours, only a few wisps of frosty wind and dozens of ice blades have been missed in the mystery of the anti-boom.

Although she deserved to die, Linghua already had an expression of "wanting to die", as if all these ice blades had hit her heart.

The moves that I have been practicing hard since I got the God's Eye have been learned more than half overnight, and no one can accept it.

The reason is actually very simple. Jiang Yan has seen the same tricks of the old wolf Andreus, and practiced hard with Wendy. The wind elemental force is smoother than the ice elemental force. Of course, it is not difficult to use the wind to drive it.

For him, the difficulty actually lies in how to drive a large piece of ice blade to blow over, instead of directly throwing a big ice pier, turning himself into an ice fool.

This kind of meticulous and precise application of skills made the whole learning process dragged on to the third day alive.

This kind of dual-element force move is exactly the skill that Jiang Yan is in urgent need of offline, which makes him very grateful to this talented girl.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan decided to repay her with his latest immortal-level secret technique, and I believe she will like it.

"Looking good!" Jiang Yan retracted his sword and sheathed it. A large amount of ice elemental power was condensed in his hand. The dazzling silver light suddenly exploded into a light cluster, and even the scabbard of the long sword burst into dazzling silver light.

Obviously, this is a profound level skill that is being accumulated.

Seeing such a huge ice elemental force condensing, Kanli Ayaka did not attack hastily, but adjusted her pace, adjusted her breathing, and was ready to use hail steps to avoid the unknown move at any time.

"Instant Frost Blossom!"

The long sword that uniformly condenses the power of the ice element is pulled out from the scabbard at a high speed with almost zero resistance, and with the help of the strong wrist strength accumulated, the long sword is released, and the blade is automatically thrown forward.

I saw the long sword that left his hand, slashing across the air at lightning speed, pulling out a long silver comet tail, and directly stabbing Kamisato Ayaka who couldn't dodge.

The ice elemental power on the sword was vented, and it exploded violently, directly blasting a huge flower of frost on Shenli Linghua's chest, completely destroying her body.

The silver crystal butterfly flew out and entered Jiang Yan's body, the scene shattered and turned into nothingness.

Kanli Ayaka woke up suddenly from the tatami and sat up.Flick your fingers lightly, then retract them.

After several times in a row, I returned to the warm bed with a smile.

"I am very satisfied with the tuition fee."

Is there something wrong with playing resurrection in Inazuma: Chapter 165 Chapter 160 Is there something wrong when the opponent trains stronger?

The integrated version of this move, Cloud Piercer Sword and Shuanghua Arrow, was originally intended to be used to beat Twalin.

It's a pity that due to the lack of range, it has been delayed until today to show its sharp fangs.

Gan Yu's Shuanghua arrow is good everywhere, but it is too limited by the elemental force bearing capacity of the arrow itself and the maximum speed that the bow can achieve.

However, in the face of high-speed sword drawing, these are not problems. The only price is that the range is relatively short, but as long as the opponent is not a giant dragon flying in the sky, it is enough.

Seriously recalling, reviewing, and thinking, Jiang Yan feels that after these three days of training, he has made great progress, and he is doing well again.

Calling, Shin Hak!

Recently, Shen He's life is quite good.

Originally, the red rope was used to lock the evil spirit, and the side effects were quite serious.

The emotions of the whole person were suppressed, not to mention, with the rapid increase in strength, the red rope became more and more uncontrollable, causing several immortal masters to dare not let her continue to improve their strength.

The arena completely saved Shen He, took off the red rope and fought against Jiang Yan repeatedly, and let the fierceness be released to the fullest, the pressure of the whole person was swept away.

Even in reality, the red rope has only become insurance and is not a bondage.

The direction that had never been imagined made Shen He realize that only when there is a degree of relaxation can one relax.

Therefore, even if Jiang Yan was busy fighting with Ying for a month in the middle, Shen He could relieve it to a certain extent by digging out deep pits on the flat ground, uprooting trees, and freezing the lake into a mirror.

However, this kind of venting made Shen He miss the person he fell in love with from heaven even more.

Fortunately, when the matter of Dao's wife came to an end, the bloody battle between the two became Shen He's fierce trash can again.

"The person who is bound...Shen He is here, listening to the emperor's order."

Shen He, who lacked a few red ropes on his body, is now a bit more human. For the mysterious person who saved him, Shen He has given up looking for him. Such a great kindness, so what if he finds it?Why don't you follow your fate, and be a good training partner first.

Habitually loosening the red rope, the elemental force used to restrain the mind was released. The terrifyingly huge ice elemental force surged in Shen He's body, accompanied by the urge to destroy everything, jumping out from his chest, which could not be suppressed. .

But why suppress it?No need to hide, no need to be afraid, come out and show your strongest side to the person you are bound with!

Shen He lifted his foot, and the heel of his heel stepped on the ground. Under her guidance, the huge entangled ice elemental power and fierce aura were violently released with cheers.

There was only a dull loud bang of "dong", and the ground with a radius of several meters was directly chapped and collapsed by this foot, and then gravel flew.

Jiang Yan swung his gun and shot the gravel away, only to see that the place where Shen He was located had turned into a deep pit. The ice mist in the deep pit was swirling, tumbling, and "boiling" outward.

"Open!" Hearing an order from the goddess in the ice mist, the extremely compressed ice elemental power instantly spread out at the speed of thousands of times before, and a huge silver lotus leaf "grows" out of thin air in the air.

The beautiful lotus leaf is not enough to make people appreciate it. The sound of glass shattering in the air means that any life that approaches will be instantly turned into shattered ice by this "leaf".

Even if it missed the target, the sharp drop in temperature caused the moisture in the air to condense into beautiful frost flowers, and then fluttered down to the ground. Every frost flower fell, forming a thick layer of solid ice.

The sharp temperature difference brought a piercing cold wind to sweep the entire arena, making the "leaves" grow faster,

A lifelike silver ice lotus more than ten meters long bloomed in full bloom in the arena in just an instant.

And Shen He, standing with a gun in his heart, his silver eyes and white braids and ice lotus seem to be one, like a flower fairy.

Jiang Yan, who retreated several times in a row to avoid the "flowering" range, was taken aback.

Shen He has been contending against evil spirits all year round, and the massive elemental power he has accumulated is released in an instant, and the power is just like a map cannon.

If he was half a step slower, his whole body would definitely turn into an ice sculpture.

This kind of move that belongs to her is no less than the famous stunt of some immortals.

Shen He jumped off the ice lotus and raised the huge ice lotus with both hands.The ice lotus the size of an iceberg was thrown over with the sound of breaking through the air.

"Respect Master Li Xiaoyao?" Seeing Shen He who was thrown directly over the mountain, Jiang Yan just wanted to dodge with Shenli Linghua's hail steps, but found that his feet had been frozen.

The "Lu Ling" summoned by Shen He slowly emerged from the ice under Jiang Yan's feet, and gently hugged his waist, making him unable to move.

Then, the goddess put her head on his shoulder and blew gently, like the sweetest lover.

In the most intimate action, with an undisguised killing intent, "Lu Ling" will use all her strength to freeze Jiang Yan in place.

Even though the figure has become transparent and is about to dissipate; even though the shadow on the head is getting bigger and bigger, it still does not relax.

Because there is no death and no life, the ignorant "Lu Ling" will only do what the master wants to do according to the requirements.

Although this kind of fairy art is smart, it will occasionally cause unnecessary trouble

For example, now, Shen He's face is reddened by his "Lu Ling".

Although she thought about these intimate actions, she really didn't intend to do them.

As a result, "Ling Ling" mixed instructions and fantasies together, which is really...

But Jiang Yan didn't have time at this time and went deep into these things. A small white flower was about to fly over to send him away—to commemorate—and to bury him for one-stop service, okay?

After many battles, the two are still very familiar with many of each other's moves.

Especially Shen He's most commonly used "Ling Ling", Jiang Yan focused on this extremely powerful fairy art in Shen He's hands. gain something.

The spear hit the ground, and the ice that froze his feet was shattered by a single blow. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Shen He's "Lu Ling" was about to continue to wrap around Jiang Yan, but there was a sound of breaking through the air from behind.

"Come out, Platinum Star!"

The silver-white ice fist hit Shen He's "Ling Ling" heavily on the head. The power of the same origin and quality produced a complete killing effect on the "Ling Ling" who was free to gather and disperse and was not afraid of physical attacks.

The body of Shen He's "Lu Ling" condensed with ice was directly pierced by this sudden heavy punch.

However, the ice version of "Platinum Star" made by Jiang Yan didn't close the move after one blow, but simply lifted his right arm, and the forearm broke at the elbow.

Afterwards, the fist remaining in Shen He's "Lu Ling" body flashed with silver light along with the forearm, and detonated directly in the opponent's body.

The terrifying implosion of the huge ice elemental force directly shattered the form of the "Lu Ling" and turned it invisible.

Jiang Yan has thought for a long time about the positioning of his "Lu Ling".

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