Don't want to be a responsible miko?Isn't this ornamental fish in front of you?

Then, how to bind her with responsibility, I believe that as a patient, Xinhai must have some experience.

So, under the promise of absolute secrecy, Jiang Yan told Xinhai the whole story.

Hearing Daozuma's top secret gossip, Xinhai covered his mouth in surprise, unable to put on the posture of a genius military strategist anymore.

There are actually two Narutos?The Haizhi Island was not cut into a birthday cake, it is really the spirit of the Haizhi God.

Xinhai also empathizes with the story of Huzhai Palace and Huasanli.

But thinking about how to push her into the fire pit while empathizing with him,

Although it is saving her, isn't it too bad?My heart is tangled and there is a hint of happiness.

In this way, the two of them racked their brains all night from a brain hole, to a direction, to an idea, and then to a plan.

Until dawn, with a basic framework, they couldn't resist exhaustion, and both of them fell asleep on the table.

But Yae Kamiko, who rarely expressed his heavy heart, had a good night's sleep in the residence arranged by the maiden of Haiji Island.

In the early morning, after stretching a canine's favorite big waist, Yae Miko finished her grooming in a leisurely manner, and then she wanted to find her friends and began to discuss countermeasures.

As a result, what greeted her was the whispering and strange eyes of the villagers of Wangtaki.

Shenzi, who couldn't blend into the weird atmosphere at all, came to Xinhai's base under the leadership of the witch and the villagers' watch.

Pushing the door open and entering, Yaegamiko saw only scraps of paper all over the floor, a whiteboard covered with notes, a bookshelf full of books, and two people lying on the table with a few books as pillows.

Unaware that the two who had become the topic of discussion in Wangtaki Village, they saw the tall figure of the pink fox in a daze, only to realize that they had been asleep for a long time.

After quickly washing up and adjusting their demeanor, they began to discuss the harvest of racking their brains last night.

"Sealed in Huasanli to Shenying as the patron saint of the rice wife? Do you think the blood of the Baichen Fox King is comparable to the lowly wild dry fox?" Yae Shenzi was so angry that his ears turned up, and the eyes of the gods could not be suppressed. .

Only lowly wild foxes who have ever harmed people or demons will be sealed in branches and become killing cherry blossoms.As the direct bloodline of Baichen Fox King, Huzhai Palace is the apex of the entire fox clan, who would dare to do this?

"But, even if it is true, they have once boarded in Shenying. No matter how noble Huzhai Palace is, can it compare to Naruto?"

"What's more, Shenying is not comparable to ordinary plants and trees? After being worshiped and prayed by all people for decades, with a few more manifestations, it will almost certainly become Quan Dao's wife's deity. This is the way of Shinto that others cannot envy, okay?"

This statement that Jiang Yan and Xinhai had conceived for a long time broke through Yae Shenzi's resistance in an instant. Indeed, compared to Fengshen, other things can be delayed a little bit.

There are only a small amount of Huzhai Palace's obsessions left in Huasan, the body is absent, memory is incomplete, emotions are almost absent, and there are dirty materials that do not belong to the master of Huzhai Palace at all. The completeness and truth can hardly be compared.

To be honest, even Yae Shenzi himself didn't think that Hua Sanli was the resurrection of Master Huzhai Palace.

However, it will be different if you take the path of faith and becoming a god. Inazuma Shinto has a long history, and this path is almost risk-free.

The gods do not need a body, and the various deeds of Lord Huzhai Palace can be used as firewood for conferring the gods, and even the soul left by Lord Huzhai Palace can be read from the cherry blossoms.

Coupled with the original obsession to protect Inazuma, at least Yae Shenzi believes that this is the best solution.

As for the apparition, what's the problem with apparition when she is the palace secretary?The shrine, the priestess, and the shrine are all hers. Even if she wants a piece of fried tofu to appear, ordinary rice wives can't see any flaws.

Yae Kamiko looked at the scene where he had fought in a piece of copybook all around him, and his expression of laughing at the world all the year round also softened.

Stretching out his finger, he drew a light circle in the air, gently pressed it on Jiang Yan's nose, and stroked it gently.

The refreshing spell was activated, and a burst of mint-like coolness, accompanied by the fragrance of cherry blossoms, entered Jiang Yan's brain from the tip of his nose.

"Thank you for your hard work, let us complete the next work together." Immediately, Shenzi sat down unceremoniously, and picked up the "script" that had just established a framework.

The plan to form a group to become a god, ushered in the last new force.

Is there something wrong with playing resurrection in Inazuma: Chapter 168 Chapter 163 Is there something wrong with signing contracts randomly?

A few days later, bad news reached Hua Sanli's ears one after another.

"Have you heard? The guardian spirit of the sacred cherry tree has disappeared."

"Have you heard? Due to the loss of important town items, Kami Sakura has been unable to purify the pollution."

"Have you heard? The Thunder Cherry Tree of Tara has already fallen thunder everywhere because of a problem with the Divine Cherry Tree."

In addition, a large number of witches passed by in a hurry, talking about key words such as "demon", "filth", "purification" and "sakura", which made Hua Sanli very nervous.

But as a crippled body with no power at all, he could only wait hopelessly.

The shrine maidens who are in a hurry are naturally genuine shrine maidens.

However, the passing villagers were hired by 1000 moras each.

As a group performer who only needs one sentence, the price is really not low.

Be careful when Xinhai and Yae Shenzi think that the frequency and quantity of this stage play is basically enough.

The curtain officially opened

In the early morning, an adventurer rushed to the outlying island, and he did not hesitate to use the power of the thunder element to rush along the way. Just as he was throwing the thunder wedge to the next target point, he "accidentally" scattered the sky fox statues around Huali. activation.

The town object sealed in it appeared, which surprised Hua Sanli very much.

"Wait a minute, man of destiny!"

The adventurer stopped and looked around, but there was no one else.

"Are you calling me?" He hesitated and said to the masked witch in front of him.

Hua Sanli said excitedly: "Excuse me, my name is "Hua Sanli", a witch, this adventurer who is walking in a hurry, I have something to ask for your help. "

"The village in front of you is called "Konta Village", and there is a "barrier" that needs to be uncovered.And this enchantment is hidden behind a secret. "

"I hope I can entrust you to do a little investigation and uncover the barrier." Hua Sanli bowed his head and saluted.

"Sorry, I have an urgent task. If you have time, I can come back in half a day. I'm sorry."

Unexpectedly, the adventurer refused directly.

——The fox family will not trust anyone easily, you have to whet your appetite to gain trust.Yae Shenzi said so.

"Well then, I wish you a smooth journey, and I will be here waiting for your return." Although Hua Sanli was disappointed, she also accepted this normal development.

Half a day later, Jiang Yan, who was disguised as an ordinary adventurer, returned to the Tianhu God Statue. The flower was like a statue, waiting in almost the same posture as in the morning.

"You are here, as expected I am not mistaken, you are the "destined person", please take your activated treasure and complete this commission. Hua Sanli was very happy to see the "destined person" returning as promised.

"Wait a minute, I'm willing to accept your quest, but I need to be sure, what level of quest will I be rewarded for this quest?"

A qualified adventurer will not make a move without negotiating a good price.

"Adventure-adventure-family-association?" As an ancient person 500 years ago, Hua Sanli did not have this organization in his memory, let alone words such as "level" and "remuneration".

"That is to say, you want to entrust me before you have thought about what to give me in return?" Jiang Yan's expression changed immediately. Want to recruit without signing a contract?

"Of course not, 'the seeker shall be rewarded justly, commensurate with his wisdom and effort'...that's what she said.So don't worry. "Hua Sanli quickly explained.

"Although Daozuma's priestesses seldom break their promises, I am a Liyue person and I only believe in contracts."

"Otherwise, if you leave me the scarlet cherry hydrangea, or throw away your mask and run away with magic, who can I ask for reward?"

Under Jiang Yan's insistence, the two finally made a contract including "until the "just compensation commensurate with her wisdom and efforts" is fully repaid, the witch Hua Sanli shall not evade compensation in any way."

Although Hua Sanli felt that something was wrong, it didn't matter.

After the Shenying Great Exorcism was completed, he disappeared in smoke, even Lord Morax, what could he do to him?

"The contract is established, and those who break the contract will be punished by eating rocks." Jiang Yan happily accepted the contract.

Want to be dead?In front of the two powerful witches, I will catch you even if you run Wuwangpo!

Now that the contract has been negotiated, Jiang Yan naturally doesn't have that Fontaine time to play detective games with the village chief.

close the door!Don't worry about the sea!

Xinhai who rushed over took out the handwritten letter just written by Yae Shenzi, and easily bluffed the village chief.

Master Gong Si of Narugami Taisha personally sent someone to complete the task assigned by Master Hu Zhai Gong, what is there to refuse?

The village chief Konta Chuansu was very active in handing over the key. He had completed the hundreds of years of historical mission, and he was also relaxed.

Thirty minutes later, in front of the first purified Shenying node, Huasan, who was peeping all the way, looked at Jiang Yan and Xinhai who were not panting.

Whether it was solving puzzles, spells, or enemies, they were all swept away in front of the two, and the final purification ceremony was quickly resolved with the joint efforts of the two.

"I didn't misunderstand the person, you are indeed the destined person. May I ask, who is this?"

Hua Sanli was very curious about how this destined person managed to attract a high-ranking witch in such a short period of time.

Although the beliefs are different, the purification rituals are actually similar to each other.

Could it be that I only know how to physically purify shadows, so what reliable purification rituals can I bestow on the witches?

As the current god maiden, the speed of purifying the filth in Xinhai is no problem, if one hits ten, if it is not afraid of scaring Huasanli, it can be faster.

"As a Liyue person, I don't know anything about Dao Wife's spells. So, I went back to the Adventurer's Association and asked a witch girl to help me." Jiang Yan said lightly.

"My name is Xinhai, and I don't have a shrine to which I belong, please take care of me." Xinhai does not have a shrine, but only has a coral palace, which is not a lie.

Hearing that she is not a maiden from Narugami Taisha Shrine, Hua Sanli is finally relieved.

The Lord Palace Secretary who "resurrected" her last time made her feel very embarrassed.

If it was Lord Huzhai Palace, in order to protect his friends, he might choose to continue this false life.

But she is not Lord Huzhai Palace, just a mass of mud in the flowers, fortunately stained with the brilliance of Master Huzhai Palace's soul fragments.

The part belonging to Lord Huzhai Palace is so small that it is impossible to even act as a talking portrait.

Reluctantly, it can only create tragedy in an even greater emptiness.

Therefore, I had to disappoint the "lovely child" in Master Huzhai Palace's memory.

Thinking of this, Hua Sanli no longer struggled with Xinhai's mysterious identity, and the more reinforcements, the better.

"As you may know, the thunder cherry tree symbolizes the eternal watch of Thor, and has the power to dispel and purify the earth's veins."

"But the roots that guide the polluted roots will also be eroded over time, and the polluted parts will form tumors one after another"

"Therefore, we need to perform purification rituals."

"However, with my...physical condition, it is impossible to accomplish such a thing."

"There are still a few barriers like this. How, can you help me—no, help this land, can you help me?"

"No problem, we have already drawn up a contract, as long as you can give me the compensation I deserve, the more work I do, the happier I will be."

Emphasizing the "contract" again, Jiang Yan showed a mysterious smile.

"That would be great, thanks for your hard work."

Hua Sanli, who doesn't plan to repay the debt anyway, is very happy with the good words of the destined person.

And Xinhai was looking at the masked witch with sympathetic eyes.

Can contracts be signed randomly?

Is there something wrong with playing resurrection in Inazuma: Chapter 169 Chapter 164 Is there something wrong with giving weight loss tips

A remnant soul in Huasan doesn't have the ability to follow Jiang Yan and Xinhai without anyone noticing.

To be able to hide the truth from a martial artist with a high sense of consciousness and a witch with a super-spiritual sense at the same time, I am afraid that Huzhai Palace will not be able to do it alive.

It is nothing more than the obsession and filth that make up "Huasanli" are not entities, they can become incorporeal near the root system of Shenying.

The faint existence that is about to dissipate is hard to detect.

So after coming out of the well in Kontian Village, the three of them started to play swaggeringly on the side of the road not far from the village.

The entire ritual process of the Shenying Dasha has long been lost. However, over the past few hundred years, there have been many small rituals. Narujin Taisha has already had a clear root distribution map of the approximate nodes and procedures.

What is missing is nothing more than the treasures and words that Shenying Daxie needed to unravel the enchantment back then. Where did the parties hide?

Now that there is a party involved, nothing is a problem.

Shadowing into the deserted shrine at the foot of the mountain, Yae Miko is working hard to "adjust the monitoring".

As a sky fox, all the current fox clan's spells are no secret to her.

To her, the things hidden in the statues of the earth fox and sky fox are no different from those in a drawer.

By the way, I also got the black history of Yuishin Harunosuke, the unconcealable excitement and disappointment when I saw Hanasanli, and the reluctance to say goodbye when I said goodbye.

Yae Shenzi is going to find an illustrator to draw some original paintings, and team up to create a story about a white-haired onmyoji secretly in love with a fairy fox.

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