"But, all the little raccoons have recognized you, so it's not like they all got it wrong." Jiang Yan pointed to the little raccoons on the raccoon climbing frame.

"Maybe, it's a certain part of the similarity that made them mistaken." Hua Sanli thought about it seriously, but still shook his head.

However, the little raccoons on his body jumped down and expressed their opposition one after another.

"That's right, it's a white-haired fox."

"The taste has changed, but it is."

"The breath is the same."

"White-haired fox, lie, Violet melon bang bang!"

Jiang Yan and Xinhai also put on the expressions of "I don't study much, don't lie to me" just right, which made Huasanli even more helpless.

In the end, amidst the entanglement, Hua Sanli patted the little raccoons lightly and put them down one by one.

"Anyway, let's see you again in Konta Village. After everything is over, I will tell you all the answers." After that, Huasanli melted into the earth again, holding back his reluctance, and in the entanglement of the little raccoons disappear.

When Jiang Yan and Xinhai, with the little raccoons, returned to Wubaizang, which was already full of ukiyo-e paintings,

Hearing Wubaizang from afar, he sent a voice transmission to the two of them for help in a tragic tone:

"Humans, please help me, I don't want to be with the pink fur fox anymore, she is an evil spirit!!!"

However, the human uncles did not take care of it, and could only silently sympathize with it for a second.

Many times of experience told Jiang Yan that when Yae Kamito is teasing people, unless you want to provide her with double the fun, it is best to ignore it.

After exchanging information with Yae Miko, everyone felt that, thanks to this group of cute civet cats, the opportunity they wanted had appeared.

Even Yae Kamiko showed a rare smile.

"Very well, she has already had cognitive doubts, let's start the final steps."

Is there something wrong with playing resurrection in Inazuma: Chapter 171 Chapter 166 Is there something wrong with jumping back after clearing the level?

"It's so beautiful. Lei Ying's root branch has been telling me about the achievements of the two of you."

Under the well in Kontian Village, who was not covered with raccoons, he regained his shrewdness and began to serve Jiang Yan and Xinhai.

"I'm really afraid. I have something to confess to you."

"When you first obtained the town object in Konta Village, I called you "The Man of Destiny".But at that time, I did not fully trust your character and martial arts without reservation. "

"But with the progress of the great evil, it not only proved my shallowness, but also far exceeded my expectations."

"So much so that I can't help feeling sorry. If there were two people like this by Huzhai Palace back then, then maybe..."

However, for the Kuagua group, whether it is an entire Haidao responsible for Kuagua's heart,

It was Naruto's Wings that the whole Daozuma was boasting about, and they had become so used to it that they didn't feel anything.

This kind of Olympic champion doing morning exercises in the community, being praised by grandpa and aunt for his good health is really unbearable.

If it wasn't for buying time for Yae Shenzi, it would have been interrupted long ago.

Fortunately, Hua Sanli didn't intend to use the remaining time to blow rainbow farts, and soon got to the point.

"However, there is still one step left for Shenying Daxie in the end."

"As the price of guarding the land and absorbing the filth, miasma will accumulate in the roots and branches."

"You lifted the enchantment and defeated the monster created by filth"

"Just as there are branches in the society, all the thunder cherry blossoms are the side branches of the sacred cherry blossoms in the shadow of the mountain, and the five roots are the biggest among them."

"A large part of the filth they absorb is actually transmitted to the Shenying in the depths of the shadow mountain."

"That's right. The most important thing in the Great Exorcism of the Divine Cherry is the last step of contact, which is to remove the enchantment of the Divine Cherry, and to exorcise the miasma accumulated by the root of the Divine Cherry for many years."

At this time, it was Xinhai's turn to delay the time.

A long time had passed by the time Huasanli found the answers one by one from memory after detailed inquiries about technical questions such as "spelling formula", "node", and "dirty guidance".

Jiang Yan seized the time, Yae Shenzi should be almost ready.

Procrastinate any longer, dragging all the flowers away, this joke is not funny at all, so I quickly speed up the pace.

"Let's go, I believe in the Miko, and even more in the power of the contract."

After some persuasion, Xinhai "reluctantly" agreed, and several people soon arrived near the enchantment of the root system of Shenying.

Although he lived in Naruto Shrine in Kagekoyama for a while, and stayed there for a long time with the trunk of the cherry tree, Jiang Yan never discovered that Kagekoyama had such a hidden place.

A mist of filth flows on the purple enchantment, making people stay away at the first sight.

However, Huasan has no fear at all, because this is her first and only mission.

She stepped forward without fear, and recited the spell engraved in the depths of her soul:

"...to the east of Jingyuan, to the west to the Ember Sea, to the south to Yanguang, to the north to Ruoshui... Thousands of branches and veins, please eliminate the disaster."

After a very complicated spell, the barrier was lifted, and a huge pothole appeared. However, Huasanli was also consumed too much, and even the existence itself began to blur.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Xinhai quickly tried to ignore the plan and took out a magic weapon to save people, but Jiang Yan stopped him with his eyes.

In addition to the so-called "plot", Jiang Yan believed in her eyes even more. With the obsession in Huasan, it was impossible for her to disappear before everything was over.

Even if the soul returns to the earth, she will climb out with her hands to witness the end of everything.

So trusting her is the best way to save her.

Thus, Xinhai unfolded the enchantment to drive away the filth around him, while Jiang Yan embraced the blushing Xinhai, spread the wings of the beautiful sky breeze, jumped down, and jumped down the huge pothole.

The depth and width of the huge pothole far exceeded their expectations. After passing through the messy twisted root system, it took them a long time to reach the bottom of the pothole.

What caught my eye was a huge malaria tumor that had accumulated for 500 years.

This miasma is not so much a wooden tumor as it is like the heart of an evil god.

Huge, as big as a house.And while constantly beating, a large amount of deadly filth escapes from the surface all the time.

Even the filth that escaped had such intensity, it really exceeded the expectations of the two of them.

Is this really a ritual that should be done by two people?This... is not in the script.

The two looked at each other, and now, no matter how difficult it is, they have to bite the bullet and continue acting.

Xinhai directly covered the body with the gorgeous "Yilai Yuyi", and the tide appeared out of thin air, rushing towards the dark tumor in the pothole.

"A covenant in the sea!"

Jiang Yan drew the blade of Chaifeng out of its sheath, and the silver edge of the sword flashed, "Frost off!"

Hundreds of ice blade storms condensed on the tip of the sword, and then driven by Jiang Yanfeng's elemental power, they swept towards the dark tumor

In a blink of an eye, the miasma eroded by the tide condensed into a huge ice ball, which was continuously cut and broken by the wind blade.

And the miasma and dark tumor seemed to be alive, trembling constantly in the heavy trauma, "dropped" a large mass of filth, condensed into various demons and ghosts, and rushed towards the two of them.

I cut open a few monsters casually, only to find that they were like gas, with no sense of reality, and they were slowly put together again after cutting.

Although this kind of enemy is not strong, it is annoying because there is no vital point. They can only be completely broken up with elemental force.

The ground is wet and full of miscellaneous fish, so the best way is naturally... Blitz!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan locked on to the target, raised his hand to condense the power of the thunder element, and waved downward.

Learning from the Cang Lei of the Rose Witch, it precisely defeated every miscellaneous fish, and then they were electrified and turned into bursts of black smoke.

At this time, Xinhai had already adjusted the barrier, and the miasma was disturbed by the power of the barrier, and fell powerlessly to the ground, with ice dust flying everywhere.

However, the two who were about to cut up the dark tumor discovered that the tumor was far harder than they had imagined.

The huge size is its best defense.Whether it was the powerful Zhan Feng Duu Liu, or the Cloud Piercer Sword that could penetrate it, they could only injure it, but could not completely destroy it.

As for the water element swimming fish in the heart sea, they can only create scars on the surface.

Until the barrier failed again, only about 1/3 of the part was cut off, leaving a huge wound on the miasma.

From the wound surface, a large amount of filth was continuously flowing to the ground, and whenever it touched the ground, a demon made of filth would be summoned, all of which were in the shape of demons in Inazuma's legend.

The ants killed the elephants too much. With such a large number, it was no longer possible to lock it with Cang Lei, and Jiang Yan, who couldn't use the second Frost Extinguisher, simply gathered the fire element power in his whole body, and the blade of Chaifeng burned blazingly in an instant.

"Here, sentence!" The results of the recent happy fight with Grandpa Lu were perfectly displayed.

The huge firebird swept across the entire battlefield, and finally pounced directly on the miasma, creating a huge scorched mark.

At this time, Xinhai's second barrier adjustment was finally completed, and the miasma and dark tumor fell again.

Taking time out, she immediately used a spell to summon a huge blister, which enveloped all the monsters, making them unable to break free for a while.

At the same time, a large number of fish shoals made of water elemental force appeared in the blisters, biting the monsters made of filth non-stop. For a while, no monsters could break through the obstacles of the blisters.

"Very good!" Both Xinhai and Jiang Yan had a new understanding of each other's strength.

This time, Jiang Yan didn't hold back, and concentrated all the thunder elemental power on the blade of the Choufeng Blade. The simplest application method is the most suitable for such a large-scale enemy.

"Thunderbolt!", the Thunder Blade, which has been charged for a long time, swung a huge purple moon shadow, and the sword that slashed the sea and mountains, and the sword of Narugami had confronted each other head-on, how can a wooden tumor resist it?

Cut the remaining miasma and dark tumor into two pieces, and the thunder elemental force explodes inside it, blowing up the filth in it and turning it into dead silence.

Although this one is not too strong, but the blood bar is super long, and it will also recruit the enemy of the younger brother. The two of them were very tired from beating, and they both sat on the stone chair made by Jiang Yan to breathe.

At this time, Hua Sanli finally emerged from the ground.

"Then, everything is over. In this way, the pain that Shenying endured will finally disappear."

"Son of Man...you did such a good job, you really are the "destined one""

"As for the remuneration agreed at the beginning, I will stay later, so please stay calm..."

A cold sentence suddenly interrupted her words of gratitude.

"No, just stay here now! The Curse of the Wild Steed, Order!"

Is there something wrong with playing resurrection in Inazuma: Chapter 172 Chapter 167 Is there something wrong with forming a group?

Following Xinhai's order, Huasanli, who was caught off guard, was sucked into the branch of the cherry blossom in Xinhai's hand by a strong suction in an instant.

And before Jiang Yan's long sword reached his body, he retracted the branch into his cuff.

"Witch of the Outer God, let go of Lord Huzhai Palace!" Yae Shenzi hurriedly descended from the sky.

"Xinhai? What's going on?" Jiang Yan paled in shock.

Xinhai bowed his head to Jiang Yan and apologized, "I'm sorry, I lied to you. As they said, I am actually the witch of Hai Zhi Da Yushen, and your contract was also made by me."

"There must be some misunderstanding, Miss Huasanli is a good person."

"Miss Huasanli is a good person, but Lei Yingzhi of Haizhi Island needs a god, so I can only apologize." Xinhai shook his head

"God? Even Lord Huzhai Palace is not a god?"

Enclosed in the flowers of the branches of the sacred cherry, it can still perceive the outside world and communicate with the outside world.

I had prepared my last words, but in the end I was faced with such an unimaginable situation, so I couldn't help but speak.

"Those of you who walk with the gods may take it for granted, but we, who have long since lost our belief in the God of the Sea, can clearly perceive it." Xinhai replied resolutely.

"Miss Huasanli, you are the mortal incarnation of a fallen god."

Feeling the powerful external power of this witch, Hua Sanli was at a loss.

At this time, Xinhai continued to explain while the iron was hot:

"Indigenous gods conferred by faith will lose emotion and power after receiving a fatal attack on their body, and become an incarnation with only memories left. They cannot become gods again until their faith is replenished."

"Miss Huasanli, when I sensed your existence dozens of days ago, I began to investigate your identity. Aboriginal gods will not be born out of thin air, and your secret is not a secret at all."

Having said that, Xinhai smiled complacently.

"Master Huzhai Palace is honored as a god in many places, and the loyal Fox clan is willing to turn into stone statues. How strange is it that there are still incarnations?"

"Master Husaigong, no, Lord Inari! Please follow me back to Haizhi Island. The people of Haizhi Island will make offerings day and night to help you recover your spirit." Xinhai stroked the branch of Shenying reverently.

"But, I don't have the feelings of Lord Huzhai Palace. I'm just the filth formed by the memory of Lord Huzhai Palace." Hua Sanli was completely confused by this witch of the Outer God.

"Different from Narugami, who was born as a demon god, the indigenous gods conferred because of their beliefs are the beliefs of mortals. The image created on the mortal body does not contain personal emotions."

"Your current state proves that you are the incarnation of the remnants of faith condensed on top of the filth."

"Pure filth? Which filth can preserve such a complete memory? Which filth can use a large-scale enchantment formula? Have you ever heard of it?"

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