Of course, Chongyun was the happiest, because it was the first time in his life that he truly "subjugated demons and demons" with his own hands.

The little raccoon who guards the forest accompanies him to play hide-and-seek, treats him to a feast of leaves, and if he wins, he can masturbate.

The tengu who has shadow Xiangshan fights with him.

There are also ghosts from Daozuma City fighting ghosts and insects with him.

There is also a big demon raccoon statue in Hanamizaka for group photos.

Chongyun's "Yaoxieqizhijialu" finally has some normal figures, and he expressed his satisfaction for this trip to Dao's wife.

In this way, when Jiang Yan was shopping every day, Hu Tao had a very fulfilling life every day. He had a great time playing every day, and the task had long been forgotten.

It wasn't until Jiang Yan showed Hu Tao the huge plume full of thunder elemental power that Hu Tao remembered why he came to Dao Wife.

Jiang Yan, who finally got the core mission props to purify the Crane Temple, wished to go to the Crane Temple immediately to take away all the undead.

First of all, Heguan is a kind of torture for both Thunderbird and the residents, and it would be good for them to help them get rid of it as soon as possible.

Secondly, Jiang Yan actually didn't really want to participate in this Rongcai Festival, because as long as he was in Daozuma City, he would be arrested and sent to work.

However, this proposal was met with fierce opposition from Walnut.

Hu Tao strongly protested against the shameless act of forced overtime on the national holiday of Daozu.

"I promised you a good treatment, but you still have to work overtime during the holidays? I want to go to the festival with my friends!"

The only technician went on strike, and Jiang Yan's plan to hide from the quiet by working overtime had to be abandoned.

However, Jiang Yan, who returned to Narugami Shrine with the intention of going to the execution ground, got unexpected good news.

Almost all the work has been done by the Shinri brothers and sisters.

Wow, how did the society work so hard?

In Jiang Yan's impression, Sanfengxing is a place full of "hidden dragons and crouching tigers" where crouching dragons and phoenixes can do anything.

It seems that when it comes to governing, I am really not that material...

It's a little embarrassing to be played so smoothly with the same hand.

But it doesn't matter, this kind of intrigue is not what I want.

Jiang Yan, who has nothing to do, decides to go to an outlying island to receive friends.

When friends come to visit, if you don't entertain yourself, it's too uninteresting

However, before falling asleep, a question arises spontaneously.

"Speaking of which, what exactly is the Rongcai Festival?"


Sorry, the Internet is down today, there is only one update, so don't wait.

What is owed will be made up tomorrow

Is there something wrong with group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 196Chapter 190 Is there something wrong with bringing children during the festival?

Early the next morning, Jiang Yan came to the Tianshou Pavilion with ease, found Ying who was exercising in the morning, and resolutely rejected the invitation to do some morning exercise together.

It's a trivial matter to fight with her, the key is that when the shadow hits the head, it doesn't matter what time it is.

Quickly changing the subject, Jiang Yan asked a question that had been puzzling him all night:

"Ying, what on earth is the rice wife Rongcai festival for? I want to introduce it to my friends."

Although Ying hasn't gone out for 500 years and doesn't often read books, he is indeed a historian.

Because for historical issues, she will tell you, "what happened at that time".

It's much more reliable than "what's written in a certain book."

Ying put away his dream and focused on it, recalled it for a while, and said:

"Rongcai Festival, it's a festival that arose when I was really a general."

"Poetry and prose were popular back then, and many poets presented their collections of poems to the real tasters, and the best ones were called "Five Songs Immortals" by the world. "

"Later, although the "Five Song Immortals" had passed away long ago, they had already become part of the legend, and a large number of stories were created by later generations. Of course, they were all under the guise of "Five Song Immortals". "

"Later, this behavior became the "Rongcai Festival", a festival for the creators of Daozuma's poems and poems.Everyone held a poetry meeting and shared their works with others. "

"Although I'm not good at this, I'm really interested. I'll come to the poetry meeting later on. I don't know how the Son of God is preparing."

Well, it turned out to be the Opening Day of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Jiang Yan had a good idea, so he said goodbye to Ying and went to an outlying island to meet his friends.

Since the lock-up order was lifted soon, the Rongcai Festival was held on an outlying island, so there was no need to run any more errands.

As soon as we arrived on the outlying islands, the festive atmosphere came out immediately, and various posters and display boards had already been set up everywhere.

"The King is the Flower" hot reprint, with a bonus of the original painting!

"Shen Qiu Picking up Swords" is on sale now!The author came to sign the sale in person!

The first volume of "The Big Brother of the Guhua School" is on sale!Liyuefeng martial arts is back!

"Onmyoji and the Fox" Forbidden love tells the story of a white-haired onmyoji falling in love with a fox fairy!

"Travel Guide to Tivat" is now on sale!

very good!Very elegant...what a ghost!

In Jiang Yan's mind, the scene of the Golden Valley Gathering and the Qushui Liucup was completely shattered.

Let's not talk about others, if Xing Qiu and Chang Jiuye can play the leading role in the works of Xing Qiu and Chang Jiuye, I can do it!

Jiang Yan is really not bragging, no matter in terms of sales volume or social influence, the novels of Xingqiu and Chang Jiuye are not as good as his in Liyue Bundle.

His Trilogy of Female Heroes and Female Captors, after all, is adapted from the top works in this field. After 20 years of time test, it is still popular.

Even if there are endless follow-up works, they have always been listed as the top of the list of illegal printed materials that Qianyan Army and Feiyun Chamber of Commerce are focusing on cracking down on, and the supply is still in short supply.

It even directly affected Liyue's social trend, the number of female heroes from various sects dropped sharply, and their costumes also tended to be conservative.

The female soldiers of the Qianyan Army would rather carry spears to suppress the resentment of the demon god than to deal with the thieves.

However, do these things have anything to do with poetry and poetry?With doubts, Jiang Yan went directly to Yae Shenzi who was supervising the work of Yae Hall.

"Why, do you look down on light novels?"

Yae Shenzi was very dissatisfied with Jiang Yan's questioning of Yae Hall's social status, and her big pink ears turned up.

"Don't listen to movies, her old almanac from 500 years ago is already outdated."

"In the past few hundred years, the Rongcai Festival has long been unable to continue. Dao's wife's poems and poems are not even read by Dao's wife. What's the use of holding a festival?"

Well, reasoned and convincing.

Jiang Yan very much agreed with Yae Shenzi's statement that elegant things can be used as small gatherings, and I'm afraid I'm thinking too much about festivals.

Even if Liyue holds a poetry conference, there must not be many people attending.

"So this time, I am determined to revive the Rongcai Festival—to hold a cultural exchange exhibition centered on the creation of light novels."

"The slogan is: Let Tivat know Dao Wife again!"

Seeing Yae Shenzi's high-spirited posture, Jiang Yan was too embarrassed to complain about her.

She didn't know that the slogans with "Let's rebuild" are basically symbols of "unsaved".

Half of the main books are written by Liyue. Do you want Tivat to re-acquaint Dao's wife, or re-acquaint Liyue?

Seeing that Miko was still busy, Jiang Yan left directly, found Ayato Kamisato, who was in charge of the festival, and asked for a "arrival timetable".

He came to the port to welcome his friends, but the first guest gave him a great "surprise"

"Brother Honor Knight! Long time no see!"

Keli jumped off the boat energetically, and was directly lifted high by Jiang Yan.

However, does Keli have an invitation?Is she a "cultural celebrity" in chemistry?

Jiang Yan looked at Abedo who was unable to dissuade him in time with questioning eyes and had no choice but to follow, and Abedo told the whole story with a helpless face:

After Abedo accepted the invitation letter sent by Xingqiu, he didn't intend to affect the progress of his spar refining work because of this kind of thing.

But just halfway through writing the letter of refusal, it was interrupted by Qin's request.

In the badminton festival that just passed, Inazuma even the gods visited;

Now that Inazuma is holding a festival, if you don't respond to the corresponding lineup, it really can't be justified.

However, due to the death of the "lady" at the Badminton Festival and the surprise attack by the executive officers of the Fools, the Zephyr Knights are negotiating with the Winter Kingdom.

Whether it is Qin as the general manager, Kaia as the negotiator, or Lisa as the think tank, they all have no time to come here.

Therefore, Abedo was duty-bound and became the representative of the envoy.

After the news came out, Spark Knight's reaction was very direct:

Keli is a sensible child, and she will never disturb Brother Abedo's experiment.

But Brother Abedo wanted to leave him alone and go play with Dao Wife (Ke Li: such a difficult name to write)?Duduke, let's go!

Soon, Abedo signed a surrender agreement with Keli, who was climbing on his head, which lasted for 3 minutes.

To be honest, the name of Spark Knight was added to the list of family members of the envoy.

Ayato Kanri was also very happy to see Abedo's reply letter to visit at the appointment, and sent a letter again, sending out a solemn request.

No matter how much Yae Miko brags about, the Rongcai Festival must have something elegant as the finale.

Otherwise, are you really not afraid of "Five Song Fairy" Tuomeng to complain?

With the presence of the "Chalk" master, a long scroll is enough to raise the cultural content of Rongcai Festival to a higher level.

The national request, and Abedo's own interest in Inazuma-style paintings, he readily accepted.

Unknowingly, the person who didn't want to come became the protagonist of the Rong Cai Festival.

It's okay to be busy with ordinary affairs, but what will happen after Keli is let go in a foreign country?Abedo didn't even dare to think about it.

After communicating the ins and outs with Abedo, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Jiang Yan expressed strong sympathy for what happened to him.

Jiang Yan owed Abedo a lot of favors,

But the almighty Abedo really has no chance for him to reciprocate, and this time is just right.

"Don't worry, Abedo, please enjoy the Rongcai Festival with peace of mind. I will definitely let Keli have a safe and happy rice wife journey."

Jiang Yan patted his chest to assure, and pulled over a high-paid kid king.

"Is this little sister who likes fireworks? Let's go with my sister!"


Today's first update, to make up for yesterday's.

Is there something wrong with the group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 197 Chapter 191 Is there something wrong with the victory reunion?

Jiang Yan found Xiaogong through the channel of Mingjin Taisha.

Shenli Lingren has strict control over the Rongcai Festival.

This kind of festival full of paper, coupled with Daozuma's wooden house, would be fatal if it caught fire.

Therefore, the society simply banned any open flames, including fireworks.

Xiao Gong, who had no way to play, was lost at home. When he met the invitation from the former attendant, he readily accepted it.

The price Jiang Yan hired Xiaogong was also very sincere—the temporary right to use the Shenju Island Beng Cannon, of course, facing the sea.

The Naganohara family has no shortage of moras at all. The "Naganohara Fireworks Festival" every summer, the income from the company's promotion is at the level of tens of millions of moras.

But Kamijujima Bengpao, as Inazuma's military secret, she didn't even think about it.

What a grand sight it will be to blast out fireworks with cannons?

Hearing Jiang Yan's description, Xiao Gong jumped up, followed him to the port with great interest, and took away her little sister who seemed to be a good match.

According to Xiaogong's plan, after visiting the outlying islands (Xiaogong & Keli: promise not to use gunpowder), they will go to Tatarasha together, and use the Kamiju Island Bengbao to have a cannon fireworks and fish frying party.

Well, the two gunpowder maniacs have gone to step on the sand, Narugami Island is safe, and Jiang Shizhong has once again maintained the peace of Dao Wife.

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