Ah Ru nodded, he has always been a smart kid.


When we returned to Heguan, the red mist and thunderstorm had already spread to the whole island.

The power left by Thunderbird is pouring out its dissatisfaction to the entire island.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and now they couldn't go to the shore, so why call them.

"Now, what shall we do?" Aru asked.

"Do you know any places Thunderbird likes more?" Walnut is very good at fulfilling last wishes.

"I don't know. Every time there is a thunderstorm, I will hide in a few places where there will be no thunderstorms. Maybe Kapaqili likes these places better?" Ah Ru scratched her head, thinking back.

"Then let's go and see, Brother Jiang, can you withstand this thunderstorm?" Hu Tao looked at the falling red lightning and panicked.

"Of course I can't go very far. I may be fine by myself, but with such a heavy fog and so many people with me, I'm not a god." Jiang Yan spread his hands.

He didn't understand at all, how strong is Ying to be able to hide from lightning strikes in the red mist and bring a child?It's amazing.

"Ah Ru, how do you usually avoid it?" Hu Tao also felt that this matter was too embarrassing.

"Usually, usually I hide before the thunderstorm..." Ah Ru shook her head, but she was powerless.

"Mr. Jiang, I have a solution." Gan Yu, who had been silent all the way, suddenly spoke.

"We can always take a boat, go around Heguan, and reach the place closest to the safe area from the waterway."

"Then I will summon a cold wave on the boat to temporarily condense the fog, and open a path for Mr. Jiang and Ah Ru. You explore as soon as possible, and the others just wait."

"Good idea*4!" As expected of Yue Haiting's secretary-general, this tactic saved a lot of travel.

Jiang Yan also secretly scolded himself for being a pig's brain, why do you have to get 4 people together?Want to guest-star in a "professional team" to carry Thunderbird's coffin?

Soon, they reached the coast south of Heguan.

Gan Yu sacrificed her ice spirit orb, a powerful natal magic weapon, and slowly rose to the sky on the icy wind.

The Ice Spirit Orb, which was originally designed to bring down the bitter snow, has now transformed the cold air into a large amount of cold wind.

Wherever the cold wind went, the mist turned into snow particles and cold raindrops, clearing a path in an instant.

And Jiang Yan held Ah Ru with one arm, spread the wind and thunder wings, shuttled through the thunderstorm, and quickly flew to the first safe zone without thunder.

Thinking about it, I knew that Thunderbird's memory must be hidden in its statue.

Sure enough, soon, Ah Ru used the Thunderbird's feather to evoke the remaining memory of the Thunderbird, and condensed it into another feather.

With a light touch, the feather flew into the air and flew towards Mount Suga.

"It seems that we have to go to Mount Suga after all." Jiang Yan returned to the boat with Ah Ru in his arms, and rushed to the next location.

In this way, the three feathers have already flown to Kana Mountain, and Aru also got all the answers from Thunderbird's memory.

"It turns out that Kapaqili really regards me as a friend."

"Kapachili, wait for me, I'll come to rescue you right away!"

Ah Ru's wish is good, but unfortunately there is still a big problem before the "professional team", how to go to Mount Suga safely.

We discussed for a long time and resolved it in two steps:

First use the old method to transport everyone to the mine-free area closest to Mount Suga;

Next, Gan Yu opened the way, and Jiang Yan played a guest helicopter, flying close to Mount Suga to avoid thunderstorms, hoisting them in one by one, and those who passed first hid in the cave.

Finally Jiang Yan came in hanging Gan Yu.

Although everything went well, there was a little embarrassing episode:

Hanging people is not terrible, whoever is fat will be embarrassed;

In short, when Gan Yu was hugged by the princess, she felt her flying speed was slower than that of Hu Tao, and her face flushed.

"Junior Brother Jiang, am I a little...heavy?" Gan Yu, who had just landed, lowered her head, almost buried in her chest, and asked in a low voice.

Ever since Jiang Yan paid homage to True Monarch Cutting the Moon and Zhuyang, the relationship between the two has become closer. When there is no one around, Gan Yu always calls him a junior.

"Where? The girl Hu Tao is a user of fire element power, and she can easily burn off excess fat."

"But, can she burn it off, can it grow back? So the natural beauty of the senior sister is what she needs to envy."

This "natural beauty" has too much information, Gan Yu lowered her head when she heard it, but she was also a little happier.

This junior brother can really speak.

In other words, I have been focusing on ice spells, is it biased?

It seems that the fire element technique is also very desirable.

For the first time, Gan Yu felt that she had been working and ignoring cultivation, and had missed a lot.

At this time, everyone has gathered at the bottom of Kanna Mountain, the holy place altar of Crane Viewer, preparing to summon Thunderbird's last memory.

With the flickering of Thunderbird's feathers, what followed was not a void memory, but a memory condensed with strong emotions, the grievance of the Demon God——Lei Yin appeared.

"...you actually attacked Ah Ru..." After Lei Yinquan appeared, he launched an attack without saying a word.

"Ah Ru! Hide, come out when you are safe!" Jiang Yan roared, his figure was like lightning, he drew his sword and chopped off several lightning arrows flying over.

Hu Tao, Gan Yu and Xiang Ling were also shocked, ready to fight.

The solo brushing is done, and now the four-person team, isn't it just playing casually? ——Jiang Yan is full of confidence.

Is there something wrong with the group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 201 Chapter 195 Is there something wrong with beating teammates?

The four-person team in my mind: Gan Yuxiang Ling opened up, Hu Tao poked, melted and reacted, and Lei Yin was right now.

The real team of four: Gan Yu snowed, Hu Tao and Xiangling had to retreat; Xiangling threw the fire wheel, almost burning Hu Tao to the ground; the three of them did not play much damage, but kept blocking their teammates. bit.

"You three, step back and listen to my command!" Jiang Yan commanded the three bronze chickens angrily.

Team battles are quite complicated tasks, especially in this kind of melee without queues, and in teams that have not been well-tuned, [-]% of the main firepower is hitting teammates.

Gan Yu hadn't fought an actual battle for thousands of years, and Xiangling and Hu Tao had never fought at all except for the Qiuqiu people and the Treasure Bandit.

As a result, the four of them were tied together, which was not as efficient as Jiang Yan's own solo.

Jiang Yan had no choice but to divide the tasks in the simplest way:

"Gan Yu, aim at the waist height of the enemy, keep releasing frost arrows, don't aim at other places."

"Xiangling, you and Guoba are aiming at the enemy's left hand, self-protection is the priority, don't pay too much attention to the attack, and keep the furthest distance after throwing the fire wheel,"

"Walnut, you take the opportunity to sneak attack on the right side of the enemy. Regardless of whether you hit it or not, immediately retreat and look for another chance. Be careful that its wings will spin.

"I'm in charge of being at head height, getting his attention, not standing below me."

For teams that don't cooperate, the best way is to attack in blocks and layers, each fighting its own way.

Counting on layered attacks and mutual cover?

Wash and sleep, long live if you don't hit your teammates.

After some coordination, the scene really improved a lot.

Even if Xiangling and Hutao have no actual combat experience, the powerful elemental power will not be compromised, and the constant overload explosion will quickly consume Lei Yin's existing "existence"

And Gan Yu, who focused on sniping, also showed the strength of the 3000-year-old fairy beast.

Of course, the main force is still Jiang Yan.

No matter who was hurt by the group of young ladies whom he called, he felt sorry for it.

So he changed his routine on Qinglai Island, and directly used the mobility of Fenglei's wings to attack Leiyin Quanxian's head face-to-face non-stop.

Fire, ice, wind, three series of sword skills are cast continuously;

Dodge continuously with a slight difference;

Following Ke Qing's fighting style, aiming at the enemy's oversized and inflexible characteristics, he constantly fought back and forth.

This kind of depression of "just a short shot away", coupled with a strong enough output, attracted almost all of Lei Yinquan's attention.

The meat shield is powerful, and the output will be very at ease.

Gan Yu only needs to avoid the occasional lightning arrows that fly over.

But Walnut and Xiangling need to avoid the explosion of the Thunder Beacon and the ring-shaped thunder.

These skills are not difficult for them who are agile, and they even have time to appreciate Jiang Yan's fighting posture.

To be honest, everyone is familiar with each other, but even Gan Yu is the first time to see Jiang Yan fighting with all his strength.

Wearing four wings, it flies continuously at a speed that is almost impossible to catch with the naked eye;

"Moving like an arrow, coming like a line", I saw a series of lightning and wind lines, shuttling in front of and behind the enemy;

With a single blow, there are all kinds of powerful elemental skills, piercing the air and cracking rocks, even such a powerful enemy dare not face it directly.

Several viewers were really shocked.

This is a mortal?As long as you wear a mask, 100% will be regarded as the extended version of the Great Sage of Conquering Demons.

Even Gan Yu, who has experienced the Demon God War, only remembers the wild fighting style of senior Yasha.

Even Xiangling, who doesn't care about martial arts, has a rare self-reflection, whether he is too sorry for the master.....

Hu Tao decided to continue the matter here, and continued to recruit "Brother Jiang" as the wife and guest resident of the Pastoral Hall;

With this kind of agility, wouldn't it be easy to send away hundreds of customers a day?

It is easy to think wildly in battle, which is a common problem of rookies;

They were slow, Jiang Yan was the unlucky one.

In a blink of an eye, Lei Yinquan, who had a chance to breathe, once again reproduced the powerful combo of the thunder wall clamping the thunder cage button.

Jiang Yan had no choice but to accelerate with all his strength again, and ran for his life in a hurry.

"What are you doing!!!" Jiang Yan is convinced by this group of crouching dragons and phoenixes, are you here to see the Liyue play "The God of Thunder"?

"Output! Outgoing!" Shouting at the top of his voice, he finally woke up the group of rookies who were paddling in a daze on the battlefield, and started to continue playing output.

Fortunately, this Leiyin has not been charged for 500 years in the veins of Qinglai Island.

Although there is a lot of resentment, it is still relying on only a small part of Thunderbird's remaining strength in Kana Mountain.

After a hard fight, this part of the demon god's grievances was finally dispelled.

From Thunderbird's series of memories and words, everyone has pieced together the complete truth of the incident:

Thunderbird fell in love with Aru's singing, but the ignorant He Guanren took Aru as a sacrifice, killed him and offered it to Thunderbird.

I went to the Meituan pet store and fell in love with a singing parrot, and then the fool in the delivery department stewed it in an iron pot and delivered it to me?

The angry Thunderbird didn't care about He Guanren's nonsense "traditional customs", but picked them all up and cut them into slices, only keeping Ah Ru's soul.

This truth is really hard to laugh at. The tragedy brought about by ignorance has made the entire island repay for thousands of years.

But whether to forgive them or not can only be decided by the person concerned.

After the four of Liyue communicated with each other, even Hu Tao, who was most disgusted with the reversal of life and death, didn't say much, but handed over the decision-making power to A Ru.

"Ru, you decide."

Jiang Yan didn't have any opinion, even if Ah Ru didn't forgive this group of people, it didn't matter.

The big deal is to make a stone-suppressing seal, and seal the ghosts of Heguan and the Thunderbird in this cave. When the Thunderbird has tortured them enough, they can be released again.

After all, people are always responsible for their actions.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Ah Ru smiled.

"Strange brothers and sisters, you are so kind."

"However, I have never blamed everyone in Heguan."

Ah Ru scratched her head, and continued:

"Let me talk to Kapaqili."

The melodious and clear children's voice sounded again, and the entire Kana Mountain was lingering under Aru's singing:

Whenever you come through the fog,

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