And Xu Lin could only do his best to accompany her in performing this play.

In one afternoon, the two cleaned up together, went to the supermarket to pick up daily necessities, made an afternoon tea together, and kept chatting and joking with each other while racing.

When cleaning the bedroom together, the two talked like this.

Tobichi: "Senior, do you know why in some dramas, the two of us who clean together like us first clean the bedroom and the last clean the bedroom?"

Xu Lin: "Stop watching small movies, it's not good for your health."

Kita Chica: "Why not late at night?"

Xu Lin: "Because late night shows definitely have more than one scene."

Tobichi: "Senior, you understand well~"

Xu Lin: "Ahem→_→"

This is how the two chatted on the way to buy daily necessities.

Tobihina: "Thinking about going shopping for daily necessities with seniors makes me feel so bitter!"

Xu Lin: "We went to a department store, not an unmanned store, okay!?"

Yuanchu: "Senior, you understand so quickly..."

Xu Lin: "Ahem→_→"

This is the case when choosing bath towels.

Xu Lin: "Speaking of which, Yuanchu, what kind of bath towel do you like?"

Tobihina: "I like the bath towel that can be dropped at the right time!"

Xu Lin: "Go out and turn left, there should be something that meets your needs at the unmanned vending counter over there..."

Yuanchu: "Senior, you actually have a yellow accent! You're so perverted!"

Xu Lin: "No matter how perverted I am, I'm not as perverted as you! You perverted loli (▼皮▼#)"

Or, this is the case when buying snacks.

Tobichi: "I still don't like the taste of pure milk, what do you think, senior?"

Xu Lin: "I prefer yogurt."

Kita Hina: "Hey~!"

Xu Lin: "Take back all those nasty things in your mind! (ノ? ??Д`?)ノ彡┻━┻"

Or, it was like this when carrying things back home.

Yuanchu: "Senior, isn't it heavy to carry so many things? Let me help you share some."

Xu Lin: "Fortunately, it's fine except for some pain in my fingers. I've been exercising."

Tobichu: "Then you are in good shape~"

Xu Lin: "Brother Jie, no!!"

Tobichu: "Pfft www But to be honest, senior's fingers are so pretty~ It's a waste to carry heavy things~"

Xu Lin: "Thank you for the compliment, but I would be happier if you didn't praise me in such an estrous tone."

Then, on the way for two people to eat.

Tobichu: "Senior's hair is so beautiful, I can even imagine white hair!"

Xu Lin: "Imagine what?"

Tobichu: "Senior's Oupai must be as white as his hair!"

Xu Lin: "Climb for me!"

The relationship between the two, probably. . .It is such a scene of a small train whizzing by.

At the same time, this also fully explains why the world line of Tobichu X Wakaba does not exist.

This kind of strange world line of driving without landing and rowing without paddles must not pass the review! ?

After spending the whole day together, Xu Lin finally calmed down completely.

Seriously, she doesn't hate having a friend like Tobihina, because it's really interesting.

But at the same time, she also understood the hard work of Xueyue who lives in the same city as Tobihina and often goes out together.

This kind of person who drives without scruples in public is really a bit unbearable! ! !

Even a calm old hooligan like Xu Lin can't stand it, let alone Xue Yue who is unexpectedly a serious person in reality.

Xueyue hasn't killed Yuanchu until now, probably because the two really have deep feelings for each other. . .

"Here we come, a Sichuan restaurant!"

Kita Chichi got out of the car first, cheering happily.

"Come to Yehai City to eat Sichuan cuisine, I really don't know what you think, Yuanchu..."

Xu Lin sighed, got out of the car, and complained at the same time.

"Because I just want to eat spicy food today to have a good time!"

Yuanchu's new house turned around at 45 degrees, smiling brightly.

Ps: Twenty blades, add one more

Chapter 168 Chapter 51 Start with a smile and end with a smile

Although there are indeed some non-spicy dishes in Sichuan cuisine, people often popularize this point on the Internet, but how to say it.

For two people who came here just to eat spicy food, does it have anything to do with the fact that the Sichuan restaurant is full of spicy dishes? ?

Take a look at these dishes that Ibika ordered.

Spicy chicken, bang bang chicken, boiled pork slices, the joy of mapo Xiaozao, and a cold salad with folded ears.

Xu Lin looked at the red table in front of him and was already worried about his chrysanthemums!

"Kite... kite chick?"

Xu Lin vaguely felt something was wrong when ordering food, but he still didn't notice what was wrong under the distraction, and he didn't realize it until the dishes were all served.

Good fellow, Yuan Chi wants her to spend tonight in the bathroom!No wonder I have to ask for leave tonight! ! !

"What's the matter, senior~"

Yuanchu sat across from Xu Lin, asked with a smile while holding her face.

"You don't have a bad stomach. Is it really okay to eat such spicy food?"

It is impossible to admit cowardice, and Xu Lin can only make sidesteps to make Yuanchu give up this path and go on.

And in her impression, Yuanchu should not be able to eat spicy food, so what if she regrets it?

"It's okay, indulge once in a while! And I told the waiter not to make it too spicy!"

Smelling the aroma of the vegetables, Yuanchu's saliva was about to come down, she unwrapped the chopsticks and was about to eat, but she saw the white-haired girl on the opposite side still looking unlovable, and urged her with a smile.

"Senior, don't stand still! Eat quickly!"

"Well, okay."

Xu Linxin said, good guy, it's okay for you to indulge once in a while, don't drag me to hell with you, although she can eat spicy food quite well, but a certain part should still hurt the next day after eating it, hey!

But how should I put it, even though he transformed into a girl, Xu Lin, who has always behaved like a boy, still has the self-esteem that he doesn't want to lose face in front of beautiful girls, so he bites the bullet and uses chopsticks.

"Hoohoo! So spicy, so spicy!"

Seeing Yuanchu's cute appearance while eating vegetables, drinking water and calling spicy, Xu Lin's mood also gradually relaxed.

The dish was still not as spicy as it looked on the surface. Xu Lin tasted it, and it was more crispy and numb than spicy. Should the chef be honest?Said to put less chili, he really just put less chili, the amount of this pepper is not at all less.

After eating spicy dishes, people couldn't stop eating them. The two of them didn't have the mood to chat after eating such spicy dishes, so they just buried their heads in eating hard.

A table of meat was quickly finished. That’s right, it’s meat and not vegetables. This restaurant must be condemned here.

"The amount of meat is so small, it feels like it's all peppers! It's a bit of a loss..."

Yuanchu stirred the pot of boiled pork slices with chopsticks, and found that there was no meat left, so she complained softly.

"Sichuan cuisine is like this, this one is pretty good."

The two of them didn't eat much, even though they only ate a small bowl of rice, Xu Lin was still full after ordering so many dishes, lying on a chair to digest, it was because she didn't eat much all day, and she had a big appetite many results.

"Woo~ But I just feel like I'm at a loss!"

Compared with Xu Lin, a big dog, Yuanchu, who earns all her living expenses, is more diligent and thrifty in this respect. She put down her chopsticks and said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Anyway, I'm going to block this restaurant!"

"Fine, fine, as long as you are happy."

"Then how about..."

How about next time I cook at home and invite you to eat, senior.

Yuanchu swallowed half of what she said, blinked her eyes, but finally couldn't say it.

"What else?"

Xu Lin didn't see Yuanchu's expression and asked subconsciously.

"I mean, let's go to the small park around for a while, and treat it as a walk to digest food."

"Okay, let's go now."

The white-haired girl stood up and waited at the table.

Xu Lin watched Yuanchu check out, and although the child looked heartbroken when she checked out, she didn't go up to help.

After all, it was Yuanchu who proposed to treat guests to dinner from the very beginning, and Xu Lin would never rush to pay the bill under such circumstances. A meal is.

. . . . .

"The night breeze in Yehai City is so comfortable."

After a while, the two walked on the path in the park, with Yuanchu in front and Xu Lin behind.

The fresh and elegant girl turned around slowly, and said so with a gentle smile on her face.

"It's really comfortable."

Xu Lin nodded and didn't say much.

The direct atmosphere between the two gradually became more subtle, she was waiting, waiting for the last sense of ceremony of the kite chick.

That was the clarion call to announce the complete end of this complicated relationship.

"Pfft www senior, don't be so serious! I won't eat you again!"

Yuanchu smiled, it was the first time she saw Xu Lin who was so nervous, like a little girl who was at a loss, so cute.

"Ok, I know."

Xu Lin nodded again, and looked up at the starless sky.

"It's a pity that there are no stars."

Yuanchu followed Xu Lin's eyes and looked up at the sky, sighed, laughed again, walked to the place where Xu Lin was punching, and said softly.

"But the moonlight is still beautiful."

Her voice trembled a little, it turned out that Xu Lin was not the only one who was nervous.

"Is this a confession?"

Xu Lin moved his gaze back, and kept recalling the lines he used to reject girls from all walks of life in his mind, but was interrupted by Yuanchu.

"It's not over yet, senior, don't be so impatient!"

Yuanchu rolled her eyes, but sighed helplessly, she took off the little silver star sticker that had been stuck on her face all day, grabbed the white-haired girl's hand and put the star in her palm .

"Although there are no stars in the sky, I can give you my stars."

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