"Is it possible that in two days, even where I go to school can be exposed?"

Didn't Xu Youyue feel that Xu Lin would not dare to deal with her during the live broadcast?Then she would complain about the eldest lady in front of her face, whoever plays dirty is afraid of whom!

[I think it's time to be more careful, the photos in the Missy's previous post are real, many people say they look familiar]

【Brother Ruoye, tell me about her if you have time, if you do this, your real identity will really be dug out】

[Yehai City, Department of Japanese, Junior, Offshore, 1.5 meters, if you really want to find it, you can basically find these few information. 】

"Well, I will remember this, why doesn't this guy have any sense of prevention?"

"It's been more than half a year since I debuted. Why are you like a cute newcomer? You don't know how to keep this kind of thing a secret. It's really a headache for Sister Feng. If this is found out, she will have to work overtime to do public relations again."

It seemed that he was chatting with the audience, but in fact his eyes never left the young lady. Here, Xu Lin used the excuse to play fair and aboveboard and reprimanded her. The young lady did not dare to speak on the bed and could only be so angry that she was just drunk. The owner stared at her like a little hamster who had eaten all the melon seeds for a long time.

The white-haired girl's mouth curled into a scheming smile, and she turned around and changed the subject again.

It's enough to tease her for a while, and if you continue teasing, the eldest lady will probably scratch her.

"All right, all right, I'll let Sister Feng tell her about it later. Let's sing first. Let's see what you guys have done for me."

[Brother Ruoye, brother Ruoye, there is a song that is definitely suitable for the occasion]

"Huh? What, hurry up, hurry up."

As Xu Lin said, he picked up the cup and took a sip of water to moisten his throat.

【You are more beautiful than a rose. . . 】

"Pfft www"

Xu Lin didn't hold back a sip of water and sprayed it out. Although he reacted in time and didn't spray it on the computer, he sprayed it directly on the young lady's side.


Xu Youyue wiped her face vigorously, her eyes filled with resentment.

"Sorry sorry, I really couldn't hold back the www."

In a word, it seemed to be saying to the audience, but Xu Lin quietly bowed down to the eldest lady in apology.


Xu Youyue didn't say a word, she snorted a little and wouldn't be recorded by Mai, she walked away quietly with her slippers and bare feet.

Everyone in the live broadcast room didn't know that she had been here.

"Cough cough."

Xu Lin watched the young lady leave, feeling amused, coughed twice, and continued to focus on the live broadcast.

"I sprayed a mouthful of water directly on the computer, the audience waited for me, I wiped the screen."

Xu Lin took out two paper towels and pretended to be wiping the wheat, making a slight rubbing sound, but he sent a message to the eldest lady on his mobile phone.

'I'm sorry I'm sorry, this really wasn't intentional'


'What do you want for supper, I'll ask'

'want to eat you'

'No, miss, are you talking more and more presumptuously now? '

'www, that's fine, go to the live broadcast, I'm going to take a shower first. '


Seeing that Xu Youyue was not angry, the white-haired girl was also relieved, and turned her head to continue the live broadcast.

"You are more beautiful than Qiangwei, right? I really don't know how you came up with the www of this song. I laughed so hard. This really fits the occasion."

"Wait until I find an accompaniment, I don't have this song in my playlist."

Xu Lin typed with both hands, making the crackling sound of the keyboard. He quickly found the accompaniment and clicked on it.

Drag the progress bar, skip the prelude and go directly to the most essential part, and start singing.

"While dreaming sweet dreams while loving you"

"You are more beautiful than a rose"

"It's changed ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The audience also followed quickly to brush up the barrage.

【Changed ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! 】

【Ah ah ah ah ah】

【It's true, it's changed! 】

Immediately, Xu Lin's live broadcast room was filled with cheerful atmosphere, everyone was laughing and shouting this sentence, not only the audience, even Xu Lin himself couldn't stop laughing.

Has it changed?Really changed! ! !

Xu Lin, she has really turned into a girl!

But speaking of it, Xu Lin apologized twice in a row, and once took the initiative to make a living, arresting his old sister and immediate boss, and couldn't stop laughing the whole time.One passive whole life, one sentence changed ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMade everyone laugh wildly.

Could it be that she still has the strange attribute of apologizing and going back to life?

This is really weird!

Section 188 Chapter 71 She looked at her with light in her eyes.

Apologize and go back to the song, this is Lin Mu's first-developed trick in ESC, but Xu Lin is really, really ready to apologize this time, and the last turn is definitely for the audience wrong.

It's all because they always order some weird songs, it has nothing to do with her, Xu Lin, absolutely!

But after a live broadcast, most of the confusion in her heart disappeared. Although the model and voice line were changed, Xu Lin still broadcast live according to the previous style. It seems that the audience's acceptance is also very good.

Rather, they seem to be better.

It's outrageous!

In short, the result of the last apology is that Xu Lin went from being a singer at the beginning to a game anchor later, and now the critics have turned back to singing.

The evaluation in the v circle is also very strange.

Someone commented on her in a certain unspoken forum.

"Lan Ruoye, a first-year student of the ESC club, a strange character who can gain popularity by relying on her status as a girl and strong singing ability, but wants to debut as a male and rely on her strength to make a living. Overall, she looks like a vup to me." Playing the same, a little careless, but the personal quality is really strong, Li Hui's white hair and red pupils can be pushed."

And what was Xu Lin doing this night after the first broadcast?

She is learning songs from the eldest lady. . .

This is also a regular program for the two of them during this period. Xu Lin before his transformation will definitely not be similar to unrequited love songs. More importantly, boys and girls have subtle differences in singing techniques and breathing methods. So proper correction and learning is necessary work.

And the eldest lady has taken vocal music lessons for several years in a serious way, so it is quite simple to guide Xu Lin, a wild person who is completely self-taught by talent.

"Lin Jiang, which song are you going to learn today?"

Both of them got off work early tonight, and there were still several hours before going to bed, so they got together again.

"I told you not to call me Lin Jiang."

Xu Lin rolled his eyes, turned his head and said again.

"By the way, Missy, you really need to pay attention to what I said in the live broadcast just now. Although there are not as many extreme fans in China as in Japan, if there are a few DDs in the school, you can be found by checking. Alright."

Most of the domestic DDs tend to be nerdy. Although they are very fast when they are eating melons, if they do nothing in reality and go to the anchor for black material, they will basically not do it.

In other words, it is lack of mobility, and it can also be said that the mentality is relatively good. There are not so many self-centered second-year students, and most of them can still distinguish between reality and the Internet.

"Well, I know."

Xu Youyue waved her hand without paying too much attention. Girls, like to post on Weibo to share various small things in life, which is already a habit carved into the bone marrow, at least for the eldest lady.

"Don't worry, this is very dangerous."

Xu Lin was worried and warned again.

Although the beauty of the eldest lady will not make people disillusioned even if the middle person is exposed, and it will even make the dds better, but once the real address is found, it is easy to find that the eldest lady is living with Xu Linzai Yes, then the troubles will not stop at 01:30.

As for whether someone would be so bored to check the real identity of a virtual anchor, Xu Lin still said that there are so many Chinese, and within a few nt, do you really think that Datong has been achieved?

"Yeah, I will post less dynamics in the future, and try not to reveal the coordinates."

The eldest lady sighed helplessly and actively admitted her mistake.

[Lin Jiang has entered the old lady mode again, hurry up and fool it (* ̄m ̄)]

"So, which song do you want to learn today?"

"The famine of the year, some viewers ordered it before, let's learn."

Seeing that the eldest lady was reflecting on herself, Xu Lin didn't say any more, and after thinking about it, she decided on the content of today's study.

"Okay! Let me tell you about Lin Jiang! This song is my special skill!"

Xu Youyue patted the tablet inside the nightdress on the spot, making a bang bang sound.

"When did you never say that..."

The white-haired girl rubbed her frizzy hair all day, and looked at her suspiciously.

"But I really know this song!"

Xu Youyue pouted in dissatisfaction, and operated the computer on the spot to sing for Xu Lin live.

But there is one thing to say, the young lady's music library is really wide and rich, as long as it is a well-known song in the v circle, it seems that she can't do it without her. Before, there was even a song challenge, which was after 2000. The mainstream language songs let the audience click at will, and then she randomly took screenshots of the barrage and picked a song to sing in it.

And then she really succeeded in the challenge. Can you believe it? The audience searched all over the place for songs in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English in order to make things difficult for the young lady, but the young lady not only answered all of them, she even sang a song in French and a Russian song. , At that time, all the fans of the eldest lady knelt down.

This is outrageous!

Of course, the eldest lady is not capable enough to speak so many languages. She only knows Chinese, Japanese and English, and she can barely communicate in daily life. up.

Listen, is this speaking human language?

In short, that challenge was later regarded as a miracle by ESC fans. Once outsiders said that ESC is a whole club, they would directly record and broadcast their faces. This kind of scene did not exist until Lin Mu, a serious singer who often sings, debuted. changed.

After all, Xu Lin and Missy are the vups who sing back once a month, it's really hard for you to say that they are the anchors of the song. . .

"Hateful pair of mortal eyes, not tired of looking at mortals."

After the prelude, the eldest lady spoke softly, and she sang next to Xu Lin. There was no tuning or reverberation, but it was still too strong to be added.

Xu Youyue sang, always full of emotion.

"I don't know what will happen in the future, and the fairy lends me favor."

The lyrics of the song "Sui Zhi Huang" are very good, which is one of the reasons why Xu Lin decided to learn this song. She must have done her homework before coming to the young lady to learn the song, and she has listened to it several times in advance , but I still didn't expect Xu Youyue to perform it with a completely different feeling from the original song.

She raised the accompaniment by two keys, which made the whole song sound a little more shocking. She abandoned the advantages of the original singer's fairy-like feeling, but also changed her somewhat soft and weak shortcomings.

"Going alone in the next life disrespects the gods and Buddhas, and fights the fire alone!"

"I firmly believe that the sparks will never stop in the afterlife!"

While Xu Youyue was concentrating on singing, the white-haired girl sitting on the side propped her cheek and looked at her quietly, at her delicate side face, at her slender eyelashes, and at the light in her eyes.

The white-haired girl smiled slightly, quite proudly.

Xu Youyue,

As expected of the person she likes.

Ps: Because the previous screenshots are gone, the rewards will be settled directly for this month. As of last night, I owed a total of [-] shifts, and I added [-] shifts.

I will try to pay it off this month.

Chapter 189 Brief Summary

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