"By the way, miss, do you think we have a lot of linkages recently? I always feel that the live broadcasts have been together recently."

"By the way, you haven't introduced yourself yet."

As Xu Lin said, he reminded Xu Youyue as if he suddenly remembered, and the two tacitly ignored the posters clamoring for candies in the barrage.

"Ah, hello everyone, this is Xu Ying, but is it really meaningful to introduce yourself now? Why do I feel that the barrage is full of acquaintances..."

The eldest lady first introduced herself, and then complained in a low voice.

"Then we have to reflect on why there are no new audiences, what do you think? Audiences?"

Xu Lin meant something, obviously he was asking the eldest lady, but in fact he was crazily hinting at the audience.

【Who knows (watching the sky)】

[Maybe it's because Luo Ye, you've played too much recently. 】

[First meeting, are the anchors lovers? 】

"The one who said we met for the first time, I have seen you several times, every time I pretend to be a lie, please at least change your ID next time and come back again?"

Xu Lin rolled his eyes on the spot, and complained angrily.

"Also, the anchors are not lovers, they are just girlfriends, please respect yourself if you post."

【But Yiyi and the others have said it all】

[Xueyue also said that you are not lovers, so she ate the keyboard on the spot. 】

"Then you go and let her eat the keyboard, what are you doing with us?"

"Didn't I just say that Tie Tie people have to respect themselves, they are Tie Tie bosses, okay, do you believe what Tie Tie boss says? My eldest lady and I just hang out together."

"But Luo Ye, didn't you still say that we were going on a date?"

The eldest lady tilted her head, making trouble from the sidelines with a smirk.

"Don't make trouble, if they take it seriously, I'll see how you end up."

Xu Lin rolled his eyes.

Miss, sometimes she blew herself up unconsciously, that is, her mouth blew out faster than her brain, but most of the time her blew up was just a personal setting, and it was intentional.

Otherwise, if she is really a ****, why do you think the two of them have lived together for so long and it hasn't been revealed yet?

"Hahahaha, I don't care, I don't need to end it anyway."

"Good guy, give Miss Public Relations some time to rest, I dare say she is already very busy now, don't you believe it?"

(No, I think she is probably eating candy with a smile on her face.)

Xu Youyue muttered in her heart, but she didn't say it out of her mouth.

"By the way, Luo Ye, you just said that we have linked up a little too much recently, right?"

"Well, counting the linkage of the event that happened in the fourth period before, we have already linked up three times this month, not counting the one at the end of last month. It used to be once a month."

The white-haired girl nodded, squinted her eyes and calculated, probably the number was correct.

"I think it's okay. I'm still thinking about whether to add a little more linkage in the future."


"Because I'm working with you, I don't have to use my brain to think about the topic. I feel that even if we hang on and don't talk, the audience can make up the plot for us."

"Ah this..."

One thing to say, the eldest lady is really right.

Because what to say.

The current situation is similar to what she described. In short, Xu Lin and the eldest lady are chatting here, and the posters are self-consciously posting them in the barrage, making sugar out of nothing.

The anchor and the audience do not disturb each other and do their own work. What a harmonious live broadcast room.

"www so let's report today's itinerary to everyone first, let alone feel that they are going to die in a hurry."

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it."

【Great! 】

[Finally getting to the point! 】


[Except for a certain scumbag maid group, this is the most humble live broadcast room I have ever seen for Tie Tie Min. 】

"Anyway, we entered the amusement park at eight o'clock this morning, and the first project was to play the roller coaster, and then we went to eat..."

The white-haired girl leaned on the bed and squinted her eyes to look at her mobile phone, talking about what happened today emotionlessly as if she was talking in a dream.

"Hey, Luo Ye, wait a minute, aren't you going to talk about what happened before and after the roller coaster ride?"

But halfway through the conversation, she was suddenly interrupted by the smirking eldest lady.

"I'll go, miss, don't make trouble, didn't we agree that we won't talk about it!?"

Xu Lin was frightened at that moment, and quickly opened his eyes.

"Eh? Did I promise?"

Xu Youyue tilted her head and pretended to be stupid.

"I warn you not to play dumb with me..."

"Hey, everyone, listen to me, Ruo Ye is actually afraid of heights, and today is her menstrual period, eh! eh! eh!"

In the middle of speaking, the eldest lady was gagged by Xu Lin, who was blushing as if she was about to bleed.

Well, it was blocked by hand.

"Don't talk about this!"

The shy voice of the white-haired girl was very cute, and the audience of the blockbuster said he was fine on the spot.

Speaking of which, ever since Xu Lin's live broadcast image changed from a dead duck mouthed man with a hard face and a paralyzed face to this strange talk girl with a long white straight voice and a soft voice, the audience's psychology has gradually become abnormal.

It seems that this wonderful contrast has activated their new xp system (of course, it may simply be astringent), and recently there have been strange creatures like boyfriend fans in Linjiang.

It's strange, she's not Miss Xia, she doesn't play mind control, where did this group of boyfriend fans come from?

Last time, Xu Lin also saw a few guys who said that the book was booked in the barrage of the video.

It's crazy! !

This incident directly caused Xu Lin to not dare to search for herself recently, especially she dared not go shopping on some unspeakable websites now, especially afraid that one day she would suddenly see her own pictures or even go shopping when she was shopping. book.

That's a blow at the level of psychological shadows, isn't it!

Chapter 234 Chapter 44 When throwing pillows in the hotel, please pay attention to the waitress who suddenly refreshes

[Let her speak! 】

[I want to listen! ! 】

[Physical period, roller coaster, I seem to understand something. 】

Although Lin Jiang's sharp eyes and hands quickly interrupted the eldest lady's breaking news, they are still anchors after all, and the voices of the audience should not be underestimated.

But you can ignore it.

However, the point of disregard is based on the two people's discussions in advance, and the current weak, pitiful and helpless white-haired girl will definitely not be able to stop the eldest lady from leaking her information.

After all, she couldn't cover the young lady's mouth and broadcast the whole scene.

"Phew~! Finally let go, Ruoye, if you press harder, this lady will suffocate to death."

After Xu Lin let go of his hands, hugged his legs, buried his head in and shut himself up, the eldest lady had a chance to speak, and took a few deep breaths.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that Ruo Ye is thin-skinned and shy, but we are all sisters, and this is understandable."

"Isn't it just too exciting to hold back and let it leak out, it's a small matter of sprinkling water."

【? ? ? 】

[Miss, what are you talking about lightly! 】

【Great!cheers! 】

[Half a month ago, I, Temiao, would never have imagined that someone would toast when Luo Ye leaked out. . . 】

Don't talk about you, I guess she didn't think of it herself.

The eldest lady looked at the bullet screen and complained secretly in her heart, then turned her head and found that Lin Jiang had completely lost her voice, and smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Ruo Ye?"

"Ruo Ye?"

"Hey, it's all right, isn't it just missing a little bit, you see that Yuanchu's naked live broadcast chair smells like nothing every day, it's still nothing, don't be shy."

Unable to hold back, the black-haired girl carefully poked her thigh with her finger.

【Grass, easily persecuting kite chicks】

[Why do I feel that the eldest lady is so disrespectful tonight. . . 】

[Upstairs, think about the previous Luo Ye. 】

"Look at your blushing, it's even up to your ears, why haven't you seen your face so thin before?"

"Xu! Sakura!"

The rosiness on the white-haired girl's face hadn't faded yet, but she was already so angry that she lit up her canine teeth and threw her arms high at Xu Youyue.

"I kill you!!!"

【Great!Fight up fight! 】

"Hey! Luo Ye, calm down! Don't bite! No way! Ah~hmm~ No way there!~"

【? ? ? ? 】

【? ? ? ? 】

Thanks for the question mark storm sent by the eldest lady.

"Miss, don't make such strange noises in my live broadcast room!"

Xu Lin patted her hard angrily, and then gasped for breath, what she bit was the arm, not the bottom!Only drool and no other water!What are you breathing for!


Xu Youyue gave a naive laugh with a guilty conscience, and said to herself that if she hadn't had a burst of inspiration just now, she would have been beaten to death on the spot.

"I really got you."

Xu Lin helplessly looked at her who was giggling. He was both angry and funny, and he was reluctant to hit her, and he refused to listen to her. In the end, he could only pinch his waist and stare at her hard.

It was too bad, Lin Jiang stared at it with her eyes.

However, her angry and cute appearance is really not deterrent, and the eldest lady even has the intention to act like a baby to her.

"It's red~"

The black-haired girl pointed to the crystal saliva on her forearm, and the unusually conspicuous tooth marks on her fair and tender skin, and she elongated her voice aggrieved.


Xu Lin was taken aback.

"It's red from being bitten by you~It hurts~"

Xu Youyue continued to act like a baby.


The white-haired girl looked at her speechlessly.

The black-haired girl looked back aggrieved.

For a while, it seemed that even the air was quiet.

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