"Hmph~ This lady is a beautiful girl, you won't be envious of Ruoye!"

However, the eldest lady didn't care. It seemed that age was not the key point at all, and whether she was a beautiful girl or not was what she cared about.

Although Xu Linju's two people are older, they are indeed beautiful 'girls'!

【Gap Warning】

[Okay, I have confirmed that the eldest lady is definitely not]

[Real girl: I like to pretend to be mature, always say that I am old, and may not even remember how old I am.False girl: Answers without thinking when asked her age. 】

"One thing to say, indeed."

"I really didn't remember how old I was, and my relatives had to calculate it when they asked. Age is something that gets more and more concerned as I get older. It reached a peak in my 30s, and then I didn't care about it less and less."

Xu Lin nodded. What the audience said was so true that she couldn't refute it at all.

Isn't the young lady next to me an example?The pomelo, which happened to be full this year, is a counter-example—her birthday passed unknowingly while traveling, and she only bought a cake for herself, and accepted the red envelopes from her family.

Even the grapefruit that Xu Lin gave her as a coming-of-age gift was received a month after her birthday.

"It's almost time after calculation, let's end today's live broadcast, I'm sleepy."

Xu Lin yawned, looked back at the very sleepy young lady, and was about to start the broadcast.

"Well, Miss Ben is also sleepy, and I have to get up early tomorrow, so let's do this for today, fast forward to a good night's sleep."


【Fast forward to a quilt】

[Fast forward to paid content. 】


The girls looked at each other and counted twice in their hearts tacitly.

"Good night~"*2

PS: I was dragged by my mother to go shopping today, I was exhausted, the next chapter will be later.

Chapter 236 Chapter 46 A live broadcast is too long

The sudden but long-planned one-day trip to the amusement park is over.

During the period before the debut of the newcomers of the esc club's fifth batch, this unexpected trip brought a lot of heat to the whole esc club. Many slices.

Forehead. . .

Except Xu Lin and Missy.

That's right, Xu Lin and the young miss who should be on this trip didn't talk about that day at all during the three days after they were in the amusement park. Xu Lin has been playing games like crazy, while the young lady is I sang the song for two days in a row, and on the third day I went to collaborate with people from the foreign agency.

The linkage object is Jiji.

After the last collaboration, the relationship between Xu Lin and Jiji has been in a lukewarm state, except for occasional chats, when Xu Lin 'announced' the real gender, Jiji asked in surprise , there is no other connection.

So she didn't know how Xu Youyue got in touch with Jiji.

Moreover, it was the first time after returning from the amusement park to prepare for the linkage, and it was officially held last night.

As I said before, apart from Missy’s songs, Xu Lin actually doesn’t watch every Missy’s live broadcast. At most, I watch the clips of particularly interesting places, and go to make up the recordings when I come back, so Xu Lin didn't watch the linked live broadcast.

A certain white hair: Monster hunting is really fun!

Well, recently Linjiang opened a new Monster Hunting save file, and she is going to try to use some weapons that she has never used before, and after she graduates to play the mhw game again, she will completely close the game and wait for her rise, you know. (mother bird face)

But if she doesn't watch it, it doesn't mean that the audience won't watch it. In fact, the live broadcast of Miss and Jiji is very interesting and informative.

Below are two live clips.

"Speaking of which, the devil has been working out to lose weight recently, miss, do you understand?"

It is very common for girls to talk about their body shape and weight loss, so until this time, the audience thought it was just ordinary girls chatting.

"not understand well..."

Xu Youyue looked up at the sky.

"Eh? Has Missy lost weight?"

"Chichi, do you know? In fact, there is a sport in the human world that is both enjoyable and has a particularly good weight loss effect..."

Xu Youyue sighed in a low voice, her tone was sad and vicissitudes.

"Nani Nani! The devil wants to know! The devil wants to do it!"

Although he had roughly guessed in his heart what kind of sport the young lady was talking about, Jiji still cooperated and showed an excited look.

What if?

What if the eldest lady really has any secret way to lose weight?

"Then first, you need to find a boyfriend or girlfriend..."

"So Miss, you are not fat because you wrestle with Brother Ruoye on the bed every day, right?"

Jiji directly counterattacked back, just kidding, in terms of perversion, she hasn't lost much against Zaodaoji yet, okay?

Sometimes I really want to see what it would be like to gather together the vup gods of Jiji, Baali, Sasha, Tiantian, etc. and let them drive as much as they want. . .

"Uh... not at all! Chichi, what are you thinking about in your head!"

Xu Youyue was shocked by the speed of the car, she blushed almost instantly, and quickly retorted.

However, Chi Chi was more shocking and surprised than she expressed, and it could be said that it was a roaring sound.

"It's not Brother Ruoye!??"


Xu Youyue couldn't complain about this person anymore.

【? ? ? 】

The food reserves said that it is time to sprinkle water. In Zaidaoji's live broadcast room, this speed can only be regarded as a baby car. The question marks are symbolic question marks, and they are not surprised at all.


The Sakura girls are already confused.

This devil. . .

The speed of the car is so fast, the brain circuit jumps like this! ?

But miss, is your weight loss partner Brother Ruoye? Please give me a letter, we are in a hurry!Thousands of marriage representatives have been called for nine yuan and nine, why are you still not married?

"I'm not talking about the kind of exercise on the double bed! What are you thinking about in your little head?"

"Hey hey, tell me, Miss, the devil wants to listen."

Jiji smiled sheepishly, and raised his cup to drink.

"It's bed exercise with the help of 'fitness' equipment. It is said that it also has the effect of stimulating the second development of Opie?"


Jiji saliva sprayed directly on the screen, and cut to the classic circle very quickly, with dazed eyes.

Okay, let's not talk about the speed of the car, neither of them is a serious person.

"Well, another friend has a lot of unnecessary fitness equipment to deal with in this area. Are you interested? [-]% new! It's almost just opened."

By the way, the eldest lady also started selling.

【What kind of car is this?Why is it accelerated with nitrogen? 】

【Good guy, at this speed, if I hadn't been wearing a seat belt, I would have been thrown out of the car. 】

[This is the pure and clear eldest lady you mentioned? 】

[? ? ?Can anyone explain to me what the lady said? 】

Then the title of this clip is the best, because it was discussed in advance, so this clip was posted by Jiji.

"The devil was sprayed by the linkage object in the live broadcast room!" "

Good guy, Jiji's subtitle group is also unambiguous in its work.

The effects and special effects of the slicing program on Jiji's side are all full, so the eldest lady can't lose, can she?Miss Toolman, after seeing that the slices came out in one night, she also stayed up all night to finish the slices on the eldest lady's side.

It was the time when the two of them first started the live broadcast a little bit ahead of the time above.

"Jiji good evening!"

"Good evening Miss www!"

"Speaking of which, every time I call you Miss, the devil feels very strange www, obviously Chichi is a devil~ the most powerful devil, why do you call someone else Miss like a servant www"

Just at the beginning, Jiji opened up the topic of addressing this issue.

But Xu Youyue felt that this person seemed like he hadn't planted a tree, Zaodao, you are not much better, are you?Rather weirder.

"The title Chichi is even weirder, isn't it? When I first heard it, I thought it was the anchor from fc2 who had landed..."

"Can't mention the name of the enemy station during the live broadcast?"

Chi Chi asked in shock and worry.

"No, jiji, do you regard station b and fc2 as enemy stations!? Are they really large-scale same-sex dating barrage video sites?"

The eldest lady is more shocked than the devil!

"I heard from the food reserves that Miss, you are a very gentle and lovely lady who is very clear..."

"I also heard the Sakura girls say that you are a devil who never drives and uses idioms to be positive and positive. The brackets are not succubus brackets..."

【On the blind date, how different is the real image of the other party from what the matchmaker said】

The barrage of complaints is so quintessential that it cannot be more quintessential.

Chapter 237

In fact, when Xu Youyue first debuted, she was really a beautiful girl who was clear, gentle and occasionally a little arrogant.

At that time, the ESC club was not called the XP club, and there were only first-year students here at that time. At that time, the relationship between Xu Lin and the eldest lady was not as close as it is now.

So now why is the eldest lady becoming chaotic? Do you believe me when I say that she has nothing to do with Lin Jiang?

Later, when the second-term students came, the eldest lady got a head of yellow waste from the door to the new world opened by the kite chick.

After the third generation came, the eldest lady learned the skill of complaining from Xueyue, and the magic skill of black belly from Lin Mu, and finally merged into the current eldest lady.

It seems that everything is the same as before, but in fact this man has turned yellow from head to toe, becoming a downright yellow race.

There was a famous speech in the live broadcast room: "Isn't it natural for yellow people to be astringent!?"

"We are descendants of the Yellow Emperor, right?"

I don't know if the old ancestor would jump out of the Hall of Valor and blow her brains out when he heard about it.

According to Xu Lin's later understanding, the collaboration between Miss and Jiji was really introduced by the fans of both parties.

First, there was such a group of D oil guys everywhere who fought in the captain groups on both sides, and because of this, many solo pushers were attracted to go crazy about Amway's own anchor.

Then. . .Then it became this "I failed in the blind date and became good sisters with the blind date!" "The plot development.

Fans of Gonghuo commented: "The clown is actually me!"

In fact, before the broadcast of these two people, no one could have imagined that the linkage between them would be such a painting style of stepping on the accelerator to death (live broadcast room) to watch the sky, and it feels like the storm of question marks in the barrage has never been seen since the broadcast began. stopped too.

Even Yuzu let out a sigh of admiration.

"Brother, you will have a blessed night life in the future! Sister-in-law is very understanding!"

Xu Lin only replied with three periods.

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