"Don't pretend. When Xiaoyue went back, she smelled like a barbecue stall. I don't believe you didn't smell it."

"Ahaha, of course I asked. How could she not have noticed that the corners of her mouth were still glistening at the time."

Sister Yan scratched her head and said with a smile.

"Sister Yan, you scare me!"

Xu Youyue immediately turned against the guest, turned around and pinched her waist and stared at her.

"Who told you that you, a little heartless, don't care about your girlfriends when you see a handsome guy? You also said that you are not the type you like. Why do you care so much if you don't like it?"

Li Huiyan didn't show any weakness either, pinching Xu Youyue's little face and complaining.

"I was thinking for the sake of ESC! Only by building a good relationship with Xu Lin can you mediate the relationship between you!"

What Xu Youyue said was straightforward, as for why she, a young lady who has experienced life, should be so concerned about this troublesome matter. . .

We don't know yet (laughs)

"What about after that? What about after that? Sister, go ahead and talk!"

Yuzu interrupted the trio's little drama, and continued to ask about the next story.

"After what? Isn't it all over?"

Xu Lin asked in confusion.

"I'm asking my sister when did you start to fall in love with the eldest lady!"

Yuzu stomped her feet impatiently.

"Ah, what are you talking about... Is it okay if I tell Yuzu about Youyue?"

Xu Lin turned around and asked again, but unfortunately, the eldest lady was too busy arguing (arguing) with sister Yan about the relationship crisis of the sisters, so she didn't have time to pay attention to these two people here.

"Speak quickly!"

Yuzu couldn't wait to shake Xu Lin's arm.


. . . . . .

The signal of Xu Lin's affection for Xu Youyue probably lies in the fact that Xu Lin, who has always been doing his own way since he doesn't know when, started to change himself in order to cater to her.

Bit by bit, subtly, so that Xu Lin himself was not aware of it.

By the time he noticed that subtle change, it was already three months after his debut.

It was the early summer of this year, and Xu Lin was walking beside the eldest lady in black clothes as usual.

"Xu Lin."


"How many days do you change your clothes?"

Xu Youyue's eyes drooped a little, as if she asked this question in a very embarrassing manner.

"In winter, you usually wear several coats in rotation. When you change them out, you wash them together. In summer, you change them every day. What's wrong?"

Xu Lin didn't pay much attention and said casually?


The eldest lady was shocked.

"Then why do you wear the same short sleeves every time I ask you out!?"


Xu Lin choked for a moment, his face was a little gloomy, and he said seriously.

"If I remember correctly, since I changed into short-sleeved clothes, we went out a total of five times when Li Huiyan was around, and these five times, I made a point of not wearing the same set of clothes when I went out."

After a pause, he added another sentence.

"Including panties."


Xu Youyue stretched out her palm to stop the guy's strange words, and rubbed the center of her eyebrows with her hands in pain.

"In other words, you have five sets of clothes with almost no difference!?"

She was shocked, very shocked.

For a pretty little princess who was used to dressing herself up since she was a child, Xu Lin's way of dressing to say that he is a straight man can be said to be an insult to a straight man is simply unreasonable.

"Correct it."

Xu Lin straightened his expression, and was about to explain the subtle differences in the colors of these clothes when Xu Youyue interrupted him directly.

"Don't say weird things!"

"There are ten sets..."


The eldest lady backhanded three question marks.

"That's why you said just now that you deliberately change your outfit every time you go out..."

"If nothing else, you'll see the same clothes when No. 11 asked me to go out."

"Your clothes are almost exactly the same in the eyes of this lady! I thought you were just changing a few sets of clothes!"

"never mind."

Xu Youyue sighed suddenly, then dragged Xu Lin to the men's clothing area.

"I'll take you to buy clothes! You can't waste your figure and face!"

"I have no shortage of clothes..."

I don't know where this girl got the strength to actually be able to drag a 150-jin man like him.

"No! You are missing!"

Xu Youyue was almost killed by this popularity.

How can a man be like this straight! ?As Xu Lin's friend, she couldn't accept it, so the purpose of shopping today was to make straight Xu Lin a big makeover!


What else can Xu Lin say?

Following Xu Youyue, she changed into another set of clothes.

There are pink ones, orange ones, dark blue ones, pure white ones, casual ones, suits and hip-hop ones. In the end, Xu Linlei sits half dead on a chair in the rest area, looking at the one who is still thinking about what to wear for him with a serious face. The petite girl who looked over one by one sighed.

After all, Miss.

Pamper. . .chant?

[Speaking of which, when did I get used to pampering this girl? 】

. . . . .

"There is no special story, that's how I discovered my mood at the time."

After leaving the jewelry store, I went to the clothing store again. Xu Lin, who consciously didn't enter the women's clothing store, took grapefruit and waited against the handrail at the door. By the way, he talked about the past.

"But sister, didn't you say it was because of Missy's cat-head panties?"

Yuzu asked curiously.

"That happened a little later. It was an opportunity for me to decide to learn more about the eldest lady. But in retrospect, the first time I was moved was when I went shopping for clothes."

Xu Lin turned around and leaned on the handrail, looking at all kinds of people in the mall, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"Yuzu, you should know what kind of character I used to be."

"I do my own way, I don't change for anyone, I always want to save face."

"But after getting in touch with Youyue more and more, I found that I seemed to be infected by her vitality. Of course, it may also be attracted by hormones."

The white-haired girl smiled slightly.

"Since then I started to try different styles of clothes under her suggestion, and let her take me to do my hair."

"We started to bring up things other than the live broadcast, listening to her gossip about some school gossip and chatting about endless nonsense topics."

"I watched the comics she recommended to me, and she listened to the songs I liked. During that time, apart from the live broadcast, what I looked forward to the most was every weekend afternoon, she would call me to discuss some work. thing."

"In the end, we talked about irrelevant topics until the live broadcast started."

In the end, Xu Lin looked at Xu Youyue who just came out of the store, walked over to him, and left the last sentence for this chat.

"That's why I like her."

Chapter 253 Chapter 62 Those Past Events

It was the first time for Youzi to hear Xu Lin speak out about his love for the eldest lady.

How should I put it, it was quite shocking.

Xu Lin's feelings accumulated bit by bit from small things over time are completely different from the liking she usually just shouts out of her mouth.

It's like what Mama Xu said to her before.

"I like it, that is, I can give him my whole heart."

Although after saying this, Xu's mother ran to find Xu's father to act like a baby and asked for pocket money.

So for a time, Yuzi, who was still young at the time, thought that what her mother liked was not Dad Xu but his wallet.

Because Xu's mother didn't look like she gave her whole heart to Xu's father.

But she was much richer than Dad Xu, and her mother finally chose this unshaven LSP with a square face.

Maybe this is true love.

She and Xu Lin could only be regarded as accidents at best.

( ) The accident of love.

[Then what does sister-in-law think? 】

Yuzu couldn't help thinking this thought again, she didn't forget the confusion that Xu Youyue told her back then.

Asking if you are curious, and doing it when you think of it, has always been Xu You's fine character.

So in the following shopping, Youzi exhausted all her strengths and finally found a chance to be alone with the eldest lady from Xu Lin and Sister Yan, the two people who have been guarding her by Xu Youyue's side like door gods.

Because Sister Yan and Xu Lin were both tired from shopping, Youzi told them to rest first and accompany the young lady to the lingerie store.

This immediately ruled out Xu Lin, who was still too embarrassed to enter the underwear store, and sister Yan was too lazy to move and not very interested, so she didn't follow.

"You ask me how I see the relationship with Lin Jiang now?"

While looking at whether there were any new styles of ordinary underwear in size 34, Xu Youyue looked at Yuzu with a serious face in surprise.

"Well, I want to know."


"Because of something from the past, sister-in-law, just tell me~"

Yuzu pulled the corner of the eldest lady's clothes and acted like a baby.

She is really curious, and this is related to a knot in her heart.

"Well then, let's exchange, I told you, how about you tell me too?"

Xu Youyue showed a wicked smile, stretched out a finger and said to Yuzu.

"Sister-in-law, are you really learning from my elder brother?_?"

Youzi complained at the time, but the eldest lady was still the old god, and she was not moved at all. Finally, she sighed and agreed.

"Okay, okay, exchange it! Sister-in-law, tell me!"

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