Although her tone and expression were stagnant, Yuka clearly felt that Yu was angry.

She didn't know the reason, maybe it was her intuition.

#Women's intuition? #

# Small animal intuition! #

[Kite chick: Then continue with the next question, why did Yu-chan debut? 】

"Debut goal, no."

【Xueyue: Hey. . .The reason? 】

"The boss is too obsessive."

[Feng Ling: Stop talking, I've already called the police. 】

[Frost Snow: Alarm +1]

【Chiena: +3】

[Lan Ruoye: Surprised!Dadai actually kept up with the rhythm! ? 】

[Yiyi: Surprised!Dadai actually kept up with the rhythm! ? 】

【Xueyue: Surprised!Dadai actually kept up with the rhythm! ? 】

The following is omitted.

#esc club or repeater into fine#

[Chiena: neeeeee!Seniors! 】

"I interrupted my reading time and couldn't solve it, so I agreed."

Yu is actually not the type who doesn't talk very much, it's just that there are very few expressions and tone fluctuations.

And in fact, this girl's inner drama is quite rich, and now she continues to explain that she is fighting for control of the live broadcast room.

Xu Lin and the others are too easy to go wrong (cover face)

[Thal: Solved. . . 】

[Yejun: Let me go, so recruiting newcomers is still a life-threatening job?The boss has worked hard. 】

[Xu Ying: What will be the content of Youjiang's live broadcast? 】

"Recommendations for reading aloud literary works, gossip, and planning for operational arrangements."

Sister Feng outside slapped her face.

How can this child be so sincere!

"Because Yuu can't sing."

When she said this, Sanwu girl lowered her eyes. Although her tone remained unchanged, somehow a sad emotion spread out.

[Lin Mu: Singing requires practice, and Youchan's voice is so beautiful, if you practice it, you'll be fine! 】


[Zero Yue: Can I sing first?Just as the ending song. 】


Yu's eyes brightened a little, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. In the sweet prelude of "Your Cat", Yuhua was dumbfounded.

Jiehua looked at the girl with three nuns and opened her mouth slightly, pink bubbles seemed to appear all over her body.

Then Yuhua's mouth opened even wider.

Dead silence, a song that can only be described as dead silence.

One sentence, nine characters, eight characters are not in tune, but the problem is that she has no emotion at all in singing.

It's obviously a sweet and arrogant song, but this person sang it like the Frost Lich in Warcraft 3, and everything withered.

【Fuck! 】

【Fuck! 】

[What is this! 】

[Mud horse!Who made her sing! 】

[Hurry up and stop ah ah ah ah!I'm dying! ! 】

The bullet screen was brushed so fast that it was impossible to tell who was who.

It's really not that Xu Lin and the others are intolerant of the younger generation, and it's true, they have never heard such a spiritually polluted singing like an ancient god in their entire life, so much so that they almost died of brains on the spot.

Afterwards, Lin Ge commented on You's singing voice in the live broadcast.

"I believe that Yu-chan's beautiful voice can become a good singer as long as she is taught."

"But how many vocal music teachers will go crazy in this teaching process is a question..."

Chapter 266 Chapter 75 The Mischievous Sister Feng, the Unconscionable You and All the Bad People

Sister Feng had the foresight to take off her earphones before You sang, and then thoughtfully sent a message in the company group to remind everyone to be prepared.

Hmm, 'caring'.

If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't even warn the people around her.

As I said a long time ago, operations are black-bellied.

"Miss Feng!"

Of course, the people in the operation department knew that Sister Feng was in charge of interviewing newcomers, and they also knew that singing must be included in their interview rules, so a young lady who reacted quickly took off her earphones and rubbed her ears, and immediately took the wolf-like eyes Turned to this evil minister.

And after being reminded by the young lady, the hamster, Xiaozhi, Baicai, Fuli and other people in the office also looked at her, their eyes were full of anger.

"Ahaha, I didn't come and said it in a hurry."

Even Sister Feng couldn't bear such pressure, and explained with embarrassment, but she retreated to the door bit by bit.

"Catch her!"

The hamster yelled!

Swipe!The girls who usually have a good relationship with Sister Feng rushed forward.

Sister Feng turned around and ran away, wearing small leather shoes on her short legs.

Behind her was a group of operators who were chasing and killing her.

It's really close to shouting "I'm the train king!"

"what happened?"

Here, Xu Lin and the eldest lady who heard the voice just popped their heads out to see what happened, when they saw a group of people roaring in black, and the one at the front was the one who usually gets angry and everyone follows an ostrich Sister Feng who is like a cub.

Hastily shrank back, until the crowd ran away before sticking out his head again, looking at each other in confusion.

The two faces are stunned.

On the other hand, the livers who didn't come to our club also felt bad.

One by one lying in bed doubting life.

Really, before Zaiyou joined, the singing ability of the entire ESC club was not to mention professional, but there was no one who stretched his hips, at least at the level of an amateur Maiba.

In addition, the voice line is very good, and there are people who can sing songs in Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, and Russian languages. If you go out to sing K in a group, you will be crazy about the records.

After staying in this kind of group for a long time, listening to You singing again is simply a mask of pain, torture for men and women.

But at least they could find something was wrong and pull out the earphones and press the volume button frantically. Yuhua, the VIP audience who was the closest to the scene and couldn't hear the accompaniment, couldn't even run and almost died on the spot.

So You's song almost wiped out the ESC company from the liver to the operation, and almost caused a stampede.

Perfectly surpassed the attack plan of all her seniors from the first to the fourth generation, and caused great damage to the entire ESC club.

Of course, she didn't feel well either.

Sitting in front of the screen, looking at the empty screen, she pouted slightly at the comments left by the barrage girl beside her like "I can't stand it, I'm slipping away".

Tears of grievance are about to fall.

"From now on, You will never sing again!"

The tone of this Sanwu girl was a little bit emotional, and the meaning of complaint was beyond words.

But what's interesting is that You's current state made the seniors who didn't know how to use the barrage to complete the task perfectly, and the test live broadcast was a complete success.

After all, it is here to test the ability to withstand stress. If you break the three defenses and have mood swings, isn't it a complete success?

By the way, the original Sanwu, like Nagato Daimoe, should be speechless, heartless, and expressionless. Strictly speaking, the prototype of Youku Liwood Hellsatz, who is the debut character, is not considered the genuine Sanwu. She has feelings she just can't express.

And the excellent three nothings. . .

Yuzu's explanation is also speechless, heartless and expressionless, but this unintentional explanation is slightly different.

This is what she said.

"Bad woman, you have no heart! How dare you feed such a cute Jiehuajiang!"

Well, this unintentional explanation is unconscionable. . .

So she doesn't feel guilty about causing such a big damage to her singing, because in her world view, it is "according to the request of others, so the consequences should be borne by yourself".

It's like she promised to cook for Yuhua, but if she didn't specify the dishes, it must be dog rice, and she wouldn't feel any guilt afterwards.

She did cook 'dinner'!

The grievance is because Xu Lin and the others' reaction was a little too exaggerated. After all, she is still a girl. Do you understand?

But although the pouting and wronged Yuu is very cute, and the way tears are rolling in the eye circles is very cute, we can't see the knot flowers.

As I said before, this unlucky natural girl was the one who was hit the hardest, and now she is a little confused.

Wait, maybe the one who was hit the hardest was Sister Feng, who was pushed down by a group of crazy women and pulled her clothes on the ground?

She seems to have made it herself. . .

That would be great. . .It's too bad.

Xu Lin sat on the spot and expressed concern about this, while the eldest lady had already rushed over to join in the fun.

The topic returns to the third studio.

You slowly calmed down his originally fluctuating expression, and wiped the corners of his eyes with small movements. After making up his mind, he must practice his singing skills.

As for learning objects. . .

Sanwu girl took a slight look at Jiehua who was still in a trance.

Isn't this a ready-made teacher!


After shutting down the computer, Yu stretched out his hand and pushed the natural girl.


Yuhua finally came back to her senses, tilting her head in doubt.

"Is it over? I seem to have fallen asleep just now."

"Well, it's time to go back."

【Today's dinner. 】

"Oh! Let's go back! I want to eat delicious~!"


[Let’s just go with mutton, cauliflower and dog rice balls. 】

That's right, in fact, You can distinguish between dog food and human food.


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