【This scumbag finally got retribution? 】

Question marks flashed across the bullet screen.


Yuzu put down the notebook, blinked, with a look of bewilderment written all over her face.

"Ahem, it's okay, it's okay. Where did we talk just now?"

Yuanchu gave Yuzu a look before continuing the live broadcast.

[Is there someone in the room? 】

【Okay, kite chick, you actually hide in a golden house】

[Hurry up and share it with your brothers! 】

"Damn it, what are you talking about in a golden house, what are you thinking about every day? I just glanced at QQ."

Yuanchu rolled her eyes, and immediately thought of an explanation.

【I do not believe! 】

[If you go to work to catch fish, you should work an extra hour. 】

[Hey, hurry up and get the person out, it's okay, brothers don't blame you. 】

[That's right, hurry up, don't be silly, let's see which brother has spent eight lifetimes of bad luck and met a scumbag like you. 】

Looking at the barrage, Tobichi sighed, and turned her head to give Yuzu another look.

Yuzu blinked and miraculously understood, so she stood up and walked to Yuanchu's side.

Unceremoniously squeezed into a chair with her, said with a light smile.

"Good evening, little bastards, I am the unlucky bastard you are talking about."

Yuzu said this sentence with a business voice.

By the way, [Little Bastard] is the fan card of Yuanchu's live broadcast room. . .

Chapter 274 Chapter 83 Does pomelo have the property that the live broadcast must be messed up?

【Who? 】

【Ah, this is actually a girl】

[Wait a minute, isn't this voice grapefruit?Ruo Ye's younger sister]

"Huh? Does anyone recognize me now? www, I still want to pretend to be a friend of Sister Tobichu."

Yuzu looked at the barrage and smiled, and winked mischievously at Tobika.

"Don't pretend, we're just friends."

"Then let me introduce myself again. This is Yuzu Dayo, the [-]th grade student of ESC Club who is about to debut~ Today, I came to Sister Yuanchu's house to discuss matters after debut, but I accidentally made a voice www"

Yuzu is not very good at this kind of friendship topic among young girls, so she didn't know how to answer the conversation, so she just introduced herself directly.

"After the misunderstanding is resolved, I will continue to read the manga, sister Yuanchu, please continue the live broadcast."

"It's all here, why don't you broadcast it together? Everyone is very curious about you, and I just happened to be lazy."

Yuanchu's face was still a little pale, but she still pretended to be very energetic and asked to stay.

In fact, she also hoped that Yuzu would live with her. Chatting with two people is always less than speaking alone. Today, she is not in a good state in the bloody battle, so it is of course best if there is someone who can share the pressure.

[That's right, why don't you explain what happened just now? 】

[Forget about Tobihina, Yuzu come and chat with us]

[By the way, is the relationship between yuzu sauce and Tobihina so good? 】

"Ah this..."

Yuzu hesitated for a moment, but was still defeated by Tobihina's longing eyes.

But even though it's so inexplicable to work overtime, our Xu You, as the younger sister of Wei Ji Ji Xu Lin, naturally has first-rate ability to carry out life, and she made a joke when she rolled her big eyes.

"Sister Yuanchu, the audience in your live broadcast room has a good relationship with you, it's almost like your family."


Yuanchu blinked, not understanding why Yuzu suddenly said such a sentence.

"But I'm an orphan."

She said a little confused.

"I know."

Yuzu nodded as a matter of course.

"Hahahahahahaha, that's right, my audience is my family!"

It was only then that Tobichi realized what she said, and laughed loudly to confirm Yuzu's statement.

【Grass! 】

【Good guy, this is Ruo Ye's younger sister? 】

[It’s okay to come up and blow up all the audience, what’s the matter, the three-person team of the underworld of xp club adds newcomers? 】

"Ahem, just kidding, everyone don't care."

Yuzu coughed twice, and diverted the chat from this somewhat dangerous topic.

"Didn't someone ask just now what happened so that my existence was exposed, Sister Yuanchu, why don't you explain it?"

"It's just that I got a little excited."

Ibiza said lightly.

"So you're not going to explain to the r18 lily book next to your bed, are you?"

Yuzu squinted and complained.

[I should have thought of it earlier. . . 】

However, the image of Yuanchu ghs has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, even in the ESC club, she is one of the best, and the topic of one or two small books is not a big deal in her live broadcast room.

She also discussed with the audience what it felt like to wear a mouth ball.

Share your own experience?

"Isn't it just a notebook... Didn't you enjoy reading it just now..."

Yuanchu held her mouth and muttered in a low voice.

"Which eye is it that you see that I am happy? Really, I told you in the morning that I would come over today, and I didn't even tidy up my notebook... and those messy things on the sofa Things, don’t think I can’t see you behind the sofa cushion.”

"Just now I sat on the sofa and didn't dare to move, okay? It feels like the next second you are going to throw a cup as a sign and walk in a group of strong men from the door to make a debut with me."

"Wait a minute, why did I send myself into the sea?"

Kita chick suddenly found a slot.

"Eh? Isn't this a very common plot?"


Yuanchu was silent for a moment, her expression suddenly became funny, and she looked sideways at her.

"You know grapefruit very well →_→"

"Also... I don't really understand it, I just read a few of them under the influence of my sister!"

Xu You pretended to be flustered, and conveniently blamed Xu Lin, but what he didn't expect was that this guy was squatting in the live broadcast room, and complained back on the spot.

[Lan Ruoye: Come on Yuzu, your old self was almost exposed in the last live broadcast, and it's too late to restore your image now. 】


[Good guy, rare guest, brother Ruoye. 】

"What do you say now?"

Tobichu's expression became even more funny, she elbowed Yuzu, and asked teasingly.

"Sister Yuanchu, does your family have a time machine? It's still too late for us to travel back!"


[Yuzi is really a treasure, but hurry up and debut, I'm dying of laughter]

【Laughing to death, the time machine is okay】

"That's right, if you guys hadn't reminded me, I would have forgotten that I haven't made my debut yet."

Yuzi suddenly realized that when she joined forces with Xu Lin before, and a young lady got in the middle of it, now she was watching by Yuanchu's side, after all, she did not escape the fate of being caught and broadcasting live.

But who still remembers that the day after tomorrow is her debut live broadcast?

"Then why don't I chat with you as an ordinary person now?"

"Just use the identity of the friend of sister Yuanchu who came in randomly."

As soon as Yuzu finished speaking, Yuanchu, who had been silent for a while, pulled out her standing painting with her backhand, and looked at her innocently.

The big watery eyes seemed to say more.

'What the hell are you talking about? '

"Forget it, when I didn't say anything just now."

Yuzu swallowed, and clicked to withdraw.

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

【This backstab is too quintessential hahahaha】

[Absolutely, didn't you really discuss it? 】

"How could it be negotiated."

Tobichi smiled and refuted the barrage.

"Yeah, yeah, have you ever seen a newcomer who has been a guest star in the live broadcast room of various seniors and has been caught working part-time before their debut?"

"I'm still thinking about going to Elder Sister Yiyi's place for a stroll tomorrow. Anyway, I'm going to guest-star in the live broadcast room of these people in the virtual Yehai, and I just debuted."

Youzi sighed, and complained weakly that the gang always liked to catch her working overtime.

Xu Lin's side was the next one, after all, it had been said in advance, but Yuanchu's side was really an accident.

If there is any exposure, it will be directly caught and broadcast live!This is not Parry giving birth to a daughter!

"Wait a minute, didn't you include the eldest lady?"

Yuanchu felt that she had discovered Huadian, and quickly stopped Yuanchu who was complaining endlessly like a stand-up comic.

"Hey, the eldest lady has been busy posting with my sister these two days, so I don't want to eat dog food."

Well, Yuanchu's interruption has become a double-mouthed crosstalk.

But isn't it a bit too much for her to be pricked for being a fan?

Chapter 275 Chapter 84 Is the girl's body fragrance citrusy?

Yuzu is somewhat talkative in normal times.

She is the kind of girl who is usually very active. She always talks a lot, and the topics are wild and unconstrained, but it makes people feel very interesting.

And he is quite good at chatting, and has a strong ability to observe words and emotions, so he is very suitable for the live broadcast industry.

This made Tobiki more firm in her previous idea, that is, Yuzu's idea of ​​making her debut as a linked vup.

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