In the end, Xu Lin won.

No reason, just pure luck.

"Does that mean I'm going to have a drink first?"

Sister Yan picked up the big bottle that Xu Lin had prepared earlier and filled it with ice cubes from the table, poured herself a glass, and asked helplessly.

"Well, then you can choose to break the news and drag us into the water, but be careful that you will continue to drink if you fail to break the news."

"Then I'll choose to break the news."

The cups used by the three of them were not very big, and a cup was only about [-] milliliters at most, so Sister Yan drank it all in one gulp, and then directly filled up the smell of gunpowder.

"For two."

"Ah!? Yiyi, you don't have to fight like this!"

Xu Youyue screamed immediately.

It's just pretending, she is the one who holds the best alcohol among the three of them, and this drink is not painful at all.

"Hmm, I drank it all, do you think you can escape? I have a lot of information about you two."

"Then go ahead and start your performance."

Xu Lin remained calm, she had anticipated this kind of scene as early as when planning.

Tonight is still long.

"Okay, let's talk about something that happened two years ago, about the two of you."

Sister Yan went straight back to when Xu Lin and the others were just in college two years ago.

"Sakura, do you remember? When I took you to take a sneak peek at this guy, I told you not to have any contact with her."

"Of course I remember. At that time, you insisted on dragging me to meet someone secretly, which made me full of question marks."

Xu Youyue pouted, how could she not remember this.

"What I'm talking about happened not long after that. Wasn't there a welcome party at that time? In fact, the student union wanted to get you two together to put on a show or be the host. After all, you're both so pretty."

"But then I was pushed down."

As he spoke, Li Huiyan curled his lips and looked at the other two with complicated eyes.

"How could I let my lovely Sakura get in touch with that crumb? That's what I thought at the time."

Chapter 278 Chapter 87 First Phase Raw Wine Party ([-])

There is one thing to say, sister Yan really dotes on Xu Youyue.

It's not the kind of liking in the sense of love, but the ordinary kind of liking that is poked and cute.

The relationship between these two girlfriends is so good that even Xu Lin can't get involved. In the words of a boy, they are good brothers who wear a pair of pants, but in the words of the two of them.

She is a good sister who puts on a mask.

It's also quite strange, I don't know why Sister Yan, a dog party, likes Missy, who is obviously a cat girl, so much.

Maybe it's because they're comfortable with each other?

But in fact, Xu Youyue is not a coquettish temperament except in front of very close people, that is, she is so greasy in front of Xu Lin and her mother, and she is quite cold in front of outsiders.

It is the kind of high-cold person who is easy to get along with, can talk and chat and can maintain a superficially friendly relationship, but it is very difficult for you to really enter her heart, whether it is a boy or a girl, whether you want to be a best friend or a lover.

So far, only Xu Lin and Li Huiyan have successfully entered the heart of this cold cat.

And at this moment, the eldest lady was nestling in Xu Lin's arms like a kitten, rubbing against the ups and downs of her chest from time to time, making the white-haired girl blush slightly.

"Actually, Yiyi, you didn't have to think so hard at the beginning."

Xu Lin spread his hands and said seriously.

"Because I won't go anyway if I'm invited."

"If you're not afraid of [-], you're just in case. But at the time, I never imagined that we would drink and chat together like we are now."

(And eat your dog food, both of you.)

Sister Yan curled her lips and looked at the two greasy guys with contempt.

The whole body exudes the fragrance of a single dog.

"But then Sakura still participated in the performance. What were you performing at that time?"

Sister Yan didn't want to talk about this topic for too long, so she simply pretended to have amnesia to change the subject.

"It's a house dance, it's very cute www."

This is what Xu Lin said.

"Hey! That's Miss Ben's dark history!"

Xu Youyue turned her head in dissatisfaction, and she was almost face-to-face with Xu Lin, puffing up her cheeks as if suffocating.

"So you watched it?"

Sister Yan asked in surprise.

"That's what I said. After all, it's the welcome party for freshmen. Of course I watched it."

The white-haired girl smiled and stretched out her finger to poke the cat's bulging cheek.

It leaked directly.

"You two, don't talk about my black material so casually!"

"Then how about we start the next round after you drink the wine?"

Sister Yan stretched out her hand and gently rubbed the young lady's little head, and pursed her lips in the direction of the wine glasses of the two of them.

"Okay, then the next round will be fine."

[What's wrong, how did Brother Ruoye remember it so clearly? It's been several years, right? 】

[I'm afraid it was premeditated (?-ω-`)]

The barrage in the live broadcast room found a blind spot, but Xu Lin ignored it, and just clinked glasses with the eldest lady relaxedly, and the two drank it tacitly.

Nothing happened.

That's right, based on the drinking capacity of these two people, no matter how you say this kind of cocktail, you have to drink a catty before you can get drunk.

Just a little confused.

The second round of guessing.

The loser, Xu Youyue, was still the one who was defeated directly, and the loss was straightforward.

"This is impossible!!! How could Miss Ben lose!!"

She held her head and cried in disbelief.

"Stop pretending, drink quickly, I just want to see how much you can drink, Sakura."

"It's been three years, and I still haven't figured out how much you drink."

Sister Yan gave her a headache.

"Hey hey, I'll just drink it."

Xu Youyue didn't panic at all, she directly drank the glass of wine that Sister Yan poured for her, smashed it, and continued talking.

"Since we've talked about drinking capacity, let me break the news, and it's also about the two of you."

"Hey, miss, Yiyi, can you stop bringing me with you all the time, I'm not a very good drinker."

The white-haired girl couldn't help complaining in a frigid male voice.

At this pace, she must climb under the table tonight!

"How about that, I'm really looking forward to your drunk appearance, Luo Ye~"

A cocktail of more than ten degrees is still easy to drink. After two glasses of wine, the eldest lady's face turned slightly red, and she looked at Xu Lin with a smile on her face.

But don't think that this person is drunk, the eldest lady is the kind of person who blushes after drinking a little, and then stays very sober until the wine table is over.

How much she can drink is still a mystery, even her battle-tested father hasn't tested this girl's drinking capacity!

"Actually, it happened a few months ago. At that time, the relationship between the two of you was not as good as it is now. It was always like fighting for three days and arguing for five days.

"At that time, my boss and I were worried. We tried a lot of ways, but our direct relationship didn't improve."

"And guess what?"

Having said this, Xu Youyue couldn't help but smiled softly.

"Remember when the three of us drank for the first time?"

"Remember, you lied to me that you didn't know how to drink."

Xu Lin answered.

"That's not lying to you~ You can ask sister Yiyi, in fact, I said that in front of everyone."

Xu Youyue quickly explained, and took advantage of the opportunity to bring Sister Yan into the topic.

"Indeed, I didn't know Sakura could drink like that before."

Sister Yan nodded, mainly because Xu Youyue's appearance was so deceptive that she really believed her when she said she didn't know how to drink.

This letter is two years.

"Let's get down to business. At that time, both of you drank a piece of wine. No one remembers that at the wine table, the boss and I have been fanning the ghostly wind to tease the two of you to join the bar."

Xu Youyue smiled slyly, like a kitten who just stole a snack.

"I really don't remember that."

Xu Lin shook his head.

"I just remember that one month after I drank it, I felt like vomiting when I smelled alcohol..."

Sister Yan's face turned pale.

That time of drinking, she was so dazed and unconscious that she didn't even know how she got home, but considering that the boss didn't drink less at that time, it was probably Xu Youyue who called a car to take them home.

"Actually, it was a game. It was the boss who said that if he had any grievances, it would be better to have a drink to vent it out, so he dragged me to organize that reception."


After finishing speaking, Xu Youyue stuck out her little tongue.

"Okay, let me tell you why something didn't feel right at the time."

Although I can't remember exactly what happened after drinking the fragments, but there are still some memory fragments left when I was drinking and not drunk at the beginning. I didn't think about it because of the pain, but it turned out that the siblings had been making trouble inside.

"You little heartless person, is that how you cheat your girlfriends?"

Sister Yan rubbed Xu Youyue's face with a half-smile.

"The nest seems to be for the good of the people!"

The eldest lady explained inarticulately.

"Actually, I also felt that the drinking session was a bit weird. I seldom get drunk outside. I am aware of my drinking capacity, and I am very restrained. Especially after I went to college, I almost never got drunk."

"So that's what happened."

Xu Lin also seemed to have suddenly realized, but he didn't deal with Xu Youyue angrily like Sister Yan.

After all, the end result is good.

If it weren't for that reception, it would be hard to say when the relationship between her and Li Huiyan would be repaired, and there might even be no ESC club now.

Chapter 279 Chapter 88 First Raw Wine Party ([-])

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