There were more question marks on Xu Lin's head, but he still complained subconsciously.

"Youyue, wake up! We live in China, not Cyberpunk 2077, hey!"

"Wooah! So what should I do!!!"

The eldest lady hugged her head and wailed.

"So it's not a big deal, wouldn't it be good to explain clearly?"

In fact, the collar is something, although it is really shameful to be seen by friends while wearing it, but if you think about it carefully, isn’t that the same thing, and it’s not that the orthographic letter on the inner thigh is seen, so what’s the big deal.


Xu Youyue repeated it again.

"I used to say that my neck is beautiful, and I was asked to try wearing a collar, but at the time I said that it was impossible to wear it, and it was impossible to wear it in this life."


"The collar that is more shameful than the collar was seen by her, right?" '

Xu Lin finished the second half of the sentence for the eldest lady in his heart, and after thinking about it, he was really ashamed.

Embarrassing enough to pick out the Great Wall with your toes.

But she can't just leave the young lady alone, can she?

So Lin Jiang took out her mobile phone and quickly googled how to comfort a friend who died socially.

#Let her not be embarrassed alone#

It makes sense.

So she got up, picked up the collar from the empty trash can, went to the bathroom to wash it, dried it, and knocked on the bedroom door.


Sister Yan's voice felt a little cautious.

"Out for breakfast."

Xu Lin replied calmly.

"I'm afraid you don't want to bully me, so you've already made breakfast in this little time?"

Sister Yan didn't trust Xu Lin at all.

At that time, Lin Jiang was not trustworthy at all.

"Missy made breakfast before we woke up, come out quickly, otherwise the porridge will be cold in a while."


Li Huiyan in the room touched his stomach, he was indeed very hungry, he vomited out all the food he ate for dinner in the middle of the night, and now his stomach was empty, only stomach acid was corroding the mucous membrane.

So she opened the door, and. . .

Then the white-haired woman took something and put it around her neck.

It was a little tight and panicked, so she immediately realized what it was.

"Grass! My old lady dog ​​fights with you!!!"

Sister Yan was furious in an instant, and turned into an offensive posture in an instant, and flung out with a whip.

Xu Lin waved his hand to block it, and let out a muffled snort.

The current physical strength is definitely not as good as before, but fortunately, sister Yan hasn't exercised much for several years, and her explosive power is far worse than before. In addition, she must not use all her strength, so Xu Lin's body after several months of exercise is still weak. Can stop it.

But at first, Sister Yan wanted to kick her to vent her anger, so she raised her hand to pick off the collar.But I didn't expect that Xu Lin's mouth would be outrageous.

"It's actually quite nice."

"suitable for you."

"Fuck! If I don't beat you to death today, I will write my name upside down!"

Li Huiyan went into a state of rage in an instant, and the movement of raising his hand to pick off the collar followed the trend, and he slashed at the white-haired dwarf with a knife in his hand.

"? I remember you said the same thing last time."

Xu Lin retreated and dodged, shaking his arms and grinning in pain.

The forearm that blocked the whip leg just now was definitely green, this lunatic really did not have any seriousness in his attack, but she was not someone who gave up so easily, she fought with sister Yan for two and a half years, Xu Lin mocked She is almost worth it!

"Fuck, when did you have such an IQ? By the way, you probably took this opportunity to change your name from Yan Hui Li back to Li Hui Yan, right?"

"Lin Jiang, can't you keep your mouth shut..."

Xu Youyue, who was shocked by this super-expansion and couldn't remember the embarrassment before, wiped her face and complained with squinting eyes.

"Xu bastard, you will die to my old lady!"

Now sister Yan was really angry, and she used both fists and kicks, as if she had returned to the time when she was invincible all over the school.

That is to beat every move to death.

"Damn it, are you serious about talking crazy!?"

Xu Lin quickly retreated, relying on his reflexes and petite body to dodge crazily, and at the same time, he was careful not to break the furniture, it was too difficult for her.

When the eldest lady was wondering whether to step forward to stop them, a pomelo suddenly broke in and shouted without even seeing the situation in the room clearly.

"Damn it, sister-in-law, did you want me to die with that video you sent me last night!?"


Sister Yan and Lin Jiang stopped their hands in a tacit understanding and looked at Yuzu together.


Yuzu's cold sweat came off in a flash.

Chapter 287 Chapter 96 I have already said that the eldest lady is also a dark heart, right?


Yuzu broke out in a cold sweat.

She looked at Sister Yan and Xu Lin who were staring at her and stopped tacitly, and then turned to look at the young lady who was smiling like a little weasel who had stolen a chicken, lost in thought.

So it turns out that sister-in-law, you are really a black belly! ?

Yes, the reason why Yuzu was so defenseless, and the person who even shouted out to let her travel to the underworld and apply for a permanent residence permit for seven days and seven nights without looking at anyone in the room, was the eldest lady.

Let's turn the time back half an hour ago, when Xu Lin was still awake.

. . . . .


Yuzu: "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, the video you sent me is too exciting. I'm still a child, so I can't watch this kind of stuff."

Xu Ying: "This was taken by me and not by you, why are you afraid of being like this www"

Yuzi: "Why am I afraid of becoming like this, sister-in-law, don't you have any idea in your heart? My brother and sister Yan won't hit you hard, but when they beat me, they wanted to beat me to death!"

Yuzu: "Sometimes I really wonder if my brother and I are real siblings, isn't she a little too shady?"

Xu Ying: "It's okay, don't worry, what are you afraid of with Miss Ben covering you?"

Yuzi: "Hey hey, I knew my sister-in-law was the most reliable, and my brother still used it behind my back. Sister-in-law, what did you say that you are a black belly, huh, I don't believe her, she just wants to provoke us to be like a family relation!"

The lady in the kitchen looked at Yuzu's message, touched Xiao Naozi's barren chest to feel her heart beating.

Well, her conscience was alive and kicking, and it didn't hurt at all.

It's not at the same level as the Naozi monster in the studio next door who has big breasts so big that he can open the buttons of his clothes and can only touch his wrists to listen to his heartbeat.

Xu Ying: "Of course, I like grapefruit sauce very much."

After typing, Xu Youyue's mouth curled up slightly when she saw the empty two-page chat history between herself and Youzi. Under the morning sun, a girl like an angel showed a little devil's smile.

There is even an illusory demon tail swaying happily behind it.

. . .Another 10 minutes passed. . .

Xu Ying: "Has the grapefruit sauce arrived?"

Yuzu: "Hurry up, hurry up, about 10 minutes."

Xu Ying: "That's right, Yan Yan and Lin Jiang are going out, Yuzu, be careful not to bump into them, let's discuss how to use this video."

Yuzu returned her a cute emoji.


. . .Back to the present time. . .

Although I don't know what Xu Lin and Sister Yan are doing, why they are grinning like idiots in pain, but seeing that these two are still wearing pajamas, can you not figure out what happened with Yuzu's IQ?

She was cheated by the eldest lady!

But now is obviously not the time to talk about this. In this situation, she still has to think about how to get out of it.

But Yuzu's mouth is the characteristic of the Xu family. At this time, there is no one to guard the door, and all kinds of weird words can come out.

"Ahaha, sister, are you and sister Yan playing some fun games this early in the morning? There is also a collar ~ sister, you are really a winner in life!"

Xu Lin and Sister Yan's faces darkened even more.

Yuzu's cold sweat almost soaked her short sleeves.

"Ahaha, sister, I won't disturb your morning exercise, goodbye! Don't send it off!"

Yuzu clasped her fists and bowed violently, then closed the door, turned around and ran away.

"Hey I fuck you little bastard!"

Xu Lin and Sister Yan looked at each other, and ran after them in unison. They were still wearing slippers, and it was very fun to run.

"Hey, sister, why are you being polite to me, I won't eat this breakfast, goodbye!"

Yuzu stood in the elevator, poking the door close button with her fingers, and still said a sarcasm.

Seeing that the elevator doors had closed, Yuzu patted his chest and let out a breath.

The door opened.

It was Xu Lin who pressed the door open button outside.

Sister Yan was right in front of the elevator, with her hands crossed over her chest, looking at her with a sneer.

Yuzu's legs were so frightened at that time, she kept complaining in her heart why she didn't go straight up the stairs, so that the two wearing slippers would definitely not be able to catch up with her.

"Tell me? What happened to that video?"

The white-haired girl put one hand on the side of the elevator door, her red pupils looked extremely terrifying.

. . . . . .

"Sister-in-law, you are a big liar!"

Grapefruit, wearing a collar and kneeling on the sofa, looked resentful.

"Didn't you promise to cover me!"

The eldest lady put down her chopsticks and smiled slightly.

"Xu Ying said that she wanted to cover you, so what does it have to do with me, Xu Youyue?"

Yuzu was stunned.

Fuck, can it be better?

She suddenly discovered that her opponent seemed to be on a different level from her since she entered university. Needless to say, Xu Lin, she still hasn't figured out how dark her own brother's heart is and how low the lower limit is. .

Yuanchu has many years of experience in life, and her IQ is not low, so she basically educates her casually.

Not to mention Sister Yan, this person is enough to suppress her with his fists without thinking.

"Sister-in-law, I thought you were the only conscience among us..."

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