"Hey hey, how could you forget my most gentle sister Yiyi! mua!"

Yuanchu also kissed Sister Yan's cheek without hesitation.

"How about it, brother, isn't the surprise I brought to you good?"

On the other side, Youzi poked Xu Lin with a snickering smile, and raised his head with a proud expression of merit.

"Good job, go back and give you pocket money."

The white-haired girl was also very happy, and secretly gave a thumbs up.

The eldest lady looked at the two sisters with some amusement, shook her head and said nothing more.

"Sister Yan, Sister Yuanchu~"

Yuzu got a satisfactory answer, so she stopped eating dog food here, and jumped to the other side all afternoon, and the three single girls made a fuss.

"Fuck, where are you going to touch the grapefruit, you little bastard!"

Then she was suppressed by sister Yan again.

Alas, maybe this is grapefruit.

"By the way, you girl has been in Yehai for so long and didn't take the initiative to come to me. What do you mean?"

After Sister Yan suppressed Youzi, she turned her head and gave Yuanchu a dissatisfied look.

If I really want to say, Yuanchu and Yanjie are the ones I haven't seen for the longest time, but the two of them are not unfamiliar with each other. After all, sister Yanchu often chats with Yuanchu on the Internet out of a special sense of guilt. .

"Hey hey, sister Yiyi, you know me, I'm a dead house!"

Ibiza scratched her head and smiled foolishly.

"Then you have such a good relationship with Yuzu?"

Speaking of it, Sister Yan has never figured out why the relationship between Yuzu and Yuanchu has become so good, and they even live together from time to time.

But she is also very happy to see Yuanchu become optimistic again.

"Wow, isn't it that this little guy insists on coming to my house for a meal, and usually makes me mad."

Yuanchu cast a disdainful glance at Yuzu who was still feigning pain, then turned her head to Sister Yan and smiled like a flower again.

"But if Sister Yiyi comes, I'll definitely wash up and wait for you on the bed!"

"You really haven't changed at all."

Li Huiyan's expression was a little complicated.

This guy Yuanchu's driving skills are really not boastful, how can he drive on any broken road?

"What bad intentions can little kite have? I just want to go to bed with you!"

The petite Kite Chick sat on the chair with her two little feet not even reaching the floor, just dangling in the air.

A pair of big wet eyes looked at Sister Yan innocently, as if she was really a cute and innocent little lolita, but it made Li Huiyan, a dirty-hearted big sister, feel a little guilty.

But she changed her mind.

The loli in front of her is a kite chick.

Well, that's fine.

What guilt, is it delicious?

Chapter 291 Chapter 100 is coming to an end

The ESC club at the end of the month is very busy.

Not only the operators have to worry about the debut of newcomers, but also they have to stay up late to edit videos later, even the livers have to get busy preparing small gifts for the captain, preparing for next month's collaboration plan, and so on.

All these things come at the end of the month, so that very few people are free.

So Xu Lin and the others at the table were very awkward in the busy ESC club.

In particular, these guys took photos of delicious food and sent them to the group.

Xu Lin: [food photo]

Kita Chick: [Barbecue photo]

Grapefruit: Wuhu ~ so good!

The boss who was staying up all night processing documents to check the renovation plan was the first to reply.

The group has the lowest status: "Ahhh! Linge, I also want to eat barbecue!"

The hamster, who was trying to sort out last month's live broadcast income report, looked at his phone and almost vomited blood.

The hamster vomits blood: "Can you still have some humanity?"

Because Fuli, who is in charge of the equipment and is currently working hard to learn how to use 3D equipment, complained angrily when he saw this group of people poisoning.

Fuli is not a mother: "Made is dead!"

Sister Feng: "Are you guys free?"

Sister Feng, Sister Feng looked at the various document forms on her computer that almost covered the screen and was furious.

Picture [Let me see who else wants to work overtime]

Missy: "It's the celebration party for Yuzu's successful debut."

Yuhua: "Hey! I want to eat barbecue too!"

Yuhua glanced at Yu beside her, pouted and repeated it in reality.

"I want to eat barbecue too!"

[I don't want to eat dog food every day! 】

Although I don't eat it every day. . .Although the taste is pretty good. . .But this is an insult to her personality!

She wants to protest!

But Yuu just gave her a blank look.

"Jiehua, I need to lose weight."

Then nodded and added.

"You said it yourself."

Yuhua, silent.

It seems that the status of this family is clear at a glance.

. . . . . .

Look back to the other side.

Eating something like barbecue is an atmosphere, and everyone is old acquaintances, and the relationship is good, and the topics are constantly chatting very happily.

So the happy Tobihina proposed a case of beer.

It just so happened that she finished her aunt this morning, so she wanted to have a wave, summer!BBQ it!How can we do without beer!

Well, although October has basically entered autumn in the north, the temperature in Yehai City still maintains a temperature in the [-]s at night, so it is no problem at all in summer.

The temperature will probably not drop completely until November.

But as soon as she said those words, she suddenly noticed that everyone except her changed their faces instantly, and Xu Lin and sister Yan Qiqi looked at Yuzu with a scrutinizing gaze.

The cold sweat on Yuzu's face fell instantly, and she waved her hands again and again.

"I, I, I didn't say anything!"

The eldest lady gave an embarrassed haha.

"Well, we just finished drinking three days ago, and now we really can't drink anymore."


Kite Chick looked at the eldest lady suspiciously.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Xu Youyue, but the problem is that she knows how much the young lady can drink. After all, sister Yan only complained about it during the live broadcast yesterday.

It is said that Xu Youyue's drinking capacity can beat her twice.

So do you think Yuanchu will believe what the young lady says?

"Miss, you are not fooling me, are you?"

Tobichi's eyes became even more suspicious.

It's fine if Xu Lin and sister Yan come out and say they can't drink anymore, after all, it can be seen that night that the two of them are indeed drunk, but Xu Youyue. . .

"No, no, how is it possible hahahaha."

The eldest lady waved her hands again and again, and at the same time hinted at Xu Lin wildly with her eyes.

"That kite chick..."

When Xu Lin received his gaze, he reacted instantly and let go of Grapefruit for the time being.

But I was almost certain in my heart that there must be some kind of tricky kite chick here, how could she let her get away like this?Her gossip soul has already been ignited, grass!

"Senior, shut up, I want to listen to what the eldest lady has to say."

"Ah this..."

Lin Jiang was silent.

But he was trying to signal sister Yan.

"That, Tobiki..."

Li Huiyan understood, and took Yuanchu's hand to change the subject.

"Sister Yiyi, don't talk for now, I'll listen to your explanation later."

Yuanchu stared at the young miss today.

After all, if you want to talk, is there a more suitable target than this young lady who blows herself up every day?

Sister Yan was silent, she could only pick up a string of mutton skewers to eat to relieve her embarrassment, and then kicked Yuzu's chair under the table.

"Ahaha, sister Tobiki~"

Yuzu was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground, but he reacted quickly.

"I say..."

Tobichi ignored Yuzu and sighed.

"What are you hiding from me?"

"But if you don't want to talk about it, I won't ask. Let's change the subject?"

After all, this girl was still understanding, she just ate the skewers silently and didn't speak.

[It's a good move to retreat! 】

Seeing this scene, Xu Lin subconsciously felt that something was wrong. Just as he was about to change the subject, he saw the very apologetic young lady and said so with a guilty expression on his face.


Linjiang and Yanjie lamented in their hearts at the same time.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that the two of them communicated in cat and dog language after they got drunk."

Although she was deceived by Yuanchu's acting skills, the eldest lady was still a little sensible, she didn't say the most embarrassing part, she didn't post a video, she just said it briefly.

"Hey~ I didn't expect senior and sister Yiyi to be drunk like this www"

Yuanchu covered her mouth and smirked, her lonely eyes just now turned into the joy of planning.

"Okay! So you're trying to trick me!"

The eldest lady also came to her senses, glared at her angrily, and turned her head to ignore Yuanchu.

"Hey hey, there's no way, I just want to know!"

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