"Senior, let's go! Sister Yiyi and the others are all in the boss's office!"


Xu Lin shrugged.

"I know why you're sitting here."

"By the way, I will tell Sister Feng to ask her to change you to a bigger chair."

Maliciously stabbing the boss in the heart, the white-haired girl turned her head and left.

"I'm coming to you!!"

The boss clutched his chest, looking like he had a bad heart, and said almost in a wailing voice.

"I recently lost [-] grams!!"

Then the eldest lady turned her head and saw her smiling sweetly at her cousin.

"That's funny, is there a big difference between 210.8 and 210.4?"


The boss vomited three liters of blood on the spot.

Lin Mu couldn't help shaking when he saw the boss's miserable appearance, and muttered to himself.

"When Ying Ruoye smiles, the boss will be finished."

Chapter 310 No.17 Don't move!Anti-pornography and anti-illegal violations!

What will the liverers of the esc club do together?

Ok. . .

It's actually quite mysterious.

After all, when Xu Lin and the others opened the door, the group of people were standing or sitting one by one, and everyone was holding a mobile phone. . .

Play mahjong.

Among them, Yuanchu, Sister Yan, Yejun and Xueyue are at the same table, playing Sima.

Saar accompanies Yuzi, a fifth-year student, Yuhua and You are at the same table.

The rest of the live broadcast of Wind Chimes and Frost Snow hadn't ended yet, Zero Yue still had no news, and Dadai was on his way back being brought back by the hamster.

Lin Mu, Xu Lin and Xu Youyue just entered the room.

Is there no decent person in your company? .Jpg

"Good guy, didn't I know this is the boss's office, I thought it was a leisure and entertainment area, what are you guys doing here?"

The white-haired girl couldn't hold back the desire to complain when she saw the situation clearly.

"Oh, the seniors are here."

Hearing the familiar voice, Yuanchu raised her eyes, and said hello casually, and it was over.

It was completely different from the reaction when the two team members met before.

"Speaking so much nonsense, why don't we beat you with mahjong after waiting for you for so long?"

Sister Yan also turned back angrily.

"Ah this..."

Xu Lin stopped talking.

"Oh! Long time no see, Brother Ruoye, Sister Ying... No, Yuanchu, don't peek at my cards!"

Ye Jun didn't take care of her alone, and the kite chick beside her began to play tricks.

As I said before, this person is good at playing competitive games, and playing games with luck factors is the one at the bottom of the ESC club.

Without him, it's too much.

"Old sister, sister-in-law, you are here!"

Yuzu said with a smile, glanced at the two of them with a subtle gaze, and then said nothing.

It made Xu Lin always feel that this little girl didn't hold her fart well.

"You still have the nerve to say, you didn't agree to get together, why did you sneak away by yourself?"

The eldest lady walked up to Yuzu and rubbed her face.

"No, no, I'm just bored, so I came here first."

It happened that Yuzi was fine during the National Day holiday, so what she said was not a lie.

"Senior, good evening."

You nodded lightly to say hello, this girl is probably the most polite among the group of people.

"Oh ho! I won!"

With a cheer, Yuhua jumped up on the spot, and the two lumps of fat on her chest danced with her.

Xu Lin obviously saw You's face darken in an instant, and looked at the phone without squinting, but pulled her back.

"Yuka, be polite."

"Ahaha, good evening, seniors."

Yuka waved her paw indifferently.

It's not that she doesn't care about You's anger, but in her eyes, You's temper has always been so unpredictable and she's used to it.

"Oh, good evening, Yuhuaw."

Xu Youyue covered her mouth and snickered.

She has long seen that these two cp feelings are very strong, and she has become the first [Youhua] sugar eater in the agency.

"How long will it take for Shuangxue and Fengling? Are they linked?"

The white-haired girl turned to look at Lin Mu.

"Separate live broadcast, there should be another 10 minutes or so."

The girl with short pink hair shook her head, looked at the time and said.

"Then how about..."

Before Xu Lin finished speaking, he was interrupted by the eldest lady.

"No mahjong!"

"Every time you play mahjong Ruoye, you stare at me, so I don't want to fight with you!"

With resentment on Xu Youyue's face, she said indignantly.

"Then what else is there to play?"

Xu Lin looked at Yuzu again.

"Does the boss count?"

Yuzu struggled for a long time and gave a strange answer.

"It's boring, I'm tired of playing."

The eldest lady waved her hand and vetoed it on the spot.

Yuka and Yu looked confused. As newcomers, they didn't know why the boss of the company became a [toy].

That's outrageous.

Well, the fifth-period students have never experienced Sister Feng leading the operation to drive the boss out of the office, so naturally they haven't figured out the company relationship of ESC.

That is to rush to the boss when there is something to do, and to rush to the boss when there is nothing to do.

However, the fifth-term students were actually in the boss's office during the training, but this time the boss took the initiative to give up the space in order to save the last bit of face in front of the newcomers.

No, it feels like it's even worse.

"How about we give Shuangxue and the others the effect of the whole program?"

It just so happened that sister Yan and the others finished their table, she stood up, stretched, put away her phone and said with a smile.

"This is good!"

Xu Lin smiled and clapped his hands, agreeing very much.

"Then let's vote with a show of hands, if you want to do the whole thing, show your hand."

As soon as Sister Yan finished speaking, everyone in the room raised their hands in unison, and even You, who didn't want to participate, was secretly raised by Yu Hua.

ESC club, there is no honest person!

"Then, let's go!"

Sister Yan nodded in satisfaction, waved her hand, and led a group of people out and down the stairs to the first-term live broadcast room where Shuangxue was.

Walking all the way to the door of the live broadcast room, she stopped when she could faintly hear Shuangxue's live chat. Sister Yan touched her chin and said thoughtfully.

"What's the whole thing...does anyone have an idea?"

In the end, the group of people looked at Xu Lin in unison again in a very tacit understanding. She was so frightened that she almost jumped up at the end, thinking that this was a grand banquet and that she was going to suffer severely.

But soon she calmed down, walked to the front confidently, cleared her throat and adjusted her voice.

Then he slammed the door open, and shouted in a middle-aged uncle's voice that had never been shown before, especially forceful and magnetic.

"Don't move! Anti-pornography!"

The rest of the people's eyes lit up.

There is quite a sense of pride in Bole.

"Sure enough, the whole job is still a bit like leaves."

Sister Yan nodded in satisfaction and followed her in.

Originally, Shuang Xue, who was in the live broadcast, was frightened when she heard this voice, what's going on?What is it?Uncle policeman, I didn't drive today?

"Be honest!"

Xu Lin added another sentence seriously.

Only then did Shuangxue come back to her senses, and turned her head to take a look, only to see eleven pairs of eyes staring at him with sparkle, full of troublesome meaning.

Then he took a closer look before focusing on Xu Lin who was in the front, and then realized who made that strange uncle voice just now.

Just burst out laughing.

"Hahahahahahaha, hahahahaha, everyone, why are you all here www."

At this time, the bullet screen was still confused.

[What's going on? 】

"It's not www, Shuangxue, you are too proficient in the movement of holding your head with your hands www, I'm afraid you were really caught before."

When Shuangxue came back to her senses, everyone laughed, Xueyue even laughed so hard that she couldn't even speak.

"No, no, how is it possible."

Shuangxue quickly denied it.

"Hahahahaha cough cough cough, what's the matter, did you get scared just now?"

Ye Jun laughed the loudest and coughed.

"That's right, I thought our agency was blocked."

"Senior, make a living!"

Lin Mu also smiled and gave Xu Lin a thumbs up.

"That's a must!"

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